Thursday 29 September 2011

Balika vadhu 29th September 2011 episode written update

Dadi sa comes to shyam’s house. She asks about asha but suguna replies that she is taking rest. Guru ji come there and all are shocked. He says all of them they have done no mistake it was only just a test by god. He asks he wants to meet asha. But asha is scared to see him. Even though he walks upstairs and says some stupid lines with asha. Shyam looks at him and pulls out from his house. Madan singh tries to handle the matter. Guru ji says all his followers not to hurt shyam as he is still a kid and need to chant maha mrundhyunjaya mantra.

Guru ji will be saying something to all his followers and police come there and arrest shyam. Madan singh tries to stop them but he couldn’t. he scolds anandi and dadi sa. Police take away shyam.

Anandi tries to console suguna and radha. She apologizes them that she dint know that she needs to face all these situations. Suguna says she is worried of shyam.

In the police station, Police taunts shyam saying he has done a very big mistake by arresting guru ji. Shyam also taunts the police as he is working for popular people to earn money. Shyam consoles suguna and radha.

Madan singh scolds dadi sa and anandi as all these are happening because of they both only and some other harsh words. Dadi sa gets upset.

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Saath nibhana sathiya 29th September 2011 episode written update

Rashi and gopi working. Door bell rings, rashi opens the door. Flower people come with “cactus”. Rashi shocks. Kokila also comes and shocks looking at cactus. The flower person tells they have ordered this only. Kokila asks gopi, I told u to order roses and genda flowers but what is this? Gopi apologizes by mistake she has ordered cactus. Kokila gets angry. Rashi taunts gopi saying, this was the same mistake u’ve done in the exam gopi. Kokila taunts rashi, if rashi has done this mistake then its quite natural but how could u do this gopi bahu? Rashi remains claim. The flower person says to pay the bill and keep the flowers or to pay the bill. Kokila pays the bill. She asks the flower person to keep the genda flowers in and bring the roses. Gopi is upset about her mistake and rashi happy without her evil plan gopi has got scolding from kokila.

Dhaval in his room, he walks in and switches on the lights. He looks at the papers and feels bad thinking, if I wasn’t poor I would have won ur heart. Kinjal wakes up and yells at dhaval to switch off the lights and save money. Dhaval tells he has come for clothes. He takes, switches off the light and leaves.  

Gopi ready to start aarthi. Kokila asks gopi where is ahem? She replies he went to school to collect her report card. Hetal asks gopi to start aarthi. She does and turns back, she looks ahem. Ahem is angry. Gopi is worried may be she is failed. Kokila, hetal and rashi asks one by one whether gopi is passed or not? Ahem replies gopi is passed but with only 60%. Gopi stops crying and feels happy. Kokila, hetal and everyone praise gopi. But rashi gets disappointed. Ahem is angry as he has worked hard to make her gain 90% but she got only 60%. Hetal tells ahem to leave it and next time she’ll get more marks. Ahem remains claim. Hetal and kokila are happy as on the 1st day of navaratri they received a good news.

Kinjal informs urmila and dhaval that she is arranging a pooja in house. She looks no picture of hers on the kinjal baniyan. Urmila says now they need not pay any as they have removed the picture. Kinjal says, u’ve used my name na? but urmila taunts kinjal saying, there are many kinjal’s in this country not only u. kinjal looks on shocked.

Chirag and parag decide to gift something to gopi as she has passed her exam. Rashi is angry and leaves from there. Though jigar asks her what has happened rashi leaves. Gopi suggests jigar to give a gift to rashi. Jigar feels happy and gives a pamphlet to rashi and asks her to order there. Rashi is so happy and calls them.

Kokila and hetal discussing about navaratri pooja and some people come inside. Kokila asks who has called them? Rashi comes and tells jigar ji has told me to order. They start some music and some ladies come showing the sarees. Kokila and hetal gets angry with rashi but controlling themselves.

Bade acche lagte hain 28th September 2011 episode written update

Neha yells at priya for insulting her husband. Priya tries to console her but she doesn't show interest and shuts the door. Priya thinks her dad will guide her in the right way in this problem. She calls sudhir. Sudhir will be in the park and says he would leave in few mins and asks her to come home but priya asks him that she wants to meet him in the park itself. So sudhir says he would wait. Priya reaches the park and explains him all the situation. He gives a suggestion to her that he needs to make ram understand that the problem is a sensitive matter and she needs to think well before doing anything. Priya thinks in her mind what to do and thanks her father.

Vikram and neha at their house, neha says though she is trying to divert her mind her senses are not leaving her without thinking about the insult. And she says vikram that priya has come home but she hasn’t talked well with her. Vikram asks neha why did she do that? Neha replies ram has insulted her husband and she has not supported them then she too is responsible for it. Vikram feels bad.

Priya tries to explain something to ram but ram doesn’t show any interest. She says she has gone to vikram’s house. Ram gets angry and shouts on priya for interfering in between him and vikram. He leaves to office without listening to priya’s words.

At ram’s office, ram will be seriously thinking about vikram. Sid comes and says he need to dismiss vikram as he has stolen their necklace. Ram shouts on him saying it’s a family matter and not to make a public issue. Sid gets angry and says why dint he dismiss his friend when he has done a mistake. Ram replies, not to compare that fraud and vikram anytime. Vikram excuses them and gives his resignation letter. Ram speaks softly but vikram insists ram to accept the resignation. Ram shocks.

Balika vadhu 28th September 2011 episode written update

At the police station guru ji having all facilities in his room and will be enjoying munni badnam song in tv, his cell rings and he talks to someone.

At jagya’s house, Gauri wears the dress which shivani has gifted her. Jagya likes it a lot and both have eye locks for sometime. when jagya wants to go much nearer to gauri her mother will be disturbing them. Jagya gets irritated and pleads gauri that he is very eagerly waiting to spend time with her. Anyhow gauri makes him claim down and suggests him that they’ll go out and spend some time. Both go to park but there also some one or the other will be disturbing them. They move to another place in the park. A police man comes and demands them to leave the place. Jagya says they are a married couple but the policeman doesn’t believe them so gauri shows her id card. Then he says ok but they should leave the place. Both get disappointed.

Outside of the court, the lawyer comes to shyam and says he has tried a lot but guru ji has got the bail. Guru ji walks proudly to shyam and taunts them that even god doesn’t wants tp punish him so he made him to come out. Anandi and shyam disappointed. Basant takes away anandi and shyam in their jeep. Their jeep leave and another car comes before guru ji. Heth singh gets down. Heth singh says from now onwards he will ruin kalyani’s life. Both guru ji and heth singh smile looking at each other.

Saath nibhana sathiya 28th September 2011 episode written update

Ahem, gopi and rashi come inside and kokila asks ahem what has happened and how did gopi write the exam? Gopi and rashi remain claim but ahem says gopi will fail in the exam as she dint answer some questions. Kokila wonders why dint she write the answers and doubts rashi. She asks rashi whether she wrote the answers properly or not? Ahem says, rashi can write the answers if gopi knew the answers but this fellow doesn’t know the right answers. Rashi also says yes I wrote all which gopi told me. Ahem angrily leaves to office saying it was waste of time. Kokila wonders and says gopi bahu I had full faith in u that u would do ur exam very well. Hetal says kokila to leave it. Kokila also leaves the matter and says gopi to concentrate on the navaratri pooja. Rashi says she would freshen up and come. Gopi stands sadly.

Rashi calls urmila. Urmila is very sad and she explains rashi that kinjal has demanded dhaval to pay 5000Rps as he has printed her photo on his baniyan covers. Rashi is shocked. Rashi says she would tell her some gud news and explains her about gopi’s exam. Urmila and rashi enjoy the success.

Gopi walks into her room and remembers all the words ahem has spoken and feels bad. Kokila comes and consoles her and asks her to concentrate on navaratri pooja. She also tells gopi to order flowers for pooja. Gopi nods her but she still thinking about ahem’s words.

Chirag comes home as he was having some headache. Chirag and parag sit in the hall. Chirag tells parag to invite kinjal and her family for the festival and we all have a blast on that day. Kokila hears it and says no kinjal will not be invited for navaratri. Chirag and parag tries to claim her down but kokila says when she told I’ve no right to involve in her life iam not interested to invite her for navaratri too. She leaves. Chirag asks gopi how did she do her exam. Parag says she has left some questions so she is worried about it. Parag says he would try to console kokila and leave. Gopi calls the boutique people and orders cactus and genda flowers.

Kinjal will be watching tv and her ad runs, she feels very happy. Urmila comes and taunts her saying by doing all this modeling did u think that u r making urself far from ur family? Kinjal doesn’t understand what urmila wanna say and she asks again. Urmila says, just now I’ve talked to rashi. She was saying that ur mom has decided not to invite u fro navaratri this year. Kinjal shocks somewhat. Urmila leaves from there. Kinjal again thinks no problem though mom invites me or not il enjoy this navratri happily. She calls the ad manager and asks whether she can participate in any dandia or not? He replies he let her know. She hangs on the phone.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Balika vadhu 27th September 2011 episode written update

Gauri meets her patient and says she is perfectly alright now and she can go home. The patient gifts gauri a dress. Gauri feels happy. Gauri says her about jagya calling her parents to Mumbai.

All the ladies having tea at suguna’s haveli. Suddenly they listen asha screaming. All run to her room. Asha is completely scared and anandi goes near her and consoles her. Asha hugs her tight in fear. Just then shyam’s father comes in shouting at asha as because of her he is facing all problems before the villagers. Asha gets more scared.

Anandi tries to make him understand and try to know the feelings of asha but he is not at all worried of her. He’ll be yelling like hell on all the ladies. MS scolds anandi saying, as her family has left their prestige to air he cant leave. He needs all his respect in the village. Anandi tries to reply him but sumithra stops her. Shyam comes home with shagun. Suguna sends her inside and MS starts taunting shyam along with the other ladies.

At badi haveli, villagers who are students of anandi come and throw there books. They say to anandi that she has hurt all of them regarding guru ji so they don’t wanna come to school and want to stand with guru ji. Anandi gets hurt and says when they doesn’t want to support asha as a human being then she too won’t study them. 

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 27th September 2011 episode written updateSaath nibhana sathiya 27th September 2011 episode written update

Gopi praying to khana ji and rashi imitates gopi and smiles. When gopi opens her eyes she looks rashi praying so she waits for her. Rashi takes 15mins to pray, gopi gets worried and calls rashi but she shrug and continue to pray. Teacher looks both and asks gopi to start the exam. Rashi wastes time in selecting a pencil. Finally chooses one and starts writing. 

Gopi reads the 1st question and explains rashi, rashi deliberately writes wrongly so gopi again explains her how to write. Rashi shocks thinking gopi knows everything. She again deliberately slips the pencil from hand and the pencil nib breaks. Rashi thinks to waste time in sharping it but gopi gives her another pencil. She breaks that pencil nib too. She asks for sharpener and starts sharping coolly. 1hr gets completed. Gopi gets worried. Rashi says she wanna go for washroom and walks away from there.

Rashi calls her mother urmila and explains her that gopi knows everything. She asks any plan to make her fail. Urmila says to stay in the washroom for longtime to waste her time. Rashi goes into a washroom and pulls the handle to make herself struck. She’ll be talking to her mother some lady comes into washroom and asks rashi who’s inside. Rashi hangs on her phone and says she got struck over here. The lady tries hard and unlocks the door. Unsatisfied rashi comes out. The lady recognizes rashi and asks is that u who came with gopi modi to help her? Rashi replies yes. The lady insists her to leave soon as there is less time. Rashi will be washing her hands coolly so the lady again insists rashi. So rashi leave. She walks into the exam hall. 

Gopi feels happy to see her. Rashi unnecessarily explains gopi that she got struck blah blah blah. Gopi feels sorry for her. Teacher says that she has only 20mins time. Gopi tries to hurry up but rashi as usual does them coolly. Gopi couldn’t answer the last 3questions and teacher takes her paper. Rashi feels happy as gopi will be failed now.

Rashi and gopi walk out from the school, both get shocked as ahem will be waiting outside. Rashi and gopi asks him why he was there? He replies, mom has told to pick u up. And he was interested to check out her question paper. He takes the question paper from gopi and asks a question which gopi writes wrong. Ahem gets angry. He asks again so gopi replies she couldn’t answer the question as time was over. Ahem shouts on her saying he has wasted time on her.

Kokila, hetal will be waiting for ahem. Kokila walks here and there so worried. Finally ahem, gopi and rashi come home. Kokila very intrstingly asks how did she do the exam but gopi doesn’t reply. Rashi looks on happily.

Saath nibhana sathiya 26th September 2011 episode written update

Gopi gets hurt while grating carrot. Kokila, hetal, ahem, jigar and rashi rush to her. jigar first-aid to her. ahem scolds gopi has she got hurt on her right hand. Rashi feels happy. Kokila says rashi to go with gopi and write her exam. Ahem has some work so he don’t drop her at school. Jigar, rashi and gopi reach school. Jigar talks to principal. While gopi praying khana ji ahem comes. He wishes her and leave. Teacher comes and starts oral test. Rashi tries to disturb her but teacher send her out till he completes the test. Gopi answers all the questions. Teacher is impressed and says shezz done the exam well. Teacher gives the question paper and leaves. Gopi smiles looking at the paper. Rashi thinks something.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 24th September 2011 episode written update

Door bell rings, gopi comes downstairs and opens the door. She looks ahem in a havoc condition. His mouth bleeding, and he got hurt on his head. Gopi is shocked and shouts for kokila, rashi and hetal. Ahem shouts on her for shouting everyone. Kokila rushes out and shocks looking at ahem. Kokila rushes to him and asks what happenend and with whom did he fight? He replies he went to cable tv office and they were rude with him so they had a fight. Kokila yells at gopi to bring ice and first-aid. Ahem says he is ok and take it lite. But kokila shouts at him, he claims down and she sits beside him. Kokila feels bad as kinjal has hurted her and now u. ahem promises it wont repeat again. Gopi brings haldi milk and first-aid. Kokila asks her to clean. But gopi stands claim, kokila gives a sign to do and leaves. Gopi starts cleaning, ahem flinch with pain and so gopi. He feels uncomfortable and says he would clean himself. She stands looking at him and ahem cleans himself. She puts some cotton in dettol and waits, after his cleaning she cleans with dettol on his mouth wounds. While cleaning ahem looks on her. She applies ointment. After first-aid ahem stands up and gopi looks a wound on his leg so she immediately does first-aid there. Ahem will be looking at her with concern (hmm may be love has blossom in ahem’s heart for gopi)

Kokila comes again. She asks gopi to go and study in her room and ahem to take rest in his room and also drink the haldi milk. Rashi walks into hall and coolly asks gopi why did she shout for her. She looks ahem and shocks. Kokila and ahem looks at her irritated. Kokila scolds rashi as gopi has called has 10mins before and she is coming now? Don’t show any false concern. Kokila asks gopi to study. Gopi leaves with her bag.

Dhaval in his shop. A man comes with some papers. Dhaval asks whats this? He replies his client kinjal is demanding to pay her as he has used her pictures on his baniyan(inner wear). Kinjal walks there and looks proudly at dhaval. He understands whats happening.

Rashi comes to kitchen with kajal and mixes chilli powder in it. She feels happy for her evil plan. She goes to gopi’s room where gopi sits sadly. Rashi asks why is she so sad? Gopi replies she is feeling bad for maa ji as she was worrying about kinjal till now and now for ahem too. Rashi consoles her and says not to worry about anyone as she needs to concentrate in her studies. And also says her to wash her face. When gopi goes into washroom rashi changes the good kajal with chilli kajal.

When gopi comes out rashi acts as if she is putting kajal and asks gopi to put kajal. She nods and applies kajal. Rashi looks happy. Gopi applies kajal and sits to study. After sometime gopi’s eyes starts irritation. She calls rashi loudly. Rashi rushes back. She looks in her. Gopi asks her to help as her eyes are irritating. Kokila, parag and ahem comes. Kokila thinks to see at gopi’s eyes. But rashi stops her saying gopi has got conjuctivities and not to look into her eyes. All get shocked. Ahem says how suddenly she can get eyes? Rashi says as she has applied kajal infection may get increased. Ahem thiks to call doctor but rashi stops him and says there is some medicine for this in hetal’s room so she would bring them and later it’ll be ok. Ahem brings his cooling glasses and puts on gopi. All leave.

Rashi calls her mother and explains her about how successfully she has done her evil plan success. Both feel very happy. Rashi again goes to gopi’s room, gopi trying to study. Rashi says not to strain her eyes and she takes gopi to kitchen to help her. Rashi will be doing someother work and gopi cutting veggies. Kokila comes into kitchen and looks gopi working. She shoouts what is she doing here? She asks gopi to go and take rest. Rashi about to put the veggies which gopi has cut, kokila stops her saying may be these veggies also got infected so cut other and cook. Rashi gets upset.

Urmila looks the papers of kinjal demanding for money. Urmila shouts on kinjal about it. Kinjal proudly replies, dhaval has asked 1month time for it. She walks away saying.

Gopi wakes up and feels some what relief. She washes her face and comes out. Jigar says why did she not taking rest? Kokila also looks gopi and asks her why is she roaming out without glasses. Ahem brings doctor. He asks gopi to come inside their room. Doctor checks and says nothing to worry. Her eyes are perfect. Jigar says sorry for not understanding her. Gopi says its ok. Looking at them rashi feels jealous. All relief and leave. Gopi gets up from bed and hands the goggles to ahem. He takes and asks her to study for exam. She takes books and walk off but ahem stops her and asks where is she going? She replies, he might get disturbed if she studies here. Ahem feels somewhat happy for her concern and says no need she can study here. Gopi feels happy. She starts studying.

Ahem wakes up and gets ready but gopi still sleeping. He wakes her up smoothly and asks her to get ready. Gopi walks towards kitchen. Looking her coming rashi says herself, how to grate the carrot? Gopi says she will show her and starts grating. Jigar calls rashi and she goes out. While grating gopi gets hurt and she shouts in pain. Jigar, rashi and kokila rush to kitchen. Ahem feels upset for gopi. Jigar brings first-aid. Rashi feels jealous. Kokila scolds rashi as she does nothing. Rashi says now how can gopi give exam? All are worried and rashi smiling happily.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Balika vadhu 23rd September 2011 episode written update

Short update:

Guru ji’s follwers doesn’t allow guru ji to go with the police. Guru ji convinces them and move with them. The inspector assures him that he would take care of him in the jail but guru ji doesn’t believe in him.

Anandi, asha, shyam and basanth come to shyam’s house. Suguna and anandi take asha to a room and asks her to take rest. Anandi and suguna consoles asha and explains her to be brave.

Basanth and shyam decide to punish the guru ji anyhow as he is so famous and he may come out.

Gauri and jagat come home after shopping. Gauri’s parents go to temple thou its raining. Jagat gets irritated as gauri’s parents hang all the wet clothes in the house. He walks into washroom to take bath but there will be no water and he gets irritated much more.But gauri takes it lite.

Dadi sa feels bad as basanth takes the responsibility to punish the guru ji as he has followers in ministers and also about anandi as she is fighting against these big people.

Saath nibhana sathiya 23rd September 2011 episode written update

Short update:

Dhaval thinks of keeping his shop open for longtime to earn more money but kinjal insults him saying thou he open the shop for 24hrs he cant earn more money. Dhaval gets hurt of her words once again.

Rashi explains her mom urmila how sad is kokila and how she shouted on gopi about the cable connection. Both feel happy.

Gopi tries to feed food to kokila but she doesn’t. ahem takes the same plate and assures her that he would settle down all the problems and makes her eat some food.

Urmila gives rashi mission to disturb gopi’s preparation for exam and not to let her write the exam.

Gopi recalls kokila’s words and cries, ahem looks her crying and scolds her to study well for exam.
Next day morning kokila apologizes gopi and gopi says she can understand her frustration. Kokila gives rashi all the house hold work. Rashi acts she is feeling bad as kokila has shouted on her because of her only.

Ahem goes to the cable office and warns them not to telecast kinjal’s ad again on tv. But they speak rudely with him and ahem gets angry.

Friday 23 September 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 22nd September 2011 episode written update

Priya and ram in a corner. Ram very uncomfortably keeps the hook of priya’s blouse. Both look so embarrassed. Neha and vikram talking, neha says, I dint know u dance very well. Vikram smiles and feels happy. Neha asks when are u gonna talk to ram about our financial situation. Vikram replies, if I say ram about our problems he would straightly give me a blank cheque which I don’t want. Neha says but u need to say him about our problems. And im not insisting u to talk to him right now but tell him later. Vikram says ok and says to have dinner. Neha says she would wait near the dinner.

Vikram will be walking suddenly mamaji falls on him. Vikram asks him to stop drinking for today and take care of himself. Mamaji invites vikram to drink but vikram softly rejects. Vikram moves on towards dinner.

Niharika welcomes all the guests and says about the necklace which is kapoor’s ancestral necklace. She invites priya to come on to the stage. Priya walks and stands beside her. Niharika opens the box. Vikram thinks, the necklace is with me and why niharika is opening that box. May be sid has not told her. He checks his pocket to take it out but he is shocked as the necklace is missing. He starts searching all the places. Niharika opens the box and shocked and says necklace is missing!!!.. all are shocked. She again brings another box and says I was wrong, I opened another box. She opens and shows a necklace. Ram gets doubt as its not the real necklace. Priya also looks and thinks the same. Niharika wears priya and hugs her. She says, don’t get panic the actual necklace is missing. Priya gets shocked. Mama ji walks to ram and says they would talk about it later but ram insists mama ji to send all the family members into the meeting room.

Ram, priya, mama ji, sid, niharika and dadi comes into meeting room. Ram scolds all how did the necklace miss? And gives instructions to all that every guest should be checked and then only leave. Niharika tries to claim down ram. Finally she convinces him to check who has stolen the necklace with the camera arranged in the locker room. All leave to watch the video.

All get shocked as vikram takes out the necklace from the locker and keeps in his pocket. Niharika, mama ji feel happy as their plan was successful. Priya says theres something mistake. Ram watching the video shocks. Mama ji slowly says, he has some finanacial problems may be because of it he has stolen it. I know he is in crisis. Niharika says we need to talk to vikram right now. But ram says no no one will talk to vikram about it, until he speaks to him about it.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Balika vadhu 22nd September 2011 episode written update

Basant, anandi, shyam and asha come to police station. Basant very sharply says they want to file a compliant against guru ji. The inspector tries to convince basant saying, guru ji is famous person and he cant arrest him depending on this lady’s words. Basant and anandi warns him and finally inspector says he would interrogate asha alone then he would file the case. As there are no lady constables anandi says she would be with asha at the time of interrogation. Inspector accepts. While interrogating he asks some unimportant and very rudely and very cheap questions. Anandi scolds him but the inspector replies till now he was interrogating everyone in the same manner. Anandi warns him that they’ll go to commissioner itself. Inspector gets worried and files the FIR. Basant and shyam say they are taking asha with them to jaipur to have her medical check up. The inspector says he would take her but shyam says they don’t trust him. They all leave and inspector is in a worried situation.

Gauri’s parents and gunda tai will be having some funny conversation. Gauri and jagya come. There is only lil place in the room and jagya feels uncomfortable as there will be no way to go to washroom. So he waits for sometime and leaves to another room. He sits in another room studying. Gauri asks him to come into the room and chit chat with her parents. He says he is very much tired and cant enjoy but she can have fun. Gauri happily leaves and jagya feels bad.

At haveli, dadi sa is worried about anandi and asha. Gehna says bhairon has called her and told they are leaving to jaipur for asha’s check up. She asks dadi sa to take rest and she would wake her up when they come back.

The inspector reaches the aashram. Guru ji will be busy in his pravachanas. The inspector so softly says there is a complaint against him. Guru ji refuses first, inspector assures him that he will take care of him. Unhappy guru ji says his devotees that one of his follower has filed a complaint against him so he need to go to police station. All the devotees warn inspector not to take guru ji to police station. Police people get scared.

Saath nibhana sathiya 22nd September 2011 episode written update

Ahem in his office room working on his laptop but he couldn’t concentrate on work as he was thinking about the words kinjal has spoken to him and kokila. He gets disturbed. Jigar comes into the room to give a file to ahem. Jigar looks ahem worried and consoles him that everything will be fine. Jigar leaves. But actually ahem thinks he is worried about his mom.

Gopi switches the tv on but it doesn’t work. So she walks into kitchen and says rashi that tv isn’t working. Rashi normally says may be there some loose connection, call the cable person and tell him to make it ok. Gopi says ok il tell maa ji once. But rashi stops gopi and says in a senti style, by the way maa ji is very much worried about kinjal now if u ask her about tv too she’ll scold u so u go and call the cable person. Gopi gets convinced and walks into hall. Rashi feels happy. Gopi checks their telephone numbers book and calls the cable person. She says him that their cable isn’t working so do check it once. So the cable person says they will connect it once again and they need to pay the whole money. Gopi doesn’t understand what he was telling but says ok and hangs on.

Gopi switches on the tv and searches for her channel. She finds it and feels happy. Rashi comes to that room and enjoys as gopi will be raising her hand to answer the questions asked by the teacher on tv. She thinks how to change the channel in which kinjal’s ad will be running. Gopi drops the remote on floor. Rashi rushes and changes the channel and gives it back to gopi. Kokila hears the tv sound and walks to tv room. She looks gopi sitting before tv and at the same time kinjal’s ad will be running in tv. Kokila gets angry and shouts on gopi with whose permission did she get the cable connection back and without studying why is she watching tv? Gopi slowly replies that rashi has told her that there is a channel in which they teach tables, words etc. kokila scolds her as ahem is working hard to teach her and she is interested in learning from tv. Kokila scolds rashi but rashi replies she dint know that they have cancelled the cable connection. Hetal, parag and ahem also come there and ahem scolds gopi. Rashi enjoys the scene. Hetal says gopi not to cry. Kokila walks out.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Balika vadhu 21st September 2011 episode written update

At police station, anandi insists the inspector to file the case as she has some evidence too. He asks to show them. She shows the wounds on asha’s hands. Inspector laughs and says, these wounds can be created in other way also. Anandi ans asha disappointed and leaves from there.

At shyam’s house, shyam was angry and wanted to go to ashram but anandi stops him and says they need to file a complaint now not to fight with that bad man. Shyam thinks for a while and stops. Madan singh, father of shyam hears all this and yells on shyam saying, how did u think to file a case on such a big and good person depending on this asha’s words. May be asha has given him some wrong signal with which he though some thing badly. May be her age has forced her to give a bad signal to him. All are shocked and feels bad. He doesn’t agree to report on guru ji depending on asaha’s words. Shyam argues with his father but he doesn’t agree. Anandi finally asks, if it happened with ur daughter then also will u do the same? Madan singh gets angry and leaves from there.

Shyam’s requests shyam to think once and do anything. Anandi replies, being a head of the family we should respect his words but how could we leave asha?

At haveli, dadi sa talks to suguna. She is shocked and explains everything to basant. Basant gets ready to leave for police station to be along with shyam. Dadi sa wants she too go there but sumithra and gehna stop her so basant alone leave.

Saath nibhana sathiya 21st September 2011 episode written update

Kokila says, kinjal told we have no rights to ask her after her marriage. Everyone feel bad and chirag says, we r responsible for what ever our kids r behaving. May be there r some mistakes in our upbringing that’s y they r doing so. Kokila feels bad for chirag’s words and she walk away from there. Ahem also takes his laptop and goes upstairs. Gopi feels bad looking at them and rashi happy.

At urmila’s house, kinjal folding her clothes and dhaval asking her why she has done like this and why she talked so rudely with her mother? But kinjal not even caring his words doing her work. Urmila walks from there room and listens dhaval’s words so she stops near the door and hears. Dhaval asks firmly, kinjal ji iam talking to u. kinjal standing before her cupboard turns back and says, when u’ve printed my picture on ur inner ware clothes u dint feel bad and when now I’ve done a saree ad everyone are asking me these many questions. But why? Dhaval replies smoothly, kinjal ji that was our own family but this is for outsiders na? kinjal irritated takes out a cheque from a draw and shows him. She says, iam very sorry for saying so but I need to say it. The amount of money which u earn after working hard for 2weeks I’ve earned it in 2days. Urmila looks at the 10000/- cheque and shocked. Dhaval gets hurt with her words and says, I dint expect these words from u kinjal ji. And he leaves. But kinjal has no feelings rolls her eyes recklessly.

Gopi takes some water to kokila. She’ll be upset thinking of kinjal. Kokila says she doesn’t need any water so she can leave now. Gopi says what she has cooked for dinner but kokila shouts onn her before listening to her. She feels sorry and says gopi to leave her alone. Gopi leaves. Rashi peeping from a pillar looks upset kokila and feels happy. She is talking to her mother on phone. Urmila says, after knowing that kinjal is working in ads I’ve acted angry so kagdi has cried to forgive kinjal. Rashi doubts on her mother’s words as she is sure that kokila can never say sorry to someone. Urmila gets angry and scolds rashi and hangs on. Rashi feels happy that kokila is upset now.

Gopi takes tea for ahem and ahem still irritated. He too shouts on gopi about his laptop bag. Gopi says everything is on the table itself. Ahem feels sorry, takes his laptop and leaves. Gopi says to herself, I know ahem ji u r feeling bad about kinjal ji.

Ahem walks into kokila’s room and consoles her and asks her not to worry about kinjal. Kokila sadly says, u need not worry about me from now. Think about urself and ur career. Work hard to get some individual identity. Ahem feels bad and says, why mom why are u talking so? I never spoke to u before. My life has a meaning with u only. Kokila replies, iam afraid ahem that u too one day may speak like kinjal. Ahem gets upset and assures, though anything may happen il never shout on u mom nor il speak rudely with u. kokila feels some what satisfied. He calls her to come to have breakfast but she shows no interest. Ahem says that he too would leave for office without having breakfast. Kokila doesn’t want it happen so tells him I too shall have breakfast. Both leave.

In the hall, ahem says he would come early to home today and requests kokila not to think about kinjal. Kokila nods her head. Ahem leaves. Door bell rings. Kokila opens the door. It’s the cable person. He gives a bill but 50Rs extra charged. Kokila asks why the rate has increased? He replies, we are giving 2more channels so we are charging extra. Kokila thinks, may be in this new channel only kinjal’s ads are coming. So she replies, no we don’t want any cable connection. U disconnect it right now and leave. Cable man asks for 50Rs u r cancelling the whole connection? Kokila replies, no its not the matter of money but don’t need any cable connection. He says ok and leave.

Gopi preparing some thing for kokila. Rashi walsk in and asks what she is doing? She replies she is preparing kokila’s favorite item. Rashi says, why u r disturbing ahem ji everytime when u’ve a facility to study through tv. Gopi feels happy and asks how? Rashi says, there is some channel which offers us to study. So u watch it and learn. Gopi says, we already have cable connection so I can study from it. Gopi leaves from kitchen to watch the channel in tv. Rashi feels happy as she will trap gopi once again in her evil plan. She thinks so and smiles.

Pavitra rishta 20th September 2011 episode written update

Short update:
Archana crying for soham, manav tries to console her. sachu hears archana saying soham is her only son and savitha explains him that he was not archana's real son. he feels bad. sulochana doubts varsha about soham's kidnap. finally goes to her flats and finally finds soham.

Detailed update:
Archana in her room holding soham’s pics and crying. Manav comes in and sits beside her. He tries to console her but she will crying. She’ll be begging manav to bring her son anyhow. Manav feels bad as he couldn’t save their first baby and even the second baby. Sachu comes and stands near the door and looks over them. Archana says, soham is my only son and I couldn’t live without him. Manav says, il bring soham but promise me that ul not cry. He wipes her tears. Sachu walks away from there. Manav also leaves. Archana still crying.

Savitha will be thinking who has kidnapped soham. Though they have misunderstandings between them and with ajit, dharmesh but they cant take away him. If its kidnappers then they would have called for money till now. Savitha doubts varsha as that day she was peeping into their house and when she called her she was looking some what scared and in the evening when she came home she was looking tensed. But she also recalls that day she was at her friend’s place. She will be thinking so and sachu comes inside sadly. Savitha asks whats the matter? Sachu asks whats the meaning of only son? Savitha ask who said this? Sachu replies, aai was saying soham was her only son. Savitha gets angry and explains him that he was not archana’s own son and soham was her own son. Sachu feels bad. He asks who is my real mother? Savitha was about to say about his real mother but thinks if she says about sravani and if he talks about her in house then it would become problematic situation so she diverts the matter.

At ajit’s house, rasika says manav’s family is insulting them everytime. She blames them for calling them home and enquiring them about soham’s kidnap. Vandhu listens to her words but doesn’t speak anything. She asks ajit to have dinner but ajit shouts on her and leaves. Rasika says with this insult he may start drinking once again. Vandhu gets worried about ajit.

Manju blames manav and archana for insulting them regarding soham’s kidnap and even scolds sulochana as she was not supporting them while the inspector was enquiring them. Vinod remains quite and asks manju not to blame them for everything. Manju gets angry. Vinod asks to serve food for him. She scolds him as she was tired going to office then to manav’s place so she shouts on him to check whether there is something to eat or not. If there is nothing then just sleep. Vinod feels bad.

Archana, vaishu and sulochana in archana’s room. Vaishu consoling archana. Sulochana tries to make archana drink some coffee and finally she drinks. Sulochana asks vaishu to call varsha and ask her to come here. Vaishu calls varsha. At that time she will be with soham. Varsha takes her call but rejects to come there as she needs to take her MIL to hospital. Sulochana talks to varsha, at that time soham cries. Sulochana feels its soham’s voice. So she asks varsha who’s that? Varsha replies in atensed tone that its her neighbour’s son’s voice. But sulochana still doubts varsha. Sulochana says to take care of her MIL and hangs on. Sulochana thinks to go to varsha and check. She says vaishu to take care of archana and she would come back in some time.

Sulochana goes to varsha’s flat and rings bell. Her neighbour comes there and says no one are at home and all went out. Sulochana asks where did varsha go? She replies when she met me during morning walk she told she was going out today. She leaves. Sulochana recalls varsha saying about the neighbor’s child. She hears varsha’s voice. She will be talking to the maid and instructing her not to open the door though it may be anyone. She says and comes upstairs. Sulochana hides and varsha goes upstairs and opens her door and goes inside.

Sulochana walks down stairs and listens soham crying. She knocks the door. The maid opens the door. Sulochana recalls it’s the same woman with whom varsha was talking to. Sulochana says she has come for some one in the same flats and she gonna wait for them but she is feeling very thirsty so she needs some water. The maid says ok and goes inside. Sulochana walks inside and hears the crying of soham. She opens the door and looks soham. She stays paused for few seconds and feels glad as soham is safe and she found him.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 20th September 2011 episode written update

Niharika checks the security room and says robbery may take place as a very expensive and precious chain is in the home right now. They assure her there is a tight security this time and they would definitely try no robbery take place that day. Niharika thinks in her mind, robbery will definitely take place today. She smiles herself and leave.

Vikram and neha arrive to the party and sid welcomes them. Neha asks sid about priya and he says she is getting ready in her room so she leave from there.

Priya’s family arrive. Niharika and mama ji welcomes them. The lawyer arrives with necklace box in his hand and with tight security. He asks for ram but niharika says she would take care of it till ram comes down. Lawyer believes her and niharika asks sid lock the box in the locker in the presence of the lawyer itself. They leave. Niharika and mama ji smile at each other.

Ram and vikram talking. Ram remembers the scene of undressed priya and says all weird situations he is facing from his marriage day. Vikram asks what happened? Ram says nothing but vikram insists to say. Ram says the scene with priya. Vikram feels happy and smiles. Ram gets angry and scolds why will he be enjoying whenever a stupid scene take place him and priya. Vikram replies, when ever a guy thinks its bad means its good and when ever he thinks its good then its bad so the thing which u r thinking was bad means its good and I wish it to happen daily and many times in a day. Ram feels irritated and both leave.

Nehaa goes to priya and helps her. Priya says she wore the red saree only because she has insisted. Neha says red is perfect for u so I’ve insisted but u r looking so cute. Priya asks her is she sure about it. Neha replies, ram will get impressed when he looks at u. priya feels some what embarrassed and both leave.

Ram meets his in-laws and asks for Natasha. They say she has gone with her mother. Sudhir asks about priya and ram replies she is getting ready.

Neha and priya come downstairs. Ram and vikram look priya. Ram will be starring priya. Vikram says priya is gorgeous today. Neha and priya come near to ram and vikram. Ram says, priya u r looking different. She feels happy and looks her parents and rushes to them. Vikram says, ram she looks very happy with her parents na.

Priya meets all her family members. She will be enjoying their company. Priya says her mother that ram snores in the night. Ram will be starring priya and when she looks ram looking at them she stops laughing and says her mother too not to laugh.

Ayesha asks priya to go near ram as he is waiting for her. She walks to ram. Vikram and neha thinks to leave priya and ram alone so they go away from there saying they need to search for their kids. They both leave. Priya and ram stare at each other.

Balika vadhu 20th September 2011 episode written update

Guru ji gives instructions to his followers to catch the 2ladies before they speak bad about him before every one in the village. All follow anandi and aasha. But anandi tries to escape from them. She calls shyam but because of another unimportant calls he activates the silent mode in his cell. So he cud’nt see anandi’s call. Later when he checks his cell he looks there are 4 missed calls from anandi. He calls her back. At that time anandi and asha were hiding from the goons, they listen to phone ringing sound and search. But anandi leaves the cell on the land and hide far away. Shyam again calls her back but the goons leave the cell there and leave.

Anyhow anandi and asha reach village. Asha cries and anandi consoles her to be brave and she needs to take the future situations very strongly. Both reach police station. Anandi says they want to file a complaint against guru ji. But the inspector doesn’t believe and more over insults both.

Dadi sa and sumithra are worried at home. They call anandi but she doesn’t attend the call. They think may be she has left to shyam’s house along with asha and call shyam. But shyam says anandi has called him but when he was her back she was not lifting it. All get worried of anandi and asha.

Saath nibhana sathiya 20th September 2011 episode written update

Short update:
Kinjal speaks harshly with her mother for marrying her with dhaval and insults ahem as he is feeling proud with modi tag infact he has no personal identity. urmila and rashi happy about the insult of kokila.

Detailed update:
Kinjal locks herself in her room and dhaval pleading her to come out but she doesn’t care. Urmila will be scolding kinjal for spoiling their name. dhaval tries to make urmila claim but she’ll be shouting and kokila enters along with ahem. Dhaval and urmila walk to them. Kokila asks dhaval whats the matter? Dhaval remains claim and kokila calls kinjal. Kinjal hears kokila’s voice and rushes out. Urmila says kokila that ur daughter has started modeling. Kokila and ahem gets shocked. Kokila angrily asks kinjal is it true or not? She will be in scared of her and doesn’t speak. Urmila and kokila listens to the ad and all look at the tv. Ahem and kokila looks shocked. Urmila complains kokila saying, ur daughter was escaping saying its not me and the model also looks like me.

Urmila feels this is the chance to taunt kokila and starts, look we accept that we are poor but we too have some respect in society and we don’t want to spoil it. Kokila angrily shouts, dint u feel ashamed doing this kinjal? Kinjal sharply says, when dhaval ji has printed my picture on the innerware ad that time no one has no problem and if I do modeling all r shouting on me? Why? Kokila is shocked with kinjal’s behavior and replies, that was ur husband’s choice and all ur family members has accepted for it. But now u dint take any permission from any of ur family members. When a girl does a mistake in her in-law’s house all will point out her mother only that she has not taught manners to the girl. Kinjal replies, mom dint u think at the time of marrying me and sending me here? All are completely shocked. Kokila shouts, shut up kinjal, don’t dare to speak a word now. Kinjal saya, when u married and sent me out of modi’s house that time itself u’ve lost the right to ask me on what ever I do? Kokila and ahem shocked. Ahem takes kinjal side and asks, what are u talking? Do u know what are u talking? Kinjal replies, yes brother I know what iam talking to and she doesn’t have any rights to ask me on what I do. Ahem controls his anger from longtime and finally slaps kinjal. Dhaval holds her. Urmila shocked. Kinjal says, actually brother u r feeling jealous of me. Till now u dint try to be urself. U r getting respect with the tag of “modi” after ur name. but I don’t like to be so.i want to have my own identity. Kinjal gets irritated and walks away to her room. Dhaval follows her.

Urmila starts taunting kokila, look kokila bhen ji till now u were very proud about ur daughter na. tell me now. U used to taunt my daughter everytime she does a mistake but till now she dint do any mistake by which ur modi family got insulted…blah blah blah…when urmila turns back kokila and ahem will be left. She scolds kokila in her mind saying, though this much has happened with her, her proudness has not changed.

Hetal, chirag, rashi, jigar, gopi will be waiting for ahem and kokila. Door bell rings. Jigar opens the door. Hetal asks kokila what has happened there? We were worried from longtime. But kokila couldn’t speak anything. Finally ahem says all that kinjal has started modeling. All are shocked. Hetal asks why she has done it? Ahem replies, kinjal has done some saree ad. All are shocked. But rashi smiling herself and feels happy that her mother would have created a big sceen of it. Chirag feels bad and hetal asks kokila whether she has questioned kinjal why she has done this? Kokila sadly replies, kinjal feels she doesn’t need to reply my questions. Rashi feels happy and thinks to call her mother to know in detail what has happened there. Gopi is in confusion as she doesn’t understand whats the meaning if modeling.

Monday 19 September 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 19th September 2011 episode written update

Next day morning, priya and ram wake up at same time. Ram walks out from his room and comes to hall as asks the lawyer for what purpose he has come here? The lawyer replies, ur dada ji has kept a necklace in the bank and asked to give this necklace to ram kapoor’s wife. I’ve heard u got married and thought of giving u this necklace to u as it’s the right time to give. The lawyer gives a letter which his grand father has wrote for him. Ram reads and recalls the scenes where his dada ji says him that he is storing it in a bank and he should give it to his wife. Priya comes downstairs and gives ram’s cellphone to him as it was ringing since longtime. Ram takes his cell and says, theres a gift for u and gives the letter to her. She reads. Ram says, now u have become a true bhahu(DIL) of kapoor’s family. Priya smiles. Niharika walks in and ram says about the necklace. She feels jealous. Ram asks her to give this necklace to priya in the evenings party. She acts good and says yes ofcourse. She leaves.

Vikram in his office working. A person walks in and says he was not paying his emi’s since many months and he was also not answering his calls so he has come here. Vikram feels guilty and says he would give a check to him. The person leaves. This is over heard by ram’s mamaji.

Niharika, klinto and sid talking, niharika is very jealous of priya and says she was waiting to see this necklace since many years. But now an unworthy fellow will wear it. She would never allow it to be done. Klinto says he has some weak points of vikram with that he would close vikram’s mouth. And niharika can be successfully do as she wishes about the necklace.

Priya walks into kitchen and instructs the workers to do some job outside. Niharika walks in to kitchen and asks priya to get ready for the party. Priya leaves. Niharika goes to ram’s working room and looks ram working on his laptop. She thinks what a wonderful pair, one is working in kitchen and other is busy working. She insists ram to get ready for party and ram leaves.

Ram will be dressing, priya comes out in her robe. She opens her robe and ram closes the cup board at the same time. Both get scared and scream at eachother. Ram and priya turn back to back. Ram scolds her and asks her to go inside the wash room. She rushes. She asks to give her saree. Ram gives her and runs away from there in shame and irritation. Priya peeps out and checks whether ram was there. She looks he left from there.

Balika vadhu 19th September 2011 episode written update

Aasha follows guruji. He takes her into some room. Aasha looks her surrounding. She looks a bed in the room and shocked. Guru ji locks the door and asks aasha to sit on the bed. She was some what scared but as she believes him sits on the bed. She was about to speak, guru ji puts his hand on her and starts speaking, I was been waiting for ur signs till now. I would have understood if u’ve once smiled at me once. Aasha completely shocked with his unexpected behavior. Guruji tries to force her and aasha starts protesting. A follower of guru ji will be looking at all this very angrily but stands looking.

Anandi comes into aashram and looks no one there. So she thinks she has come late and may be aasha has left. She about to leave and she hears some lady shouting for help. She recognizes its aasha’s voice and runs towards the sound. She checks all the rooms comes in her way. Finally she finds the room and knocks the door and sounds for aasha. Aasha tries to come out from guru’s hands and at last opens the door. Anandi looks shocked at aasha. Aasha runs and hugs anandi and starts crying. Anandi looks guru ji looking at her ashamed. Anandi asks aasha what happened? She replies he was trying to assault her. But guru ji tries to contradict aasha’s words and aasha also raises her voice and scolds him. Guru ji gets anger and slaps aasha. Anandi slaps guru ji and says, it’s the answer for slapping aasha. And both the ladies walk away from there. Guru ji looks shocked and orders his followers to catch those 2ladies so that they sont say everything which has happened here and he cant bear this insult. 

Saath nibhana sathiya 19th September 2011 episode written update

Gopi studying some tables. Rashi comes and thinks to disturb gopi. She brings a thali and tells gopi that she has promised mummy ji(hetal) that she would decorate it and give so that she and jigar may feel happy. Gopi tells she would definitely help her. She brings all the decorative things and start saying rashi but rashi acts as if she is unable to follow what gopi wants to say. So finally gopi starts doing it. Rashi looks on the watch and she will be waiting till ahem’s time to come home. She feels happy as gopi couldn’t study since morning and now when ahem comes he will scold her a lot.

Kokila and hetal return home from temple. Rashi gives the pooja thali to hetal. She feels very happy and praises her. But kokila shocks as how could rashi do it? She taunts rashi saying, wish rashi has learnt each and every house hold thing like this. And she walks away. Rashi gets upset. Hetal consoles her and says she is very happy.

The cable person checks the wire and scolds urmila saying the wire is unplugged from tv. Urmila doubts kinjal about this. After plugging urmila switches on the tv and kinjal’s add will be running. Kinjal comes out from her room. Urmila feels bad as dhaval was not at home to show him. She turns back and dhaval will be looking the add. Dhaval asks the cable person to leave and asks kinjal, atleast u would’ve told me na? kinjal walks away into their room and dhaval follows her.

Rashi brings a pooja thali decorated and a basket too. Kokila shocks and as usual hetal praises her. Door bell rings, ahem and jigar come inside. Ahem asks rashi about gopi, gopi walks in. ahem says, hope so u’ve studied from morning so tell me the table 9. Rashi thinks she has disturbed gopi from morning so she will not tell and ahem scolds her. But gopi tells the table. All are amazed and ahem looks at her impressed. Gopi is happy but rashi looks shocked and upset. Phone rings. Kokila lifts. Urmila greets her angrily and asks kokila to come home and she wanna talk about kinjal. Kokila asks her whats the matter but she says she cant say it on phone. Kokila hangs and walks near ahem and says, we should go to urmila’s house. Ahem and everyone are shocked. Kokila walks off and ahem follows her. All look at them worried but rashi doubts what has happened?

Friday 16 September 2011

Balika vadhu September 16th 2011 episode written update

Anandi tells her class to take their dolls with them. All having fun and leave. Anandi takes one doll and gives it to aasha. But aasha looks some what shocked at anandi. Suguna walks to her and aasha gives the doll to her but she doesn’t take it. Suguna says, see aasha in past I too have experienced this pain for many years. But after sometime I myself changed my mind and look how happy iam now. So u should break the barrier which is stopping u to change ur mind. Look how all the old and young ladies enjoying and studying. U too think once and study so that u too can change ur mind and stay happy. Aasha looks on suguna but doesn’t reply her. Anandi asks, u take permission from ur guru ji and ask him whether u can join in my class or not?

At hospital in Mumbai, gauri and jagya having dinner. Gauri asks jagya, u doesn’t have night shift na so u leave. On the way do take clothes from the laundry. I don’t have any to wear for tomorrow. Jagya feels embarrassed but says ok.

Next day morning, gauri will be searching for her clothes which she told to bring from laundry. Jagya comes out from washroom and she asks him where he has kept her clothes? Jagya feels sorry and says he forgot yesterday and he would bring now. Gauri gets irritated and shouts on him saying, daily iam working day and night in the hospital and in the house too. I told u to do a small job and u couldn’t do it. Blah blah blah…. Jagya also gets angry and shouts on her, iam also sharing ur work at home. I’ve cleaned all the vessels on my birthday, washed all the clothes and cleaned house. U cant see all these things. One work I did not do and u r shouting like hell. Jagya takes a dress of gauri and starts pressing it. Gauri takes it from him and scolds him. Some one knocks the door and gauri opens. Her parents and kunda tai will be standing before. Gauri is shocked and then feels happy. She takes blessings from them and asks how did they come all of sudden? Her mother replies, our SIL has forced us to come and he has requested us not to tell u about this so we couldn’t say no to him. Gauri looks lovingly towards jagya. jagya also takes blessings from them and all come inside. Gauri asks jagya to come into kitchen once. Both walk in to kitchen and gauri hugs jagya and apologises him for shouting and thanks him for asking her parents to come. Jagya gets normal and hugs her back.

Aasha waits for all to leave and looks guru ji to ask him permission to study. But there will be some workers working so she will be waiting. She looks the clock and feels why anandi has not come there yet? After some time all the workers leave. Guru ji asks her to come with him inside. She follows him.

Saath nibhana sathiya September 16th 2011 episode written update

Jigar wonders and asks, why rashi fights with me and again prepares my favorite dishes? Rashi says its nothing because of excess work I feel strained. Jigar takes her hand and kisses her says, I know we got married in a very different situation but I know u love and u know I love u. rashi feels happy and tears in her eyes. She says, ok iam feeling sleepy gudnite. Jigar also goes to sleep looking at her. Rashi is happy looking at her hand.

Urmila in the late night watching tv and waiting eagerly for the ad. When ad comes she shouts for dhaval. He wakes up kinjal. Urmila rushes into their room and brings dhaval out. But the ad is over. Kinjal irritated and goes to sleep. Dhaval also go to sleep. Urmila decides she should show the ad to dhaval anyhow.

Ahem will be sleeping and gopi waiting beside him to wake up. After few mins ahem wakes up and looks gopi standing near the bed. He feels that she wanna say something to him and asks whats the matter. Gopi replies, I’ve learnt tables of 3 and 4 (and she tells the 3 and 4 tables to him). Ahem is shocked and asks, how did u remember now? Did u sleep or not? Gopi replies, I’ve slept for sometime and I also learnt the words if u say il write and show u. Ahem says no need, u can write them later. But today u study well in the morning itself so that u need not wake up in the night. Gopi nods her head. Ahem walks away from bed. Gopi feels happy and smiles.

In the morning, Urmila will be still watching tv. Dhaval comes and asks urmila, u r still watching tv? And the ad comes and when dhaval turns towards the tv the dish connection is disconnected by kinjal and urmila scolds the cable wala.

Gopi will be studying and other hand she is studying. Rashi walks into kitchen, gopi asks did jigar ji liked the sweet or not? rashi remembers jigar kissing her on hand and smiles. but says gopi nothing special. Rashi asks gopi to go and study in her room and she will take care of the work. Gopi asks her whether she is sure or not? Rashi assures she can do it. So gopi leaves. Rashi smiles and says herself, look how will I disturb u today and il not allow u to study a single word.

Bade achhe lagte hain 15th September 2011 episode written update

At ram’s house, neha and priya will be waiting for ram as priya has prepared food for him. Neha insists priya to call ram and scold him why he dint come yet. But priya says they would wait for some more time and then call him. Ram’s nani comes there, neha says priya has prepared all his punjabi favorite items of ram. Nani is impressed and feels happy. She asks where is golu(ram)? Neha replies he hasn’t come yet. Nani is angry and says she would scold him when he comes home.

Ram is very angry with vikram as he has misunderstood vikram. Ram scolds vikram, that he is very angry with him, if he has scolded sid and if he has slapped him he would never forgive himself. At his house, neha insists priya to call ram so she calls. Priya talks harshly with ram saying, he should come home na and its been so late why dint he come? Ram replies he was having some work at office so he came to office but priya says he should inform her so that she can prepare dinner for him na. she hangs on angrily. Ram doesn’t understand why is she behaving so. He starts to home. Vikram smiles and thinks, may be ram got angry as priya has talked harshly with him. After some time he’ll get habituated as iam now.

Ram goes home. Sid will be on phone, ram asks him he wanna talk to him. He says sorry to behave harshly with his friend. Sid doesn’t reply properly so ram feels he is angry with him. Nani scolds him for not coming home. He says sorry to her and he went to office as he was having some urgent work in the office. He walks away to his room. Nani says to have dinner and go but he says he’s not feeling hungry. Nani says no one gonna come to convince u. and she also warns priya not to offer any food to him. Priya convinces nani saying, ram has done this mistake for the first time so they would forgive him now and if he repeats this they would not offer food for him. Nani feels happy.

Ram will be thinking some thing. Priya comes with dinner along with bansi kaka. She says, she has prepared food for him as she was feeling bored whole day. Ram feels irritated and shouts on priya saying, our marriage is just a compromise then why is she doing all these things. Priya gets hurts and replies, I thought u were missing home food and I was feeling bored at home so I prepared. If don’t wanna eat u can say me directly and u need not shout on me u can tell me in a low voice too. She shouts for bansi kaka and asks him to take all the food away. Ram feels bad and guilty for shouting on her.

Sid and his mama will be drinking and mama scolds for doing this mistake. Sid asks him what shall he doo now. Mama ji replies, only ur mother can help u out in this problem. So we shall go to her. Both go.
Ram and priya come across while walking in the room. Priya looks ram was hiding something so she follows him. He sticks a slip of “private” on one of his draw (the draw in which his inner wear is priya feels irritated and comes back. She puts the damp towel on bed and sits in front of the mirror. Ram comes to bed and looks the towel and gets irritated and looks priya angrily. Priya looking at him puts cotton in her ears and takes a pillow and walks towards couch. He in the middle give her the towel. She takes and throws on the couch and feels chill. Ram brings a blanket and gives. She takes it. 

After some time she sleeps, ram will be feeling hungry and thinks his nani’s words. He slowly wakes up and walks towards priya. He looks at priya, and feels happy and says himself, how beautiful she is when she is sleeping. When she is awake she will be talking something. Wish she would be the same when awake too. And he walks to dining hall. He takes out the dishes and puts food in his plate. He was about to put the spoon in his mouth, priya switches on the light. She walks to him and takes the plate. He will be looking at her. She says, this will be delicious if its hot. She puts the plate in the oven and after some time takes out and puts in front of him. He eats and says, u prepare food deliciously. Priya feels happy.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Balika vadhu 15th September 2011 episode written update

At Badi haveli, anandi comes to kitchen where sumithra and gehna will be working. Anandi wants to cook something but they both feed her saying she was neglecting her health.

At jagya & gauri’s house, gauri will be getting ready for hospital. Jagya brings some breakfast and asks gauri to have it. Gauri ignores saying she has no time for it. Jagya requests again to have, gauri looks and says its too oily food and if she have it she would feel drowsy in the hospital and she cant concentrate on work and today she is working with some experienced doctor so she need to go as soon as possible. And she asks him to pack some slices of sandwich and walks off to call a taxi. Jagya remembers how he scolded anandi once for preparing oily food for him and feels bad.

Anandi will be getting ready for the class. Shyam, suguna, and aasha comes to haveli. All will be happy. Sumithra and gehna bring some snacks for them. Gehna offers some sweet to aasha but she says she cant eat. Dadi sa pleads her and feeds her a bite. But she murmurs to god to forgive her. Anandi’s students will be making dolls. Anandi asks everyone to explain all they have learnt using those dolls. All will be saying and aasha looks on happily. Dadi sa, suguna and shyam feels happy and wishes she should join in the school and divert her mind.

Saath nibhana sathiya 15th September 2011 episode written update

Ahem asks gopi to come and study but gopi says she would complete work in the kitchen and come. Hetal and kokila say her they would take care of that work and she can go and study. Ahem walks to hall and sits to read newspaper. Gopi walks near to him. Ahem asks what did she study since morning? But gopi doesn’t reply. Ahem asks gopi to come to room and study. Gopi nods her head. Rashi walks near to them and offers a bowl of sweet to ahem but ahem softly rejects and leaves. Gopi worried what to say ahem now and rashi looking her happily thinking now ahem ji will scold her. Gopi follows slowly behind ahem. Rashi gives sweet to all other family members and takes praises from everyone except kokila. Kokila looks doubted on rashi but doesn’t talk anything.

Urmila will be watching tv, in the break she looks kinjal in some saree ad and gets shocked. She remembers about what her neighbor was talking to her in the morning. Kinjal comes out with heavy makeup and looks urmila looking the ad. Urmila asks kinjal whether she acted in the saree ad or not? But kinjal tries to escape saying no it was not her. She ignores saying she dint work for any ad. Urmila scolds her kinjal saying she can’t escape from her eyes. Kinjal replies, no it may be another girl who looks like her. Urmila tries to make her yes but she doesn’t accept and kinjal walks into her room saying she is tired and wanna take rest.

Ahem asks some addition to gopi but she doesn’t answer. He again dictates 3words to write but she writes mistakes. Ahem gets angry and shouts on her saying, iam working hard in office and also trying to educate u but u r not at all showing any interest. I’ve prepared a time table for u and now I understand that u dint even follow it. Gopi gets scared of him and replies slowly to give some time and she would say everything. But ahem scolds her saying, according to ur plan I should sit here whole night but iam going to bed in few mins. Ahem angrily walks off. Gopi with tears in her eyes sits to study. Rashi comes to their room with a sweet bowl, she waits out of the room so that she can hear the shouting of ahem. But she wonders as the room will be quite. Finally she knocks the door, ahem comes out of wash room and opens the door. He asks rashi why she has come. Rashi replies she brought sweet for gopi. So ahem takes the bowl in his hand and closes the door. Rashi is shocked why did ahem has taken the bowl. Ahem closes the door and places it on the table and says, ur sister rashi has brought sweet for u and u eat. He says angrily and walks away.

Urmila eagerly watching tv for the ad. Door bell rings. Kinjal walks out and says she would open the door. She opens and its dhaval. Urmila rushes to him and says kinjal is working for an add company. But kinjal doesn’t agree to it. Both argue and finally kinjal walks to her room angrily. Dhaval doesn’t care urmila’s words and walks behind kinjal. Urmila thinks she should definitely show that ad to dhaval anyhow.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Balika Vadhu 14th September 2011 episode written update

Anandi explains her students about the news printed in the news paper and all are amused of it. Anandi asks whats the price of gold this week? But the students couldn’t say the right price so she says she would show the news paper and walks to bring the news paper. Here dadi sa will be searching for gold rate. 

Anandi looks dadi sa reading the news paper and calls sumithra and gehna too. All 3 enjoys the funny act of dadi sa reading a news paper. All 3 walk inside, anandi feels happy that her dadi sa is very intelligent and she is happy that her dadi sa is making her feel proud.

At shyam’s house, shyam’s father and another person will be planning to go some where. Aasha walks in. The person is unhappy looking at aasha and asks shyam’s father to wait for some time as its not good to be crossed by a widow. He speaks some harsh words and finally shyam’s father takes him away. Suguna and aasha look at each other and suguna feels bad, asha calmly walks off.

Anandi explaning her students about gold in the newspaper and dadi sa walks in. anandi asks whether she needs anything. Dadi sa replies if teacher ji allows she wanna sit in the class. All are shocked but everyone feel happy. Anandi takes blessings from her and lets Dadi sa sit in the class and dadi sa challenges her friend that from now on she would be praised by her teacher. Everyone enjoy the moment.

At Mumbai, gauri will be treating her patient she gets a call from her mother. She walks out and speaks, her mother explains her that her father is suffering with ulcer. Gauri feels bad and says to take all the tablets as doctor has told. She hangs on the phone. Jagya comes to her and gauri will be thinking about her father and feels bad. Jagya asks her to come for dinner. Gauri explains him about her father’s illness and jagya tries to console her saying he would be fine if he takes medicines on time. But gauri doesn’t feel satisfied and says she is feeling bad as she has studied doctor and she couldn’t help her father.

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Saath nibhana sathiya 14th September 2011 episode written update

Rashi and gopi in gopi’s room. Rashi says, gopi I’ve kept all the things ready to prepare sweet and in other hand she stops the recording in her cell. Gopi replies, Il explain u the process and its very easy and u can do it. Rashi says, no I cannot do it. Gopi replies, no rashi behn ahem ji has prepared a time table and asked me to study so I cannot come and do it. Il complete the studies soon and then il come and help u. or Il come and prepare the sweet before having lunch. Rashi again starts acting saying, ok u study il do the sweet myself. U need not waste time for me. She walks away grumbling she will bear the break up with jigar for some more time. Gopi feels bad and she thinks she will prepare the sweet soon and then she would study. Rashi feels happy and asks gopi to go to kitchen and she would join her after coming from wash room. Gopi leaves. Rashi listens to the record and feels happy that now she can ruin gopi’s studies.

Rashi comes downstairs, she looks gopi cleaning the sofa. She gets worried and grumbles scolding gopi that if someone looks her working they would kill her. She rushes to gopi and drags her into kitchen. In the kitchen rashi asks gopi whether all the ingredients are right or not? Gopi nods and asks rashi to help her to prepare the sweet as soon as possible so that she can go and study but rashi acts as if she has some more work to do and throws all the work to gopi. Gopi starts preparing sweet.

Rashi feels happy that no one will disturb her now as hetal is in mandir and kokila in her room. Rashi over hears hetal speaking to ahem saying she would check gopi whether she is studying or not? She gets shocked and runs upstairs. Hetal looks rashi running but she takes it lite. Hetal walks to gopi’s room. Rashi runs to gopi’s room and locks inside the bathroom. Hetal looks gopi missing in her room. Rashi makes sounds from wash room. Hetal feels gopi is in wash room and she walks out. She closes the door again. Hetal moves few steps away from room, rashi’s cell rings. Hetal gets doubt as gopi doesn’t have cell. She again walks inside, in mean while rashi cuts the call and she switches on the record. Hetal feels gopi studying again and walks away. Rashi calls to hetal and speaks as savitha asking whether water has come for them today or not. Hetal thinks its savitha and says she would check and call her back.

Rashi rushes to kitchen, kokila stops her and asks why is she running. Rashi replies she has kept curry on the stove and went so she is running as it may burn. Kokila scolds her. Hetal walks in and says savitha has called her asking about water. Kokila says ok and she walks towards kitchen. Rashi says something to gopi and sends her to store room. Kokila walks in and asks whether she has finished the lunch preparations or not. Rashi replies she has almost completed. Kokila looks salt has over s she thinks to go to store room to bring it. Rashi stops her saying she has already put the salt in the sambar. Kokila scolds her and walks out. Gopi again comes into kitchen.

Gopi feels bad as she dint study as ahem ji has told. Rashi says not to worry. All come for lunch. jigar asks some sweet after having food. hetal says she thought of making sweet but gopi was studying so she couldn't make it. kokila replies, no problem already rashi has prepared some sweet. and she asks rashi to bring the sweet and serve it to everyone. Ahem says he soesn't wants to eat sweet and asks gopi hope she has studied well since morning. Gopi looks confused at ahem.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 13th September 2011 episode written update

Priya thinks to put the pendrive in a safe place so that she need not open the wrong drawyer again. She tries to put the pendrive on the shelf but it falls down so when she picks up she looks some foot balls, toy cars and somethings in the lower shelf. She sits down and looks everything. She looks a painting of a cat and a mouse and feels its ram and his friend. She looks a chocolate box and she is thinks to open it. Ram at his office thinks about priya and doubts if she looks the lowere shelfs and comes out to call her. Ram calls priya and asks whether she has come out of the room or not. She replies she is closing now. Ram scolds her not to look anything in his shelves and shouts not to open the chocolate box. Priya gets angry and says, she is not at all interested to look into some ones things. And she hangs on the phone. Ram gets irritated. Priya keeps the box and other things again in the place and comes out.

Sudhir thinking something. Karthik walks to him and asks him whether he is angry with him or not? Sudhir replies, I was angry but now Iam not. Look Natasha has come from a big high five family and she needs time to get adjusted with their traditions. Both feel happy.

Priya calls her father and speaks sometime about her family and sudhir asks how is ram so she replies he has gone to US due to some business issues. 

Ram’s collegue says ram to come out and have some shopping for priya. Ram says she know about him and she doesn’t expect anything from him. His collegue explains the behavior of a typical wife and ram gets scared and he calls priya to ask her about her favourite colour. Priya says to bring a black coloured hand bag.

Ram walks to a shop and buys the most expensive black hand bag. His collegue appreciates him and says he has true love for his wife. Ram stands thinking some thing.

In the morning priya asks for agarbatthi and matchbox. She lites them in front of ganapathi bappa. Due to the smoke the fire alarm starts ringing. Everyone come inside her room and priya’s saas tries to explain her smoothly that she should’nt lit any thing which smokes. Priya apologizes with everyone. Her saas insults her in front of the workers saying, priya also has come from a small house as u people live in so she doesn’t know how to stay in big house. Priya gets hurts but she takes it lite.

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Balika vadhu 13th September 2011 episode written update

Jagya recalls the scenes with anandi in which she gifts a sun glasses to him but he scolds her about it and also before coming to Mumbai he asks her to take the glasses this time but she simply disagrees and takes away them. Gauri asks jagya, what happened? Dint u like them? Jagya replies, no no I liked them. Gauri feels happy and says, see u look cool when u wear them. Both smile. Some one calls gauri about another cd so she walks away. Jagya remembers his last birthday when anandi has come to Mumbai for his birthday. he gets upset.

Anandi will be checking her missed calls and looks a missed call from jagya and feels some dilemma to re-call him or not? Jagya and gauri dance and enjoy.

Jagya asks gauri how did she manage to do all this for him. Suddenly gauri and jagya recalls the birthday in which anandi has attended. Both get upset and after some time both forget and dance. Gauri stops dancing and walks out for water. Jagya’s cell rings. She shouts at jagya about the call but he doesn’t listen and will be dancing. She looks who’s calling. She looks its anandi calling and gets worried. She walks inside and picks up the call and says, I know anandi u act before ur family as if u’ve done  a real sacrifice. But the truth is that u still love jagya and u r still willing him to come back to u. u cant get him back. I think so u people do not remember but today is jagya’s birthday. atleast today let him be happy. No one has called him and wished him. Since morning he was waiting for their wishes. Anandi feels bad and replies smoothly, I got a call from jagya and that time I couldn’t pick up the phone so I called him now. And she hangs on. Gauri is shocked and checks the dialed calls, she finds anandi call. She feels, though for what ever reason may be jagya has called anandi, I should leave it here. She deletes the dialed call of anandi and walks out sadly. Jagya cheers her up and all dance again. Party ends and all their friends leave. Jagya thanks gauri for making his day with happiness. Gauri looks at him and smiles.

Anandi explains her students about the newspaper and how the news is gathered and printed for the people. One of her student gives an idea of printing a newspaper for their village. Anandi appreciates her and says she too got the same idea. Dadi sa will be looking at them and decides some thing.

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