Monday 15 August 2011

Ballika Vadhu 15th August episode written update

Sumithra comes to Dadi sa with tea cup and gives her. sumithra asks, "what shall we do about rakhi, all may feel bad to come here". dadi sa replies, "send anandi and nandu to their place only so that and anandi does'nt feel bad". anandi comes and gives dadi sa , dadi sa asks anandi, "why u r still at home? did u wake up late?". anandi smiles and says, "no dadi sa its rakhi na so its a holiday and everyone will come home and ...." anandi stops suddenly thinking of jagya. she claimly walks away. dadi sa feels bad and says sumithra, "pls dont let her cry. today is a fest and stay with her all day". sumithra walks near phone.

In mumbai, jagya and gauri in a canteen. a vendor comes with rakhis and asks to buy. jagya remembers her sister suguna and feels bad. gauri tries to console him but jagya remains claim.

Suguna at home, sitting on the bed will be thinking about previous rakhis and her conversation with jagya. jagya promising her that he would definitly attend for rakhi though he is anywhere on earth. Shyam walks near her and asks her to get ready.

Everyone will be sadly sitting in the hall, anandi and nandu walks downstairs and about to leave. nandu looks at shyam and suguna and shouts happily. everyone looks on them happily and all walk inside. all the kids run away to play. shyam tries to console dadi sa and says her, "let the tradition to continue, pls donot break it for someone". everyone will looked pleased. dadi sa does pooja and she ties rakhi to khana ji and her both sons. bhairon gives her some money to dadi sa. she gives him back and says to spend these money in giving food to poor people.

jagya will be feeling bad. gauri says, "tomorrow chech ur letter box, i think ur sister will definitely send u the rakhi". jagya feels convinced and next day in college he opens the letter box but it will be empty. he feels bad and walks home. he asks kunda tai whether he got any mail. she remembers that he got some mail and gives a cover to him. jagya happily runs into his room and opens. it contains only some paper, and nothing else. he opens the paper and looks its a bank notice. he throws away the paper and sits on bed crying. gauri comes inside and looks jagya crying. she says, "pls dont cry, may be suguna will send it by evening. u once call her and talk to her. maybe atleast the problems between u both may be solved from today"...jagya thinks for a while and takes his cell and calls suguna. suguna cell will be ringing but she does'nt lift.

Saath nibhana sathiya 15th August episode written update

Ahem asks gopi,"why dint u complete ur work i've given u?". kokila says, "ahem i did not give any house hold work to gopi since morning". gopi says, "i was preparing rakhi for dhaval bhai so could'nt write". ahem takes her book and says "how dirty u r writting, comeon sit and write neatly". gopi sits in another chair and starts writting. she feels happy as ahem was helping her and starts staring at him. ahem scolds her stop staring and write the letters. gopi writes 2letters but ahem feels they r more dirty than previous and holds her hand and helps her to write. gopi feels nervous as ahem was holding his hand. ahem scolds her and says, "by the way why r u shivering and staring at me?". gopi asks to take off his hand from her's. ahem recognises that he was holding her hand and removes. ahem says gopi to continue writting. gopi will be writting and ahem looks her on.

Next day morning, kinjal will get dressed well and comes out of her room. Urmila stops her and asks, "kinjal beta where r u going?". kinjal replies that day is rakhi and she is going to tie rakhi for her brothers. urmila says kinjal that rashi and gopi will be coming home to tie rakhi to dhaval and when they come there should be someone to take care of them and moreover she has invited all her family memebers to their house to celebrate rakhi. kinjal feels bad and someone knocks the door. urmila opens the door, kokila, gopi, rashi, hetal, ahem and jigar will be in the front of the door. urmila welcomes all and all walk inside. urmila asks everyone are they willing to have cool water or normal water?...everyone wishes to have normal water. for that urmila says, "as we do not have fridge we need to bring cool water from their neighbours. we do not have much money these days and dhaval also willing to give the 1st installment of the money which kokila has given him. i've told him to give them later but dhaval is not listening to her words".. kokila replies, "this is not the situation to talk all these matters, so lets start rakhi as its been too late". urmila asks rashi, "show me ur rakhi". rashi shows it. urmila feels happy looking at the gold rakhi and says, "its so beautiful". but kokila interrupts her and says, "its costly too. rashi has a habbit to spend money and she has learnt to think high after becoming a member of mothi kandhan". urmila and rashi feels bad. urmila asks gopi to show her rakhi. gopi shows her rakhi. urmila feels unhappy and says," everytime u buy the same type of old rakhi". kokila replies,"gopi did not buy the rakhi infact she has prepared the rakhi herself. its shows how much love she has for her brother". urmila asks gopi to come and help her in the kitchen. both go into the kitchen and urmila asks gopi to check the kheer and she'll come back in 5mins. In the hall, jigar asks hetal, "mom iam thinking to give 11,000Rps to kinjal as gift of rakhi.".. hetal feels happy and says, "its ur wish son, u can give kinjal as much as u wish". jigar asks ahem to give money but kokila says, "no jigar u r not going to give 11,000Rps to kinjal. we'll see how much does dhaval gives gopi and rashi then we too shall give kinjal the same amount". rashi says, "no kaki ji, dhaval bhai does'nt give much amount to us then how could jigar will give kinjal the same amount?"... kokila gets angry and scolds her she does'nt need to learn from her and she walks away.

Rashi walks near to dhaval and sits to tie rakhi, she looks that the thread of rakhi is so small and says, "hey god whats this trouble the rakhi has so small thread how could i tie the knot?". urmila says, "dont worry beta il extend it and give u". urmila takes the rakhi near pooja mandir and removes the gold coin and replaces the coin. while changing the coin here kokila asks kinjal to go and help her fui saas. rashi gets worried and kinjal walks away.
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