Thursday 12 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 12th September 2013 Written Update

Radha finds jigar-rashi before their room. After jigar leaves, radha apologizes rashi that she  by has kept a love letter in jigar's bag thinking its ahem's. Rashi gets worried and finds bha's lota near by. So rashi takes it and pours the water on jigar who is walking downstairs. Rashi acts as though she was doing some pooja. Jigar says she is doing the surya namaskar in the wrong direction and that too inside the house. Rashi apologizes jigar. Jigar walks upstairs. Radha rushes inside rashi's room and comes out while jigar is entering in. Radha warns jigar not to peep out from their window. Rashi takes out the letter and goes outside. After changing jigar checks whats happening from the window. He finds rashi tearing up the letter and throwing the rose flower. Rashi again comes inside. Jigar comes downstairs and rashi gives his bag. Jigar leaves. Jigar doubts and checks the letter. Jigar reads the letter and gets hyper. 

The dustbin collecting fellow keeps the dust bin before urmi's house. Urmi finds madhu sleeping and asks the fellow to keep the dustbin near to madhu's room's window. In modi bhawan, koki says all the ladies to take rest for a while. So radha asks gopi that she would sleep with her. Gopi agrees. But rashi stops radha and asks to come with her as she needs to help to pacify tholu-molu. Gopi agrees and sends radha with her. Rashi thinks of not to sleep, if not radha would kill gopi any time. Rashi and radha will be in rashi's room. Radha says she wants to play with tholu-molu for a while. So rashi sits on her bed and falls asleep. Radha slowly leaves from the room. Here in urmi's house, madhu smells awful smell and checks out that a dust bin under her window. Madhu gets irritated with the smell. 

Rashi wakes up suddenly and finds radha missing. Rashi gets worried and rushes to gopi's room. Their rashi finds a knife with blood in radha's room and calls everyone. Koki and hetal rush to gopi's room. They find gopi is well. And rashi will be crying saying that radha has killed gopi. Koki scolds rashi for speaking nonsense. Radha says she was making bread-jam for mira so she was holding a knife with jam. Koki scolds rashi and leaves. Rashi asks radha not to kill gopi. But radha denies. At urmi's place, madhu scolds urmi to remove the dust bin from the window. Kinjal says madhu that its evening time so the fellow would have left. Madhu says urmi that she would sleep with kinjal and asks urmi to sleep alone in her room. Urmi gets pissed off that her plan got failed. At modi bhawan, everyone will be having dinner. Radha finds jigar is some what angry with rashi and feels happy that her love letter plan has worked out. Later rashi calls urmi and explains her about radha's behavior. Urmi says she would think for a while and tell her a plan to get rid of radha. 
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