Sunday 25 September 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 24th September 2011 episode written update

Door bell rings, gopi comes downstairs and opens the door. She looks ahem in a havoc condition. His mouth bleeding, and he got hurt on his head. Gopi is shocked and shouts for kokila, rashi and hetal. Ahem shouts on her for shouting everyone. Kokila rushes out and shocks looking at ahem. Kokila rushes to him and asks what happenend and with whom did he fight? He replies he went to cable tv office and they were rude with him so they had a fight. Kokila yells at gopi to bring ice and first-aid. Ahem says he is ok and take it lite. But kokila shouts at him, he claims down and she sits beside him. Kokila feels bad as kinjal has hurted her and now u. ahem promises it wont repeat again. Gopi brings haldi milk and first-aid. Kokila asks her to clean. But gopi stands claim, kokila gives a sign to do and leaves. Gopi starts cleaning, ahem flinch with pain and so gopi. He feels uncomfortable and says he would clean himself. She stands looking at him and ahem cleans himself. She puts some cotton in dettol and waits, after his cleaning she cleans with dettol on his mouth wounds. While cleaning ahem looks on her. She applies ointment. After first-aid ahem stands up and gopi looks a wound on his leg so she immediately does first-aid there. Ahem will be looking at her with concern (hmm may be love has blossom in ahem’s heart for gopi)

Kokila comes again. She asks gopi to go and study in her room and ahem to take rest in his room and also drink the haldi milk. Rashi walks into hall and coolly asks gopi why did she shout for her. She looks ahem and shocks. Kokila and ahem looks at her irritated. Kokila scolds rashi as gopi has called has 10mins before and she is coming now? Don’t show any false concern. Kokila asks gopi to study. Gopi leaves with her bag.

Dhaval in his shop. A man comes with some papers. Dhaval asks whats this? He replies his client kinjal is demanding to pay her as he has used her pictures on his baniyan(inner wear). Kinjal walks there and looks proudly at dhaval. He understands whats happening.

Rashi comes to kitchen with kajal and mixes chilli powder in it. She feels happy for her evil plan. She goes to gopi’s room where gopi sits sadly. Rashi asks why is she so sad? Gopi replies she is feeling bad for maa ji as she was worrying about kinjal till now and now for ahem too. Rashi consoles her and says not to worry about anyone as she needs to concentrate in her studies. And also says her to wash her face. When gopi goes into washroom rashi changes the good kajal with chilli kajal.

When gopi comes out rashi acts as if she is putting kajal and asks gopi to put kajal. She nods and applies kajal. Rashi looks happy. Gopi applies kajal and sits to study. After sometime gopi’s eyes starts irritation. She calls rashi loudly. Rashi rushes back. She looks in her. Gopi asks her to help as her eyes are irritating. Kokila, parag and ahem comes. Kokila thinks to see at gopi’s eyes. But rashi stops her saying gopi has got conjuctivities and not to look into her eyes. All get shocked. Ahem says how suddenly she can get eyes? Rashi says as she has applied kajal infection may get increased. Ahem thiks to call doctor but rashi stops him and says there is some medicine for this in hetal’s room so she would bring them and later it’ll be ok. Ahem brings his cooling glasses and puts on gopi. All leave.

Rashi calls her mother and explains her about how successfully she has done her evil plan success. Both feel very happy. Rashi again goes to gopi’s room, gopi trying to study. Rashi says not to strain her eyes and she takes gopi to kitchen to help her. Rashi will be doing someother work and gopi cutting veggies. Kokila comes into kitchen and looks gopi working. She shoouts what is she doing here? She asks gopi to go and take rest. Rashi about to put the veggies which gopi has cut, kokila stops her saying may be these veggies also got infected so cut other and cook. Rashi gets upset.

Urmila looks the papers of kinjal demanding for money. Urmila shouts on kinjal about it. Kinjal proudly replies, dhaval has asked 1month time for it. She walks away saying.

Gopi wakes up and feels some what relief. She washes her face and comes out. Jigar says why did she not taking rest? Kokila also looks gopi and asks her why is she roaming out without glasses. Ahem brings doctor. He asks gopi to come inside their room. Doctor checks and says nothing to worry. Her eyes are perfect. Jigar says sorry for not understanding her. Gopi says its ok. Looking at them rashi feels jealous. All relief and leave. Gopi gets up from bed and hands the goggles to ahem. He takes and asks her to study for exam. She takes books and walk off but ahem stops her and asks where is she going? She replies, he might get disturbed if she studies here. Ahem feels somewhat happy for her concern and says no need she can study here. Gopi feels happy. She starts studying.

Ahem wakes up and gets ready but gopi still sleeping. He wakes her up smoothly and asks her to get ready. Gopi walks towards kitchen. Looking her coming rashi says herself, how to grate the carrot? Gopi says she will show her and starts grating. Jigar calls rashi and she goes out. While grating gopi gets hurt and she shouts in pain. Jigar, rashi and kokila rush to kitchen. Ahem feels upset for gopi. Jigar brings first-aid. Rashi feels jealous. Kokila scolds rashi as she does nothing. Rashi says now how can gopi give exam? All are worried and rashi smiling happily.
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