Thursday 26 February 2015

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 26th February 2015 Written Update

Gopi will be happy looking at rashi. Rashi tells gopi that finally her mom has come (Oh dear, wish you doesnt be like radha  ). And pappu has told about gopi coming back home so she came running (we dint see how cute pappu has changed  ). Gopi asks rashi that pari is her mom, right. But rashi clears gopi that pari is her kaki and gopi is her mom. Rashi complaints about pari that she is always rude (Pari was irritating since her first episode rashi  ). But jigar kaka will be visiting her regularly and brings lots of gifts for her (After all he is your dad!!  ). Gopi is shocked to know about pari's behavior towards rashi. Koki says rashi not to complaint about elders. Rashi asks gopi whether she will leave her again. Gopi promises rashi that she will never leave her again. Rashi says gopi's best friend is khana ji. Rashi shows few gifts she has prepared for gopi in all these 10 years (How sweet  ). Gopi will be surprised with rashi's words. Rashi says she would go out and tell everyone about her mom's arrival.

Gopi insists koki to tell the truth. Koki tells, after gopi's jail judgement all were shocked. Later koki gave rashi to pari but pari rejects to accept her. And pari is angry as because of rashi, gopi has gone to jail and she will be remembering all the incidents at omkareshwar (What a stupid reason yaar  ). Gopi will be shocked. Gopi will be angry with pari as she has given a stupid reason and abonded rashi. Gopi again realises that this is the reason why koki is bearing all the nonsense in urmi's house (Koki is always responsible ). Again koki tells that urmi has lost her memory. Mira gets down the cab and asks vidya to go back home and she will go her way. Vidya warns mira to come along with her to home but mira rejects. So vidya calmly leaves from there. But mira again follows vidya as she cant take a way alone. (Dont know where these girls are freaking out since two episodes  )

Koki rejects to come back to modi bhawan as ahem isnt living in modi bhawan and he has broken all the relations with koki.
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