Tuesday 27 September 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 27th September 2011 episode written updateSaath nibhana sathiya 27th September 2011 episode written update

Gopi praying to khana ji and rashi imitates gopi and smiles. When gopi opens her eyes she looks rashi praying so she waits for her. Rashi takes 15mins to pray, gopi gets worried and calls rashi but she shrug and continue to pray. Teacher looks both and asks gopi to start the exam. Rashi wastes time in selecting a pencil. Finally chooses one and starts writing. 

Gopi reads the 1st question and explains rashi, rashi deliberately writes wrongly so gopi again explains her how to write. Rashi shocks thinking gopi knows everything. She again deliberately slips the pencil from hand and the pencil nib breaks. Rashi thinks to waste time in sharping it but gopi gives her another pencil. She breaks that pencil nib too. She asks for sharpener and starts sharping coolly. 1hr gets completed. Gopi gets worried. Rashi says she wanna go for washroom and walks away from there.

Rashi calls her mother urmila and explains her that gopi knows everything. She asks any plan to make her fail. Urmila says to stay in the washroom for longtime to waste her time. Rashi goes into a washroom and pulls the handle to make herself struck. She’ll be talking to her mother some lady comes into washroom and asks rashi who’s inside. Rashi hangs on her phone and says she got struck over here. The lady tries hard and unlocks the door. Unsatisfied rashi comes out. The lady recognizes rashi and asks is that u who came with gopi modi to help her? Rashi replies yes. The lady insists her to leave soon as there is less time. Rashi will be washing her hands coolly so the lady again insists rashi. So rashi leave. She walks into the exam hall. 

Gopi feels happy to see her. Rashi unnecessarily explains gopi that she got struck blah blah blah. Gopi feels sorry for her. Teacher says that she has only 20mins time. Gopi tries to hurry up but rashi as usual does them coolly. Gopi couldn’t answer the last 3questions and teacher takes her paper. Rashi feels happy as gopi will be failed now.

Rashi and gopi walk out from the school, both get shocked as ahem will be waiting outside. Rashi and gopi asks him why he was there? He replies, mom has told to pick u up. And he was interested to check out her question paper. He takes the question paper from gopi and asks a question which gopi writes wrong. Ahem gets angry. He asks again so gopi replies she couldn’t answer the question as time was over. Ahem shouts on her saying he has wasted time on her.

Kokila, hetal will be waiting for ahem. Kokila walks here and there so worried. Finally ahem, gopi and rashi come home. Kokila very intrstingly asks how did she do the exam but gopi doesn’t reply. Rashi looks on happily.

Saath nibhana sathiya 26th September 2011 episode written update

Gopi gets hurt while grating carrot. Kokila, hetal, ahem, jigar and rashi rush to her. jigar first-aid to her. ahem scolds gopi has she got hurt on her right hand. Rashi feels happy. Kokila says rashi to go with gopi and write her exam. Ahem has some work so he don’t drop her at school. Jigar, rashi and gopi reach school. Jigar talks to principal. While gopi praying khana ji ahem comes. He wishes her and leave. Teacher comes and starts oral test. Rashi tries to disturb her but teacher send her out till he completes the test. Gopi answers all the questions. Teacher is impressed and says shezz done the exam well. Teacher gives the question paper and leaves. Gopi smiles looking at the paper. Rashi thinks something.
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