Tuesday 8 May 2012

Balika Vadhu 8th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Anandi slaps jagya. All the family members shock and even gauri. Anandi says, jagya till now I bared everything you have done to me and I never complained about it anytime. But now you have gone against my family. Just imagine jagya when a family can do so much for their DIL then how much they can do for their son. If you have asked them in a right way they would have given the property happily. But you played a cheap trick with them. Though my family gets compromised about this but not me. I will never allow them to compromise for my happiness.

Jagya gets angry and replies, ok you are feeling I have done a great mistake na. I will see how you will be free from me. Tomorrow I will not come to court and see how you will get divorced. Anandi says, I have expected this cheap answer from you jagya. Tomorrow I will go to court but not to wait for u, I will file a case against you for marrying another girl being the first wife alive. Though we were child married now we are legally wife and husband. So now I can file a case against you and drag you to court. I can prove your 2nd marriage as illegal. Gauri gets worried hearing this. Anandi leaves taking away dadi sa with her. All her family follows them.

Singh family is having dinner. Everyone is very upset. Dadi sa tells anandi, I know child you will get hurt when you know about this. That’s why we kept it secret from u. anandi replies, don’t worry dadi sa I can understand. I was alone when I came into this house marrying jagya and even now I am alone. Everyone looks at anandi sadly. So she again says, I am happy that I got a wonderful loving family. How many girls can get this? Her in-laws become her parents. I was alone without jagya but not a family. Anandi goes to kitchen to bring water. Basanth asks bhairon, do you think jagya will come to court tomorrow? Bhairon replies, I don’t want to predict about jagya anymore. Dadi sa says I wish he come to court tomorrow.

In the hotel, gauri is worried as they have lost the property and even the divorce. She says jagya, we lost our dreams. Today also our dreams got smashed because of anandi. Jagya yells, I cant forget the insult which anandi has done to him today. She has slapped me before all my family members. I will never leave her. I shall leave to Mumbai right now and see how she will get divorce. Gauri tries to explain jagya but he declines.

At the court, all singh family members waiting for jagya and their turn. Later jagya along with gauri come to court. He looks at anandi very angrily. All walk towards the court. Jagya asks gauri to wait outside but she says she will be there for him in every moment of his life and bear everything for him. Jagya gets impressed.

Judge asks the couple whether they are sure to take divorce. Both say yes. Both sign on the papers. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 8th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Koki comes inside the kitchen and warns rashi, you need not poison my gopi’s mind. Now go and serve breakfast. Rashi leaves. Again koki says, you think with your mind, don’t use others. Did u get my point? Gopi says ok.

Door bell rings. Gopi opens the door and ahem comes in. Before ahem says some thing gopi says I will bring green tea. Ahem says thank u and walks off. Anitha finds ahem coming home. She goes to her room and gets ready. She again goes to ahem’s room. Ahem gets wondered looking at anitha in his room. Ahem says hi. And anitha comes inside and sits. She reminds him about his birthday and says about pinakin, their college mate. She tells him about pinakin details. Gopi comes with green tea and anitha will be laughing saying about some thing funny. Ahem looks on anitha calmly. Gopi comes in. Ahem and anitha looks at her. Gopi looks worried at him.

Gopi keeps the tea on table. Anitha says gopi about the reason why they were laughing. Anitha continues saying about ahem in their college days. Gopi looks on upset. Koki looks this from outside. Both ahem and anitha keeps on talking. Koki looks angrily.

Anitha is sitting on dining table. Gopi is looking her tablets. Ahem is referring some file sitting in hall But anitha will be starring at him. Koki comes there and says he needs to collect a parcel so she asks ahem to take gopi with him and drop her there. And she will come back by her own. Gopi and ahem look each other and feel happy. Gopi nods and smiles at ahem. Anitha looks this and gets worried.

Gopi goes to anitha’s room with juice. Anitha will be crying so gopi gets worried about her. She asks what happened. Anitha replies when I don’t feel good I will throw away all her things and later I will arrange neatly that time I feel good. But now I am not feeling good. I dint get anything which can make me happy. I am so unlucky. Gopi gets upset and gets tears. Anitha starts crying. Anitha says I dint see my husband yet and I want to go to my in-laws house. I was in hospital from the day of my marriage. From the next day I am here. I am feeling lonely here in this room. Ahem calls gopi and asks her to come with him as he is getting late. Gopi thinks for a while and says anitha ben you go with ahem ji. As you were feeling lonely in the house. If you go out you will feel good. Anitha wonders and asks you were going out. So gopi replies its ok u bring those things. Gopi asks ahem whether its ok. Ahem nods. Anitha hugs and says gopi you are too good. Gopi is upset. Anitha goes out. Ahem looks at gopi sadly and leaves. 

Gopi arranging anitha’s clothes. Koki comes there and wonders looking at gopi there. Koki asks goppi wh you are here, I told you to go with ahem na. Who did go with ahem? Koki wonders and scolds why you sent anitha with ahem. Gopi says as she was feeling bad in the house so she sent her. Koki says you have told me about that, I would have taken her out. Gopi looks on confused. Koki leaves angrily. 

Rashi preparing poori and talking to urmi on phone. She will be complaining about anitha still staying in their house. Urmi asks why she is feeling bad for anitha. Rashi says I will feel bad na about anitha. Koki calls rashi and rashi hangs on. Koki asks why she told gopi to become smart. So rashi explains about tie matter to koki. Rashi again says I was worrying about gopi. Koki asks how come you are worried about gopi. 

Anitha gives a bouquet to ahem. She kisses him and gives birthday wishes. Gopi looks this and gets worried. Even rashi and koki looks this.
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