Monday 10 September 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th September 2012 Written Update

Ramji says gopi now u are my slave and you should work for me. If not pay the money I shall remain clam. Koki comes there and finds gopi talking on phone with ramji. Koki takes the phone. Ramji insults gopi by saying she is his labor and she should work for him to koki. Koki angrily disconnects the call. Koki and gopi goes to hall where all modis are gathered. Koki tells ramji has called gopi and was insulting her saying she is his labor. Everyone get angry with ramji. So koki and ahem decide to give away the money to ramji and solve this problem as gopi’s health may get disturbed. Ahem says ok and goes to his room to bring the cheque book. Bha sends gopi saying her to read Vishnu puraan. Gopi leaves.

Gopi will be reading Vishnu puraan book. She reads some story and thinks even god Vishnu has lie. Bha comes there and tells no beta he lied to save the good. Koki comes to ahem and tells she too would come to ramji bhai and throw the money on his face. Bha explains gopi that god would do anything to save good only. There will be a reason behind every thing.

All modis gather in the hall. Koki will be scolding ramji and urmi comes there and says I felt bad that gopi has faced the problem. I know this ramji. He has cheated jitthu as well. Koki tells you need not worry urmila ben. We are giving away the money to ramji. Urmi thinks though she has scolded that ramji this much time already modis have decided to give away the money. Gopi and bha come to hall. Koki asks ahem to go to ramji now. But gopi stops them and tells we shouldn’t give money to him. He has cheated us and now we should solve this matter in the same way. Hetal asks what she is saying. Gopi explains the story of Vishnu puran in which god Vishnu has solved the problem by cheating the evil people. Ahem denies. Gopi says we should do the same as he has done. We should fight against him. If we give away the money then he will understand that we have accepted the mistake. Today we got cheated tomorrow some one may get cheated. Urmi says yes gopi is right. We should fight against ramji. Though who ever is with u or not I will be with u. ahem says gopi did u decide it. Gopi says yes. Urmi supports gopi. Koki doubts and asks did u get cheated by ramji? Urmi says no no. as my daughter is in problem I am also feeling cheated. Ahem again says no discussions anymore. We are giving away the money to ramji and solving this problem. Koki supports ahem and says we shall think later how to teach ramji a lesson but for now we shall give away the money to him. Bha supports gopi and says we should fight against ramji. Now rashi, jigar and hetal too support gopi. Koki says in this fight if gopi face any big problem. Then how can we solve it. Parag and hetal convinces koki that nothing bad will happen and they should fight for the right.

Bha asks all modis to read some book and get few ideas to cheat ramji and get this problem solved. Urmi says, we should cheat ramji and make him sign on the papers. Rashi scolds urmi that his plan was worst. Rashi also gives a stupid idea. Urmi says, we shall take his signs by changing our appearance. As ramji hasn’t seen anyone in modi family then we can send the papers to ramji and make him sign any how. I think he know only gopi as he will see gopi’s picture on the bottle. Koki gets doubt and asks urmila ben how did u know that ramji hasn’t seen anyone in modi family? Urmi gets worried.

Ahem tells everyone, now gopi should go to ramji’s house to work for him and then we should start our plan. 
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