Monday 21 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st May 2012 Episode Written Update

Ahem speaking on phone, gopi comes there. After hanging on, ahem says opi to take care of anitha. Gopi nods. She takes the water jug and walks away from there, though ahem calls her.

Later ahem reminds he scolding gopi and puts a mssage to gopi saying sorry. Some one knocks the door so ahem thinks its gopi and opens happily. But it is anitha. She asks whether she can sit in his room for a while as she is feeling lonely. So ahem allows her in.  Anitha says I am feeling bad. Why did u say that I got married, how did u hide this from me. I believed u. ahem brings water and gives her but she denies. He sits beside her. Anitha holds his hand and says am I mad. He was saying so. I loved nilesh but I think have selected a wrong one as my partner. Ahem consoles anitha. Ahem assures her that they all are with her. Gopi over hears this and gets upset. Anitha feels happy. Gopi turns back and Ahem looks gopi walking away from their room. he tries to go to her but he couldn’t. 

Rashi comes to kitchen. She finds gopi working in kitchen and scolds her. Rashi asks gopi that I think anitha is in their room. gopi nods sadly. Rashi says to be careful with ahem. But gopi says she believes in him and he can’t do anything wrong. Rashi scolds gopi that all men are alike, so you shouldn’t believe him. In past they loved eachother so they may become one once again. Gopi starts crying. Rashi warns gopi that once ahem leaves u then u cant get him back. Rashi warns gopi and leaves. Koki will be looking angily at rashi. Koki gives her a sign to come aside. Rasi follows her.

Koki scolds rashi, you were speaking against my son. Gopi should fight for her married life by herself. Don’t make gopi stop believing in ahem. But make her fight herself with anitha to get her wife status. Koki again says, I will help in my way and u should do in your way. 

Next day, ahem wakes up and checks his cell. He sends the unsent message to gopi. He finds gopi has kept her cell in the room itself. He walks out and looks for gopi. Meeti passes from there so he gives the cell and asks to give this cell to gopi. Meeti goes and gives the cell to gopi. Gopi checks the message and feels happy. But rashi sends a message no to him. Ahem wonders why gopi has sent no. Rashi says gopi, you shouldn’t forgive ahem ji so easily. When you will be near the dining table you shouldn’t bother him. So that he can understand that you are hurt. Gopi nods uninterested. 

Both walk out. Gopi will be serving all others without bothering ahem. Ahem will be waiting for gopi to look at him. Rashi warns gopi not to look at him. So gopi will be looking somewhere. Bhaa appreciates gopi for preparing upma very well. So ahem tries to take the upma bowl. Anitha gives him. Gopi and koki feels bad. Later he bends to take chutney bowl, this time gopi takes the bowl and asks anitha to have her corn flakes and she would serve him. Anitha smiles and has her breakfast. Rashi tries to serve upma to jigar but he asks he wants corn flakes. So rashi gets angry and serves him angrily. Jigar doesn’t understand. Ahem leaves saying bye to koki. He looks at gopi but she walks away into kitchen. Ahem sadly leaves. Anitha smiles at him and koki looks at her angrily. 

Anitha comes to ahem’s room and asks to gossip for sometime with her as she is not feeling sleepy.
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