Wednesday 3 August 2011

Balika Vadhu August 3rd 2011 episode written update

Dadi sa continues speaking about anandi's life. she says anandi has faced the most hardest hurdle of being a wife, now though any problem comes before her she will be strong. though she has enough love for jagya she cant accept for what he has done to anandi. Though she dont try these tricks on jagya to get back the pain in anandi's heart will be the same. she will be thinking what the couple are doing in mumbai. Sumithra feels bad and apologises for what she had spoken to dadi sa. she accepts it and asks her to take care of anandi.

Sumithra stays beside anandi for whole night. at 4.30Am anandi slowly opens her eyes, she feels sumithra as her mother and asks her to apologise for all the words she has spoken to her in the morning and anandi falls asleep again. sumithra lets her sleep and walks into her room. Bhairon asks sumithra about anandi's health, she says anandi is fine and she wants to talk to anandi's mom on phone. Bhairon calls to their landline, khajan picks the phone. sumithra asks khajan that she wants to talk to bhago, he gives phone to bhago and asks her o speak in a cool mind. bhago in a guilty voice pleads sumithra to apologise them for speaking harshly with the
whole family. sumithra replies no one at home are angry with them. and also says that anandi is not well since they has left, she is suffering with fever thinking about you people and asking apologies for everything she has spoke to you. bhago gets worried about her daughter. sumithra requests bhago to speak once with anandi so that she can feel happy. bhago says yes and sumithra walks with phone to anandi's room.

Saath nibhana Sathiya August 3rd 2011 episode written update

Kokila rejects to dance on the song which was played by the dj. The judges say that they would judge on the other 2jodis and announce the winners. savitha-her bahu get the second prize and hetal-rashi wins. kokila feels bad and tears roll in her eyes. after the prize distribution everyone leave. proud savitha also leaves. Gopi tries to apologise but kokila stops her. hetal and rashi come near to kokila. kokila says hetal something urmila and rashi has done to win this competetition. as rashi know very well that she cant win without doing some evil plan. hetal gets shocked but doesnt accept kokila's words. hetal says, rashi has worked very hard for this
competition and theres lot of change in her since some days. kokila gets angry but could'nt say anything remains claim.

Ahem, jigar and Parak comes home. Ahem brings cake as he is confident that his mother will win. he asks kokila to come and cut the cake, but kokila doesnt speak any. rashi says gopi-and kaki ji has not won, myself and mummy ji has won the competetition. ahem gets shocked. jigar says we need to cut the cake as our family has won the prize. rashi and hetal cut the cake, rashi gives bite to hetal and then to jigar. jigar feels happy and says lets party. hetal refuses and says take rashi with u and have fun. both nod their heads. kokila and ahem sit with the whole family unwillingly. kokila says she has some work in the kitchen so she'll go and do that.

Sasural genda phool August 3rd 2011 episode written update

Suhana brings khushi from ilesh's room to their room. she wakes up ishaan and asks him to prepare milk for the baby. ishan says he does'nt know how to make it. suhana says she has kept all the things in the room itself and just follow her instructions. ishan somehow prepares milk and gives it to suhana. baby slowly drinks milk and both of them sleep.

Disha wakes up and checks, she gets worried as the baby is not beside her. she walks to suhana's room and looks for the baby. worried disha wakes suhana and asks her about the baby, suhana says she has brought the baby to her room but gets shocked when ishan and suhana looks theres no baby. all of them come down and start searching for the baby. suhana gets doubt whether khushi got kidnapped or what? rajini and inder will also start thinking about where the baby has gone?..after a longtime of worried scenes, rano brings khushi and says raising a child is not an easy task. you need to know it. disha takes the baby in her hands, suhana gets tears in eyes and asks does'nt she has no rights on the baby? disha walks near to her and says when i go to school u take care of the baby. suhana feels happy and again she gets a doubt and runs towards disha and asks you'll stay in school for only 6hrs then remaining hours i cant play with the baby? rajini walks near to suhana and says, disha is the mother of the baby then the baby should stay with her only for longtime na. suhana gets convinced with her words and accepts.

Dada ji and dadi will be talking about dengue fever and killing people. dada ji says someone has died recently and their neighbour has told him. dadi gets worried whether its ishwar or what?...Badi ma tries to deviate the topic talks about kushi. dadi gets worried if parents of khushi comes and takes away khushi then how? dadi says how would you know how a mother feels when her child is taken away. dada ji feels bad and says iam reliveaing her from his promise. dadi says she dont want to get releaved from the promise. dadaji walks out from the room. dadaji asks badi ma whether she is happy with his decision. badi ma replies she is not having complaints about his decision.

Pavithra Rishta August 2nd episode written update

After a comedy scene of savitha, Manav's new secretary will be walking on road talking on phone. suddenly dharmesh wil close her mouth with hand and pulls her aside. First he scolds her why she is not taking his calls nor talking to him in the office. she replies if someone listens to their words it will become a problamatic one so she is not talking. she asks dharmesh why dint he say that manav is a married man and has a down-market wife?...he replies his wife looks like a down-market person but she is very intelligent and sharp. if she gets some doubt all their plan will be wasted. dharmesh asks howz her work to impress manav is going on? she replies carelessly not to worry about that she would take care of it. she leaves from their and walks away. dharmesh feels happy that, if this plan succeeds then he would destroy manav easily.

Manav walks into aashna's room and asks her to leave for a meeting, but aashna forgets about it and asks him to take his secretary with him for the meeting. manav first hesitates then accepts to it.

Savitha at her house will be feeding milk to her dog, but it will drop the vessel down and all the milk will fall on ground. Savitha scolds the dog and starts cleaning the floor. At the same time walks into the house and thinks savitha as a maid. she asks savitha to bring some water. Angry savitha starts scolding her and pushes her out of her house, manav comes inside and explains his aai that she is his secretary. says sorry and manav, leaves the house.

At archana's house, Vaishali and will be feeling bad about their missing mom. archana says, its waste of time to search aai as she told she is fine. vaishali asks archana how she could say so confidently that aai will not be there and she is fine. archana do not reply. Vaishali says she has work to do and she leaves from there. Satish asks varsha that they too should leave now but varsha says after soham sleeps they shall go but he does'nt accept. both of them leave. archana thinks in her mind, tomorrow she should go to aai's place and talk about saying manav and others about her.

At sulochana's house, manju's kids will be asking her about their grandmother, where did she go and if she had gone to the temple why is she not coming back home? she could'nt reply to their questions and feels bad.

Balika vadhu August 2nd episode written update

Dadi sa asks sumithra to call anandi for dinner, she walks inside anandi's room. anandi will be lying on ground holding her parents pic in her hands. sumithra tries to wake her up, but she observes anandi is running temperaure and she is fainted. she calls everyone, all of them come running to anandi's room. Bhairon raise anandi and holds her in hands and puts her on bed. Dadi sa asks him to call the doctor. Bhairon calls the doctor and the doctor says to put a wet cloth on anandi's forehead and when temperature gets decresed, let her eat something after waking up and give her fever tablets. Bhairon says ok and tells sumithra to do that. everyone goes away from the room.

Everyone will be sitting sadly in he hall, Angry sumithra comes and asks dadi sa what she has gained by doing all this?...bhairon will also ask why did she do all these things which gave the whole family a pain but nothing else. dadi sa replies, from the day jagya has born she has showered alot of love on him and she has the same feelings about jagya now also. so she thought of trying to re-gain her grandson but she could'nt do. she asks everyone to apologise for everything.

Sasural genda phool August 2nd episode written update

uhana, ishaan, rajini, inder, disha and ilesh will be playing with the baby. Whole kashyap parivar will be discussing about the name to the baby. everyone gives some names, finally badi ma asks disha to give a name to the baby. she says, khushiyan has come back in their family with the baby so the baby's name shouls "khushi". everyone likes it and finalises it.

Disha will place khushi in between them to sleep, ilesh feels sad as disha making him far after the baby has come. disha smiles at him and asks him to sleep. both decide though the baby is not born to them they should raise her as its their baby.

Suhana could'nt sleep as she'll be thinking about the baby. she tries to wake up ishaan but he does'nt, she feels he is so irresponsible. she comes to disha's room and looks at the baby and ilesh, disha sleeping quietly, at the same time ilesh raises his leg but suhana holds his leg.

At sanjana's college, sanjana's friends will be thinking to plan something and hurt deepak. sanjana nods her head as no. deepak comes near to them and listens to their conversation. he scolds sanjana that she's planning against him. sanjana explains him that no she is not. sanjana's freiends get doubt that is sanjana is in love with deepak or what?..sanjana replies no and deepak is her sister's bro-in-law so they are family. finally deepak and sanjana's gang become friends.

Saath nibhana sathiya August 2nd episode written update

Rashi and urmila looks sarika walking with cd in her hand, urmila says rashi to get that cd. rashi goes to sarika and asks her to give that cd as its hers. sarika gives her. rashi happily comes to urmila and they change the cd. again rashi walks to sarika and says that it was not hers, its gopi's. sarika takes the cd and gives it to gopi. gopi walks towards the dj and gives the cd.

kokila gets doubt on rashi & urmila's behaviour and asks them whats going on between them. urmila replies its nothing important. rashi and urmila feels happy as they watch gopi giving the cd to the dj. kokila doubts on cd and walks to dj and asks him to play the cd once as she wanna check the song but at the same time anchor calls kokila to take her seat as the 3rd round gonna start.

The anchor requests rashi and hetal to dance. both dance well and come back. next savitha and her bahu dance. next kokila and gopi's turn comes, both get on to the stage. dj plays the cd but a different song will be played. shocked kokila asks dj that its not the song they have practiced on. the dj says its the same cd which gopi has given him. kokila asks which cd did she give him, gopi replies she gave the yellow coloured cover to him. judges say kokila to dance on that song only as its gopi's mistake for not giving the right cd. kokila disagrees to it. judges say if she does'nt want to dance on that song she will get 0marks in this round. rashi and urmila smiles listening to it. confused kokila remains thinking what to do?

Sasural genda phool August 1st episode written update

Episode in nut shell: Suhana argues with the inspector about taking the baby in custody. suhana warns the inspector not to touch the baby and asks how they will take care of the baby. poor inspector gets irritated with her words, says them to take the baby with them only. if anyone comes and file a case against the baby then they would take from them. suhana brings the baby home.

At home, badi ma, ma, rajini and disha feels bad for taking away the baby to the police station. but disha feels happy for suhana for making her feel as mother for few moments. when suhana brings the baby home everyone at home feels happy.

Saath nibhana sathiya August 1st episode written update

Sarika walks to her mother and says aunty is cheating but her mother ignores and asks her to go and study. competetition starts, the anchor exchanges all the bahus with other saas and ask them to say all about their saas. All of them write and give the books to the judge. From the 10pairs kokila-gopi, hetal-raashi, savitha-her bahu, urmila-kinjal will be selected for the next round.

In the second round, the 4pairs need to cook something from the things which are given to them. Raashi will slightly open the thread of gopi's milk packet. while using it all the milk flows down. so kokila-gopi will think to prepare some item which does'nt need milk. kokila accepts and they prepare. Everyone will be ready with their items. gopi asks judge whether she can keep the stuff to god and then for the judgement. all the ladies will be impressed and after that judge will taste all the 4 pairs item. they show a bad reaction for kinjal's item but praise for the other 3pairs.

In between the above sceens, kokila gives their song cd to gopi and says her to give that cd to DJ when their turn comes. gopi puts the cd in her school bag. gopi puts her school bag near sarika and walks away to participate in the competetion. raashi tries to steal the cd from gopi's school bag but sarika scolds her and does'nt allow her to take it. while sarika putting the bag on the chair beside her the cd drops on the floor. later kokila asks mani to put gopi's bag in her room. urmila searches whole bag but she does'nt find the cd in the bag. rashi goes to her room and brings the cd which she wanna replace with gopi's cd.

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