Friday 19 August 2011

Balika Vadhu 19th August 2011 episode written update

Anandi will be praying durga matha to help her to achieve her goal. And in mumbai gauri and jagya will also be praying god as they are starting their new life now.

Anandi will take blessings from her whole family. gauri and jagya will enter the college happily.

Gulli and anandi will be waiting for students but no one comes. both feel bad and gulli says she has lost hope. but anandi says durga maa will never let prayers down and has confidence. time passes.

Sumithra and gehna will be worrying about anandi. sumithra wishes to go to school but both will be in dilema without saying dadi sa how could they go out and she is doing prayer. gehna says they shall say it makhan and leave he would say dadi sa later. both move.

Time passes but no student comes. gulli and anandi will be sad. sumithra and gehna walk inside the classroom. anandi looks at them amazingly. sumithra asks anandi, will she like to join her in her class. anandi feels happy. and anandi starts teaching sumithra starting with om.

Jagya and gauri meet their friends in college. they will be very angry. gauri requests them saying, pls friends do not be angry with us. we did not go for some honeymoon, we had some tough situations so we could'nt come back. now everything got well and pricipal sir also has allowed us to study and we do not wish to waste this semster. we shall work day and night for u all. friends get convinced. jagya standing beside gauri claimly.

Sumithra, anandi and gehna in kitchen prepare tea for dadi sa. sumithra takes tea for her. she says she has joined in anandi's class to study. dadi sa puts the cup in very anger. sumithra gets scared.

Saath nibhana sathiya 19th August 2011 episode written update

Kokila about to say something to hetal, kokila's cell rings. she lifts and its ahem. ahem asks kokila where are they?...she replies they are in car on the way to home. ahem says ok and says he wanna talk to gopi. kokila shocks and says u wanna talk with gopi?...hearing that gopi and hetal also gets shocked. kokila gives cell to gopi. gopi is scared abit and takes the cell. ahem says to study whatever he told on previous night and would give a test in the night. gopi says okay and puts the phone. hetal asks gopi what ahem has told her? gopi says whatever ahem has told her. hetal feels happy and says ok. they reach home. gopi asks kokila whether she want water but kokila rejects to have and says in a angry voice that, u've wasted alot of time from morning so go and study. gopi nods her head. hetal says kokila that she had done some mistake by taking money from dhaval. in middle rashi says, dont worry mummy ji problems will coming and going u need not worry about them, infact dhaval bhai will feel bad if kaki ji will not take money. kokila gets angry and says, rashi for whatever u've eaten at ur house to digest it u need to run here and there so go and bring water. hope u understand what iam saying. rashi in a frightened state says yes and walks towards kitchen.

Rashi calls urmila and says kokila is very angry and she has to do something by which everything gets normal. urmila says she would think something and call her..

Hetal and kokila will be in hall. phone rings. kokila picks up the call. its mani. kokila asks her howzz is her mother. she replies, its still serious. so kokila says not to worry everything will be fine just take care of ur and ur mother's health and if u need any amount of money do ask me. mani says ok and puts down. kokila says hetal what she spoke to mani. hetal says we need to hire a maid as soon as possible. champa has given some maids numbers may be its in her room she would bring them. kokila says ok. hetal goes.  kokila comes there. rashi asks kokila she need to talk something. kokila stands to listen. rashi says, whatever her mother has talked was not meant to hurt them, its just a misunderstanding...etc. once pls talk to my mother so that there will be no misunderstandings anymore. but kokila rejects to talk to urmila. but rashi pleads her to talk. kokila finally accepts and rashi gives her phone. urmila says requestly, whatever u've listened i've done for ur daughter only and there is no other meaning. but kokila in a strong voice replies, ok if u talk about my daughter do not forget that ur daughter is with me. hope u've finished what u wanna say. kokila gives away the phone to rashi and walks away. hetal comes back with the slip. she asks rashi about kokila. rashi says she had gone to her room.

Rashi room calls urmila. both talk about kokila and kinjal. after sometime rashi feels someone is coming into her room so she dc the call. jigar walks in. he gives a cover and says it contains 5000Rps in it and asks her to give it to her mother as he felt very bad looking at the financial situations at her mother's home. rashi says ok and takes the cover.

Rashi and hetal will be trying some calls. jigar comes in and says bye to hetal and rashi. rashi walks towards kitchen. jigar asks hetal whom she is trying on phone. she says mani went to her home town so they are in search for new one. hetal asks jigar from when he is going to join in the gym. rashi walks in. he looks at her. and again to hetal he says he does'nt have enough time to attend for gym. hetal smiles. jigar leaves. hetal and rashi remains. hetal says, my son is so variety. first he said he wants to join in gym, he needs 5000Rps, after that he said he has collected the money and now hezz saying no time for it. rashi listening to it feels bad. hetal and rashi calling someone again.

Ahem and gopi walks downstairs. hetal stops both of them and wishes gopi all the best for her school and encourages her to not to worry. ahem and gopi leaves. gopi will be thinking something and walks slowly. ahem says to walk fast if not they'll get late. gopi nods her head. ahem brings the car. gopi gets in. ahem asks gopi why is she looking so worried?...gopi replies she is worried that kids will make fun of her. ahem says not to worry when u've done nothing. gopi feels happy. ahem moves the car.

Mrs.Kaushik ki paanch bahuvein 18th August 2011 episode written update

Karthik and lovely bend to take blessings from mrs.k but she steps back from them. she says, from today lovely will be called as mrs.lovely karthik kaushik but i did not agree her as my bahu. and this will never gonna happen. lovely's parents will be looking at her worried. mrs.k say to them, u need not worry about lovely. she'll treated the same as their 4bahuvein. she walks away from there saying karthik to come soon. lovely parents give her blessings and they go away.

All the kaushik family memebers went for picnic will be back home. they look at the lock and gets shocked where their parents have gone. utkars ask some lady where his parents have gone. she says they went in some car which was having a red light on the top of the car. all get shocked but they all go inside and will be waiting for their parents.

After sometime mrs.k and mr.k come inside. everyone ask where did they go. mrs.k will ask gehna to prepare a aarthi thali. everyone ask why do she need a aarthi thali? she'll tell they all will come to know about it in few mins. all 4bahus go to prepare the thali. the 4 will be thinking masa has something which is needed in house. all go out.

Everyone will be standing at the door. karthik walks and stands infront of them. everyone ask why did he wear a garland?..after sometime lovely too come infront. masa says karthik and lovely are married now. how did this happen il tell all of u later. and iam sorry for not informing u all about the marriage. gehna will give aarthi to new wedded couple. nimmi puts the pot of rice in front of lovely and masa says to gruha pravesh. lovely does'nt understand what to do. she tries to pick up the bowl. nimmi stops her and gehna says to push the bowl. lovely kicks the bowl. all will be surprised. lovely smiles at everyone. masa says to come inside.

nimmi puts a plate with red coloured water in front of lovely. she does'nt understand. gehna says to put her feet in it and walk inside. lovely will get ready to put her feet with slippers on. gehna stops her and ask her to remove slippers and do what she has told. lovely does. masa says lovely to take some rest. masa also walks away to take rest. everyone will be eager to know what has happened?...they ask mr. k but he walks away.

Karthik will open his cupboard and take clothes. lovely asks him what is he doing?..he replies he wanna freshup. lovely says not to go away as she is feeling weird here. but karthik stops and says its time for dinner and if u r feeling weird stay back in the room itself. lovely says, she will try hard to convince masa and make her anger cool.

Pvitra rishta 18th August 2011 episode written update

Dk, Ashna, savitha, sulochana, archana and manav will be talking. Vandhu, ajit, rasika and munni walk inside. savitha feels happy and greets them and welcome them into home. ajit will be looking around unintrestingly. he looks punni and ruchi playing in their house and looks at rasika. both look eachother and gets shocked why these two are here. Rasika greets Dk. Dk says he has listened about their meetings but has never attended to them. rasika feels happy and asks Dk to have fun. Varsha, vaishali, satish and their kids come inside. archana welcomes them. varsha will feel very happy looking at her mother. they greet eachother and feel happy. varsha asks archana where is soham and archana says he is sleeping and let him sleep but varsha does'nt listen to her and says iam there na il let him sleep again. and she walks in to the room. archana feels bad and manav looks on.

Varsha walks into archana's bed room and looks soham has woke up. she loves him for sometime and brings him into hall saying they will have fun together.

Dk, satish and ashna will greet eachother. Dk asks satish about his buisness and why dont u come to our office and work with us. satish feels happy about the offer. ashna says Dk that he has promised her that he will not talk about buisness matters now. Dk nods his head. everyone smile at eachother.

Savitha will be working in kitchen, rasika walks in and shows a sad face to savitha. savitha asks rasika what has happenend and why is she looking bad?....rasika in a sad voice says their financial position has got down and they are having alot of problems at home. we need to move to some hut in some days as we lack of money. look at vandhu she dont even have good sarees nor jewelary. we both got habituated for this life but iam feeling bad for vandhu. savitha looks at vandhu's saree and chain and compares with archana beside her. savitha feels bad.

All will be having fun and dinner. manjusha walks in shouting where are her kids?...everyone look shocked and sulochana will look at angryily. manju shouts on manav why did he brought her kids here. manav in a cool manner says he dint bring as his wish but the kids has forced him to take to see their grandmother. manju does'nt agree to it and scolds him that though i've done all these things u people are not leaving me alone. varsha gets angry and says she cant understand a mother's heart how could she understand her daughter's heart. manju gets angry and taunts varsha saying she is not a mother but speaking about mother's heart. varsha and everyone feel bad. manju shouts on manav and archana saying ur mother is filling poison in my kids mind to make my kids far from her. sulochana feels bad and still manju shouts on sulochana. finally sulochana says though i get a worse situation dont expect me to come to ur home. archana says to understand a mother's heart we need not become a mother and varsha has alot of concern about kids. manav says just take away ur kids and go away from here. manju warns manav and in anger pulls her both daughters out and takes them away.

Sulochana walks near Dk and says u all have come here to have fun and because of me these all hungama has happenend. for that iam very sorry. Dk says its okay and sulochana requests him to have dinner. everyone again gets into work.

Manju scolds and hits her kids after coming home. Vinod comes in and scolds manju for scolding their kids. manju walks away into another room and vinod consoles his both daughters.

Archana says thanks to manav for supporting her and treating her as his aai. manav also feels happy. both have a couple of romantic sceens.

Saath nibhana sathiya 18th August 2011 episode written update

Kokila and hetal will talking about the rent dhaval should give her back. hetal pleads kokila not to take it as the financial position in their house is very bad. but kokila says dhaval will feel bad if she doesnt take. finally kokila agrees not to take the rent from dhaval. urmila over hears this and calls rashi to tell. rashi and urmila both feel happy about the rent.

All get ready to go back home but rashi says she would stay back as her mother is not feeling well. dhaval says he would come home and give the money. Urmila and rashi will be talking about modi family and kokila will be walking towards their room as she wants to talk to dhaval about the rent.

When kokila comes near the door she over hears urmila and rashi's conversation where urmila will be saying if she does'nt do all these things that kagdi will never think to cancel the rent. by showing all these financial positions very bad she has decided it. and she also scolds kokila. rashi also supports her words but she looks kokila standing at the door she tries to cover their conversation about the kokila. rashi says how could u do all these things for some amount of money. urmila does'nt understand why rashi is speaking so. rashi shows with her hand to look on to the door. urmila turns and looks. she is completly shocked to see kokila at the door. rashi runs towards kokila and tries to cover up her mistake. but kokila shouts not to do that as she know very well about rashi and urmila. kokila scolds both and walks away.

Rashi scolds urmila for talking unneccessarily. urmila in anger says to go with them so that kokila does'nt do any hungama at home in her absence. kokila and hetal will be in hall to say goodbye to everyone. rashi says hetal that she too shall come with them. hetal gets confused and asks jus now u said ur mom is not feeling well so u want to stay back. but now why r u coming. urmila says no no iam okay now, u can take rashi home. kokila turns to them andboth will be frightened. kokila says okay come on. dhaval stops her and gives the cover to kokila. everyone will be eagerly looking what kokila will do. but kokila takes the cover. rashi and urmila will be shocked with that. hetal too. everyone start to home.

Kinjal after coming into home asks urmila, why did she act as though they are having alot of problems in their house. urmila says, whatever i've done was right. u brought the groceries but that pasta which only u eat but not even ur family members have it. and i've cooked only what was remaining in the house. by the way i have seen how much concern ur family is having on u, ur brothers have gave u Rps 10 and ur mother has taken away money from dhaval after looking our problems. kinjal feels insulted and she walks away from kitchen. urmila scolds her in mind.

Kokila, hetal, gopi and rashi will be going home in car. gopi thinks in her mind that kokila is feeling bad about something. hetal slowly asks kokila that we have decided not to take money from dhaval but why did u take. kokila remains claim. but hetal insists her kokila feels she should say the truth to hetal and says, u should believe my words this which iam going to say u now. hetal and gopi will be shocked and look at her. rashi will close her eyes.
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