Friday 7 October 2011

Balika Vadhu 7th October 2011 episode written update

Anandi and phuli come into the medical camp. Gauri waiting for next patient. Anandi and phuli come into her room. All 3shocked looking at eachother. Gauri remembers all the words phuli has spoken to jagya. gauri calls nurse and asks her take them to another doctor. Phuli gets angry and shouts, iam also not interested to treat with u. I don’t want ur shadow also fall on my baby. Anandi tries to calm down phuli and requests her saying, we have come to have check up here. Though it may be gauri whats the matter? But phuli doesn’t accept and scolds gauri saying, I don’t care about my baby but I don’t want to get treated from this human being who doesn’t know about relations. Who can just break relations. All the people around look at them. Gauri’s collegues come and ask why they are talking so? Gauri says, its ok iam fine. Il explain all the things later. Anandi says phuli not to create any scene over here. Phuli gets calm. Gauri already angry shouts at anandi, why do u act very well as if u r a mahaan. Atleast before me u don’t act. I know u gain sympathy from everyone with this act only. Phuli defends and scolds gauri that anandi need not act. Anandi takes away phuli from there. Gauri irritated.

Gauri calls jagya but he couldn’t listen her voice clearly. So she hangs on. Anandi drops phuli at her home. Phuli requests her to stay back with her for 1day. But anandi says she has some other work and leave. Anandi goes to village bank and enquires whether money from her account are transferred to jagya’s account or not. The bank person says yes. Anandi comes out and drops a message to jagya’s cell that the money got transferred. Gauri treating some patient and after the patient leaves she gets a message. She checks anandi message and thinks she is planning to drag jagya again to herself and she need to stop her.

Dadi sa, bhairon and basanth sitting in hall talking about some business. Anandi walks in and straightly walks towards kitchen. Dadi sa stops her and asks her how was the function etc. anandi says everything has gone very well. Gauri shouts anandi. Everyone look at the entrance. Gauri walks to anandi angrily and shouts on anandi, why are u still coming in between us? Why don’t u leave us alone. Jagya and myself are happy without u. why are u still planning to drag jagya towards u? why are sending money to jagya? blah blah blah… everyone listen to her very patiently but after some time bhairon gets angry and shouts at gauri to stop scolding anandi.

Bhairon clears up gauri that jagya has pleaded anandi to help him as he has no income and if they go to Mumbai how can they survive? So anandi pleaded me so I told I don’t want to give single penny to jagya but anandi can help him by sending him from her account. So the life u r living in Mumbai is because of anandi only. Gauri shocked and finally faints. (Another good taunt given to gauri from bhairon. Gauri’s face got fried. Nice episode)

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Saath nibhana sathiya 7th October 2011 episode written update

Ahem asks gopi to take out his clothes and give. She does. She asks, what about ur health? Ahem replies, iam fine and need not worry. U too get ready soon. He turns around and his face glows with happiness and love. He walks away. Gopi opens her saree box and smiles as she likes the saree a lot.

Kokila and hetal waiting for all others at pandal. Ahem and gopi come together. Ahem says chirag is with parag and they are parking cars. Kokila says ahem that they would wait at the mandir. Ahem says he would go to them. Ahem and gopi have a small romantic look and ahem walks away (ahem finally fallen in love with gopi. So cute na). jigar and rashi also come inside. Rashi prays to god that today she shouldn’t look sonal. Jigar looks rashi missing beside him and looks around. He looks rashi and walks over there. Both talk about the decoration of pandal. Jigar holds rashi’s hand. Jigar feels happy and smiles and even Rashi feels happy and smiles. After few minutes rashi leaves his hand.

Gopi’s friends praise her that she is looking more gorgeous these days and also praise her saree. Ahem listening their conversation behind them. They ask gopi from where did she bought this saree? Gopi smiles and blushing says ahem ji has gave her as festival gift. Ahem hears it and smiles. He walks from there a lady from their group call him. Ahem walks to her, she asks he has a good selection about his wife and saree. Ahem blushing but hiding it moves off from there without replying. Gopi looks at him smiling and blushing. (scene was so cute)

Rashi worried and searches for urmila finally she finds her and walks to her. She scolds her for not bothering about her problem and talking some bakwaas with others. Urmila asks why is she so worried about sonal? Rashi says, if anyone from modi family talks to her and if she tells all the plans they have played to marry jigar then it’ll become a big problem for her. Urmila tells her not to worry. Rashi looks kokila coming towards them and shouts “kaki ji” to give a hint to her mother. Kokila comes to them and asks, why rashi why are u shouting kaki ji? We all came here together na? rashi couldn’t speak so stands still. Kokila doubts and asks, are giving any hint to ur mother that iam coming here? Urmila tries to cover the matter. But kokila asks why urmila ben u r here today too? Urmila tries to taunt kokila and says, what should I say ben, ur daughter is insulting our family members like hell so I came here. Kokila replies, be careful may be ur daughter rashi may also insult u here. Urmila and rashi angry. Kokila leaves. 

Jigar opens a small box and thinks to give it to rashi. But gopi looks at him and walks to him. Jigar hides the ring. Gopi asks what was that? Jigar tries to divert the matter but gopi insists him to say what was that. So he shows the ring and says it’s a gift to rashi. Both feel happy and smile. Jigar gets a call. He takes the call but couldn’t hear the voice clearly so he walks away from there.

Rashi still worried about sonal. Urmila asks why is she worrying about her? Rashi explains her, if some one talk to sonal and if she say all about me and plans to marry jigar then it’ll be a big scene at home. She will be talking and suddenly hetal puts hand on rashi’s shoulder. Rashi and urmila shocked. Hetal asks why is she so worried and whats the problem? Urmila tries to say hetal, as yesterday rashi was having headache na so she was not feeling well for today too. Rashi says yes. Hetal gets worried and asks is she feeling headache today too? Rashi says, no mummy ji im fine today. Rashi looks sonal coming with her family. Urmila looks rashi shocked looking something. She turns and looks sonal. Hetal also about to turn back. Urmila stops her and pulls her saying we’ll go and have some pani-puri. Three walk few steps and hetal feels may be its sonal there. She turns back and looks sonal. She walks to her. Urmila and rashi fully worried and tensed. Hetal talks some formally about sonal’s life. 

At the pandal the Dj will be playing all sort movie songs which are not related to navarathri. Kokila and parag stands at some distance to the Dj. Kinjal comes. Kokila looks her angry. But kinjal carelessly looks at her. Kokila says parag, don’t know what songs they are playing in this navaratri. Kinjal listens to it and walks to Dj and says she want to perform some dance so she wants him to play these songs only. Kinjal walks away. Kokila angrily goes to Dj and shouts at him to stop it. Hetal who was talking to sonal hears it and turns back. Rashi feels this is the chance.

Balika vadhu 6th October 2011 episode written episode

Gauri leaves her cell phone in the hospital previous day so jagya says she would collect it from hospital. Gauri leaves to camp. All the elder people come to dadi sa and apologizes her. Dadi sa warns them and says that anandi got hurt with their words and thought of leaving jagsar forever. All gets shocked. Anandi tells them that she is going to phooli’s function and asks them to come tomorrow. Gulli and anandi go to the function. Anandi is insulted there by other ladies and doesn’t allow her to do any rituals to phooli. Again phooli’s MIL requests her and allows anandi to do. Anandi, gulli and phooli have some masti time. Phooli’s husband requests anandi to take phooli to doctor camp next day as he is having some work. Anandi, phooli and gauri gets shocked looking each other. 

Saath nibhana sathiya 6th October 2011 episode written episode

Rashi in her room thinking how she got married to jigar. She feels bad. Jigar comes in. he asks hows she feeling? She replies its still the same. Jigar says he would press her head. Jigar starts pressing her head. Gopi comes with kadha and gives it to rashi. She takes and gopi leaves. Rashi asks jigar whether he likes her or not? Jigar wonders and asks her why is she asking so? She answers, in a very different way we got married and its been a year now. I want to spend more time with u. jigar feels happy and smiles. Rashi thinks did she over acted?

Gopi folding her dress and ahem looks on her. Gopi also looks him. Sometime eye locks between them. Ahem returns into our world again and asks gopi seriously why is she folding the dress so slowly? She answers, as it’s a gift for me and a bit costly too so iam folding it carefully. Ahem says her to do it fast and switch off the light. Gopi folds the dress fast.

Next day, gopi giving arthi to everyone. Rashi prays god to keep her away from sonal. Jigar comes. Kokila gives responsibilities to gopi and rashi but rashi thinking something did not concentrate kokila’s words. So kokila gives gopi the responsibility to cook food for lunch. Rashi shocks.

Door bell rings, a person from a saree shop comes. Ahem says he has purchased some sarees for all for the festival. Gopi full happy and smiles wide. Ahem gives sarees to all the ladies. Hetal says as he has purchased these sarees they would wear those sarees only in the evening. Ahem smiles and feels happy. Rashi acts as if she has headache. So hetal asks rashi to stay back. Kokila says gopi also to stay back. Ahem gets depressed.

Rashi calls urmila and says everything. Urmila says to tell everyone that she is feeling better now and she wanna come with others.

Ahem searching for something. Gopi comes there and asks whats the matter? Depressed ahem angry with gopi, says he is searching for hanky. And also says he is not feeling well so he is not going to pandal and not to make it some issue by saying everyone. Gopi says then il stay back with u. ahem gets doubt and asks u were staying back na? gopi says no rashi bhen is feeling some what better now so she wanna go. Ahem says ok take out my clothes iam also coming to pandal. Gopi confused. Ahem feels happy.
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