Saturday 29 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 28th October 2011 episode written update

Doctor says jigar to take care of rashi as she has attempted suicide. Jigar surprisingly asks the doctor that she has swallowed only sugar balls na. doctor explains jigar that she doesn’t know they are sugar balls and actually she want to commit suicide and he should talk to her once. Jigar agrees unwillingly.

Gopi feels happy and says rashi that she is safe now because of khana ji ki blessings only. Gopi takes promise from rashi that she wouldn’t commit suicide again. Rashi in some other mood says, jigar ji is thinking that she is just acting and asks gopi to leave her alone.

Kokila and hetal comes to hospital. Jigar hesitatingly looks around to say and gopi giving signs not to tell the truth. After some tough looks at rashi jigar says rashi is fine now. She was affected with food poison. Hetal gets worried. But he assures her that rashi is fine now. Jigar goes out to bring the car. Everyone gets relaxed. Rashi is still worried with jigar.

All reach home. Ahem and parag are waiting for them. Parag asks what happened to rashi. Jigar replies she was affected with stomach infection and she is fine now. Hetal asks jigar to take care of rashi. Hesitatingly jigar agrees. In rashi’s room jigar again shouts on rashi that he hates her.

Gopi walks to her room with some blankets in hand. Kokila informs gopi that some guests are coming in the evening. Gopi nods and goes away. When gopi goes to her room she looks ahem sitting on bed. He doesn’t stand though she says she needs to change the blankets. He slowly says his kurta’s nada has gone tangled. Gopi says she would help him. Ahem walks in to washroom and gives the kurta to her. She makes it fine and again gives him back. She smiles at him for his behavior. Ahem feels some what uncomfortable but doesn’t get angry.

Everyone will be working the hall. Rashi looks jigar also working but he doesn’t care to look at her. She sadly comes down and tries to make him look at her. She sits in sofa and starts eating sweets. From behind kokila looks at rashi and shouts her name. kokila comes near and scolds her for eating sweets and for not getting dressed for pooja. Rashi walks to her room.

Some guests come. Ahem and others sit in the hall. Gopi greets mehtha ji. And she says she would bring black tea for him. He praises her as she remembers that he drink only black tea. She brings and he says hanks. Gopi replies my pleasure and looks at ahem. Ahem feels happy and gopi smiles.

Friday 28 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 28th october 2011 episode written update

Jigar and gopi talking and rashi listens to their conversation and walks away from there. Rashi while walking to her room remembers all the words spoken by jigar. She feels bad and walks into her room. She looks her marriage picture hanging on the wall and feel bad. 

Jigar doesn’t agree with gopi’s words and speak bad words about rashi. Finally gopi convinces him saying for the sake of god and herself he should talk to rashi atleast once. Both walk towards jigar’s room.

Rashi opens the cupboard and look at the napthalene balls and takes the packet in her hand. She takes out 2 pills and swallows them. She starts coughing severly. Jigar and gopi hear her cough and both rush to her room. They open the door and rashi falls down on the floor. Gopi and jigar rush towards her and asks her what happened? Rashi says I am going away. Both don’t understand and gopi asks what did u eat? Rashi shows the napthelene balls packet. Both get shocked. Jigar tries to check her pulse but rashi acts angry and takes away her hand. Jigar decides to take her to hospital and lifts her in hands. Jigar asks gopi also to come along with him but gopi replies there are no one at home. But jigar insists her to come with him. Gopi follows him.

In the hospital, doctor checking rashi. Gopi and jigar asks doctor whats the matter? But doctor doesn’t reply. Jigar takes the napthelene balls and shows to doctor. He takes 1pill and breaks it and replies cooly she is absolutely fine. These are not napthelene balls they are sugar balls. Jigar gets irritated. Doctor leaves. Jigar shouts on rashi. Gopi tries to claim him but jigar shouts. Rashi tells she wanted to die so she swallowed the pills but she doesn’t know they are sugar balls. Jigar doesn’t listen and shouts saying, u can do anything to gain sympathy from others. 

Kokila and hetal return home and doubts where all has gone. Hetal decides to call jigar as he was at home while they were leaving. Hetal calls him. Jigar says he is in the hospial because of rashi. Hetal and kokila shocks and asks what happened. When jigar feels to say her gopi stops him and pleads him not to say them anything. So he says rashi is fine but he’ll call her after sometime. Hetal and kokila gets worried and both decide to go to hospital.

Kinjal will be feeling happy looking at her gifts. Urmila comes there and looks at the gifts with opened mouth. Kinjal looks at her and smiles herself. Urmila looks a grinder and asks kinjal I think u don’t even know how it works na? kinjal thinks for few seconds and says take it. Urmila feels happy and takes it in her hands and walks off happily.

Jigar leaves from the room and gopi follows him. Rashi calls urmila and she will be feeling happy looking at the grinder. Rashi scolds urmila for her stupid plan and how it got flopped. While talking the grinder falls away from urmila’s hand and she gets angry. Urmila scolds rashi for her mindless job. Rashi says not to think of any other plan now and she herself would think of for future. Urmila shocks and rashi hangs on angrily.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 25th October 2011 episode written update

Kokila looks some dust in rashi’s hair and scolds her not to go out with a dusty hair out. Rashi says sorry and leaves. Kokila looks on while some workers decorating house, chirag comes in. kokila greets him and asks why he is so early to home today. Chirag replies there was some meeting but it was cancelled as his colleague’s DIL id missing. It sonal. All get shocked and everyone feel bad for her. hetal gets worried of her but kokila consoles her. hetal and kokila go to kitchen for some work and gopi, rashi gets worried. Rashi says gopi not to tell anyone about their meeting with sonal. Rashi asks gopi to pray for sonal, so she leaves. Rashi calls urmila and explains about sonal missing. Urmila shocks.

Gopi prays khana ji to keep sonal safe. Urmila says she would plan something and take gopi out till sonal comes home if not gopi opens her mouth and would say it to everyone at house. Rashi says ok and hangs on. Door bell rings so rashi rushes and opens the door. She looks a man in police dress. Rashi gets panic and says I dint do any mistake, it was all gopi’s fault. Kokila comes there and slowly shouts on rashi what is she doing? Kokila asks the man about what the matter? He replies he has come for diwali bonus so kokila gives him and he leaves. Kokila asks rashi, dint u recognize our society guard mansuk. Kokila looks rashi scared. Kokila asks sharply, whats the matter rashi why are u so scared? Rashi hides saying no nothing everything is fine and she leaves.

Kinjal shows some chain to dhaval and asks how is it? Dhaval in his regular dialogue says its best and best. But he says I think its bit costly s why don’t u think again. Kinjal taunts him I am not asking u any money. Dhaval feels bad and says not to bring money matter between. Urmila hears their conversation and says dhaval not to stop kinjal by buying gold as its good for family to allow gold into home on diwali. Dhaval says ok and both urmila and dhaval leave. Kinjal doubts on urmila why and how is urmila supporting her?

Urmila comes to modi bhavan and praises the decoration. Kokila taunts urmila about rashi that her DIL has done all that. Urmila asks hetal and kokila to send one of their bahus with her for diwali shopping. Kokila says she cant send anyone since they too have a lot of work. Urmila taunts kokila saying, ur DILs are working hard on festival at home but my dil wil be out of house on the festival day too as she has some modeling to do. I don’t have any vehicle to freak out when ever I wish. Hearing this kokila understands that urmila wants a car to freak out so she says rashi, take ur mother and go in our car and make her diwali shopping and bring back. Urmila and rashi shocked.

Friday 21 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 21st October 2011 episode written update

Kokila working in the kitchen and urmila will be calling continuously on rashi’s phone. Finally kokila thinks to lift the call. Before kokila speaks some thing urmila says, did modi’s have come to know about that? And what are the updated news over there? Kokila asks “about what u wanna know and whats the news which our family has come to know or not? Urmila gets shocked hearing kokila’s words and talks some unrelated words and finally covers the matter saying that she wanna give some surprise to modis on diwali. Kokila taunts her and hangs on.

Gopi walks into her room, she looks ahem arranging the blankets on sofa. She walks inside looking at him. When ahem looks her he says from today he would sleep on the sofa and she on the bed as she is suffering with cold and it may get increased if she sleeps on the floor. Gopi feels happy. But again ahem says, ul be sneezing all the night and my sleep is getting disturbed. Gopi disobeys his words first and again when ahem says is she not going to listen his words then gopi agrees. Ahem gets on his sofa and gopi on the bed but thinking something. Ahem asks whats the matter? Gopi remembers ahem’s words saying he will not involve in their sisters matters and replies ahem that she is fine. She switches off the light and both sleep.

Next day morning, kokila, rashi and gopi working in kitchen. Kokila looks gopi and rashi are thinking something and not concentrating on work. Rashi burns her hand unknowingly and kokila shouts on her for her carelessness. She orders gopi to apply ointment to her in her room. Both leave. Gopi slowly tries to apply ointment for rashi but rashi scolds her. Gopi says she knows everything and knows why is she looking worried. Rashi gets worried. Gopi again says, don’t worry rashi bhen, every thing will be alright. May be jigar ji is having some misunderstanding other wise u and mami ji can never do a mistake and harm others. Rashi feels some what happy and asks gopi to help her in this. Gopi accepts happily. Some one opens the door and both the sisters get worried.

Urmila enters inside and shouts on gopi that she need not interfere in her daughter’s life. Gopi tries to calm her but she sends gopi out. Urmila asks what the latest news about jigar. Rashi says I don’t understand who has told jigar about this. Urmila doubts on sonal and asks rashi to confirm it. Rashi calls sonal. Sonal does react much and says rashi not to bother her again. She hangs the phone. Rashi shocks as sonal has cut the call. Urmila and rashi turn back and they look kokila standing at the door. 

Thursday 20 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 20th October 2011 episode written update

Kokila shouts on rashi and rashi thinks jigar has told everything to family members. Rashi defenses herself saying this time she has done nothing only mummy was speaking. Hearing this kokila again scolds, all time u speak with ur mummy that’s why this mistake has take place. Hetal comes in to kitchen. Rashi’s eyes fill with tears and says mummy ji this time I dint do any mistake. Hetal replies, rashi u opened the tap and came out and water was running. Kokila heard it and stopped it. Rashi becomes relief. Rashi takes the cell from floor. Rashi gives the cell to kokila and says, keep the cell with u. from now I will concentrate on house works only. Kokila takes the cell and hetal also walks away from kitchen.

Jigar seriously thinking in his room and ahem comes and shouts on him for not concentrating on office work. He says there are some issues regarding some company and they need to talk with the client. If they don’t talk openly about the problem then how could each other come to an end point. Jigar thinks he needs to talk.

Rashi massaging hetal’s head. Kokila gives list of jobs to do on diwali to gopi and looks rashi massaging. Kokila shocks and taunts rashi. Door bell rings and rashi runs to open the door but gopi opens the door. Ahem, parag and chirag come inside. Ahem stops near gopi and asks whether she took medicines or not. Gopi full happy and smiles says yes. Ahem says ok and asks her to bring black tea. Gopi nods her head. All sit in hall. Jigar walks in and gopi asks him how was the day? Jigar says it was ok. Jigar also sits in sofa with others. Rashi brings juice for everyone. Kokila again shocks. Rashi gives it to chirag and then ahem but ahem doesn’t take. Gopi remembers about his black tea and says to ahem that she would bring black tea for him. Ahem gives a sharp look at her. Gopi goes away. When rashi comes near to jigar to give juice he walks off from there. All look amazingly and rashi says she would go to their room and give him the juice.

Jigar in his room thinking. Rashi comes and gives juice. Jigar shouts on her, I don’t want to look at u nor I want u to stay in house with me. I am irritated with u. I will tell how u’ve come into this house and cheated me. Rashi gets worried. Jigar walks out. Rashi follows him and holds his legs and pleads him not to say this to family members but jigar doesn’t listen to her and walks off. Rashi again follows him worried. Kokila suggests hetal that on diwali they should give some gold to DIL’s its good for everyone. Chirag and hetal feels happy and says ok. They all listen jigar shouting rashi. All rush and wait for jigar near steps. Jigar comes downstairs and looks everyone looking worried for him.

He comes down and says he wants to apologize with everyone for his odd behavior and asks them not to get worried of him and he is fine. Every one relaxes with his words. Hetal calls him near and says if he has any problem then they are with him to solve their problems. Chirag says, if u’ve any problem then u need to talk with ur wife and solve ur problems. That’s why wife is known as life partner. Ahem looks at gopi. And chirag says wife and husband should be like friends then there will be no problems with eachother. This time gopi looks at ahem. Ahem still looking at her. Both have eye locks for sometime. jigar again turns back to go to his room. Rashi looks at him pleasing but jigar angrily walks away. Kokila looks at rashi doubted.

Rashi again follows jigar. She tries to talk to him but jigar says, u think I dint tell all my family members about u for u. but its not true. I care for them so I dint tell them but one day truth will come in front of everyone. Rashi’s eyes filled with tears and requests him, not to say this to family members. jigar leaves and gopi looks them shocked.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 19th October 2011 episode written update

Hetal is worried about jigar’s behavior. Kokila assures her that everything will be all right. Gopi gets severe cold and ahem asks his mother kokila to give some medicine to her. Gopi and kokila are shocked t but again both will feel happy. Rashi prepares breakfast in the early morning. Kokila and hetal gets amazed with her behavior. Hetal feels happy. But kokila taunts rashi and asks whether she has done any mistake and to hide it is she doing all this. Jigar comes for breakfast but when rashi about to serve him he walks away from there saying he is not feeling hungry. Rashi follows him to their room but jigar doesn’t speak to her a single word and leaves claim. Urmila gives another plan to rashi to keep her MIL(hetal) in hands with good behavior so that when jigar says everything to all the family members at least if she is on her side then no one can do anything to her. Rashi turns on the pump and dips jigar’s shirt in the bucket and again when her cell phone rings she comes out and starts talking. Kokila comes and shouts on rashi why she has done like that? Rashi completely shocked.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Balika vadhu 18th October 2011 episode written update

Bhairon and dadi sa talking about market prices has gone high. Anandi comes with some oil in bowl and massages dadi sa’s leg. While in the conversation about the prices anandi gives an advice to them to give away the remaining veggies to any poor people so that they may feel happy. Dadi sa and bahiron feels happy. This all jagya will be looking from upstairs. When anandi looks at him bhairon and dadi sa also looks at him. Jagya says he has come to take food for gauri. Dadi sa and bhairon remains claim. Jagya follows anandi to kitchen. Anandi while preparing paratas for gauri jagya stands behind her. Jagya says I am very happy looking at the concern u r showing for my family people. Anandi replies, its my family too. And they have shown a lot of love for her and it will be a drop in the ocean for what ever she does for them. Jagya gets little emotional and remains claim.
Next day, makhan knocks the door and jagya opens. Makhan says, dadi sa has sent him to ask them whether they want anything now as there will be no one in the house for 1hour. Jagya asks where all these people going? Makhan replies all are going for hospital inauguration. Jagya replies no and makhan leaves. He stands their itself and thinks, gauri comes near to him and starts boosting poison in his mind against his family members. Ur family has completely forgotten their minimum values. They dint even invited u nor dint even inform u about it. Jagya gets angry.
Hospital inauguration takes place. Anandi gives the hospital keys to lal singh. Jagya looks everything from back. After the program gets over jagya walks away from there. Jagya walks on the road thinking deeply. Anandi passes him in a jeep so she stops the jeep and walks to jagya. jagya yells on anandi saying everyone are least bothered about him now. Even u are not concerned about my career. U gave keys to lal singh. Anandi slowly replies, dadi sa and bapu sa has so many dreams about the hospital and u’ve ignored to take care of it. So I thought the hospital and machinery may get spoiled so I gave the responsibility to lal singh. Jagya gets jealousy and says u too need not worry about me and walks away from there. Anandi also starts walking thinking about jagya’s harsh words. One jeep suddenly starts coming. Jagya feels something and turns back and looks jeep coming towards anandi. He shouts at anandi but she in deep thinking doesn’t hear him. The jeep hits her and goes away. Anandi hits to some stone and starts bleeding. Jagya runs to her and takes her in hands and rushes towards the jeep. He puts her in the vehicle and they start.

Saath nibhana sathiya 18th October 2011 episode written update

Hetal stops jigar and asks whats the matter but he denies her. Hetal gets worried as jigar used be very jolly and easy going child and he never used to be so dull as he is now. Jigar smiles and hetal says if he doesn’t want to say its ok but his family will be his strength forever. Jigar apologizes for troubling them. Hetal replies its ok and tells him that gopi has decorated their room with flowers so that they both feel happy. Jigar smiles and leaves.
Rashi waiting for jigar near their room. When jigar comes she blindfolds him and takes him inside. She opens his eyes and asks how was it? He replies normally nice. Jigar asks did u do all this decoration. One candle blows off so she sits to lite it. While lighting she replies, yes I’ve done it. U take care of me so I should take care of u na. jigar completely losses his temper and blasts on rashi.
Jigar shouts, yes rashi everyone like but not with shocks. Rashi confuses and asks what is he saying? Jigar continues, it was me who dint know about u for 1year. Rashi thinks may be he has come to know about the ring or may be about sonal. Jigar says, u r lying rashi. This room was decorated by gopi bhabi and u r taking that credit. Don’t know still how many lies u’ve told me till now. Rashi shocks and tears rolls in her eyes. Rashi tries to hide her mistakes and lies again saying she dint lie him anytime. Jigar again shouts, the foundation of our relation itself is a lie. Dint u create a situation where sonal to feel that some affair is running between us? Rashi stammered with his words completely. She holds his hands and says in tears that she has done nothing but jigar takes off his hand forcefully. Jigar leaves from there.
Rashi calls urmila and says her jigar has come to know all their kalakaris about her marriage. Urmila doubts how did he come to know about it. Rashi says I don’t know he shouted on me and left. Urmila scolds rashi to show him any proof that they have done so. Rashi gets angry with her and says I cant tell more lies with jigar ji and hangs on. Urmila prays to god to help her daughter.
Ahem on his bed and gopi getting ready to sleep but she suddenly sneezes. Ahem asks whether she is ok. She replies she is fine and just feeling some cold. Both on their beds. Gopi sneezes again. Ahem feels concern for her.
Rashi worried waiting for jigar. She thinks to ask hetal but again thinks she may as her whats the problem. So she thinks to search for him herself and starts moving. Jigar walks in and rashi as in normal way asks where did u go? Jigar gives a tough look and walks into washroom. Tears roll in rashi’s eyes. Next day morning rashi wakes up and looks jigar not beside her. She thinks he might left for office. And she looks around, jigar comes out of washroom. Rashi sweetly asks whether he wants some tea and he would prepare it for him. But jigar doesn’t care her words and leave. Rashi worried and calls urmila. Urmila asks whether he has told everyone about this. And rashi replies no. urmila again says, cook breakfast for everyone and serve it before he talks something to anyone. Rashi says ok and hangs on.

Friday 14 October 2011

Balika Vadhu 14th October 2011 episode written update

Two men talking to bhairon. They ask bhairon to sell the equipment in their hospital to them as they are planning to raise a hospital. Anandi advices bhairon that why don’t they give lal singh the responsibility of hospital to run it. Bhairon also likes it and asks him. Lal singh agrees but he looks jagya standing far from him and asks bhairon that the hospital was constructed for jagya then why he wants him to take care? Bhairon replies yes its true but it was past bow he wanna give the responsibility to him. Lal singh doesn’t understand. Bhairon leaves, anandi and dadi sa too.

Jagya walks to lal singh. Lal singh asks he dint understand what kaki sa(bhairon) was saying. Jagya explains him that he got married to gauri and she is pregnant now. Lal singh gets shocked and even irritated. Jagya asks him to meet gauri who is in the haveli right now. But lal singh taunts him saying he took a right decision to stay far from they both if not they would have ruined his life too. Gauri listens to their conversation and looks on with tears in her eyes. Lal singh refuses to meet gauri and walks off angrily from there.

Jagya runs to gauri and both go to their room. Gauri cries and speaks rudely about anandi. She says, anandi has developed evil thoughts in all his family members mind, villagers and even their friends minds. No one are trying to accept her. Everyone are so angry with me that if they get a chance then they would kill her too. And also blames their baby as illegal as their marriage is illegal.

Jagya tries to console her saying, we need not worry about that till anandi files a complaint against them and anandi will never do that. But gauri says, I am worried about that only. Don’t know when her mind changes and files a complaint against them. We need to live in a tensed state thinking when she’ll do that. She may tell our baby that he is a illegal child and his parents relation is illegal. Jagya thinks on gauri’s words.

"Gauri ji u need to think all this before getting married to jagya. u took a wrong step in ur life and now u r blamming anandi."

Saath nibhana sathiya 14th October 2011 episode written update

Hello guys iam giving you a short update as u’l feel bored to read today’s episode in a detailed update. So enjoy!!

Gopi asks rashi whats any problem running between them? Rashi gets a chance to scold gopi so she starts blaming her saying, everytime I help u but all the credit goes to you. When u got hurt in ur hand and I wrote ur exam that time also every one was praising u and I am least bothered. Now u’ve looked na jigar ji is also not bothering me and in the pandal he hasn’t encouraged me atleast for few minutes too. Gopi gets upset.

Ahem looks gopi thinking something and is worried. He asks her whats the problem. She replies that she is thinking about rashi. Ahem thinks that there is something running between rashi and gopi so he tells gopi that he shouldn’t come in between sisters so better u solve ur problem.

Rashi looks the ring which jigar thinks of gifting her during navratri. She thinks its for her and tries it but the ring gets struck in her hand. Rashi calls her mother and asks for some solution. Urmila gives an idea to apply soap and remove but rashi couldn’t do that. Jigar puts the ring box in cupboard without checking the ring.
Rashi goes to kitchen as kokila calls her for some work.

When rashi alone in the kitchen tries to remove the ring and it comes out but falls in the kitchen sink. Rashi gets worried and searches in the sink. Kokila asks what she is doing. Rashi tries to hide the matter by saying water is not flowing well in the sink. When kokila hears the sound that something got struck in the pipe she asks rashi to check it. Rashi gets worried.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Balika Vadhu 13th October 2011 episode written update

Gauri looks there are no water to drink in her room so she takes the jug and walks out. On the way to kitchen he dashes with bhairon. Before she speaks some thing bhairon walks away. She looks him and remembers all the words he has spoke with her about jagya and anandi. Jagya comes and takes the jug from her.

Anandi starts her class and starts explaining about how to protect a person in fire. Gauri asks jagya to bring some medicines. He takes the chit and comes out. He looks anandi explaining about fire and starts walking slowly. Gauri checks her mobile balance and thinks to say jagya to recharge her cell and walks out. She looks him listening to anandi’s words and feels jealous. One the students look at jagya and asks whether he has come home completely leaving his second wife? They again say, anandi is much better than her in every way. Gauri listens and feels angry and jealous. Jagya looks gauri and runs to her and she walks to her room. Jagya runs behind her and consoles her. Anandi tries to divert the matter and again continues to say the lesson again. She turns towards the board and wipes her tears. Everyone feel bad looking at her. Sumithra feels bad for her.

Jagya takes the medicines and walks on the road. While walking he remembers all the incidents of his childhood. He feels happy. While walking he dashes with some person. He starts taunting jagya for leaving their village and staying in the city. He feels bad for bhairon and dadi sa as they worked very happily to construct their hospital. Jagya gets emotional.

Saath nibhana sathiya 13th October 2011 episode written update

Everyone come to the dandiya pandal. Rashi starts coughing and acts as if she is not feeling comfortable. Hetal gets worried and asks whether she is fine or not? Rashi says her throat got sore and couldn’t sing for today. Hetal asks kokila not to let rashi to sing. But kokila taunts rashi saying when she has challenged before everyone that she can sing better then she should sing. Hetal says gopi to make rashi drink some water so that she can sing better. Hetal and kokila leave to look at the decorations. Gopi thinks to take rashi but rashi shouts on gopi and walks alone. Rashi walks off and searches for urmila. She finds her and scolds her. Rashi doubts whether sonal may come here today too. But urmila consoles her and says she will never come again as she has given her a hard core dose. Rashi feels happy and again goes to gopi.

Hetal and kokila also come to gopi and ask for rashi. Rashi comes and kokila asks her to go on to the stage and start singing. Rashi uninterested walks towards stage and kokila orders gopi to follow her and asks her to give chorus. Both go. Rashi starts singing and everyone shows their displeasure and shouts at rashi to stop singing. Even urmila shows her displeasure and prays to god to save her daughter. Savitha again taunts kokila insulting her. Kokila gives a sign to gopi to handle the matter. Gopi prays to khana ji and starts singing. Everyone starts enjoying and all dancers start dancing. Ahem and kokila full happy and savitha very sad. Urmila also starts dancing to the music.

After the song gets over both rashi and gopi come down. All praise gopi. Kokila answers savitha strongly. Savitha leaves. Ahem with his eyes only praises gopi. Urmila runs to rashi praising her for playing the instrument very well. Rashi and everyone feel embarrassed. Hetal asks jigar to bring some hot milk to rashi. Jigar still in another world nods his head and goes.

Jigar while bringing milk looks at sonal and greets her. Jigar asks some formal questions. Sonal answers and thinks for few seconds and asks him whether she can ask something to him. Jigar says its ok and she can ask. Sonal asks when u has so much love towards rashi why did u agree for arranged marriage. Why did u insult me and my parents? Only a girl can understand how she will feel when her marriage gets cancelled on the day of marriage. Jigar gets shocked. He doesn’t understand what she is saying. He says what are you saying sonal. I told u that day and now too I don’t have any relation with rashi before marriage. Now im married to her tell me why I will lie now too. Sonal also gets doubt and doesn’t understand whats the matter. She again says if what ever u are saying is true then there is something wrong in this. She says and leaves. Jigar stands still in shock.

All come home and kokila blesses gopi for keeping their family’s name. ahem also looks happily. All leave. Jigar and rashi remain and gopi few steps far from them. Rashi says see jigar ji iam also the DIL of modi family but no one recognize this. But jigar doesn’t reply and he leaves. Gopi looks this and walks to rashi and asks is there any problem between u both? Rashi sadly and with jealous says yes iam not the DIL of this house na then how would I get praising from everyone. Gopi looks her confused.

Saath nibhana sathiya 12th October 2011 episode written update

Urmila and rashi starts their plan. Urmila calls some couple of times to modi bhavan and scolds modi family not to make rashi to sing. But kokila doesn’t care those words and lets rashi to practice singing. Gopi doesn’t understand whats going on. Urmila and rashi feel bad as their plan gets flop as kokila doesn’t say rashi not to sing. Rashi gets worried.(Evil plans ever gets flopped)

Kinjal gets ready and urmila asks where is she going? Kinjal replies she is going to parlor and get make up. Urmila asks she too wanna come there but kinjal doesn’t like it. Urmila thinks she will plan to go to pandal with her anyway.(Doesn't understand why kinjal applies heavy make up after becoming a model)

Rashi talking to her mother and jigar comes in. rashi hangs on and tells jigar that she is working hard to keep modi’s name and she walks away. Jigar feels he has misunderstand rashi and she cant do anything bad (Poor jigar, don’t know when he’ll see the original face of rashi).

Gopi takes out her blue saree and puts on bed. She looks ahem’s sharwani is also blue in colour and feels happy. She walks away to wash room. Ahem comes in and looks blue saree and blue sharwani and smiles with happiness.(finally we are seeing ahem blushing and smiling) Gopi comes out and he says thank u. gopi replies pleasure mine. Ahem corrects her that she should say pleasure is mine. She repeats and ahem says good and walks to get ready. Both get ready and ahem leave. Gopi follows him smiling looking at her ahem ji. (Wow so sweet)

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Bade acche lagte hain 11th October 2011 episode written update

Shipra feels happy as she thinks priya is happy with her husband now. Sudhir doubts priya as she was behaving some what different. He says he would talk to her once then he would be convinced.
Priya and ram have small lovely conversation thinking how to stop their honeymoon. Ram says her mother and her family members know about their honeymoon when they met at the kulfi place. Priya says she would take care of it. Priya asks ram to speak with vikram and convince them to cancel the honeymoon. He calls him but vikram and neha thinks to speak with them in the evening in a coffee center.
Niharika gets a call from shipra and she congratulates niharika as their children has become one and planning to go to honeymoon. Niharika shocks and challenges mama ji and sidd that she would cancel their honeymoon. She calls ram in her room and acts very innocently and says, as sidd is not his own brother he is not treating well with him. If he loves his brother then do join him in any other company. Ram says ok he would do that.
Ram, priya, vikram and neha meet in a coffee shop. Priya and ram give some excuses to make their honeymoon cancel but they wont accept to it. Finally priya tells that their marriage is not registered and her passport too. So vikram says he would make them ok in 2days. Ram gets worried but priya thinks it’ll get late in any government office.
Next day vikram ask both ram and priya to come to some register office. In some funny incidents their marriage gets registered.

Balika Vadhu 11th October 2011 episode written update

Jagya rushes into haveli with his bag and some toys in his hand. All are shocked. Anandi makes some excuse and walks away into kitchen. Jagya takes blessings from dadi sa but basanth stops him for taking blessings. Sumithra says gauri is in guest room with some taunting words and jagya walks away.
Jagya comes to guest room. Gauri will be sleeping. He wakes her and hugs her. When gauri about to say him about her pregnancy, she looks toys beside her. Jagya says anandi has told him. Gauri gets angry. Jagya says when he has called her about her(gauri) health she has told this. Gauri asks him why he has once hide that anandi is sending him the money but not his father. Jagya says some sentimental dialogues and gauri gets convinced.
Gauri says she doesn’t want the baby right now. Jagya gets shocked. He explains her slowly that he too was not ready to accept a baby but again he has thought it may become a way to rejoin his family. But gauri says it would restrict her with her career and profession. Jagya consoles her. Gauri asks him take her out of this house. He says her to wait for 2 or 3 days so that she will be fine and they can travel back to Mumbai.

Saath nibhana satthiya 11th October 2011 episode written update

Kokila tells rashi that she should sing bhajans tomorrow at the pandal. Rashi crying and shocks. Kokila adds, tomorrow morning at 5’o clock gopi will teach her bhajans in front of her. All leave. Jigar stands still in a confused state. Hetal looks him and asks whats the problem? Jigar hides the matter by saying he got tired and wanna take rest and he leaves.
Rashi irritated of kokila’s order and calls urmila for some plan. She explains her about the order. Urmila mocks her and makes fun of her voice. Rashi gets more irritated and scolds urmila. Urmila gives a plan to drink more cold water and make throat sore. Rashi is happy with the idea and hangs on as jigar comes in to the room. Jigar walks into his room and thinks to talk to rashi or with urmila and again thinks if both get upset and remains claim.
Gopi sitting in front of the mirror and placing her jewels in the box. Ahem walks in and looks at the saree on his bed. He scolds gopi to remove it and fold it. Gopi comes and tries to fold it but the saree will be slipping from her hands. Ahem takes one end of the saree and both start folding. While folding eachothers fingers come in contact. Both have a sweet and cute eye locks for sometime. after folding gopi takes the saree to put it in the cup board. Ahem looks her smiling.
Next day morning, rashi in a nightmare slowly opens her eyes and looks kokila in front of her and shouts. Kokila scolds rashi that she and gopi are waiting for her and she is still sleeping. Rashi apologizes and tells her she’ll be there in few mins. Kokila while leaving looks jigar walking in and looks he is some what worried so asks him. He says he is fine. Kokila leaves.
Kokila and gopi waiting for rashi. Rashi walks near them and all sit. Gopi starts teaching. Rashi as usual doesn’t concentrate and get scoldings from kokila. Urmila looks money in kinjal’s hand and she poisons her mind that her mother is not treating her well and she need to join her hands with her so that she can be benefited. Kinjal starts thinking. Kokila goes to kitchen so rashi also says she would come back in few mins and leave from there. Rashi calls urmila and she gives another plan to rashi saying, she would call her in different voices and she should scold her voice, modis and about singing at pandal. Rashi says ok.

Friday 7 October 2011

Balika Vadhu 7th October 2011 episode written update

Anandi and phuli come into the medical camp. Gauri waiting for next patient. Anandi and phuli come into her room. All 3shocked looking at eachother. Gauri remembers all the words phuli has spoken to jagya. gauri calls nurse and asks her take them to another doctor. Phuli gets angry and shouts, iam also not interested to treat with u. I don’t want ur shadow also fall on my baby. Anandi tries to calm down phuli and requests her saying, we have come to have check up here. Though it may be gauri whats the matter? But phuli doesn’t accept and scolds gauri saying, I don’t care about my baby but I don’t want to get treated from this human being who doesn’t know about relations. Who can just break relations. All the people around look at them. Gauri’s collegues come and ask why they are talking so? Gauri says, its ok iam fine. Il explain all the things later. Anandi says phuli not to create any scene over here. Phuli gets calm. Gauri already angry shouts at anandi, why do u act very well as if u r a mahaan. Atleast before me u don’t act. I know u gain sympathy from everyone with this act only. Phuli defends and scolds gauri that anandi need not act. Anandi takes away phuli from there. Gauri irritated.

Gauri calls jagya but he couldn’t listen her voice clearly. So she hangs on. Anandi drops phuli at her home. Phuli requests her to stay back with her for 1day. But anandi says she has some other work and leave. Anandi goes to village bank and enquires whether money from her account are transferred to jagya’s account or not. The bank person says yes. Anandi comes out and drops a message to jagya’s cell that the money got transferred. Gauri treating some patient and after the patient leaves she gets a message. She checks anandi message and thinks she is planning to drag jagya again to herself and she need to stop her.

Dadi sa, bhairon and basanth sitting in hall talking about some business. Anandi walks in and straightly walks towards kitchen. Dadi sa stops her and asks her how was the function etc. anandi says everything has gone very well. Gauri shouts anandi. Everyone look at the entrance. Gauri walks to anandi angrily and shouts on anandi, why are u still coming in between us? Why don’t u leave us alone. Jagya and myself are happy without u. why are u still planning to drag jagya towards u? why are sending money to jagya? blah blah blah… everyone listen to her very patiently but after some time bhairon gets angry and shouts at gauri to stop scolding anandi.

Bhairon clears up gauri that jagya has pleaded anandi to help him as he has no income and if they go to Mumbai how can they survive? So anandi pleaded me so I told I don’t want to give single penny to jagya but anandi can help him by sending him from her account. So the life u r living in Mumbai is because of anandi only. Gauri shocked and finally faints. (Another good taunt given to gauri from bhairon. Gauri’s face got fried. Nice episode)

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Saath nibhana sathiya 7th October 2011 episode written update

Ahem asks gopi to take out his clothes and give. She does. She asks, what about ur health? Ahem replies, iam fine and need not worry. U too get ready soon. He turns around and his face glows with happiness and love. He walks away. Gopi opens her saree box and smiles as she likes the saree a lot.

Kokila and hetal waiting for all others at pandal. Ahem and gopi come together. Ahem says chirag is with parag and they are parking cars. Kokila says ahem that they would wait at the mandir. Ahem says he would go to them. Ahem and gopi have a small romantic look and ahem walks away (ahem finally fallen in love with gopi. So cute na). jigar and rashi also come inside. Rashi prays to god that today she shouldn’t look sonal. Jigar looks rashi missing beside him and looks around. He looks rashi and walks over there. Both talk about the decoration of pandal. Jigar holds rashi’s hand. Jigar feels happy and smiles and even Rashi feels happy and smiles. After few minutes rashi leaves his hand.

Gopi’s friends praise her that she is looking more gorgeous these days and also praise her saree. Ahem listening their conversation behind them. They ask gopi from where did she bought this saree? Gopi smiles and blushing says ahem ji has gave her as festival gift. Ahem hears it and smiles. He walks from there a lady from their group call him. Ahem walks to her, she asks he has a good selection about his wife and saree. Ahem blushing but hiding it moves off from there without replying. Gopi looks at him smiling and blushing. (scene was so cute)

Rashi worried and searches for urmila finally she finds her and walks to her. She scolds her for not bothering about her problem and talking some bakwaas with others. Urmila asks why is she so worried about sonal? Rashi says, if anyone from modi family talks to her and if she tells all the plans they have played to marry jigar then it’ll become a big problem for her. Urmila tells her not to worry. Rashi looks kokila coming towards them and shouts “kaki ji” to give a hint to her mother. Kokila comes to them and asks, why rashi why are u shouting kaki ji? We all came here together na? rashi couldn’t speak so stands still. Kokila doubts and asks, are giving any hint to ur mother that iam coming here? Urmila tries to cover the matter. But kokila asks why urmila ben u r here today too? Urmila tries to taunt kokila and says, what should I say ben, ur daughter is insulting our family members like hell so I came here. Kokila replies, be careful may be ur daughter rashi may also insult u here. Urmila and rashi angry. Kokila leaves. 

Jigar opens a small box and thinks to give it to rashi. But gopi looks at him and walks to him. Jigar hides the ring. Gopi asks what was that? Jigar tries to divert the matter but gopi insists him to say what was that. So he shows the ring and says it’s a gift to rashi. Both feel happy and smile. Jigar gets a call. He takes the call but couldn’t hear the voice clearly so he walks away from there.

Rashi still worried about sonal. Urmila asks why is she worrying about her? Rashi explains her, if some one talk to sonal and if she say all about me and plans to marry jigar then it’ll be a big scene at home. She will be talking and suddenly hetal puts hand on rashi’s shoulder. Rashi and urmila shocked. Hetal asks why is she so worried and whats the problem? Urmila tries to say hetal, as yesterday rashi was having headache na so she was not feeling well for today too. Rashi says yes. Hetal gets worried and asks is she feeling headache today too? Rashi says, no mummy ji im fine today. Rashi looks sonal coming with her family. Urmila looks rashi shocked looking something. She turns and looks sonal. Hetal also about to turn back. Urmila stops her and pulls her saying we’ll go and have some pani-puri. Three walk few steps and hetal feels may be its sonal there. She turns back and looks sonal. She walks to her. Urmila and rashi fully worried and tensed. Hetal talks some formally about sonal’s life. 

At the pandal the Dj will be playing all sort movie songs which are not related to navarathri. Kokila and parag stands at some distance to the Dj. Kinjal comes. Kokila looks her angry. But kinjal carelessly looks at her. Kokila says parag, don’t know what songs they are playing in this navaratri. Kinjal listens to it and walks to Dj and says she want to perform some dance so she wants him to play these songs only. Kinjal walks away. Kokila angrily goes to Dj and shouts at him to stop it. Hetal who was talking to sonal hears it and turns back. Rashi feels this is the chance.

Balika vadhu 6th October 2011 episode written episode

Gauri leaves her cell phone in the hospital previous day so jagya says she would collect it from hospital. Gauri leaves to camp. All the elder people come to dadi sa and apologizes her. Dadi sa warns them and says that anandi got hurt with their words and thought of leaving jagsar forever. All gets shocked. Anandi tells them that she is going to phooli’s function and asks them to come tomorrow. Gulli and anandi go to the function. Anandi is insulted there by other ladies and doesn’t allow her to do any rituals to phooli. Again phooli’s MIL requests her and allows anandi to do. Anandi, gulli and phooli have some masti time. Phooli’s husband requests anandi to take phooli to doctor camp next day as he is having some work. Anandi, phooli and gauri gets shocked looking each other. 

Saath nibhana sathiya 6th October 2011 episode written episode

Rashi in her room thinking how she got married to jigar. She feels bad. Jigar comes in. he asks hows she feeling? She replies its still the same. Jigar says he would press her head. Jigar starts pressing her head. Gopi comes with kadha and gives it to rashi. She takes and gopi leaves. Rashi asks jigar whether he likes her or not? Jigar wonders and asks her why is she asking so? She answers, in a very different way we got married and its been a year now. I want to spend more time with u. jigar feels happy and smiles. Rashi thinks did she over acted?

Gopi folding her dress and ahem looks on her. Gopi also looks him. Sometime eye locks between them. Ahem returns into our world again and asks gopi seriously why is she folding the dress so slowly? She answers, as it’s a gift for me and a bit costly too so iam folding it carefully. Ahem says her to do it fast and switch off the light. Gopi folds the dress fast.

Next day, gopi giving arthi to everyone. Rashi prays god to keep her away from sonal. Jigar comes. Kokila gives responsibilities to gopi and rashi but rashi thinking something did not concentrate kokila’s words. So kokila gives gopi the responsibility to cook food for lunch. Rashi shocks.

Door bell rings, a person from a saree shop comes. Ahem says he has purchased some sarees for all for the festival. Gopi full happy and smiles wide. Ahem gives sarees to all the ladies. Hetal says as he has purchased these sarees they would wear those sarees only in the evening. Ahem smiles and feels happy. Rashi acts as if she has headache. So hetal asks rashi to stay back. Kokila says gopi also to stay back. Ahem gets depressed.

Rashi calls urmila and says everything. Urmila says to tell everyone that she is feeling better now and she wanna come with others.

Ahem searching for something. Gopi comes there and asks whats the matter? Depressed ahem angry with gopi, says he is searching for hanky. And also says he is not feeling well so he is not going to pandal and not to make it some issue by saying everyone. Gopi says then il stay back with u. ahem gets doubt and asks u were staying back na? gopi says no rashi bhen is feeling some what better now so she wanna go. Ahem says ok take out my clothes iam also coming to pandal. Gopi confused. Ahem feels happy.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 4th October 2011 episode written episode

Rashi trying to call jigar but there will be no signal. Urmila still trying to convince the security to let her go inside. Urmila says rashi that they would go inside with some group of people so that the security guy doesn’t look them. But rashi tells no and asks her to wait sometime.

Kokila seriously looking at kinjal. Hetal asks kokila not to scold her here as there are so many people over here and it’s a house hold issue so we need to talk in the home itself. Kokila is angry tells hetal, kinjal is crossing all her limits. But il end this matter very soon.

Rashi finally calls jigar and says she has some problem at the entrance. So he hangs and rushes. In the middle he dashes with sonal. Jigar remembers her and greets her. Sonal’s mother introduces sonal’s husband to jigar. Both greet. Jigar gets call from rashi and he moves away. Jigar comes to the entrance and asks about the problem. Rashi explains. Jiagr tells the security that urmila is his mother. Security allows her in. rashi bowled with jigar’s words. Jigar walks in and both rashi and urmila also go inside.

Some ladies will be praising kinjal about her beauty. Rashi says if she were a model she would have gained much more name and look more pretty. Urmila agrees with her.

Gopi says kokila that she would come back in a minute and move out. Some ladies stop her and praise her about her dress and looking pretty. They guess that ahem bought the dress. Gopi look embarrassed. Ahem hears there conversation and feels some what embarrassed.

Urmila walks to kokila and congrtas her about kinjal’s work. Kokila taunts urmila why is she here? Urmila replies she has just come to have a look. And again says, u were very proud na about ur up bringing but now everything is clear to everyone. Hetal comes there and asks urmila why is here a bit surprisingly. Kokila taunts urmila again saying, yes ur daughter loves u and after marriage also u both will be in contact. Urmila feels and says she will look for rashi and leaves.

Urmila finds rashi. Rashi feels jealous of gopi as everyone are praising gopi gawar. Urmila also scolds gopi. Gopi walks into make up room where kinjal is having some touch up so gopi tries to explain kinjal not to hurt kokila. But kinjal replies I’ve never poked into ur matters so its better u don’t involve in mine. Some body comes and calls kinjal so she leaves.

Saath nibhana sathiya 3rd October 2011 episode written episode

Short update:
Rashi tries to hide from teja(saree vendor) that the chunni got tored. But gopi tells him the truth. Ahem scolds gopi but teja appreciates her about the work she has done to cover it. He gifts the dress to gopi for doing such a good job. Rashi is shocked and jealous. Kokila and all family members are shocked looking kinjal at the pandal. Ahem and kokila scolds kinjal why is she doing all this but  kinjal answers recklessly and tells them that she is the guest of honor and leaves. Urmila waiting for rashi at the entrance. The security people doesn’t allow her in. sonal comes to the pandal. Rashi worried looking at her.

Detailed update:
Rashi and gopi thinks to go to the shop and return the dress. Kokila stops them and asks where are they going. Rashi says her about returning her dress to the vendor. Door bell rings. Kokila opens the door. Teja comes back as he has forgot his bag. He comes in. rashi gives him the dress and tells that she wants return the dress. He asks her to take another dress but she tells no. ahem comes home. Teja takes his bags and moves. Gopi stops him. She slowly tells him that the dress got tore. She apologises him for that. Ahem scolds gopi. Teja opens the dress and looks on. He tells wow gopi ji u’ve done a great job. I liked it. Il use this design in my next sarees. I wanna gift this dress to u. rashi shocked and full jealousy. Gopi hesitates to take it. Teja asks ahem to convince gopi to take. Ahem asks gopi to take it. Gopi full khush and accepts.

Gopi getting ready in her room. Ahem walks in. gopi stands. Ahem looks gopi and bowled of her beauty. Both have eye locks for sometime.

Gopi’s family members come to the dandiya pandal. Some lady will be giving aarthi. All family members looks happy. All are shocked suddenly looking at the lady who was giving aarthi. As its kinjal. Kokila and ahem looks at her angrily. But kinjal looks at them very recklessly and moves away from there. Ahem looks kokila angry, he controls her to be claim. He walks to kinjal and asks what she is doing here and whats all this? Kinjal proudly says, I need not answer anyone. Im the guest of honor here.

Urmila waiting outside the pandal for rashi. She tries to come in but the security people doesn’t allow her in as she has no pass. She calls rashi and tells the matter. She comes out. Behind her a lady gets down from car. Rashi looks at her and gets worried as she is sonal.

Kokila tries to talk with kinjal but kinjal replies her very rudely. Dhaval asks kinjal to apologise her mother and move. But kinjal insults dhaval and moves away.
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