Wednesday 29 February 2012

Balika Vadhu 29th February 2012 episode Written Update

Dadi sa orders everyone not to reveal the secret of jagya and his second marriage to jiji as her health is not well and she cant bear this pain. All agree. Basanth worries about dadi sa’s health. Badi jiji refuses to have tasteless food but dadi sa convinces her and makes her to eat it.

3men from village come and invite anandi and her family for holi pooja. Anandi says them, this house belongs to dadi sa and she is the elder of the house. So you should invite her first. I am the younger in the house and will be the same forever. And if you are inviting as a sarpanch then why does a sarpanch needs invitation. Dadi sa wonders and all feel happy. Dadi sa agrees to attend the pooja. Badi jiji feels happy and gifts some money to anandi and blesses her.

All does the holi pooja. Badi jiji says anandi that every year jagya used to listen the story of holi from her. She explains the story to anandi. Later she asks to call jagya. But anandi tries to avoid it but jiji calls jagya.

In Mumbai, jagya is upset as he will be missing everyone in the family on fest. Gauri consoles him. His cell rings and gauri takes the call. Jiji asks whether its jagya’s number or not. Gauri says yes. Jiji asks who is the lady named gauri who picked up jagya’s call. Anandi gets worried.

Dadi sa calls jagya and asks him to come to jatsar as badi jiji is wishing to see him. Jagya in thinking. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 29th February 2012 episode Written Update

Rashi once again goes to hetal with juice and asks about what she was saying about the saree. Hetal says nothing much, I was just showing the saree which jigar has bought for me with his first salary. Rashi gives a stupid suggestion, mummy ji why don’t you give this saree to kaki ji as this type of sarees only she wears. Hetal feels yes and thinks to give it to koki. Rashi leaves saying she has some work.

Koki working in mandir. Rashi looks her and starts acting as though she is talking to some tailor. She asks to stitch a blouse with koki’s measurements. Koki over hears this. After rashi hangs on her cell phone koki asks why she was asking to stitch a blouse of her measurements. Rashi replies, as mummuy ji wants to give you a yellow saree which jigar ji has gifted her with his first salary. So I asked the tailor to stitch it. Koki hears all with patience and asks her to finish work in the kitchen. Rashi leaves.

Urmila is worried that kinjal may come to know about the secret of her lottery. Kinjal comes there but unnecessarily urmi shouts on kinjal. Kinjal suspects urmi why is she so nervous these days and she should find out.

Hetal comes to koki’s room and gives the saree to koki. But refuses to take. Koki tries to give explanation about the saree but rashi interferes and asks hetal what to prepare for lunch. Already disappointed hetal replies calmly to prepare anything she wishes. But koki stops and says the item names to prepare. Koki leaves as rashi says gopi is searching for u. rashi again acts that she is an idiot and she should have asked kaki ji whether she has a yellow blouse or not. Blah blah blah. Hetal replies its ok. No need. Koki refused to take the saree. Rashi again poisoning hetal’s mind, asking hetal to come with them to have ice cream in their second hand car. Again rashi says, jigar ji has a very big heart to accept a second hand car. No one can do it. He has no complaints about giving old car by ahem jiju. Hetal calmly leaves from there. Rashi is happy smiling as her plan got success.

Door bell rings. Koki opens the door. She looks two newspapers of same company and wonders who ordered two. She calls rashi and asks who ordered two same newspapers. She asks twice to rashi. Hetal replies, its me kokila. Koki wonders and asks why to order the same newspaper in one house. Koki says, since years its been that ahem reads newspaper and then jigar reads it. Hetal calmly says, yes jigar also reads newspaper. Hetal doesn’t care about koki’s words and just leaves from there saying she has some work in kitchen.

Rashi calls urmi and tells about their success. Urmi feels happy and rashi hangs on. Hetal comes to gopi and asks to prepare mutter paneer today. Gopi says there is paneer but no mutter. But no worries I will buy from near by market. Hetal says ok.

Urmi in her house excercising. A person comes and says he has come from income tax dept. and need to take few details from her as she has won the lottery. Urmi says that her name is kinjal shah and signs on a paper. The person leaves and kinjal looks this.

Gopi comes out and dashes with ahem. Ahem says sorry and asks where is she going. Gopi says she is going to market to buy mutter. Ahem says ok I will take you to market and you dint get in the new car too na. gopi feels happy and smiles.

Ahem and gopi sit in the car. Ahem looks gopi dint put the seat belt. So he bends to put and both have eye lock.

Saath Nibhana saathiya Party pictures


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 28th February 2012 episode Written Update

Hetal will be preparing something in kitchen. Meeti asks what is she preparing as breakfast has got prepared. Hetal replies that she is preparing some item which chirag wants to have. Meeti says ok and continues her work. Koki comes to the kitchen. She looks around and asks for gopi and rashi. Hetal replies I dint see gopi since longtime and may be rashi getting fresh up. Koki looks hetal preparing something and says, rashi should prepare this. Koki walks away and hetal gives an upset look at her and continues. Koki shouts for rashi but there will be no reply. All the family members come down but not rashi.

Koki asks jigar about rashi. He replies that he dint see her from the time he has come home. And she was coming with you all na. ahem says no mom, myself and dad has come home. Rashi wasn’t with us. Jigar says she told me that she would come in the new car with you. jigar and hetal gets worried. Koki stops him saying if she is on the way how will you find her. Lets wait for sometime and go. Door bell rings and meeti opens. Rashi comes inside. All get relaxed. Koki yells where was she. Rashi says I thought of coming with you. I ran behind the car too. But you people dint see me. Koki says when you don’t have money and cell phone with you then you can take an auto and give money after reaching home na. rashi says yes but I dint get this idea. Hetal defends and says rashi to have breakfast. Rashi feels happy and says thanks.

Gopi comes with kana ji ki idol near the new car. She smiles and walks towards it. She sits in driver seat and does pooja. Ahem comes there and sits beside her. He says gopi take me to office. Gopi gets nervous and says no ahem ji I just came to do pooja. Gopi gets down immediately. Ahem smiles and also gets down. He comes near her and says some say I will take you to long drive. Gopi blushes and ahem tries to cover himself and again says, no you dint get in this new car na so we shall go. Gopi nods. Ahem gets into the car. Gopi walks off from there. She turns back to look at ahem. Both have few seconds of eye lock. Ahem comes into the world early and go away. Gopi stands smiling.

All having breakfast. Jigar will be reading some newspaper. Ahem asks to give business section. So does. Koki says your day starts with reading paper only. Hetal feels hurt as his son gives away the newspaper.

Urmila gets worried about kinjal may come to know about her lottery secret and decides to be careful. Rashi calls her. She explains what has happened in the temple and her walking and coming home. Urmi gets an evil plan and says rashi to show hetal that her son is being degraded in the house and ahem is in the first place. Rashi says ok and hangs on as she need to give pressed clothes to hetal.

Hetal will be arranging clothes in wardrobe. She looks at a yellow saree and feels happy. Rashi comes there with clothes and asks what is doing. Hetal says I was thinking to arrange my wardrobe since many days, today I got time so doing it. Hetal shows the yellow saree and says it was the first saree which jigar has bought her with his first salary. This is the same model as koki wears. Rashi gets call from urmi. Rashi acts as if there is no signal and says hetal that she would talk and come back.

Rashi picks up the call after coming out. Urmi asks whether the shop keeper notes down the owner of the lottery ticket. Rashi says no I don’t know. I never purchased a lottery ticket. But I think they will. Rashi tries to hang on as she was talking to her MIL. Urmi gives her an evil plan about the saree. Rashi hears the plan and says so we are giving a second hand reply to second hand car. Wow. Rashi hangs on turns back. She looks gopi behind her and shocks. Gopi asks what was she saying about second hand. Rashi says mom was pulling her leg about the car. Gopi says but that car too is a new one. Rashi again says yes I know. It was just for fun. Rashi takes the juice from gopi and asks her to go and do another work. Gopi nods and leaves.

Koki asks rashi who ordered same paper 2numbers. Hetal says she has ordered. Koki shocks.

Monday 27 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th February 2012 episode Written Update

Ahem working on laptop in his room. Koki comes with clothes. Ahem looks at her and says why did you trouble? You should have told gopi. Koki smiles and says why I shouldn’t come to my son’s room? Ahem smiles and says, this is your house and you can come anytime. Koki and ahem discuss about new car. Koki suggests to gift new seat covers to jigar. Ahem agrees. Gopi comes there and koki says both to take rest.

Ahem talking to the car dealer and says thanks to him. He shouts for all the family members to out and all rush outside. Jigar looks at the car and doubts why the car color isn’t red? Rashi says may be as they have delivered soon they couldn’t get red color. Koki says the car is nice. Ahem says everyone, if we take one car to office and others are troubling to go somewhere so we planned to buy a new car. Jigar fully excited says I can’t bear more. Ahem gives a car keys and jigar hugs ahem. Ahem says, as you like my car. Here are the keys. From today it’s yours. Jigar and hetal gets disappointed. Jigar without showing his pain nods and takes keys. Bhaa says we all shall go and have chat. Koki says yes we all shall go to have chat but first we all shall go to temple and then to chat Bandar. Ahem says, jigar you take rashi, kaka and kaki in your car. We all come in new one. Jigar nods. Hetal still upset.

Ahem asks for gopi to koki. She replies, she has some work in kitchen so she will not come. Ahem feels bad. He says I will have some water and come. Koki stops him and orders meeti to bring water. Ahem gets disappointed and thinks to message gopi. While using his cell phone chirag says it’s getting late we shall move. Ahem nods. All get in to their cars.

Rashi starts poisoning, this car is also cool. Nice color and shape. Ahem jiju has maintained it as still a new one. Its too good. Chirag smiles and looks at hetal. She looks upset so asks what happened. Hetal replies she is fine.

Pundit does pooja to the vehicle. Koki asks hetal to do aarthi. But hetal says, no koki you do the aarthi. If you do ahem feels happy. Koki smiles and does. After pooja, bhaa says, one grandson has brought me to the temple now another one will take me to home. Ahem says, jigar you take the new car and drop bhaa and others. Jigar feels happy and raises his hand to take the keys. But hetal stops him and says, no jigar you drive your car. When we brought this car bhaa was in America so she dint get in this car so we all shall go in that one only. Bhaa also nods and accepts to go. All walk towards the old car. Rashi asks jigar, do you feel bad if I come home in new car? Jigar smiles and says no its ok. You can come in it. Jigar and others go away. Rashi turns back and looks some friend of her. She looks ahem and koki talking so she rushes to meet her friend.

Koki asks ahem to start as he is getting late. Ahem agrees. Koki, parag and ahem go away. Rashi after saying bye to her friend turns back and looks everyone has left. She gets irritated as she has left her phone in the car and dint brings her purse too. She starts walking.

Koki, ahem and parag reach home. Ahem asks koki to call him when breakfast is ready and leaves. Ahem comes to his room. He looks all his things neatly arranged. He will be running in his world of love koki comes their. She looks ahem in his own world. She asks what happened. Ahem replies, look mom how gopi has arranged all his things so neatly. Koki gets hurt.

In rajpal nagar, kinjal goes to the general stores and asks for ram bhai. But the person says ram bhai is out of station and will be back in two days. kinjal gets upset and leaves. While walking to home she decides to spy on fui why is she so worried these days.(As this rajpal nagar scene was unnecessary I explained in few sentences)

Gopi and ahem get into the car. Ahem asks gopi to drive and take him to office. Gopi gets nervous.

Balika Vadhu 27th February 2012 episode Written Update

Nandu comes to dadi sa with the toys he has grabbed from his friends. He apologizes to dadi sa and promises he shall never do this again. All forgive nandu. He takes blessings from everyone. Later nandu complains dadi sa that no one has wished him on his birthday nor celebrated his birthday. So dadi sa promises that she would celebrate his birthday. Nandu feels happy.

All the family members of bhairon, suguna and also others go to some picnic where anandi gifts a cycle to nandu. All play games and come back.

Dadi sa feels happy to see her family united again and says she can die now peacefully. But they hear her badi jiji’s voice. All get shocked to see her.

Badi jiji asks everyone to show whether they are using her gifts or not. All show. She asks anandi why she is not using her gift.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th February 2012 episode Written Update

Koki, hetal and rashi in the kitchen. Koki says hetal, I told ahem to take care of jigar as he is not feeling well. Hetal just nods. Bhaa calls koki. So while leaving koki asks rashi to pack kichidi. Koki leaves. Rashi lies to hetal that she has prepared kichidi for jigar. But hetal says the kichidi smells the same as koki prepares. Rashi says I have tried to prepare same as kaki ji prepares. Hetal believes in rashi.

In the evening, chirag, ahem and jigar come home. Hetal asks jigar about his health. Koki asks about kichidi and jigar says yes rashi…. And rashi stops him saying that your eyes have become red due to work and he needs rest. Rashi sends hetal and jigar to their room and says she would bring kaada for him. Both hetal and jigar leaves. Koki looks doubted at rashi’s behavior.

Hetal sits beside jigar and asks him to take rest and she would come to see him in short intervals. In the hall, rashi comes out of kitchen and here ahem, koki and chirag will be talking. Koki says jigar has come to office with fever in an auto. Chirag says yes I know and we were thinking to buy a new car to him. Chirag asks ahem to order a new car which is jigar’s favorite. Ahem says jigar likes my car. So chirag says ahem to order new one for himself and give his car to jigar. Ahem and koki agrees to it. Rashi listens this and feels bad. She again goes to kitchen and calls urmi. Urmi gives an evil plan to rashi to create misunderstandings between all the family members.

Rashi goes to her room with kaada. Hetal asks why she was late. Rashi gives a story to her and our stupid lady believes. Hetal leaves and rashi sits beside jigar. Jigar drinks kaada. Rashi tells him, I over heard conversation between ahem jiju and papa ji. They were planning to buy a new car for u. both rashi and jigar feel happy. Jigar tries to hug rashi but stops himself.

Hetal will be doing something in mandir. Rashi goes their and tells about the surprise to jigar next day. Hetal feels very happy. Rashi again goes to bhaa. Bhaa asks rashi to take her to their room as she wanna see jigar. Rashi says bhaa to know about jigar’s favorite color as she was planning to buy a new shirt for him. Bhaa goes to jigar’s room. While talking about his health she gets confirmed that jigar’s favorite color is red. Bhaa leaves. Rashi comes to jigar and asks what she was asking. Jigar says as all are planning to give surprise they wanna know his favorite color. Rashi feels happy.

Ahem gives keys to jigar and says from today my car is yours. Hetal and jigar gets shocked.

Balika Vadhu 24th February 2012 episode Written Update

Jagya and anandi thinking deeply. Gauri will be sleeping. Anandi recalls gauri’s words and feels bad.
Suguna comes to haveli and tells sumithra that nandu is stealing things from his friends and the parents of the kids are scared as nandu may complaint to his father and lose their jobs. Sumithra doesn’t agree to it. She takes nandu and goes to the villager. She asks the child whether nandu has taken away the binoculars or not. First the child will be stopped by his mother later the child reveals that nandu has taken off his binoculars forcefully. Nandu warns the child about complaining this to his father. Sumithra gets angry and slaps nandu. Nandu runs away crying. He reaches home. There dadi sa, anandi, bhairon and suguna will be there. Nandu runs to his room and again sumithra comes crying. She too walks away without speaking. Bhairon, suguna and anandi rush behind sumithra.

Basanth and gehna return home from temple. Nandu hears basanth’s words and rush down and complains that sumithra has slapped him. Gehna gets angry and yells for sumithra. All come down. Before listening to sumithra gehna shouts who gave the right to hit her son? Sumithra shocks and looks on.

Dadi sa says its not the right thing. Now we need to have panchayat on this in their house and basanth will be the sarpanch.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 22nd February 2012 episode Written Update

Rashi calls urm the good news that her kalakari has worked out. Rashi praises her and says she is very much impressed. Urmi asks whether hetal has reacted any or not. Rashi says no she dint speak out but I feel she has definitely got hurt. Urmi says you should keep your mother-in-law and husband in your hand so that you can gain high position in house. And for this you need to make ahem bad. Rashi says no its impossible. It can be done to humans but not machines. He wakes up, reads newspaper, has food and just work. I am very lucky that I dint get married to that machine. Urmi says ok you think yourself, if you want ur MIL to be with you then you need to do it. Rashi says ok and hangs on.

Ahem comes out of his bathroom and his towel gets struck in the door and his towel drops down. At the same moment gopi comes inside with tea. She looks at him and turns back, ahem runs to the window and hides behind the curtain. Ahem asks gopi to give his towel. Our lady love walk in slow motion and gives the towel. Ahem grabs the towel abruptly. Gopi walks few steps and asks for breakfast. Ahem replies he would come down. Gopi runs out.

Kinjal getting dressed. Her cell phone rings. She picks up and it’s the agent. The agent asks for money. Kinjal requests some more time and the agent hangs on. Kinjal gets worried.

Rashi comes to kitchen, looks hetal and meeti doing some work. Rashi asks to prepare carrot juice for jigar. Meeti says she would prepare juice after she is done with ahem’s juice. Rashi says jigar ji will have now and ahem jiju will take to office. Ok fine I myself shall prepare the juice. Rashi starts peeling the carrots. Koki comes in the kitchen and asks meeti about ahem’s tiffin and juice. Meeti replies everything is ready. Koki looks around and asks for gopi. Meeti replies she went upstairs. Koki leaves. Meeti takes the breakfast and walks out. Rashi slowly walks to hetal and says, look mummy ji now meeti also showing importance to ahem ji. Anyways it happens every time na.

Kinjal comes out of her room and looks no ladies. She asks where they went. Urmi replies they went to see sheetal’s grand daughter. Kinjal asks urmi that she need to pay money for her work. But urmi in her style responds I shall think after I see your work. Now go and prepare breakfast with less ghee and oil. Kinjal leaves.

Everyone on dining table. Meeti asks what shall she prepare for nashta. Koki replies prepare roti, dal, chawal and malai kofta as ahem likes it. Gopi and ahem feels happy. Rashi asks shall I prepare paneer ki sabszi? But koki says no need to prepare two curries. You can prepare it tomorrow. Go and prepare tea for everyone. Rashi walks sadly. Hetal also gets up and leaves. Chirag looks hetal is upset. Hetal walks to kitchen and pampers rashi that she can prepare the curry tomorrow. But rashi says it was jigar’s favorite curry so thought to prepare it. Hetal says no worries you can prepare tomorrow. Rashi once again says yes it happens daily. Hetal leaves.

Kinjal asks urmi 500 rupees to purchase veggies. Urmi opens her mouth and says why 500 rupees for veggies. Ok today I will take you to market and show you how to buy veggies and how to bargain. Kinjal nods. Both have breakfast.

Hetal comes to her room, chirag will be referring to some file. He asks whether she is alright as she was looking upset at the dining table. Hetal says yes she is fine. Chirag leaves.

Rashi talking to urmi. Jigar comes there and looks he is sick. Rashi hangs her phone and looks jigar is having fever. She asks him to lie down and she would bring medicines.

Kinjal and urmi walking on street. Urmi looks the agent talking to someone on road. Both kinjal and urmi covers their faces with their chunnis and walk from there. They go to some shop. There the  shop person looks at kinjal and says, I am very lucky as you have come to my shop. Kinjal doesn’t understand. The person again says, after winning the lottery…. Urmi hears this and opens her mouth.


Rashi is worried as jigar went to office in auto. Koki says lakhs of people go by auto, what happens. Hetal comes there and says jigar is having fever. Koki opens her eyes broad. 

Balika Vadhu 22nd February 2012 episode Written Update

All three, jagya, gauri and anandi standing in a room. Jagya asks anandi to clear up all her doubts before him with gauri. Gauri gets worried. But anandi says its waste to speak to a person who doesn’t know the value of relations. Anandi leaves from there. Jagya looks at gauri. Gauri acts innocent. Jagya runs out. He pleads anandi to come to his house. Anandi denies. Lal singh comes there. Gauri throws a senti dialogue to come home for dadi sa. As she is not well, she bought a ganesh idol and she wants to give it to her. Anandi melts and asks lal singh to come with her. All come out.

Gauri starts her acting and thinks to show how happy she is. Jagya, anandi and lal singh waits near the car. Gauri comes with the keys and tries to open. But jagya stops her. He asks when he is with her why she should drive. Gauri again taunts anandi saying look anandi how caring is jagya. Anandi feels bad. All start home.

In the car, gauri will be taunting anandi that she lives in village and her thoughts dint get developed, about pizzas and burgers. She says as anandi doesn’t know about pizza and burger they would buy samosa for them. Jagya unknowingly defends anandi saying, do you remember anandi when I brought pizza for you and you liked it a lot when you came here to Mumbai on my birthday. Gauri feels hurt and jealous.

All come home. Gauri takes anandi to her bed room and taunts about jagya. Anandi looks at the family picture in their room. Jagya calls them out. Both come. Gauri offers samosa to anandi. But anandi doesn’t respond. Jagya asks gauri to prepare tea for them. Gauri leaves. Gauri will be preparing tea and listening to them. Jagya says that gauri has changed. Anandi interrupts jagya and asks him to give the ganesh idol so that they can leave. Gauri comes out and calls jagya inside. Lal singh will be getting angry but anandi stops him. Jagya takes out the idol from the almara and recognizes that it was the same idol which they got as a gift. Gauri looks on at jagya worried.


Lal singh says gauri is acting. Gauri acts as if she is feeling ill. Lal singh again says she has started her acting again. Jagya gets serious and warns lal singh that he would kill him if he speaks against about his wife and child. Anandi looks on shocked. Gauri smiling.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Balika Vadhu 21st February 2012 episode Written Update

Anandi in a cab thinking about how to avoid jagya. Suddenly cab stops. She looks some lady injured on the road. She takes the lady to hospital. The lady will be treated by gauri. Gauri gets shocked looking at anandi.

Suguna calls dadi sa and informs her about the dispute between the nandu and his friends in school. The child’s parents are scared to complain thinking they may lose the job. Dadi sa wonders and feels bad. She gets upset that all the kids are getting spoiled in her family. Dadi sa asks suguna to come to haveli and inform this to gehna and basant but suguna denies. Dadi sa plans something.

Gauri rudely behaves with anandi. She informs that the patient is out of danger. Gauri again taunts anandi. But anandi doesn’t responds. She just leaves. While walking in the hospital anandi in her thinking pushed by a person taking a patient on stretcher. Jagya grabs her hand and balances. Both have eye lock for few minutes. Jagya feels happy looking at her and remembers lal singh and asks whether she has come with him. Anandi nods her head. Jagya gets serious and asks why she is not talking to him. Anandi denies that she is not interested in talking with him. Jagya tries to convince her that now gauri has changed and doesn’t have any feeling about their talking. Anandi tries to walk away from there. Jagya grabs her hand and walks towards gauri. Gauri looks this and feels jealous.

Jagya, gauri and anandi goes to a room. Jagya asks anandi to ask before him to gauri to ask whether gauri has any hesitation about their friendship. Gauri gets scared that anandi may reveal everything.

Gauri requests anandi to come to their home. Anandi wonders looking at her. 

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 21st February 2012 episode Written Update

Ram expresses his happiness about the curry and says he wants to kiss that person’s hand. Shipra says that its not myself, curry was prepared by priya. Priya and ram get blushed. Ram says he would not come home if they tease him. All laugh. Nats requests her brother ram that she need to leave and work as she is quite busy with her fashion shows. Ram gets upset but nods. Nats leaves though karthik requests her to stay. Shipra and sudhir gets angry but remain claim.

Niharika plans some thing dhamaka to put apart ram and priya. Mama ji feels tensed. While cleaning the dining table shipra asks Ayesha to call nats. But Ayesha defends shipra for nats. Both have some argument and priya looks this. She feels there is some problem at their house. Priya comes to ram and says she wants to stay back at her house this night. Ram gets upset and requests her to come home before breakfast. Priya smiles and accepts. Ram leaves.

Ram reaches kapoor’s mansion. Niharika informs ram that he needs to leave for US now as there is some issue running in their US branch. Ram feels bad and walks to his room. Ram while packing thinks of priya when he leaves after his marriage. He gets upset.

Priya asks shipra about the problem running in their house. No one responds so priya feels bad as they are treated her as priya kapoor. Priya gets call from ram. Ram informs he is leaving to US this night. So priya says she would meet him at the airport. Ram feels happy.

Ram leaves to airport. Priya struggling to get a taxi.

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st February 2012 episode Written Update

Rashi provoking the koki’s pundit that he is better than the other. Koki’s pundit promises that he would prove himself. Rashi feels happy. Rashi says this to urmi and both feel happy. Savitha once again tries to insult hetal but koki comes there to rescue her.

Gopi troubling with match box to lite the diya. Ahem comes and helps her. Both have some love air and koki disturbs them asking ahem to go and sit. All the family members sit for pooja. Both the pundits surpass each other. Modi family gets shocked looking this. Koki asks them to start abhishek. Finally koki’s pundit and hetal’s pundit asks to do abhishek first. Urmi and rashi having fun looking modis worried. Chirag says hetal to do first and then koki. Both do.

After finishing arthi, koki’s pundit asks her to gather all the family members for special pooja. Koki looks for ahem and gopi. Ahem struggling with his eye. Gopi blows it off and koki calls them both.
After pooja koki gives money to the pundits. Koki’s pundit is dissatisfied as she gave equal money to both. Hetal’s pundit gives his rate card and asks 5000 rupees. Koki gives. Koki’s pundit gets hurt and both leave. Koki feels bad as they wished to have a happy pooja but it wasn’t. hetal gets upset. Rashi starts poisoning hetal’s mind. She says that hetal is a very cool going woman and can forgive anyone but not koki. Hetal feels it was her mistake. But rashi says it wasn’t hers.

Koki asking to prepare some curry which is ahem’s favorite. Rashi asks she would prepare another but koki dislikes and says no. Hetal looks on koki.

Friday 17 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th February 2012 episode Written Update

Rashi comes into room. Looks jigar is not in the room. She takes his pillow and blanket in hand jigar comes inside. Rashi asks jigar to sleep on the bed freely and they would be like friends like in the past. Jigar meltseek and says ok. Rashi

Gopi preparing some breakfast with left over rice in the night. Rashi comes there and looks gopi preparing breakfast. Rashi starts scolding gopi that, evilyou have been so long in this house still you don’t know the rules and regulations of this house. Koki and hetal come to kitchen. Koki gets angry listening to rashi’s words and scolds her, you are sister-in-law to gopi in this house, and she is not your sister. So give respect to her and talk. Dhobi will come now go and collect all the clothes. Rashi in tears walks out of kitchencry. Gopi and hetal feels bad for rashi.cry

In rajpal nagar, kinjal will be watching tv and having tea. Urmi comes there and taunts her why she is not working? Kinjal says what work? Urmi says her to bring customers to their slimming center. Kinjal says I am trainer and I will train them when they come. Bringing customers is marketing duty and I am not in marketing. Urmi gets angryevil. Again kinjal taunts her to pay her every month. Urmi shocked and opens her moutheek.

Rashi comes near mandir and cries. Hetal comes there and consoles her. Hetal makes rashi convince and asks her to have breakfast and then do dhobi work and also pooja programs of shiva rathri. Rashi agrees.

All modi family has breakfast. After breakfast while chirag, jigar and ahem leaving to office bhaa reminds them to come home soon for pooja. All smile and walk away. Gopi calls ahem and asks whether he took the blue file or not. Ahem replies yes I took and I will return home by 6.30eek. gopi blushes and nods her head. Koki listens this from kitchen. Ahem leaves and koki comes out and calls gopi and asks her to finish her kitchen work soon. Gopi walks to kitchen and koki walks to phone and calls pundit to come home for shiva rathri pooja. Pundit agrees. Koki walks away. Rashi listens to koki calling pundit. She thinks on somethingidea.

Rashi calls urmi and scolds gopi and koki. She explains urmi what koki has scolded her. Idea flashes in urmi’s mind and says they should utilize this sister-in-law sentiment for their next kalakariidea. Urmi says some thing.

Hetal will be folding clothes in her room and rashi goes there. Rashi asks whether they have called pundit for shiva rathri pooja or not. Hetal replies, everytime koki does that and she will never forget. Any ways you have reminded me so I will ask her. Rashi says, if we ask her she may feel bad. We shall call pundit and ask if he says no we shall call him. Hetal agrees and rashi calls him. She says its saying unavailable. So rashi says we shall call another pundit. Hetal agrees and says she shall call the previous pundit. They call and ask him to come.razz

Rashi calls urmi and tells that she and hetal has invited another pundit and there will be fun on that day. Urmi feels happy and again feels bad as she will be not present there. Rashi says no you can see live because mummy ji has invited u. urmi feels happy.mrgreen

Thursday 16 February 2012

Balika Vadhu 16th February 2012 Episode Written Update

Anandi gets hurt of dadi sa’s words and cries. Jagya calls her but she reminds gauri’s hurting words and disconnects his call. Jagya gets worried. Gauri comes there so he says he is worried about his family members and anandi is not taking his call. He gets worried aout whats happening in jatsar. Gauri thinks for a while and tries to poison jagya’s mind against anandi. She says anandi should have thought once before giving the final decision. Now she is suffering the pain. Jagya gets hyper and says its not anandi’s fault its completely dadu sa’s. gauri gets alert and tries to cool jagya by saying dadi sa has come back now so there will be no problem.

Anandi feels bad for hurting dadi sa and others in her family. Dadi sa looks and feels bad and apologizes in her heart to anandi and says I have done all this to keep this family as one.

Dadi sa and basanth in hall. Sumitra, gehna come there with files and tea. Anandi brings breakfast. Dadi sa says to sumithra and gehna not to prepare oily food for her from now on as she got habituated to simple foods. Anandi gets hurt. Basanth and gehna feels satisfied. Bhairon comes there. He says dadi sa that there is a program in Mumbai about equipment of hospital where they can get the equipment in less price. So one of their family person should go with lal singh to get them. Basanth denies the matter that he cant go and basanth also has some work so he too cant go. Finally bhairon says they should send anandi. Dadi sa taunts anandi that they had spent lot of money on her studies and she is a sarpanch now then she can go. Anandi again gets hurt.

Sumithra asks bhairon why he is sending anandi to Mumbai. Bhairon replies that anandi has changed a lot and she can manage herself there. Sumithra is worried for anandi. Jagya calls anandi and she will be packing her clothes. She thinks for a while whether to say jagya that she is coming to Mumbai or not and finally decides no. she cuts the call and messages jagya that everything is fine. Jagya gets hyper and throws away the paper weight and breaks the glass. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 16th February 2012 Episode Written Update

Very sweet episode our Ahem wished Gopi about V-day.Emoticon But sad thing is koki again misunderstanding ahem. Yet I am happy that finally ahem is falling for gopi.

 Urmi opens the door and looks koki and hetal shocked. Both come inside and hetal asks urmi about her health. Koki asks for her gopi. Urmi replies ahem has come and picked her. Koki shocks. But she says actually ahem should come for gopi but he told he has some work at office so we came. Koki again asks where kinjal is. Urmi says she has come home just now and she is in her room to fresh up. Urmi calls for kinjal but she replies in a harsh manner from inside. Urmi gets a chance to taunt koki says see she will reply in the same manner every time. Koki doesn’t bother her. Kinjal comes out and about to yell at urmi but she looks at koki and hetal and stops. She wishes both. Urmi asks kinjal to prepare tea for her mother. Kinjal looks on urmi. Again urmi says let it be you sit and gossip with your mother I’ll prepare tea. Koki stops urmi and says they dint come to trouble them and she says they should leave now. Urmi asks to look at her new slimming center but koki says she will leave now and walks away from there. Hetal also wishes and walks off.

Jigar comes to his room and wonders looking at the decoration made in their room. He looks rashi and walks slowly to her. He asks why she called. Rashi replies I wished to give surprise on V-day. Jigar says why to do all this? Rashi holds jigar’s hand and says I want to get second chance to win your heart again. Jigar couldn’t speak anything looks on rashi.

Ahem driving car and looks gopi looking out worried. He asks what happened. Gopi replies, when they were kids her mama ji used to bring them here to have kulfi. Ahem after a while stops car and says when we have come here lets have some kulfi. Gopi feels happy. Both get down from car and walk to kulfi. Ahem asks which one will be good. Gopi replies malai kulfi. Ahem orders one kulfi for gopi. Gopi says you should try ahem ji it will be good. Ahem nods and orders another one but in a cleaned plate. A person comes to ahem and tries to sell rose flowers. Gopi looks on ahem. The person requests ahem to buy as it’s a V-day. Ahem agrees and takes. Ahem and gopi both blushing. Finally ahem gives flower to gopi and says Happy V-day. Gopi still blushing takes it and replies thank you and happy V-dayEmoticon. Kulfi person comes and gives the plates to them. Ahem looks and says its more. The person says yes its special today as its V-day. Gopi says she cant eat this much. Ahem says don’t worry, you eat as much as you can and remaining I shall eat. Gopi feels happy and nods.

Koki and hetal come home. Koki asks meeti about ahem. Meeti replies that ahem bhai hasn’t come yet. Koki wonders why they haven’t come home. Door bell rings and meeti opens the door. Meeti wishes ahem and gopi. Both walk inside. Gopi hides rose flower and koki looks that. Rashi and jigar come downstairs.

Koki asks ahem why he hasn’t called before going to rajpal nagar. Ahem says no I have called and told this to rashi. Rashi gets worried and again lies that oh jiju its youSmiley. I dint hear your voice. Ahem gets angry and replies but I heard your voice clearly. Rashi covers her mistake saying no I dint hear you. koki says ok ahem lets think its rashi’s mistake. But where did you go till this time. Hetal asks to leave this matter and asks everyone to come for dinner but ahem says he is not feeling hungry as he ate kulfi on the way. Koki surprised. Ahem gets some call. He walks few steps away and after few moments come back. Hetal says ahem that koki had prepared his favorite curry. Ahem apologizingly says he don’t have any idea that koki has prepared his favorite curry. Koki says its ok in a hurting voice. Ahem asks gopi to bring green tea to their room. Gopi nods and ahem leaves. Koki says gopi to take green tea for ahem. Gopi looks koki got hurt. Rashi smiles.

Ahem thinking deeply. Gopi comes there with green tea. She calls him and gives tea. She says I guess maa ji got hurt. Ahem replies yes it was my mistake I should have told her. Gopi nods.

Koki in her room worried. Parag says why he is worried about ahem dint eat food tonightSmiley. Koki replies she is not worried about that, ahem is getting diverted from his work and I don’t like it. Parag tries to explain her, its ok koki ahem is getting close to gopi. In this age it happens. He need to enjoy life. koki gets angry and yells, I don’t want ahem to become like you, Irresponsible. I wish to see him as a good businessman like mota bhai.Smiley

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 15th February 2012 Episode Written Update

Hetal, koki and meeti will be working in kitchen. Koki says she would prepare ahem’s favorite item for dinner today. Hetal feels happy and says to prepare. Koki asks for rashi. Hetal replies that she is removing clothes from terrace and she would call her. Koki nods and hetal leaves from there.

At office, jigar and ahem working. Jigar asks ahem for Mehta file. So ahem calls his secretary and says, gopi bring mehta’s file. Jigar smiles. His secretary says I am Indu sir. Ahem blushes and says ok, bring the file. A lady walks in with a file and gives it to ahem. She asks whether he needs anything else. He replies no and the lady leaves. Ahem gets hiccups, jigar gives water to him smiling and says may be gopi babi is thinking about you. Ahem gets nervous and drinks water.

Rashi coming down stairs and looks hetal coming upstairs. Hetal looks rashi and says today koki is going to your mom’s place to bring gopi then why don’t you go with her and meet her. Rashi says kaki ji is already angry with me and now if I go with her now she will get angry. Mummy ji you can go with kaki ji, if you go to her place my mom will feel happy. Hetal also thinks and says ok she would go. Hetal leaves and rashi feels happy.

One employee of ahem’s office comes to ahem’s cabin and asks permission as he is newly married and wanna take his wife out. Ahem doesn’t agree and jigar says let it be let him go. Ahem says ok and the employee leaves happy.

Rashi decorates her room with flowers and balloons. Rashi gets doubt how to call jigar and ask him to come home. She calls urmi and asks for suggestion but she says rashi to say something and call her. Koki comes there and calls rashi. So rashi hangs the call and rushes out. She shuts the door from out and stands. Koki yells at rashi. Door bell rings. Koki thinks it may be dhobi and gives money to give it to the vegetables person. Rashi takes and stands still. Koki again scolds rashi why she is not going to take clothes from dhobi. Rashi rushes down.

Kinjal comes home and gopi will be dusting. Kinjal asks some water and walks to her room. She walks in and looks a bouquet and looks a small card written happy valentines day from dhaval. Kinjal gets angry and takes the bouquet out and throws. Gopi feels bad and asks why did u throw it, dhaval bhai has brought the bouquet with lots of love. Kinjal gets irritated and says valentines day is for those who love eachother. But I don’t love dhaval. Gopi gets upset. Kinjal insults gopi saying she doesn’t know the value of the day.

Jigar gets call from solanki and says meeting is cancelled. Jigar tells this to ahem. Ahem gets angry. Jigar says why don’t you go and bring back gopi as today we have no work. Ahem thinks on. Jigar gets a call so goes out. Rashi calls him and asks him to come home. Jigar says he has no work today so he is coming home. Jigar again goes to ahem’s room and looks ahem packing. Jigar feels happy. Ahem says he is going to bring gopi home.

Koki and hetal leave from house. Phone rings so rashi says she would pick up. Ahem calls and says he is going to pick up gopi so ask mom not to go to rajpal nagar. Rashi gets worried that if kaki ji and mom stay bak she cant spend time with jigar. She just cuts the call. Ahem also hangs on.

Gopi will be dusting and ahem comes there. Some dust fall on ahem’s shoulder. Gopi gets worried and cleans with hand and her pallu scared. Ahem says gopi not to get tensed. Both have eye locks for few moments. Urmi comes there and looks them. She invites ahem inside but he asks gopi to bring her things and he would wait for her in the door itself. Gopi walks inside. Ahem looks all the slimming center equipment. So urmi invites him inside and shows all the equipment and says all are imported. Gopi comes with her wallet. Ahem and gopi leave. Ahem’s car move from there, koki and hetal arrive. Both walk inside and urmi opens the door and looks shocked.

Koki asks ahem that he should have told her before going to rajpal nagar. Ahem replies he has told rashi. Koki looks at rashi and she gets tensed.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th February 2012 Episode Written Update

Ahem moving to and fro in his room thinking deeply to call gopi or not? Here in rajpal nagar gopi helping urmi to sleep by putting a pillow below her feet. She looks at her mobile and feels disappointed. She comes out and looks ahem on sofa having tea. But its her illusion. Saathiya song runs in the background and gopi smiling widely.

Ahem sitting on his bed and here he is in illusion that gopi brought tea for him(I don’t understand why this tea in between them while having romance). Saathiya background song runs. Ahem staring at gopi in his illusion. After few moments he comes out of his dream and feels bad. He gains few strength by thinking for few minutes and sends a “Good night” message to gopi. Our gopi darling gives reply “God night to u to”. Ahem smiles and gets on his coach and sleeps. Gopi also sleeps.

Rashi again trying to impress hetal says thanks to hetal for helping her in preparing breakfast. Hetal says its ok. Rashi feels happy and says today I am happy and confident that today kaki ji will not scold her as she has taken hetal’s help.

Ahem comes to the dining table. Wishes koki and sits. Hetal asks ahem whether he is going to bring back gopi home. Rashi adds to it that today is valentines day and today he should bring back gopi home. Ahem feels embarrassed and says he has lot of work today so he may not go. Koki replies if u are so busy its ok I’ll go and bring gopi back.

Ahem and jigar leaves without having breakfast properly. Koki is surprised why they left. Koki takes a spoon and have some upma and says this is the reason why ahem and jigar dint have breakfast properly. Koki yells at rashi that upma has less salt and curry leaves are more. Ahem doesn’t like upma if it has more curry leaves and jigar doesn’t like food without salt. You are in this house since these many days still you don’t know what your family members like. Koki leaves angrily and rashi gets upset. Hetal tries to console her but rashi leaves from there crying.

Rashi goes to her room and calls urmi. Rashi cries that she made two mistake today and tells her about mistake in upma and about valentines day. Urmi scolds rashi and says another plan to send hetal and koki to her house so that she can plan something better to impress jigar alone at home. Rashi doesn’t understand how to send hetal too. She asks urmi but she doesn’t say anything. Urmi says to plan some surprise for jigar and spend time with him. Rashi says ok and hangs on.

Gopi prepares dhoklas in breakfast. Urmi comments that she doesn’t like dhoklas but she will eat them today but she orders gopi to prepare 50khakras as she is on diet. Gopi says ok. Kinjal comes there. Urmi asks where she is going. So she sarcastic answer that she is not gonna get any money here so she needs to work so she is going out. Gopi feels happy and urmi gives a whatever expression. Gopi says as she is going for work she needs to take khana ji’s blessings. She brings arthi for kinjal and wishes luck. Kinjal thanks gopi and leaves. Urmi says again to gopi to prepare khakras.

Hetal and koki will be working in kitchen. Koki says she would call urmi and inform her that she is coming herself to take gopi home. Hetal says ok. Koki walks out and calls urmi. Urmi in heavy makeup picks up the call. Koki informs that she is coming to rajpal nagar to pick gopi. Urmi says she would feel happy if she allows gopi to stay back here for 2more days. koki doesn’t agree. Urmi says as her daughter is not interested in work she need some help. Koki taunts urmi to take rashi home and take her help forever. Urmi gets worried and says no she would send gopi back. 

Saturday 11 February 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th February 2012 Episode Written Update

Urmila gets worried as she is suffering with pain and there is no one to train in the gym with gopi. And gopi looks on worried at her.

Ahem working on his laptop and meethi comes with tea. Ahem is so upset looking at her. meethi leaves. Ahem gets a call and its Mr. Parekh. He reminds ahem that he need to complete some project and the client will leave soon. Ahem gets angry and yells at parekh that he need not remind him about his work. Ahem hangs on. He takes tea cup and while drinking he splits some tea on pillow. He walks to washroom to clean it. Again he comes out and walks to cupboard and looks for another pillow but he doesn’t find. He comments to gopi that why she left to her mami’s house. Ahem shouts for meethi. Koki comes there and asks what happened so he says he had split tea on pillow. Koki says not to worry.

At rajpal nagar, gopi’s cell rings. Gopi says Ahem ji. Urmila looks this and takes her cell phone. Urmi yells that she is dying with pain and she is so worried about her cell. Ahem gets angry why gopi is not taking his call. Urmi starts saying with gopi that she is getting worried about her gym center. Kinjal comes there and asks whether she has called any women as some women are waiting for her. urmi walks there and women asks looking at kinjal whether she is ….urmila catches her point and says yes she is the trainer showing at kinjal. Kinjal gets irritated and says she would not get involved in this but urmi says if she wants money for to give for agent then she has to do it. Kinjal irritates and leaves. Gopi stands there itself.

Ahem reading some files. Meethi cleaning floor. She switches on the fan and few papers fly. Ahem angrily asks her to switch off the fan. She does. Ahem speaks louder that if gopi was here there would be no problem. Koki comes there and hears this and gets angry. Koki gives the pillow and ahem takes it. He just says thanks and turns off. Koki feels bad that ahem doesn’t respond properly and leaves.

Rashi calls urmi and asks for any new kalakari to impress hetal. Urmi scolds rashi that she has no love for her mother as she got injured and she dint come to see her. rashi says sorry. Urmi leaves it and says she would impress hetal and make her feel that rashi can do any thing for her. rashi doesn’t understand. Urmi scolds rashi.

Koki and hetal working on dining table. They hear some hammering sound. So hetal and koki discover that its from upstairs. Ahem working also gets disturbed. He also walks outside. Hetal, koki and ahem walk upstairs and ahem finds that the sound coming from jigar’s room. All walk there and rashi busy hammering. Hetal walks to her and asks what is she doing. Rashi replies that she was making holes to hang photos. She shows hetal-chirag picture and feels happy. But our koki yells at rashi that she has to think about others also before doing something. Koki asks ahem to leave. Koki also leaves. Heatl consoles rashi to do this tomorrow after everyone leaves to office. Rashi acts disappointed and says that I cant do anything without asking permission. Rashi again makes a comment that koki’s words only run in the house. Hetal takes it lite.

Urmila asks soup to gopi. While going away gopi takes her phone. She thinks to call ahem after giving soup to urmi. But kinjal stops her and asks her to help to apply nail polish. Gopi says ok and applies nail polish. Urmi waits for some time and comes out of her room. Urmi looks gopi helping kinjal and gets angry. Urmi shouts on gopi but kinjal takes away gopi to help her. gopi applies few nail polishes but kinjal doesn’t like them and asks her to remove them. Urmi comes there and again shouts why dint she finish yet. Urmi asks gopi to prepare aata for dinner. Gopi says ok and leaves.

Gopi thinks to call ahem later. Ahem sneezes and thinks to take kerchief but he doesn’t find. He calls gopi. Gopi will be preparing aata and feels happy looking ahem calling her. she washes hands and ready to take call. Urmi comes there and says to finish dinner first. Ahem gets angry and disappointed. 
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