Thursday 30 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 30th August 2012 Written Update

Rashi gets inside first and urmi’s cell rings. Urmi takes the call and tells dhawal that she is on the way and she is coming home. Urmi hangs on and tells rashi to go inside alone and drop the jewelry in her room. urmi says it will be problematic if dhawal comes to know about this. Urmi leaves. Rashi thinks where is savitha’s room. koki rings the bell. Savitha’s DIL opens the door. Koki tells her that she wants to talk to savitha right now as she has stolen the pickle. Savitha’s husband and DIL doesn’t agree for it. Koki tells, I have seen her eating my gopi’s pickle in the morning and even my pickle bottles were missing from few days. Shraddha calls for savitha but there will be no response.

Here savitha goes to rashi’s room and checks for her jewelry. But she doesn’t find them. Jigar comes into the room and savitha hides behind the bed. Jigar switches on the light and calls for rashi. When there is no response he takes a dress and goes into the washroom. Savitha comes out from the bed and steps out from the window. Rashi comes downstairs. Koki and gopi comes upstairs. Koki finds rashi and asks what are you doing here? Rashi says I came here to check our pickle here. I doubt savitha aunty has stolen our pickle. Koki says see shraddha we all doubt that savitha is stealing our pickle. Suddenly they hear savitha shouting for help. Koki recognizes that its savitha’s voice and all rush outside.

Savitha will be hanging from the first floor in modi bhawan. Everyone gets shocked looking at her. Koki asks did u come to steal my gopi’s pickle? Savitha says please help me first. Ahem and jigar brings a ladder and helps her to come down. Hetal asks what is happening here? Koki says, savitha ben has come here to steal my gopi’s pickle. Savitha denies. So koki says, ok if you don’t agree to it I will call police here. Savitha gets worried. Koki asks jigar to call police. Savitha says, I came here to collect my bag. Shraddha says yest there was a CBI raid. Koki says now I understand so u have thrown your jewelry into our compound yesterday. Savitha says no I have come here to take my jewelry which was stolen by your bahu. Koki thinks savitha is blaming gopi and defends her. Savitha says rashi can steal my things na. koki gets angry and defends for rashi too. Koki asks savitha to explain in detail. So savitha explains what has happened yesterday. Rashi defends herself that she was wearing her jewelry since morning and we should savitha’s house to find them. Savitha agrees and all go to savitha’s place.

Savitha will be blaming rashi. Koki scolds savitha not to blame rashi again and asks to check all her room. savitha agrees and shows all the empty boxes. Suddenly she finds a plastic bag in which jewelry is present. Savitha shocks. Koki asks what she wants to say. Koki asks whether u have stolen the pickle or not. Savitha shows the pickle packet and tells she has found it in their compound. Koki says savitha you should pay the income tax any how. Savitha asks koki not to do so. But koki asks ahem to call income tax people and do their job. Ahem nods and calls them. Income tax people come and seal savitha’s property. Savitha angrily goes inside. Hetal says but we did not find the pickle thief till now. Koki says I should find out the thief any how. Rashi gets worried. 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 29th August 2012 Written Update

Courtesy: SONY TV

Ram will be walking and Krishna ji stops him and asks him to get ready soon. She gives milk to drink. Ram drinks. Ram says, from yesterday I am feeling very restless. I feel that some one who is mine is not okay. Krishna ji gives a perfume and explains ram how to get relief. Ram will be smiling and listening to her. Ram says today I am missing my mini me. Krishna ji asks to call her and talk to her. Ram says yes and leaves.

Priya will be feeding peehu and she gets a call from hospital. The nurse tells that peehu’s reports have come and all are okay. Priya tells but her fever isn’t get lowered. Nurse tells we should start treatment. Priya hangs on and looks at peehu. But peehu gets fainted. Cady calls priya and priya asks her to come to hospital right now. Ram will be trying to call priya’s house but wonders why no one is taking the call.

Doc checks peehu. Priya will be crying. Doc says they should start some high tests and treatment. Cady asks how much does it cost. Doc tells that it may go around 5000 dirham’s but priya says no problem I can bear any amount. Rajat comes near priya’s shop and wonders why she hasn’t opened the shop. Ram calls rajat and asks him to find out how is peehu and give all the details very soon. Rajat hangs on. Priya will be worried about peehu. Priya will be crying and cady consoles her. Priya asks cady to take care of book store till she comes back. Priya will be worried about the fee. Rajat calls to priya’s cell and cady takes the call. Cady tells, peehu got fainted so priya brought her to hospital and treatment is going on. Rajat gets worried and asks to take care of priya till he comes there. Cady asks rajat to inform dhai ja about this so that she can give some moral support to priya. Rajat agrees and hangs on.

Priya feels bad that a millionaire ram kapoor’s baby is in hospital and her mother couldn’t afford her hospital treatment bill. Cady tries to console priya. Priya will be crying. Mama ji comes to dhai ja and asks for some ticket booking agent. Dhai ja guesses that he wants to go to India. Mama ji says he is missing his house. Dhai ja says she would give his number and leaves. In this mean time he keeps few things in his pocket. A person comes there and gives the agent’s phone number. Mama ji calls him and books a ticket to India and asks to send the bill to rajat kapoor’s office. Rajat will be worried of priya. Rajat calls dhai ja and tells peehu is not well and has got admitted in hospital. Rajat asks dhai ja to come to hospital as soon as possible. Dhai ja says ok and hangs on. Rajat calls ram and tells about peehu’s health. Ram gets worried about peehu and asks rajat to go to hospital soon and give a good treatment to her and need not think about money. Rajat assures ram that he would take care of peehu and hangs on.

Dhai ja comes to hospital. Priya again cries and tells its been long time but docs are not telling anything. Dhai ja consoles her. Rajat comes there and tells not to worry about the treatment. Dhai ja asks priya and peehu to stay at their house till peehu gets fine. Priya denies but dhai ja requests her. Rajat sitting on legs before priya requests priya to come home and stay for some time and he would any how solve the matter. Rajat calls his secretary and asks to find out a best child specialist in Dubai to come here right now. A doc comes there and rajat tells that peehu is his family member and wants her treatment in a good way. Doc says yes and leaves. Rajat gives water to priya and gives support to priya. Priya thanks rajat for his help. Priya tells that she would take care of hospital bills by herself. But now she wants some money and she would return them slowly. Rajat agrees. Rajat feels bad for priya.

Ram consoles priya that peehu will be very fine and she should be strong enough for her. Priya will be crying.

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 29th August 2012 Written Update

Urmi yells “rashi”. Rashi gets worried and asks what happened mummy? Urmi tells, u come home right now. Savitha opens her bag. Rashi comes home and urmi shows the jewelry bag. Rashi shocks. Savitha opens the bag and finds pickle in it. Savitha shocks. Rashi and urmi feels happy looking at the jewelry. Savitha checks modi’s compound for her jewelry. Koki comes there and wonders what savitha is doing in their compound. Savitha once again checks the pickle and gets worried. Koki finds some pickle on ground and smells it. Koki doubts how this gopi’s pickle fallen on the ground and how is it possible.

Rashi will be trying their new jewelry and feel happy. Rashi doubts from where these jewelry have came. Rashi feels happy that they got 2 profits, one from gopi’s pickle and one from this jewelry. Kinjal comes there and asks where they got this jewelry. Urmi tells these are imitation jewelry. Kinjal gets convinced. Kinjal leaves saying she is going to her friend’s place. Rashi and urmi share the jewelry half and half. Urmi puts all rashi’s jewelry in a bag and sends her. Rashi comes back to modi’s house. Rashi over hears savitha talking to her DIL in their compound. Rashi understands that the jewelry is of savitha’s. savitha’s DIL says if they file a complaint in police then CBI will gets that information and they would seal it.

Koki asks meeti to bring the pickle bottles from store room. both koki and gopi find the pickle bottles empty and added oil in the bottles. Gopi gets worried but koki consoles gopi and assures that she would definitely find the culprit. Rashi comes into her room. Ahem calls jigar and tells to take care of their accounts properly as income tax raid may occur any time. Rashi over hears this and gets worried. Rashi hides the jewelry in the cupboard and calls urmi. Rashi tells that the jewelry is of savitha’s and CBI may raid any time. And tells CBI checks their relatives’ house too. So rashi tells urmi to come here with all the jewelry here and keep them where they have found them. While rashi is talking to urmi on phone savitha finds her jhumka’s on rashi. Savitha decides that rashi is the thief of her jewelry and she would take back all her jewelry from rashi any how.

Urmi will be packing all the jewelry in a bag, door bell rings. Urmi opens and shocks looking at the police. Urmi yells, police? Dhawal who is with the police says fui its Sahil, my childhood friend. I met him outside so brought him home. Dhawal praises sahil that he catches the thief very well. Even sahil says that he had caught a woman thief who was stealing jewelry from her neighbor. Urmi decides to keep all the jewelry back in the same place before they get into some trouble. Urmi comes to modi bhawan. Rashi meets her and both decide to place the jewelry in the same place. Koki says gopi, we should find the person who is spoiling the pickle. Gopi says, don’t worry maa ji. Koki says, just follow me. Today I will find the culprit any how.

Savitha comes to modi’s compound to take back her jewelry. In the other side rashi and urmi comes to the compound to put back the jewelry bag. Urmi will be crying as she will be missing the jewelry again. Savitha comes into the modi’s house through garden’s door. Rashi tells urmi that they would keep all their jewelry in savitha’s house by going from their compound door. Koki decides to go to savitha’s house. Gopi says, will it be fine if we go to their place at this time. Koki replies, no I want to talk to savitha right now. Savitha enters into modi’s house and thinks of taking the jewelry bag from her room. rashi and urmi will be trying to open a window of savitha’s house. Any how they open the door. Rashi enters the room first. Urmi’s cell rings and both get tensed.

Savitha’s DIL opens the door and koki says she wants to talk to savitha right now. Koki and savitha’s family will be getting upstairs and rashi looking back getting downstairs. Koki finds rashi coming down and asks rashi, what are you doing here? 

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 28th August 2012 Written Update

Urmi goes to a general stores to sell the pickle bottles. The shop person doubts when he finds the name and the photo are of different people. So urmi says she can prove it. Jigar and rashi come home. Jigar goes to study room and rashi comes to her room. urmi calls her and asks her to come to some general stores with a picture of gopi and herself. Urmi hangs on. Koki and gopi too come home. Koki yells for rashi. Meeti says rashi is in her room. koki tells meeti to give milk to gopi and rushes to rashi’s room. rashi will be putting their photo in her bag but when koki comes inside suddenly rashi hides it. Koki doubts looking this. Koki asks rashi when you went out to have ice cream did u wear the same saree? Rashi says yes. Koki asks rashi to come downstairs soon as gopi needs her help in preparing the pickle. Rashi nods as yes. While leaving koki gets some idea and comes back. Koki asks rashi to open her wardrobe. Rashi does. Koki checks her sarees and doesn’t find the brinjal color saree. So koki leaves.

Rashi feels happy that her saree got torn while coming out of the hospital if not koki would have killed her. Later rashi thinks now what excuse should she do for going out to her mom. Rashi gets an idea to tell hetal that she has to buy few things for pickle. The shop person asks to taste the pickle but urmi says he should definitely buy them. Rashi comes there and shows gopi and her photo together. Urmi says she is very poor and gopi is very poor that’s why she is preparing pickles and selling them. Rashi also supports urmi’s words. Finally the shop person gets convinced and takes the pickles. Rashi says urmi to meet her in the night and leaves.

Ahem calls gopi. Gopi switches off all the lights and goes to her room. rashi comes out from behind the steps. Rashi calls urmi. Gopi comes to ahem. Ahem shows an album and tells in this album they can store all the memories of their baby for 1 year. Gopi feels happy. Ahem says when your sonography copy comes we shall store it here. Gopi blushes.

Rashi comes outside and will be searching for urmi. And urmi too will be searching for rashi. Both meet and go to kitchen. While going to kitchen they hear some car sound. Urmi says they should go and see who is that. But rashi stops her and says that vehicle hasn’t come to their house and takes urmi to kitchen. In the kitchen, rashi finds urmi dint bring the torch in fact it’s remote. Urmi puts all the bottles in a plastic bag. Now urmi asks to bring oil. Rashi does and puts in the remaining pickle bottles. CBI come to savitha’s house. So savitha puts all her jewelry in a cloth and comes out. Savitha plans to throw the jewelry bag into modi bhawan. Koki wakes up and hears some sound but thinks its cat. Savitha thinks to collect her jewelry bag next morning before everyone wakes up. Koki comes downstairs for water. Rashi finds koki coming downstairs and shows to urmi. Both get nervous. Urmi throws the pickle bottles bag outside. Urmi and rashi hide behind the stove platform. Koki drinks water and goes away. Urmi and rashi comes out and search for her pickle bottles in the garden. Urmi finds savitha’s jewelry bag and thinks its her pickles bag. Urmi leaves.

Next day savitha takes the pickle bag and leaves happily. Urmi calls rashi and tells, I slept after coming home so I am opening the bag now. Rashi says ok and says she is hanging now as she has some work. Urmi opens the bag and shouts “rashi”.

Monday 27 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th August 2012 Written Update

Kinjal taunts dhawal saying, I thought your sister has made you a business partner so I thought she will give you an office and a prestigious post but you are all time moving in this tempo. Dhawal explains, its not like that. I myself has chosen this work. So my office and work are related to this tempo itself. Kinjal leaves angrily. Urmi comes to dhawal and requests him to bring groceries for home. Dhawal says he has to leave but urmi insists so dhawal leaves. Urmi searches for the white box which rashi has told her to take. Urmi finds it. While taking it out her pallu gets strucks and she finds dhawal coming back. Urmi gets worried and hides behind the tempo. When dhawal comes near the tempo urmi calls dhawal and asks him to bring some thing else from the shop which she has forgot before. So dhawal once again leaves. Urmi picks up the white box and comes inside the kitchen. She checks the pickle bottles and thinks where to hide them. She gets an idea to put these bottles in dal and aata’s boxes. Dhawal comes inside and gives the bag. While urmi is checking the groceries dhawal finds the gehu is not made aata. So he asks urmi and takes the boxes to make them aata. But urmi remembers that the boxes contain the pickle boxes inside and stops him. Urmi shouts on dhawal to leave them here and go to his work. Poor dhawal leaves without speaking anything.

Doc tells jigar that he should to take few tests. Doc gives a list of tests and asks to take them. Doc asks rashi to wait for him outside. Both come out and jigar says rashi not to tell anyone at home about these tests. Jigar leaves. Rashi sits and finds koki, gopi comes there. Rashi gets tensed and puts on a ghunghat and stands. A lady gives her baby to her son and goes inside to have check up. Rashi finds the ball near by her legs and kicks it. The kid runs behind the ball to take it. The kid places the baby on floor and runs away. The baby will be crying near rashi’s legs. Koki asks rashi to feed the baby. Rashi takes the baby and tries to make the calm down. Koki once again asks rashi to feed the baby. Rashi in different voice says, I should bring milk bottle. Rashi gives the baby to koki and leaves. Rashi comes few steps away from koki and thinks to trouble koki today. So rashi says few ladies showing koki to them that she is trying to kidnap the baby. Few people say they would stop it and rushes to koki. The people start blaming koki saying we doesn’t allow you to kidnap the baby. Rashi feels happy and leave.

Rashi meets jigar who has completed his tests. Rashi makes excuse with jigar saying it’s too late now and they should go home now. Jigar agrees and walks with her. Koki will be trying to explain every one that a purple color saree lady has given the baby to her and left. The actual mother comes out and takes the baby. Now all the people doubts that koki was trying to kidnap the baby. Gopi comes out and gets worried. Gopi asks what happened. Few ladies find gopi is pregnant and once again blames koki that she was kidnapping the baby. Gopi finds a nurse and calls her. Gopi asks whether there was a lady hee in purple color saree? Nurse says yes, and she was taking care of a baby too. People realize that they were wrong.

Urmi goes to a general stores and tries to sell the rashi pickle. But the owner doubts that the name and picture are of 2 people so it’s a fake one. Urmi says she would prove it now. Koki asks the kid whether he has seen the lady in ghunghat. The kid says yes I have seen her. That lady itself has kicked my ball and I ran to take it. All the people believe him. Gopi says yes the kid is saying the truth because the kids don’t lie. All the people leave. Koki says, gopi that lady’s voice and saree is very familiar to her. 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 23rd August 2012 Written Update

Urmi finds dhawal has locked the auto shutter. Dhawal goes to find her. Urmi calls rashi and tells that she got locked in the tempo. Urmi asks rashi to come there and open her out before comes to know that she is in the tempo. Rashi says she would come and rescue her. Rashi comes downstairs and finds koki, hetal and gopi are working with veggies. Rashi says koki, I want to go to temple as I want to pray god to get pregnant soon. Koki agrees. Hetal tells rashi to send the car back soon as koki will be taking bha to hospital for check up. Rashi says I will go by auto. Rashi leaves and koki doubts.

Dhawal calls urmi’s mobile. Urmi cuts the call. Dhawal informs their neighbour to tell urmi that he has left for the delivery. Dhawal starts the vehicle and leaves. Urmi calls rashi and tells dhawal has started the vehicle. Rashi comes there and stops the tempo. Rashi tells dhawal, mummy has told me to put teeka on the consignment. Dhawal agrees and opens the lock. Rashi sends him away asking him to bring a match box for aarthi. Dhawal leaves and rashi opens the tempo shutter and urmi comes out. Before dhawal comes back urmi takes out a box of pickles and hides behind a wall. Dhawal returns. Rashi does the pooja. Urmi comes there. Dhawal asks urmi whether she went to market. Urmi says yes. Dhawal asks then I don’t find any thing in your hand. Urmi scolds him and sends him away. Dhawal leaves.

Urmi asks rashi to come along with her to sell these pickle bottles. But rashi denies. Gopi calls rashi and asks her to come home soon as she needs help to prepare pickle. Rashi says she is coming and hangs on. Koki also calls rashi and tells, we have finished the doctor check up and we are going home from the mandir route itself so we were thinking to pick u up from mandir. But rashi says, kaki ji I have already started. So koki hangs on.

Koki and bha come home. Koki asks whether rashi has come home or not. Hetal says no she hasn’t come. Koki tells that she has called rashi but she has told that she has already started home and still dint reach. Koki calls rashi and rashi comes home. Koki asks rashi why she got late. Rashi acts innocent saying, I dint check time while praying god. I was praying khana ji to give me a baby very soon. Bha and hetal feel bad. Bha says don’t worry bĂȘte your wish will be fulfilled.

Urmi comes to the general stores and the person that she wants to sell the gopi’s pickle. Urmi any how sells the 10 bottles. Urmi calls rashi and tells that she has earned her 1st income through gopi’s pickle. Rashi gets irritated and tells when you will be rob the pickle bottles, gopi doesn’t find this out. Urmi says you take care of it. Rashi yells, I got fed up with these excuses. Today I told koki that I went to mandir for praying for a baby itself. Jigar comes there. Rashi finds jigar behind her and hangs on. Rashi says, when did u come. Jigar replies, when you were saying that you went to temple to pray for a baby. Don’t worry rashi everything will be fine. Rashi says, I guess the problem is with u. as I am fine but still I am not getting pregnant. Jigar gets hurt and says tomorrow we shall go to doctor and have a check up. Rashi agrees. Jigar says not to tell about the check up to the family members.

Dhawal gives the 2nd cheque to gopi. Ahem appreciates dhawal is a good guy and does all the work very well. Dhawal says its all my sis gopi’s effort. That’s all. Jigar and rashi too come there. Dhawal tells jigar that gopi has received her 2nd cheque. Rashi once again gets jealous of it. Gopi gets call from Mehta. Gopi takes the call. Mehta tells gopi that 10 bottles are missing from the lot and I think the delivery boy has stolen them. Don’t believe him, just ask him hardly what happened to the 10 bottles. Gopi hangs on. Gopi gets worried and tells everyone about it. Everyone get shocked.

Rashi will be mixing some thing in the pickle bottles and bha comes there and asks what is she doing. Rashi looks on worried.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 22nd August 2012 Written Update

Ram asks seriously and a bit shocked to neha, why are you taking divorce. Vikram gets serious and says, its completely our personal matter so you stay out of this. Ram asks, why you both took such a big decision so easily. Why don’t you people sit and discuss on it. Vikram slowly explains ram, we have tried a lot to stay together but we couldn’t. The situation was so worse that we are unable to handle it so finally we decided to depart.

Nats come home and finds house is completely decorated with flowers. Karthik congratulates her for the success of their party and both feel happy. Here aayesha will be angry as ram has attended nats fashion show leaving behind her. Shipra comes there and tries to console her. Shipra tells aayesha, you should make ram love you if not you have no respect. If you don’t have ram with you then you are zero so we shall think of it later. Shipra leaves. Aayesha also thinks to keep ram in her hands to have proper respect in the society. Nats calls shipra and invites her for dinner in the evening to celebrate their success. Shipra agrees to attend to it. But she feels bad as aayesha’s party has got flopped.

Ram will be driving car and thinks on about vikram-Neha’s divorce. Later he thinks of priya-neha and vikram together. Ram thinks on, how is it possible. I am so sad. Everything is getting shattered. I am feeling so lonely and I need you priya. Where are you priya? Here priya wakes up suddenly taking ram’s name. priya thinks, why am I thinking about ram now. Ram has moved on and still I am thinking about him. He got married to aayesha and that might be for some reason. But why I am still thinking about him. When he was in Dubai I was hiding from him but now I am feeling as if he is here with me. Both ram and priya feel bad and miss each other lots.

In Dubai, mama ji comes to the mall in his strange detective dress and will be enquiring everyone in the mall about priya. Mama ji will be freaking near priya’s shop. Mama ji enters into the shop and will be observing priya’s movements. Rajat too comes to the mall and thinks of meeting priya and ask about cady’s studies. Mama ji while observing priya hits to some shelf and priya turns back. Mama ji hurridly comes out of the shop. Rajat finds mama ji coming out of the shop but doesn’t recognize him as mama ji is in different and strange attire. Rajat calls security and tells mama ji’s dress details and asks to keep an eye on him.

Mama ji wears the elephant attire and will be following priya. In the mall few kids play with him as he is in elephant attire. Few security people grab him and rajat too comes near him. But mama ji runs away. Later the security people grab him. Mama ji goes to bathroom and security people woll be waiting outside. Mama ji runsaway leaving the attire in the bathroom. Rajat sits in the camera room and will be searching for the strange man. Mama ji comes into that room and asks what is he doing here. Rajat tells he is searching for that strange person. Mama ji asks about priya to rajat. Rajat says, she is running a book shop in my mall and she is very decent. But I once find that person I will not leave him. Rajat finds mama ji’s face is all beaten. Rajat asks what happened. Mama ji tells he has fallen off from stairs and got hurt. Again rajat gets busy searching for the person.

Rajat is in his car thinking, who is that person who is following priya. And why am I bothered about her so much. Why am I taking it seriously about priya. Rajat comes to priya’s house completely drenched. 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st August 2012 Written Update

Koki stops rashi and asks why is she going out. Rashi replies, my mobile battery dropped down from the window so I am going to take it. Koki says, you will have some or the other problem all time. Rashi leaves. urmi interchanges the baniyaan boxes and pickles. Dhawal finds the pickles with him and starts to airport. Baniyaan goes to airport and Mehta checks the load and gets irritated finding baniyaan other than pickles. He calls koki and tells about this. Dhawal takes wrong routes and reaches airport. Mehta gives a cheque to dhawal and leaves. Dhawal informs this ahem and all feel happy. Dhawal’s dealer says dhawal that he need not bring the load now and cancels the business with him.

Ahem thanks dhawal for helping them. Rashi will be watching gopi seriously as their plan got flopped. Koki doubts how did this happen but bha says to leave it. Gopi asks dhawal whether his baniyaan load or not. But dhawal doesn’t reply. He leaves. But gopi doubts his silence. Ahem gets a call from Mehta. After hanging on ahem brings the cheque from mandir and tells she got the next order too. Ahem congratulates gopi. Both feel happy. Gopi says, it wasn’t possible without dhawal’s help so we should help him. Ahem holds her hand and agrees.

Kinjal scolds dhawal for leaving his own consignment and helping gopi. And again says, if we don’t return their money then he would seal our baniyaan shop too. 

Monday 20 August 2012

Bade achhe lagte hain 20th August 2012 episode

Courtesy: SONY TV

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20th August 2012 Written Update

Hetal tells koki that bha is organizing some special pooja as today gopi’s 1st consignment is going to leave. So she has prepared special bhog too. Koki says ok and gopi feels happy. Here rashi gets upset with these words. Rashi remembers urmi’s words to spoil the pickle anyhow. So rashi asks meeti to give glass of water. Meeti does. Rashi pulls the big basin of pickle near to her. When rashi about to have water gopi finds pickle basin is near to rashi and stops her. Koki scolds rashi saying, you know very well that pickle gets spoiled if some water falls in it. Meeti takes away the water glass from rashi. Koki’s pallu looses and will be falling down. So koki asks rashi to give the safety pin. Rashi looks for the pin and says there is no its not here.

Koki asks for safety pin and rashi checks for it. Rashi says I don’t know where it has gone. Koki asks to find the pin to meeti. Rashi thinks koki will kill if she doesn’t find the pi now. Rashi says I found the pin. Rashi gives a small pin. Koki doubts and tells, its not the same pin as it was a bigger one and now you are giving me a smaller one. Koki asks meeti to bring a pin and put it to her pallu. Koki thinks the big safety pin might have fallen in the pickle bottles. Hetal asks how surely she can tell that pin is in the pickle bottles itself. Koki tells, rashi dint move from there since long time. Meeti has swept the floor and dint find it so obviously the pin should be in the pickle bottles only.

Urmi calls rashi and asks whether their plan has got succeeded. Rashi gives 1 word answers and gives the information to her that the safety pin has fallen in the pickle bottles and all are worried about it. Urmi feels happy and hangs. Koki tells rashi to search the safety pin in the bottles right now. Rashi gives a stupid idea that they will announce a contest for the public that who ever finds the pin will be gifted a pickle bottle free. Koki and hetal doesn’t like her idea. Hetal asks rashi not to make waste time and start searching the pin.

Ahem calls gopi and asks whether they have completed the packing work of pickles. Gopi crying tells that a safety pin has fallen in the pickle bottles and it may get late in the packing. Ahem consoles gopi and tells he would ask some time with Mehta ji. Ahem calls Mehta and asks 1 hour time to deliver the pickles. But Mehta asks ahem to send the pickle as early as possible and he is waiting for the load in the airport. Ahem says ok and hangs on.

Urmi will be preparing tea and dhawal comes there. Dhawal tells urmi that he got a big order of baniyaan and on the same day gopi’s consignment is going to leave so he wants to wish her best and take bha’s blessings. Urmi tells ok and leaves. Hetal tells koki, it may get late if we check all the bottles and refill them. So we should tell Mehta about this problem. Koki gets an idea that a magnet can grab the steel objects easily so they would search with it. Gopi and hetal feels happy with this plan. Koki starts searching the pin using a magnet. Hetal asks meeti to bring few more magnets so that others too can search for the pin. Rashi slowly texts urmi telling koki will find the pin anyhow and they should do some thing. Urmi gets an idea hearing dhawal’s words that he would go to modi bhawan with his load to take bha’s blessings.

Rashi puts the juice glass near the pickle bottles. Hetal gets worried that the magnets are not that strong they are unable to catch the pin so they should call Mehta and tell everything. Meeti comes and tells that tempo has arrived. All ladies will be still searching for the pin. There will be last bottle remaining so koki takes the last bottle from rashi. Koki checks the last bottle. Gopi finds the pin has got attached to magnet and tells it to koki. Gopi takes out the pin from the pickle. Except rashi all thank khana ji. Gopi calls ahem and informs that she has found the pin and tempo has come home. Ahem tells gopi to finish the work soon. All pickles bottles will be packed in the boxes. Bha puts om symbol on them and the person takes away the load to put it in the tempo.

Urmi comes there with dhawal’s baniyaan load. She finds both the tempos are same color and feels happy. Her mind flashes an evil plan. Meeti wishes both dhawal and urmi. Meeti tells, bha is doing pooja as it’s the 1st consignment of gopi bhabi is leaving today. Urmi tells, these tempo drivers are taking our dhawal’s and gopi’s load so they too should get involved in the pooja and have Prasad. So meeti takes them inside the house. Urmi remains there saying dhawal that she would call his fufa ji once and come inside as there will be no network inside the house. Dhawal believes in her and leaves.

Urmi calls rashi and asks her to come out. Dhawal comes inside the home and wishes everyone. Dhawal tells, I have come here to wish gopi all the best for her 1st consignment and to give a good news that i got a big baniyaan order which I am delivering myself. Everyone feel happy and rashi walks outside but koki stops her and and asks why is she going out. Rashi stops and gets nervous.

Urmi interchanges the boxes of baniyaan and pickle. Urmi tells, now pickle will go to gowdown and baniyaan to airport. 

Friday 17 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th August 2012 Written Update

Door bell rings and hetal opens the door. The guys introduce themselves saying they have been sent by Mehta ji. The photographers set up their things. Koki asks meeti to call rashi and gopi. Rashi and gopi comes out of the room, meeti comes and calls them for the shoot. Gopi says they are coming for the shoot. Kinjal introduces herself to the photographer. Rashi and gopi come downstairs. Photographer asks rashi to stand in some place. Hetal asks rashi why she has covered her face with hair. Rashi says it’s the latest fashion.

Photographer asks rashi to remove her hair pin. Kinjal also supports that saying its like an old fashion. One of the photographers recognize kinjal and says, I saw you some where..hmm I got it. Kinjal baniyan. By the way kinjal baniyan are very good. Kinjal feels like insulted and rashi smiles at her which makes kinjal much more irritated.

Photographer asks rashi to smile. Koki asks gopi to come and sit near her. So gopi goes and sit. Photographer asks rashi to wipe her sweat. Gopi rushes to rashi and wipes. Rashi takes the hanky and wipes her sweat. While wiping she takes off her hair from her face. One of her eyebrows are seen removed. Everyone get shocked and kinjal will be laughing at rashi. Photographer scolds that they are wasting his time. Koki asks kinjal not to laugh at rashi.

Koki asks rashi to say what has happened. Kinjal tells that I met rashi in the parlor and their rashi was very proudly telling about her photo shoot. That time her eyebrow got disturbed. The lady tried to cover it but it couldn’t happen. Rashi stops kinjal. Photographer asks them to set rashi’s eyebrows or he would take some model’s picture. Kinjal showing herself to the photographer taunts rashi saying, photographer should select some professionals or some one who has better knowledge on modeling so that their work would be easy. Koki asks rashi to set her eyebrow with eye liner and asks kinjal to help her. Kinjal unwillingly goes with rashi. Koki asks gopi to prepare tea for the guests.

Gopi prepares tea. Photographer tells koki that their house is beautiful and he wants to take some shots. Hetal agrees for it. He will be taking shots. Here gopi looks at the pickle bottle and tastes some pickle. While having the pickle photographer takes the shots. Kinjal and rashi come back. Photographer says he has taken the pictures already so he need not take more. Rashi asks whose pictures? Photographer shows gopi’s pictures having pickle. Rashi gets upset. The photographer says he cant take her pictures as he has liked gopi’s pictures. They all leave.

Rashi will be talking to urmi. Urmi scolds rashi for missing the chance of pictures on the pickle label. Ahem comes to his room where gopi will be packing his files. Ahem says gopi, the flight in which her pickle’s 1st consignment has got delayed. So we should send the pickles in before flight itself. Gopi gets worried that there is only 2 hours time and they dint even start packing.

Rashi comes to the kitchen and Rashi finds gopi’s picture on the label and gets jealous. Urmi tells rashi to destroy gopi’s dreams. Koki comes there and asks some water to rashi. Gopi comes there and tells that Mehta has called ahem and informed that their flight is delayed so they should take the flight which is before it. Rashi says so how can we pack these many bottles in this less time. Koki firmly says, when we have khana ji’s blessings then we can complete this work.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 16th August 2012 Written Update

Peehu is in her school to have lunch and finds ram there. She feels happy and calls him near. Ram brings a teddy and few balloons for her. She takes them very happily. Peehu asks ram to suggest a good name for the teddy. Ram says I wish you to be happy so I gave this to you. Peehu decides to name the teddy as happy. Peehu asks you should have gone to your home na. ram says I was missing you very badly so I missed the flight and came to meet you. You know in my life this is the 2nd time I missed my flight for some one. Peehu asks to have lunch. Ram says he has nothing to eat. Peehu shares her aloo parathas with ram. Ram reminds priya and tells peehu these parathas reminds me some one. Ram gives his card and asks her to call him anytime when she misses him. Peehu says okay. Ram asks whether she will meet him if he comes to India. Peehu promises that she would definitely meet him. Lunch completes and peehu leaves saying a happy bye to ram.

The air hostess asks aayesha to get into the flight. Aayesha calls mama ji and tells that ram is missing and gets worried that ram might have learned that priya is alive. Mama ji asks aayesha to chill. Mama ji asks aayesha to sit in the flight. Aayesha asks him to find ram soon and inform her.
Nats shows her designs to karthik. Karthik asks nats to be careful so that the mistake which last time has happened with aayesha shouldn’t repeat. Nats says she will not allow anyone to disturb her show this time. Shipra will be packing her clothes to go to kapoor mansion. Sudhir gets upset that she is leaving him and going away.

Shipra meets aayesha and gets excited as she is back. Aayesha will be upset regarding as she feels guilty that she is hiding about priya. Nats comes to kapoor mansion and asks shipra to come with her but shipra insults nats that she is busy with aayesha’s show. Aayesha insults nats that she is still arranging come back fashion shows but couldn’t get name. nats taunts aayesha saying you are getting offers because you have a brand name ram kapoor behind your name. and by the way you are just a wife for name. ram still loves priya. Ram has married you only because you were pregnant because of sid. To keep you safe and as you were priya’s sister he married you. Aayesha doesn’t agree with it and tries to defend herself that ram is her husband and priya is dead. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 16th August 2012 Written Update

Rashi will be preparing the chit box with a cardboard. Koki tells other ladies that she will go and see how rashi is preparing the chit box. Koki comes to rashi’s room. rashi tells chits are ready and all the members should just tick their favorite name. Both come downstairs.

Everyone will be ready to vote. Rashi counts the votes. Rashi gets more votes than gopi. So chirag decides to name the pickle as “raashi aachar”. Koki gets upset. Rashi goes to her room and calls urmi and tells she has won this time. Urmi asks rashi to open actual votes which her family members have voted. Rashi opens the chits and finds she gets only 2 votes. Rashi gets upset. Suddenly heavy breeze flows from the window so rashi goes to close the windows. At the same time due to the breeze all chits fly towards out of the room. Unaware of this rashi happily says she had destroyed all the proofs of their evil plans. Koki comes towards rashi’s room.

Rashi finds the chits on floor and goes to collect them. Koki walks off from rashi’s room and suddenly turns back and finds chits near rashi’s room. when koki comes back, rashi comes out and collects all the chits. Koki asks what is she doing. Rashi says she is dusting. But koki doubts why she is sweating. Rashi says as she was dusting she is in sweat. Koki says, don’t think that I don’t understand your stupid plans behind insisting to have your name for pickle. You just want to get publicity.

Mehta gives the balance amount. Mehta asks which name has they decided. Koki says its rashi pickle. So Mehta asks rashi to work for him in marketing too. Rashi and others doesn’t understand. So rashi says she would not work for them. Mehta tells rashi that he would send a photographer to take her pictures so that they can put her picture on the label. Rashi feels very happy about it. Koki asks rashi to tell this great news to her mother also. So rashi says she would tell this good news to her mother and even go to parlor too. Koki scolds rashi that she is leaving without taking permission from them. So rashi asks permission to koki. Koki agrees and asks to take gopi too with her. Rashi gets upset to take gopi with her.

Urmi says rashi not to bring gopi. But rashi says koki doesn’t agree for it. Urmi asks rashi to add her name and picture too on pickle label. But rashi scolds no it cant happen. So urmi gets convinced that at least her daughter’s name will get famous. Gopi comes to rashi’s room and calls her so rashi hangs on and leaves.

Kinjal comes to the parlor. The parlor lady tells kinjal, you were late for 10minutes so we gave that appointment to some other lady. Kinjal asks who is that. The parlor lady shows rashi. Kinjal gets irritated and walks to rashi. Kinjal says, its my appointment and I need to go some birthday party so I will have facial first. Rashi rushes to the chair and sits in it. Rashi taunts kinjal, I should go for a photo shoot so I will have the facial first. Kinjal doesn’t understand what rashi is speaking so again kinjal asks what photo shoot. Rashi says, the pickle which gopi is preparing we have named it rashi achaar and my picture will be printed on the label too. Again rashi taunts kinjal, see to become a model some speciality should be needed which I have and which you don’t have. Kinjal gets angry and scolds rashi. Rashi again taunts, my pictures will be much better than your pictures on inner wear. Kinjal gets hyper and yells, how dare you rashi to talk to me in this way. While rashi is talking to kinjal, the parlor lady will be doing rashi’s eye brows. Finally rashi shouts “aaaaah” (we are not shown why rashi has shouted)

Kinjal comes to modi bhawan and yells at koki, when I have started modeling you got hyper and made me to stop it but now you have agreed to have photo shoot of your DIL for the pickle. Koki too yells, kinjal rashi’s name and picture will be printed on gopi’s pickle bottle and the photo shoot will be done at home and she is not running out of the house for it as you did. Both kinjal and koki will be in hyper. Hetal tries to stop them. Door bell rings and hetal goes to open the door. Kinjal and koki will be looking angrily at each other.

NO precap !!!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 15th August 2012 Written Update

Courtesy: SONY TV
Ram says peehu, you get ready soon and come to cady’s house with your mother for dinner. Peehu says okay and hangs on. Priya comes there and asks who has called. Peehu says, golu uncle. Priya gets nervous and asks why did he call? Peehu tells, tomorrow golu uncle is leaving to India so he wants to meet me so asked us to come for dinner tonight. Priya denies saying no peehu you cant go there as you need to practice for your skit. Peehu makes innocent faces and pleads priya but priya doesn’t agree. Peehu runs away angrily from there.

Ram will be glum in a room and rajat comes there. Rajat finds ram is dull and asks what happened. Ram says, I thought of meeting peehu before going to India but now it got cancelled because she has to practice some skit. I really feel bad. Rajat asks, why did you get so attached to that little girl in this small span of time. Ram says, rajat it sounds weird but that lil girl is just me. She likes the same food which I like, same chocolates which I like, she walks like me, she is arrogant as I am and she behaves like me. I feel as though I know her since longtime. I feel happy when I am with her. Rajat says, don’t worry I will make you happy. Rajat leaves from there.

Mama ji comes to aayesha and appreciates that she took right decision by not telling ram about priya. He also says that he would enquire whether she is priya or some one else. Aayesha says, ok when priya dee itself dint get in touch with ram from these many days then why should I do it.

Priya finds peehu is angry. Priya feels bad as she dint allow peehu to meet ram and how she can meet him. So priya thinks to console peehu now and says, I am sorry peehu for not allowing you to go to golu uncle. If you have gone there who would do the skit rehearsal. Your friends would comment you that you dint rehearsal properly. By the way tiger tomorrow I was thinking to prepare aloo parathas for both of us and for peehu I will make bread and jam. Peehu says, no I want 2 aloo parathas. Priya says, till now I was talking to you and you dint even look at me but now you want 2 parathas? Peehu smiles and says yes.

Neha scolds vikram why that mystery person was in the restaurant. If he comes to home tomorrow then what can we do. If you cant handle it properly then leave it. Neha leaves from there angrily.

Aayesha feels happy thinking, we are finally going to India. Everything will be the same now. Thank god I dint tell ram about priya dee. Here ram sitting beside aayesha will be recalling all the incidences with peehu and smiles.

Door bell rings and priya asks peehu to open the door. Peehu opens the door and finds a big red rose bouquet. Peehu shouts golu uncle. Priya hears this and gets worried. Peehu will be calling priya but priya sits there itself. Finally peehu goes inside and drags priya outside. Rajat comes out. Priya gets cooled down. Rajat tells peehu, these gifts are for you from your golu uncle. Peehu asks, why golu uncle hasn’t come here. Rajat says, as golu uncle was in hurry and he couldn’t come. Rajat asks priya that today he shall drop peehu at school and leave. Priya denies but rajat insists her so she agrees.

Rajat will be trying to talk to peehu sweetly and cady doubts why this khadoos has suddenly became sweet. Rajat asks peehu whether she wants to talk to golu uncle? Peehu happily says yes so rajat calls ram. Ram thinks its rajat calling and takes the call. Peehu says, golu uncle. Ram also happily replies, hey rockstar how are you, did you receive my gifts. Peehu says, I would have been more happy if you have come here. Ram says sorry and says, I was a bit busy so I couldn’t come. Any ways don’t gets upset, take my number from rajat uncle and call me whenever you miss me. Be happy and take care. Ram hangs on.

Ram meets peehu in her lunch time. Peehu shares her aloo parathas with ram. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 15th August 2012 Written Update

Courtesy: STAR PLUS

Ahem says you don’t worry bha I am with gopi and I will help her. Bha also feels happy and says, gopi beta when your saathiya is with you and wants to help you then you need not worry. Bha leaves and ahem holds gopi’s hands and tells not to worry. Both smile at eachother (Saathiys song in the background).

Gopi and ahem in the kitchen. Gopi says, ahem ji do you think our pickle becomes good as everyone likes na. ahem replies we should atleast try na. both start working on the pickle. Ahem yarns so gopi prepares tea for him. Ahem completes the work.

Gopi gives aarthi to khaana ji. Bha asks whether her plan has worked out or not. Gopi says yes bha we followed as you have told. Koki asks bha about what they are talking about. Bha says I was talking about the pickle. Rashi wonders and asks what pickle is okay now? All look at her so she again says, its good to hear that pickle is okay now. Koki says, its good to know atleast you both have tried to make it good. But gopi remember that everytime ahem may not be with you so you have to take care of your work properly. Hetal says, its ok koki I wish the pickle to be as good as she prepares every time.

Rashi opens the door and Mehta comes inside. Gopi asks we were expecting you tomorrow. Mehta asks whether pickle got completed or not. Ahem replies, gopi is done with the pickle but it will be ready for tomorrow. Mehta asks gopi to taste some pickle so gopi goes and brings it. Mehta tastes it. Mehta says, super A1. gopi ji your really good. What name has you decide to put for the pickle. Mehta leaves.

Everyone will be giving few suggestions, koki says gopi achaar. Rashi says dhamaka achaar. Koki scolds rashi. Rashi calls urmi and tells that gopi has made the pickle well and even they are planning to give a name too. Urmi gets upset. Rashi says I wish I want that pickle to be with my name. urmi says, don’t worry darling this can happen now too. Just act innocent before gopi and she will melt very easily. Rashi says, koki will never agree this to happen. Urmi says, don’t worry just try to melt gopi first then no one can do anything. Rashi says ok and walks out. There she finds gopi working in the mandir. So urmi asks rashi to start her work. Rashi goes near by to mandir and acts as if she is talking to some astrologer. Rashi says ok baba ji I will add letter g in front of my name and hangs on.

Gopi comes to rashi. Rashi starts her acting, see gopi I am so unlucky that’s why I have contacted an astrologer. Now see I want to become pregnant but couldn’t. I have fallen in the bore well hole but you got the contract. Now your pickle has got your name too. Do you agree to put my name for your pickle. No na. rashi leaves saying this and gopi thinks on.

Koki yells, what rashi pickle? Rashi asks gopi you want to name my name to your pickle. Gopi nods as yes. Koki says when you have done the pickle why do you want rashi’s name for your pickle. Gopi says, rashi ben has helped me in preparing the pickle so I want to give her name. koki says, in fact you have to name as modi pickle. Gopi says, maa ji my pickle got popular with rashi’s problem itself. Koki says, ok then we shall take opinion of all our family members and then decide the name. rashi slowly types a message and sends to urmi. Urmi gives a reply to rashi to accept for it. Rashi happily says, ok we shall have chits. I will prepare the chits right now and rushes to her room. koki says, look how irresponsible rashi is. She left the food and rushed to make the chits. Bha says, leave it koki she is a still a kid. Koki remains clam angrily.

Rashi will be preparing a cardboard box and koki rushes into her room.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 14th August 2012 Written Update

In Dubai, cady is at priya’s place. Peehu playing some thing and cady working on her laptop. Priya comes home. Cady takes her purse and asks to sit. Priya sits. Cady apologizes for taking away peehu to her house without her permission. Priya replies its okay and again says in fact I should say sorry to you. I was out of my mind and shouted at you unnecessarily. Cady says I need your help. I got selected for internship. And I want you to convince rajat sir to allow me to do this. These days he is listening to you. So please. Priya feels very happy. Priya says ok but its not a promise. But I will try.

Cady tells priya that she got selected by the famous designer Natasha kapoor and shows nats facebook profile in which cady adds nats. Cady gets excited as nats has confirmed her friend request. Cady looks at a picture of nats and karthik on her profile and feels happy. Cady gets a call so she leaves from there leaving the laptop near priya. Priya recalls that peehu has given her raakhi to ram and it might have reached karthik. Priya wishes happy raakhi to karthik in her heart and blesses him.

Ram and rajat are in car. Ram asks rajat to call pooja and ask about her health. Rajat calls priya and says, I heard that you are not well so just called to know how you are. Priya says it’s a migraine. Rajat tells this to ram. So ram tells rajat to take some tablets and rajat repeats it to priya. Priya hears ram’s voice and recognizes. Priya tells rajat, sir I am happy for your concern but I don’t like to take tablets much and more over I don’t prefer having tablets without doctor’s prescription. And please tell the person beside you not to take tablets as they are not good for health. Priya again tells about internship of cady and rajat agrees to it. Priya happily says thanks to him and hangs on. Rajat says ram that she told you not to have more tablets. Ram smiles loudly and says, she is really cute. Priya also used to tell me like this. Ram laughs louder.

Aayesha recalls all her happy and sad situations with priya and also the words which mama ji has told her. Priya will be thinking about karthik and feels bad about her father sudhir. Priya finds peehu looking at her so she asks what happened. Peehu tells, I got a brother now and I have tied raakhi to him. Priya doesn’t understand so she asks to tell peehu to tell in detail. Peehu says, golu uncle has made to tie raakhi to his son khush. And I tied raakhi on the laptop to khush. Priya wonders and asks how did she know that khush was golu uncle’s son? Peehu says golu uncle has told that khush is his son and he only introduced me to khush. By the way he is not so cute as I am. But he is so so. Priya feels bad about this. Peehu will be dancing in that excitement.

In Mumbai, nats will be busy on her mobile about the preparations of a fashion show. Shipra finds nats is so excited about it and this may degrade aayesha. So shipra calls aayesha and asks to do something to get into the lime light. Aayesha will be worried about priya so she hangs on shipra’s call ignoring what she has told her.

Ram comes to aayesha and tells that he got a call from vikram and he needs his presence in some meeting and also nats has invited them for some fashion show so they need to go to India the next day. Aayesha feels happy and tells that she too wants to say that they should leave to India as she has got invited in some charity people. Ram says this to rajat and he says he would book tickets for their couple. Ram tells rajat that they would leave tomorrow morning.

Cady brings a gift to ram and asks him to give it to rahul. Ram gets impressed about this. Cady feels bad as ram is leaving the very next day. Ram says cady that he wants to meet peehu before leaving as he got so attached to her in these few days. So cady asks ram to invite peehu and her mother for dinner so that he can meet peehu’s mother too. Ram likes the idea. Cady gives her mobile and asks ram to call. Cady leaves and ram calls priya’s house. Peehu takes the call and ram tells peehu that he is leaving to India the very next day. Peehu feels bad that he is leaving without saying proper bye to her. So ram invites peehu and her mother for dinner tonight. Peehu says ram that she should permission from her mother. Ram says ok and hangs on. Peehu feels very happy.

Ram will be telling rajat that peehu and he have some bond which makes him feel that there is some relation with that little girl.

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14h August 2012 Written Update

Gopi stops rashi to add salt in it. Gopi says first she would mix the masalas and later add the salt. Koki feels bad that gopi is pregnant and she has agreed to do 10kgs of pickle and it may get problem to her. Hetal consoles koki that gopi is capable of handling everything well.

Gopi says rashi to add salt slowly. Rashi gets happy. While rashi putting the salt in the pickle gopi stops her and doubts that its not salt. Rashi tries to defend herself but gopi tastes it. Gopi says its not salt, its eating soda. Rashi acts innocent that she dint know about it. Gopi says I will take care of it, don’t worry. Gopi calls meeti and asks to bring salt from the kitchen. Meeti brings. Rashi asks that she would mix the masalas but gopi denies giving. Meeti asks rashi to take care of dal which she has switched on in the kitchen. Rashi agrees and leaves. Rashi feels bad that she is like a maid in the house. Rashi calls urmi. Urmi asks whether their plan got succeeded. Rashi angrily says that their plan got failed this time too. Rashi angrily hangs on.

Gopi thinks she has mixed all the masalas and what she should do next. Ahem says I thought you need some help so I came to help you. Ahem asks what she want to do. Gopi says to put some water in the basin. Ahem does. Ahem helps her in mixing the masalas. Ahem puts gud in the water and both mix it in the hot water. Gopi will be happy seeing ahem helping her. Ahem adds the gud solution in the pickle. Gopi forgets to put a masala in the pickle. Ahem and gopi leave from there.

Hetal and koki will be on dining table. Hetal asks gopi whether she has finished the pickle. Gopi says yes and shows the bowl. Koki and hetal tastes the pickle. Koki says something is missing in the pickle, its too bad. Gopi says no maa ji I have done all the process same as I do. Koki doubts rashi and says, I think some thing has been mixed in the pickle to waste it or some thing hasn’t mixed in the pickle.

Rashi defends herself saying she has done everything as gopi said. Hetal stops koki saying we should know what is missing in the pickle first. Gopi says methi powder is missing in the pickle. Koki warns rashi that she would get the punishment if it gets proved that she has done the mistake. Meeti comes to gopi and asks whether she needs this methi powder or she can keep it inside. Gopi wonders and asks where did she get this. Meeti replies, I found this bowl near the stove where you have prepared the pickle. Gopi recalls that she hasn’t mixed the methi powder in the pickle and feels bad. Koki asks meeti to keep the pickle and methi bowl inside the kitchen. Meeti while taking the methi bowl slips and the methi powder falls on the floor. Koki yells, what meeti you too are careless with your work? Clean it right now. Gopi understands that koki has scolded her indirectly. Gopi starts crying. Rashi says, gopi how did you miss this. You make anything tasty easily. Gopi also feels bad for her mistake. Ahem and jigar come home. Ahem finds gopi crying and asks her what has happened. Gopi tells that she has missed a masala in the pickle. Gopi walks away from there crying. Koki says, this is why I dint agree to allow gopi to start this business. She is pregnant now and she should be careful with her health. Preparing food for family and starting business is different. Did you get my point ahem? Ahem calmly nods and leaves from there.

Ahem goes to his room where gopi will be crying. Ahem sits beside gopi and consoles her. Gopi falls on ahem and cries saying, I cant do any thing in a right way. You all have believed in me but I wasn’t able to keep your belief. Ahem says, don’t worry gopi. Nothing has gone bad. We can make it right. Bha also comes there and consoles gopi to be strong though any thing may happen. Bha gives strength saying, when your khana ji is with you, you need not worry. Ahem asks bha whether there is any solution to make the pickle right. Bha says, if you mix the methi powder slowly by taking little little amount of pickle and wait for 1 day then the pickle will get well. Ahem and gopi feel happy. Ahem says, I am with gopi and I will help her. Gopi feels happy listening to it.

Mr. Mehta asks gopi to let him taste the pickle. Gopi serves him. Everyone will be eagerly waiting for his reply and rashi will be looking at him happily. 

Monday 13 August 2012

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 13h August 2012 Written Update

Ram will be scolding soumya for leaving the party behind and chatting with him. Soumya tells everyone are enjoying here and missing him a lot. Ram asks soumya to call khush. Khush comes for online chatting and asks whether ram has finished his wish list shopping or not. Ram says yes. Peehu comes with a glum face. Ram asks what happened. Peehu tells there is no one for her to tie raakhi. Ram looks at khush and gets some idea.

Priya calls cady and yells asking where are you both? Cady says she has brought peehu home. Priya gets hyper and yells at cady to bring to her right now. Cady doesn’t understand what has happened to priya and tells her she would bring her now.

Ram shows khush and introduces each other. Khush makes fun of peehu’s name. ram asks peehu that she can tie raakhi to khush. Khush asks how she can tie from there. Ram says khush that he would bring raakhi to India and that time he would tie it as peehu does. Khush agrees and even peehu. Cady comes to ram and tells that peehu’s mother has asked to bring peehu now. Peehu gives a hug and kiss to ram and tells, golu uncle you are a true angel for me. You fulfill all my wishes all time. Peehu leaves. Ram tells her mother that he stays very happy when he will be with that lil girl. She blesses ram and says he should be happy all time. Nats comes for online chatting. Nats wishes ram a very happy raakhi and asks him to come back soon. Rajat asks ram to come soon and ram says bye to everyone at home and signs off.

Rahul will be waiting for rajini. Neha and rajini comes with raakhi. Rahul makes fun of rajini. Vikram stops their fight and asks to tie the raakhi. The kids does it playing. Rahul gifts a big teddy and skaters for rajini. Vikram says he would take everyone for dinner with rahul’s pocket money.

Priya once again calls cady and asks where are you. Cady says she is near to her home as dhai ja has told you are not feeling well so I thought you will be at home. Priya again yells, what is this cady? At this time il will be in the shop na then why did u take peehu home. Just come to mall. Priya while walking out finds ram and rajat coming inside the mall. She covers her face with scarf and her hair and hides aside. Priya comes into a washroom where aayesha will be washing her face. Priya calls cady and tells she is coming home so they can go home. Aayesha shocks and recognizes that its priya’s voice. She looks up and finds priya.

Priya goes out and aayesha also follows her. Priya runs and aayesha  misses her. Aayesha thinks whether its priya or not and what is she doing in Dubai. Aayesha calls ram but it will be unreachabale. Aayesha calls to landline and tells, ram it’s a good news for you. You know priya dee is alive. Just now I have seen her in the mall. I followed her but I missed her. On the other side mama ji tells, don’t get worried aayesha. This is not ram. I came Dubai in the morning itself.

Karthik comes home and finds sudhir feeling bad looking at priya’s picture. Karthik says, I don’t know why but today I feel as though priya dee is with me. Sudhir says, priya is always with us karthik.

Rahul will be working on his mobile and neha scolds him. So vikram defends rahul and asks neha to leave them free. Vikram suddenly finds a mystery man moving around them. Vikram goes to that person. Vikram warns some mystery man to go away from there and leave him with his family alone. The mystery man leaves.

Aayesha comes home. There she asks for ram to mama ji. Aayesha tells, I have seen priya dee. I have seen her very closely and her voice was same and her face too. Aayesha thinks of calling her parents and tell this good news but mama ji takes away her mobile and tells, see now priya comes back obviously ram will be happy. That time aayesha will be out and priya will be in. now if she is back then you should pack your clothes and go to that 2 bedroom flat. If you wish to go call ram and tell him. I tell you make some excuse and take away ram from here before he finds priya. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th August 2012 Written Update

Ahem goes to jigar and dhawal and tells he would break the handi today. Both feel happy and asks to get ready. Ahem gives an assurance look at gopi and starts climbing. Koki gets worried when she finds ahem climbing. Hetal says koki don’t worry ahem will be fine. When ahem puts his hands on jigar he gets slipped. Gopi gets worried and urmi, rashi will be smiling.

Urmi feels happy that today gopi will get insulted anyhow. Few kids will be playing with sprays so gopi requests one from a kid. The kid gives it. Gopi goes upstairs and takes the curd bowl upstairs. Gopi prays khana ji. Ahem climbs up from getting on to other men. Finally ahem reaches the handi. Ahem checks his pocket for curd and gets worried. Gopi calls him and takes the curd in the pichkari and drops into the handi. When it gets filled ahem breaks it. All feel happy except rashi and urmi. They both wonder how this has happened.

All modis and everyone feel happy. All clap and whistle. Gopi comes downstairs. Jigar, ahem and dhawal will be dancing. Ahem looks on gopi smiling and his sweety smiling at him (Saathiya song in the background). Gopi prays to khana ji to be with her in this new work. Bha and hetal comes there. Bha asks which pickle is doing. Gopi says khatta meeta pickle. Gopi starts working with her pickle. But when she lifts something all three ladies stop her. Koki says, this is the reason why I asked gopi not to work with this pickle. So koki thinks for a while and calls rashi. Rashi comes there playing game on her mobile. Koki scolds her about it and tells, rashi from today you should lift any heavy thing which is needed to gopi while preparing the pickle. In short you have to assist gopi in preparing the pickle. rashi calls meeti but koki tells meeti will be working in the kitchen and she should help gopi in working for the pickle. Rashi gets angry and starts working angrily. Koki asks whether she is okay with the work and rashi nods as yes angrily.

Gopi shows rashi how to remove the mango skin and make pieces of it. Rashi starts working. Bha says gopi not to get tensed about the work. Koki says, help gopi in preparing masala too. All the ladies will be leaving and gopi finds she forgot salt. When she will be going in koki stops and sends rashi to bring. In the kitchen rashi calls urmi and scolds gopi for preparing the pickle and she is very nervous for the pickle. Urmi gives an evil plan and hangs on. Rashi brings salt. Gopi asks rashi to make gud into small pieces. Koki comes there and asks them whether everything is going well or not. After koki leaves rashi asks gopi to mix salt to the pieces but gopi recalls the order of mixing the masalas in the pickle. Gopi will be feeling uncomfortable with the smell of masalas so she sits on the jhula. Rashi finds gopi is not watching her she tries to put some water in the oil. But gopi stops rashi to do so. When gopi asks rashi says she was just having water. Gopi mixes all the masalas in the pieces, oil and finally asks for salt. Rashi feels happy and gives the salt bowl to gopi.

Hetal asks rashi to have breakfast but rashi denies. Koki and hetal tastes the pickle and rashi will be eagerly waiting for their reactions.

Friday 10 August 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10 August 2012 Written Update

Koki tells gopi to decorate the dhahi handi. All go inside. Urmi and rashi plans to insult gopi before everyone. Rashi will be working on her mobile so koki scolds. Rashi tells she was voting suraj of diya aur baati hum. Koki says she too shall vote him. Everyone wish eachother about janmashatami. Kinjal taunts koki saying, mom any how you came to this small house. Koki gives sweets to urmi. Koki gives a gift to kinjal. Urmi thinks it’s the same silver tea set. Urmi feels happy and goes to kitchen to bring some eatables. Rashi also go along with her. Gopi comes to kitchen and asks for handi. Urmi tells its in her room. While gopi is leaving urmi gives a handi to rashi and asks to prepare one for her to keep it in mandir. Urmi asks gopi to help rashi. Urmi signs rashi to do that for her plan.

Rashi and gopi will be painting the handi’s in a room. Urmi comes there and appreciates both the ladies. Gopi and rashi bring their handi’s to kitchen. Gopi puts the dhahi in her handi. Urmi signs to do some thing. Rashi puts some color. Rashi yells, gopi some color on my face if I get some allergy? Gopi says, don’t worry rashi ben. Gopi takes rashi near washbasin and cleans the color. While doing this,urmi changes the handi’s. After cleaning rashi says she would bring the handi and takes the empty one.

The colony people will be decorating for handi festival. They take jigar to dance. Rashi, urmi and gopi too come there. Rashi gives the handi and they tie it to the rope and send it upwards. Ahem will be trying for gopi’s mobile. He finds gopi near by and walks to her. Ahem asks where she kept her phone. Gopi remembers that she has kept in the kitchen. So ahem asks gopi to bring it. Gopi goes to kitchen and takes her mobile. Gopi finds her handi which is filed with dhahi is here itself. Gopi thinks that the handi which is tied outside is empty. She gets worried.

All men make the tower. Gopi comes to urmi and tells that the dhahi handi is inside and empty handi is tied. Urmi and rashi scolds gopi and blames gopi that she has done the mistake. Gopi says she would do some thing but urmi gets worried and tells not to do anything. Gopi goes away from there. Urmi feels happy that when men will brake it then everyone will scold gopi. Gopi goes to khana ji’s mandir and will be crying. Ahem finds this and walks to her. Ahem takes her aside. Urmi and rashi look this and get worried. Gopi tells ahem that I have done great mistake. The handi which is tied to the rope is empty. Ahem consoles gopi.

Gopi will be feeling bad that urmi may get insulted because of her. Ahem tells gopi not to worry. Ahem thinks for a while and asks to bring curd in a packet and a track suit. Urmi and rashi finds this and thinks ahem and gopi shouldn’t get succeeded. Urmi asks rashi to bring butter. Gopi comes downstairs with curd packet in her hand. Ahem comes downstairs in the track suit and gopi the packet to him. Ahem keeps the packet in his pocket. Rashi brings butter. Koki stops ahem and asks is he going to play. Ahem says that he would break the handi. Rashi puts butter on jigar’s shoulders and wishes him good luck. Unaware of this jigar thanks rashi. Rashi comes to urmi. Urmi feels happy that this time ahem will fail and everytime he uses jigar to get success.

Ahem gets to the top. But the curd packet falls down from his pocket. Some one steps on it. Gopi looks this and gets tensed. 
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