Friday 29 July 2011

Balika Vadhu 29th July 2011 episode

Bhairon shouts on gauri to stop talking about anandi. All family members come downstairs. Bhairon asks anandi why is she listening to all these words though she knows the truth, and says gauri and jagya should also know the truth today. He taunts jagya that today he will say the truth about gauri and jagya's relationship. He says their relation is an illegal one before the religion and as well as the law. Acc. to the law, if a child marriage has done and when both gets majors, and if they file a petition for dimissal within 2yrs then only the marriage
will get dismissed if not they are considered as wife and husband legally. so by this anandi is the real wife of jagya and gauri is illegal. Even Anandi can file a case and drag jagya to court she has not done that because still has respect and love towards jagya and his family. this is the true meaning of standing on the promises done in marriage. He also says that he thought of filing case on jagya for marrying gauri but anandi has stopped him. Finally Bhairon taunts jagya and gauri that anandi has thrown a "bheek" of their relation. Anandi feels bad and runs to her room. Gauri and jagya gets great shock and she runs away from their.

Gauri sitting in the taxi, jagya stands beside the door and rememebers all the happy moments with his family members. Jagya feels anandi has come to say good bye to him but again he feels its just an illusion.

Sumithra being very upset takes out a picture of jagya and breaks the frame and starts crying why he has done to her daughter. she'll be hurt on her hand. Bhairon and gehna comes inside her room. bhairon ties band aid on her hand. gehna consols her and asks her to take rest and she leaves.

Dadi sa will be thinking all the happy moments with jagya and all the words bhairon has told today and finally decides something in her mind.

"Todays episode was the best taunt given by bhairon to Jagya and gauri"

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