Thursday 18 August 2011

Balika vadhu 18th August 2011 episode written update

Bhairon asks sumithra about anandi. anandi walks in. bhairon asks her to have tea as she have worked hard since morning. Bhairon asks anandi about her new students. anandi says some has agreed to come but some has not. he says not to worry but should be happy that atleast some has gathered. bhairon encourages anandi in her way. all three smile at eachother.

Jagya and gauri will be studying in their room. gauri will be seriously studying but jagya will feeling asleep and he wakes up and remembers how anandi would wake him up. he laughs aloud and gauri asks what has happened and why is he laughing. jagya feels uneasy and to change the topic jagya asks gauri, "how could u concentrate on onething very keenly?"..gauri smiles and replies, "not only myself every girl does the same. if they decide strongly to do something then they'll finish it any how. we girls have strong determinations"...jagya says, "anandi is also the same...."...he feels hesitative and looks on gauri. she'll be some what shocked and looking at jagya. jagya asks her, "what happens if i talk about anandi?..iam urs and im infront of u, i've left everyone for u and even my family and anandi. then why do u feel insecured when i talk about anandi?"...gauri will be thinking something and says seriously, "i dont feel bad if u talk about anandi. i feel can i reach to the same place where anandi is and do i get the same concern in everyone's heart as she has acquried. thats all". and again gauri asks, "jagya do u still admire anandi?...u still have concern about anandi?"...jagya replies, "yes i do because she is worthy for it". gauri feels bad but remains claim. after having some discussions both sleep but gauri could'nt sleep. she will be thinking in mind, "still jagat has feelings for anandi. he still admires her. he has concern for her. he does'nt want to hurt her. he is not even accepting to give divorce to anandi. i should think for some other solution in case of a lawyer. i should make jagat to give divorce to anandi as soon as possible."

Anandi in her room will be studying some book. she looks a picture of girl wearing a frock. she remembers the day which jagya has brought a dress to her. she suddenly gets out of it and thinks in mind, "i should'nt think about jagya no more. i should remove all my thoughts from my mind about him. i should'nt get deviated from my goal. i should be strong enough to succeed in my goal." anandi opens the window and feels the cool breeze. she walks in a confident which shows a new goal is being made in her mind and should work hard to succeed.

Gauri prepares poha and tea for both and bring to jagya. he puts a spoon of poha to her and both look eachother in a loving manner.

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