Tuesday 6 September 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 6th September 2011 episode written update

Gopi standing near the window in her room and crying, ahem walks in and comes near her. She looks ahem standing beside her she wipes her tears, walks towards the table holds her books and say, u doesn’t like me crying na, im not crying. Take my books and dictate the words and il write. Ahem says no and takes all the books from her and puts on the table. Ahem says, just come with me. Gopi confused and asks where? Ahem replies, no more questions or anything just come with me. He holds her hand and walks. Suddenly he realizes he was holding her hand and he leaves it and asks her to walk with him.

Kokila and hetal will be feeling bad about gopi. Hetal says to divert gopi’s mind we need to make her cheer up, we shall prepare something which she likes a lot. Urmila says gopi likes sheera but kokila says no gopi likes rabdi. So we shall prepare rabdi. Hetal asks kokila to come with her so that she can prepare rabdi confidently. Kokila says okay and both walk towards kitchen. Urmila and rashi remain in the hall. Rashi scolds urmila why did she shout the wishes to gopi after warning her to spoil gopi’s birthday. urmila return scolds rashi for not saying her that the kids has brought the cake as its khana ji’s birthday and not for gopi’s birthday. finally urmila says let me think something.

Hetal prepares rabdi and comes out, kokila will be sitting on the dining table. Hetal says she has finished preparing rabdi for gopi. And again she asks did u call kinjal for the party? Kokila replies, no I dint call her yet and now il call her. Hetal says to invite dhaval also with her. Kokila says okay. Ahem walks downstairs and gopi follows him, he says kokila that he is taking gopi out and they will be back in few mins. Ahem walks away and gopi follows him. Urmila and rashi looking at them shocked.

Kinjal will dress up well and wishes herself looking in the mirror and walks out. Dhaval in his shop asks kinjal where she is going? Kinjal says she is going to buy veggies for the week. Dhaval says if she waits for sometime he too shall come along with her but kinjal says no she’ll go early and bring them. Dhaval says ok and kinjal walks away happily.

Kokila calls kinjal, kinjal gets worried is kokila near by to her. Kinjal picks up the call, kokila invites her for the birthday party of gopi. Kinjal agrees. Kokila asks to bring dhaval also along with her. Kinjal says ok and hangs on. Both rashi and urmila over hear kokila's words. Rashi says, if dhaval bhai comes he would definitely bring father too then in no time there secret will be revealed. urmila says dont worry il do something so that dhaval does'nt bring her father along with him.

Ahem takes gopi to some lonely place and full of greenery. Ahem asks gopi to shout out all the pain in her heart openly here so that she can feel some relief. Gopi says no she is not feeling bad. Ahem scolds her then why did she cry at home? Gopi after sometime says today is my birthday but till now I dint know that on this day only I lost my parents forever. After knowing this how would I feel happy and celebrate it. She cries louder and rushes towards him and hugs him. Ahem also feels bad for her and raises his hands to hold her but quits. After sometime he calls gopi. Gopi realizes she was holding him and walks step back. Ahem gives his hanky to wipe her tears. She wipes. Ahem asks gopi to come and sit in the car and don’t cry now. Both walk towards the car. Gopi calls ahem and says thanks. She returns her hanky. Ahem says its ok and takes the hanky. Ahem gets a call from kokila and he says they have started and they will be back. Both go home. Ahem rings the door bell but no one opens. So he pushes the door. It is open and all lights are off. Ahem and gopi gets confused. Ahem says gopi to stand there itself and he will switch on the lights. He walks and switch on the lights, all the family and kids standing near the cake sing the birthday song for gopi. Ahem and gopi look around the decorations and the family stunningly. 

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