Wednesday 23 November 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 23rd November 2011 episode written update

Gopi applying nail polish to kinjal. Suddenly some alarm sounds. Kinjal gets worried. Gopi asks whether she heard any sound. Kinjal ignores. After completing 1st coating kinjal moves on saying she doesn’t apply 2nd coating. Gopi confused and kinjal leaves.
Urmila and rashi in the shop. Rashi looks a man purchasing flowers for his wife, rashi remembers jigar bringing for her and goes into her dreamland. Some customer comes and asks some innerware. Rashi in her world and urmila gets irritated and asks rashi to show the inner ware to the customer. Rashi doesn’t show him any baniyan and insults him so the person leaves. Urmila scolds rashi as they couldn’t sell any baniyan since morning. Rashi says this business is not the right one for ladies, they should start some ladies business like stitching falls, embroidery, stitching blouses etc. urmila feels happy and agrees.
Kinjal comes to her room, dhaval asks her whether she has checked the pictures of the houses. Kinjal replies she dint like them at all and asks to look for some more. Dhaval says he would check another few houses and bring the pictures. Kinjal feels happy.
Urmila says rashi that she has called everyone and gave the information they have started a new business and they can contact them. Jithu comes there and asks whether they have started some business. Urmila in her regular style scolds him and replies carelessly that the money he earns is not enough to run a house so she is starting another business. Jithu feels bad. Urmila gives some telephone book and asks rashi to call. Urmila leaves.
Kokila, hetal and gopi finishes their breakfast, ahem comes to kokila and says his watch is missing. Gopi says she would check in their room but ahem stops her saying he has searched very well but he dint find. Kinjal looks this and rushes to her room and hurry ups dhaval to go out and search for house. He walks out. Kinjal feels happy. Dhaval looks everyone worried. Dhaval walks to kokila and asks what has happened? Kokila says nothing to worry but ahem’s watch is missing. Kinjal comes and says dhaval ji you have forgot ur watch. Dhaval shows I’ve kept my watch. Ahem looks and says its my watch kinjal. Kinjal wonders and says I found it in between dhaval’s clothes. Dhaval is shocked. Kinjal again says that means dhaval ji you have took ahem’s watch. Kokila gets angry and shouts to shut up. Kinjal says she is speaking what she has seen. Dhaval looks at her shocked. Kinjal feels guilty to look at him and looks the other side. Kokila scolds kinjal to think once before talking and takes the watch from her.
Kokila looks some nail paint on the watch. Kokila shouts on gopi that how careless is she about ahem’s things. Gopi takes the watch and guesses whats the truth. She lies that she has misplaced. She apologizes kokila and kokila says she should take special care regarding ahem’s things. Ahem takes the watch and leaves. Dhaval too leaves.
Kokila gives a big chi face to kinjal and walks away. Hetal follows her. Kinjal and gopi remains there. Kinjal scolds why did she lie to mother about the watch. She says she would say the truth and her mom will also send her to rashi’s home. Kinjal moves few steps and gopi stops her. Gopi says I had  lied for her but not myself. Kinjal wonders. Gopi says I understood when I have looked at the nail paint on the watch. Kinjal gets worried. Gopi says now a days maa ji is so worried if I tell this truth she will get hurt which I don’t want to do.
Precap: rashi pleading ahem thinking its jigar. Ahem turns round his chair. Both look shocked at each other.

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