Wednesday 21 December 2011

Balika vadhu 21st December 2011 episode written update

Anandi takes shivani to her school and shivani wonders looking so many girls attending school. Anandi says she would take her to panchayat too but shivani asks her to take to some place where they both can sit and chat for some time. Anandi takes her to temple. Shivani says anandi that she has come to know about her married life from her in-laws. Anandi in a low voice starts saying about her relation with jagya. She says, when we were in childhood we used to fight a lot but later we became friends and later when jagya started studying felt like I am not the right person to him and their thoughts doesn’t match. He went to Mumbai and married another girl. Shivani asks dint you feel bad or scold him why did he do so? Anandi replies why she should scold him or curse him when he too was not responsible for their child marriage. It’s only their parents fault. Shivani surprises. Bell rings for aarthi. So both go into temple. In the temple during aarthi Shivani remembers all words of gauri and anandi.
Jagya and gauri talking to their friends happily. Their friends decide to have party for completing their exams. Gauri feels uninterested in this so she says she would go home. Their friends tease jagya that if gauri doesn’t come then jagya will also drop. But gauri says if jagya is interested he can go. And jagya says its been longtime partying with friends so he will go with them. Gauri gets upset. Jagya says he would take car and go. Gauri says she will leave now. Jagya asks her to wait as he can drop her on the way. But gauri ignores him and leaves.
Jagya comes home in the night and looks gauri waiting without sleeping. Jagya casually asks why she is still awake. Gauri starts taunting him that she is paying money for the car loan so that she can have a safe journey in her pregnancy, without asking her jagya you took away the car. Jagya gets hurt and asks if she is paying money then only she should use it? Gauri says no its not like that I don’t like using it for unnecessary things like partying and waste petrol.
Precap: Shivani scolds gauri that anandi is a good girl and she knew about it that’s why she is feeling insecure about her. Gauri blames anandi to break their friendship and shivani scolds again.

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