Monday 6 February 2012

Balika vadhu 6th February 2012 Episode Written Update

Jagya is worried of his family issues. Gauri brings some chat and asks why is he still feeling bad. Jagya says he cant stop thinking of his family. So gauri says to call anandi and ask her about the situation. Jagya wonders. Gauri says its ok and calls her. Anandi explains him that the situation has become worse than before. She explains that basant has insulted bhairon and dint agree to come back again.

Jagya trying to console anandi, but gauri takes the phone from him and acts as if there is no signal right there so she walks few steps away from jagya and scolds anandi why is she still searching a way to talk to him. Why cant she balance herself about her family issues. And taunts anandi that now your family members also have come to know about you. gauri hangs on but acts as if she is consoling anandi before jagya and hangs on. Jagya feels happy for her changed behavior.

Anandi feels bad thinking about gauri’s words. Bhairon, sumithra and nandu feel bad for dadi sa and they feel sorry for her as they are not happy without her. Landline phone rings and anandi takes the call. She rushes to bhairon and sumithra. She says something.

Basant and his family will be ready to have food. A servant comes and informs them that bhairon and anandi have come. Nandu feels happy and rushes out. Basant feels irritated and comes out. Bhairon demands basanth to come back home as dadi sa is coming back.

Basanth says he is going to pick up dadi sa and bhairon says he would come with him. Basanth says he will no wait for anyone and leaves from there. Bhairon follows him.

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