Wednesday 30 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 30th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Gopi will be singing songs before khana ji. Ahem comes downstairs as there will be no signal in his room. He hears the song and walks towards the mandir. But he knocks with the steps and sounds ouch. Gopi turns back and ahem says sorry. But gopi walks off from there without talking anything. She feels bad as she has promised rashi that she will not talk to ahem.

Rashi tells urmi about the singing chanllenge on phone. They feel happy for a while as gopi sings good. Rashi reminds urmi that anitha is very talented and she can do anything to win the contest. So urmi tells rashi to let anitha to eat sindhoor. So that her voice gets disturbed and she cant sing properly. Rashi feels happy and hangs on.

Anitha wakes up and finds its 9.15 am. She decides to disturb gopi in singing. Rashi mixes sindhoor in a laddu and feels happy. Gopi comes there so she hides the laddu and makes some excuse and walks away from there. Gopi finds some sindhoor on rashi’s hands. Gopi goes to mandir and there she finds a laddu missing and few sindhoor on floor. Gopi doubts rashi.

Rashi calls anitha in front of her room door. Gopi comes there. Gopi asks rashi about the laddu. Anitha opens the door. Rashi gives laddu to anitha saying its Prasad. But gopi takes off and tells its not Prasad and she will give another laddu. Anitha says its ok, I am practicing songs so will eat later. Anitha closes the door. Gopi and rashi walk away from the room. gopi asks by eating sindhoor throat gets spoiled. I want to win but not in a wrong way. Rashi scolds gopi saying you are simple and anitha is wicked. I know very well she will plan something to make u lose the contest. Rashi leaves angrily. Gopi gets worried.

Anitha thinks on to let gopi lose the contest. Anitha comes to kitchen and finds a tea in a cup. She feels it may be gopi’s and adds mirchi sauce in it. Anitha hides outside the kitchen and looks on. Gopi comes there and about to drink tea meeti comes there asking for tea for hetal. So gopi gives away her tea cup and asks to give it to hetal. Anitha gets worried and comes into kitchen and takes away the tea cup and haves some sips. Gopi decides to make another tea for hetal.

Anitha will be thinking what to do to make gopi lose. She finds gopi going to her room with pressed clothes. So anitha walks to kitchen. Anitha puts red mirchi in a pan and switches on the stove. When the mirchi starts smoking she rushes out. Gopi comes there and starts coughing. Gopi switches off the stove. Meeti comes there and takes away gopi from there. Anitha feels happy.

Ahem in his room talking to someone. Gopi comes there coughing. He hangs on the call and walks to her. Rashi comes there and asks whether she is fine and feels bad as she cant sing properly in the contest. Ahem asks what contest. Rashi says kaki ji has given gopi and anitha’s name for the contest. Before ahem speaks something rashi takes away gopi saying she will give her medicines. Out side of their room anitha will be waiting. When rashi and gopi leave anitha feels happy that she has succeeded.

Gopi tells koki that she cant participate in the contest. Koki asks why she is saying so. Anitha comes there and taunts gopi that she might be afraid of contest and she can get relaxed as she will win it anyhow.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 29th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Urmi wonders and asks anitha about the beeds fallen from her mouth but she acts innocent and walks away from there. Urmi gives the beeds to rashi and asks to give them to gopi. Rashi gives them to gopi. Gopi feels happy as these 2 were remaining from 108 beeds. 

Koki informs bha that all the gents went for some meeting and will return late so asks everyone to have food together. Hetal appreciates anitha for cooking best. Koki doubts but remains clam. After having food hetal asks gopi to clean the table. Bha gives a coin as gift to gopi for making the maala. Koki gives a sign to take. Gopi takes it and feels happy. 

In the kitchen, Anitha acts crying. Hetal feels bad and asks what happened. So anitha replies that when I used to do something in home my mom used to gift me few money. Hetal takes out 500 rupees and gives it to anitha. Anitha acts hesitating but takes the money. Anitha leaves happily from there. 

Koki asks to give the gift money to anitha. Anitha proudly says that I am the winner. But koki asks to wait and see what gopi has earned. Gopi gives the coin to koki and says its bha’s gift. Anitha asks koki to announce the winner. Koki shows the silver coin to anitha. Koki says I was sure that gopi will earn more blessings than u. gopi has done it whole heartedly. And she has won. And I was sure enough that gopi is the best. Urmi and rashi comes there and congrats gopi and leaves. Anitha stops koki and says, its not that great winning blessings from family members but for a good marriage life woman should prove herself as a good wife but not as a good DIL. 

Koki asks anitha, what do u want to say? Anitha asks, after gopi’s marriage is ahem happy with her. He used to laugh when he was with me. But now he remains clam all time. Yes I know its difficult to become a good wife. Is ahem happy with gopi? Koki replies yes she is happy and ahem also do. Anitha says I have accepted your contest and now you accept my contest. We shall test whether ahem is happy with me or with gopi. Koki says I agree to it. And my gopi is also involved in this. 

Door bell rings, koki opens he door. Savitha and rasika come in. Rasika tells koki the competitions which will be going on tomorrow. But the important one is singing competition so we came here to take names from your home. So koki gives gopi’s and anitha’s name for it. Anitha gets tensed listening this. Savitha and rasika leave. Anitha comes downstairs. Koki looks anitha is so dull. So koki taunts anitha saying gopi is very talented and she can prove that she is best in singing too. Anitha remains clam. So koki asks if you are not interested I shall cut your name from the competition. But anitha challenges koki that she will participate in the contest and win too. Rashi doubts how anitha is so confident about the contest.

Monday 28 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 28th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Rashi and urmi drinks water and thinks that they should get involved in koki’s plan. Gopi is preparing tea in the kitchen. Koki comes there. Koki asks what she is doing. Gopi replies she was preparing tea for all. Koki says you got only 2hours of time and you are not even bothered about the contest. Gopi replies she is unable to understand what to do. Koki replies, I have arranged this contest to make you prove yourself that you are best for ahem. Gopi says I do every work in home with whole heart. Koki says yes I know that. Today you use your mind and heart then work. Koki leaves. Meeti comes there and informs gopi that rashi is calling her. So gopi leaves.

Urmi says rashi to add remover in the nail polish bottle and asks few money. Rashi does. Gopi comes there and asks rashi why she has called. Urmi asks to apply nail polish on her hands. So gopi starts applying. Urmi finds anitha passing over there so she calls her and asks to apply nail polish on her legs. Anitha shocks. Later she thinks to apply as she may gift her something at the end. 

Anitha also starts applying nail polish. Anitha doubts about the nail polish that it’s a cheap one I guess. When gopi completes urmi praises gopi. Anitha also completes. But urmi says gopi has done her work better than anitha. Anitha feels bad as urmi gifts 100 rupees and leaves from there. Gopi takes money.

Rashi and urmi are in kitchen. Both will be discussing about how they won by mixing thinner in nail polish. But gopi hears this and gives away the money. Gopi says I don’t want to win by cheating. I know anitha is wrong but please don’t help me in this wrong way. You both do not help me. I will look after. 

Anitha feels jealous about gopi that she has won a gift. She passes by bha’s room and finds her maala on bha’s bed. She breaks the maala and comes out when she hears bha’s voice asking for tea to gopi. Bha comes to her room and looks her maals broken. Anitha comes there and finds bha’s maala is broken and tells she would help her. Bha feels happy and says she would gift her a coin as gift. Anitha feels bad and acts as she got nerve catch when she bends down and leaves from there. 

Urmi and rashi gets worried that there is only one hour to finish the contest. They decide to keep an eye on anitha so that they can come to know what she is planning to win. Anitha arranges all food on dining table and hides the hotel bill in a vase. She finds gopi is searching for maala beeds. She also finds 2 beeds near the dining table so she thinks if she them to gopi then she will take a big gift from bha. At the same time urmi and rashi come there so anitha puts the beeds in her mouth. Urmi finds this and starts praising anitha that she has cooked so many items very well. Urmi hits anitha as appreciation. So the beeds spill out of her mouth. Urmi and rashi wonders. 

Koki asks anitha and gopi to give their gifts. Anitha gives 500 rupees and gopi gives a coin which bha has given her. Anitha says koki to announce she is the winner.

Friday 25 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 25th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Ahem leaves and when koki follows him hetal stops her. Hetal consoles koki that ahem cannot be wrong, he doesn’t talk anything without any reason. Koki replies I should know that reason anyhow. He should help me and support me in anitha’s marriage. Anyways I want to stay alone for some time. Hetal agrees and takes away jigar from there. Koki turns back and orders few work to gopi and rashi. All others leave. Anitha feels happy. Rashi and urmi doubts what anitha has told ahem that he cancelled the marriage.

Anitha goes to koki who is in the garden. Anitha tries to console koki but koki doubts that anitha has come here to speak something. Koki asks anitha to speak out clearly what she wants to say. Anitha says, I don’t want to hurt u aunty. Ahem should have expressed his feelings to u before when u have fixed his marriage with gopi. Now see how his life got spoiled. Ahem and gopi isn’t happy with each other. But koki interrupts and says they are happy. Anitha replies, then why ahem has cancelled this marriage without saying any reason. Urmi says yes because you have cooked some story to ahem and he believed u.

Koki wonders and asks how u know about this. Urmi says when u has sent her to talk with aravind she went to talk to ahem. Anitha says, aravind has accepted for marriage and me too. Ahem still loves me that’s why he cancelled this marriage. Koki yells at anitha stop it. Urmi supports koki saying, anitha you should be thankful to koki that she brought u home after your marriage break up with nilesh but u are speaking so rudely with her. Koki says anitha, you weren’t my choice for ahem any time. Gopi is the right girl for him that’s why I have married my son to her. I wasn’t wrong about this decision. Anitha says ahem doesn’t feel so. Koki says I don’t accept this. I know very well about my son and he is very happy with his marriage. Anitha says I too know him very well. Urmi supports koki but anitha doesn’t accept. So koki says I will prove that gopi is the right person for ahem and she is the best dil. And I am challenging you about this.

Anitha also challenges that ahem still loves me. Koki asks whether she is ready for the challenge and anitha says yes. Anitha leaves. Urmi says koki you should have thrown out this girl from your house. Koki says no I will prove before anitha that she is wrong. Urmi says I will be with you in this matter. Koki taunts urmi that she know very well how much love she has for gopi and she doesn’t do anything in which she gains some profit. Koki asks urmi to leave now but urmi cooks up a story that they had a pesticide spray in their house so she came here to stay for some time. And koki agrees.

Urmi tells rashi about koki challenging anitha. Meeti comes there with pressed clothes. Rashi asks where is kaki ji and gopi? Meeti says when she saw they both were going to anitha’s room. After meeti leaves both urmi and rashi try to listen whats going on inside anitha’s room but they couldn’t. Koki tells anitha and gopi that, anitha feels she is right for modi family. But I know very well who the best is. And I want to clear this misunderstanding. So in this competition you should gain more blessings and gifts from all the family members. Who collects more will be the winner. And for this you both have 2hours of time. Koki leaves. Anitha smiles at gopi and leaves. Gopi looks on confused.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Koki wonders looking at urmi. Later koki and urmi welcomes Mehta family in. chirag introduces everyone and mehta’s also have their introduction. Anitha looks a bit tensed. Rashi gives a tough look at urmi. Anitha, rashi and gopi come downstairs. Urmi starts praising anitha and koki gets angry. She gives a sign to rashi to take away urmi from here. Rashi asks urmi to come and meet bha once. But urmi denies by saying she might be taking rest so she will meet her later. Koki asks anitha to serve food to mehta’s. She does to mehta’s and comes to ahem. Ahem feels uncomfortable and sits clam but anitha says, take ahem you like Punjabi samosa na. Koki gets angry listening this and gopi wonders.  

Urmi asks anitha to give the food items. Anitha gives and sits beside koki. Koki tries to tell mehta’s about anitha’s previous marriage break up but urmi stops koki. Aravind says I know about it and we don’t mind. Aravind’s mother asks koki that aravind wants to speak with anitha personally. And koki agrees. Koki takes anitha and aravind to garden. When they are away from the family, Koki scolds rashi to take away urmi to her room. Koki sends away urmi with rashi saying rashi wants to show you something important. Rashi drags urmi into her room and scolds why she came here. Urmi tells smoothly, once think anitha is very dangerous and if we allow the couple to talk personally anitha may reject for the marriage. Rashi gets worried thinking yes it could happen.

Gopi serves juice to mehta’s. mrs Mehta appreciates gopi that she is beautiful. Gopi stands beside ahem and his cell rings. Aravind says anitha that he is ok with the marriage. But anitha looks worried so aravind asks whether she is not forced about this marriage. Anitha says no. so both walk into the hall. Anitha finds ahem talking on phone and sends away aravind. She walks to ahem and tells she wants to speak something to him. While getting downstairs urmi and rashi look ahem and anitha speaking very slowly. They try to listen what they are talking but koki calls them down so both get down.  

Anitha lies that aravind loves someone else and he hid this before his mom as he has pressure from his family. As he too loves his mother a lot like u and cant object her words. But ahem doubts and says if u are not interested in this marriage just say no. anitha acts innocent and scolds ahem that she thought he can understand her feelings but he dint. Ahem again asks anitha to say no if she is not interested but anitha denies saying she cant reject as your mom is working so hard to marry her and she is like a burden to them right now. Anitha leaves from there acting as if she is crying. Ahem feels bad for her.  

Mrs Mehta asks aravind whether he is ok for the marriage and he says yes. She again asks anitha and she nods. Urmi doubts how anitha has accepted about the marriage. Everyone feel happy and koki says she would arrange the marriage as soon as possible. Mehta’s leave. Urmi tells about some fine day near by but koki says she would talk to her pundit only. When koki was leaving to talk to pundit ahem stops her. And says this marriage shouldn’t take place. Koki asks whats the reason behind this rejection. Ahem says I can’t explain the reason but believe in me. And no one should get married in any sought of pressure. Gopi looks on anitha and ahem. Anitha looks at ahem happily.

Anitha is speaking to koki. Anitha says groom has accepted for the marriage and me too but ahem dint like it as ahem still loves me. Koki yells stop it.  

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 23rd May 2012 Episode Written Update

Koki and pundit are sitting in the hall. Koki will be asking details of alliances for anitha. Here ahem is having breakfast and gopi serving him. Ahem tries to talk to her but she doesn’t respond so ahem remains clam. Pundit tells about a good alliance. Ahem finishes breakfast and walks to koki. Koki shows a picture to ahem and asks him about his opinion. Anitha and rashi come downstairs. Ahem says it will be fine as she wishes and leaves to office. Anitha gets worried listening to his decision. Gopi follows ahem and gives the hanky to him. Ahem thanks her. Rashi gives a sign about her promise to gopi. Ahem tries to talk to gopi but she walks off from there. Ahem gets hurt and goes away. Koki shows the picture to anitha and asks about her opinion but anitha remains clam. Rashi tries to convince anitha. Koki says anitha that she should meet him once and the final decision will be yours, no one will force u. anitha accepts.

Rashi asks koki to call the groom’s family home as soon as possible. So koki asks pundit to call mehta’s home in the evening. Pundit leaves. Rashi feels very much excited about anitha’s marriage which irritates anitha. Koki scolds sweetly to rashi not to get excited much. Koki leaves from there to bhaa’s room. anitha too leaves giving a tough look at rashi.

Bhaa and hetal likes the groom. Bha asks koki are we doing this marriage in a hurry. Koki replies, before anitha does some wrong thing we should take care that we shouldn’t hide anything from the groom’s family.

Gopi in mandir. She thanks khana ji for giving a nice groom for anitha. Rashi replies, gopi dikra thank your sister rashi who has helped you in this matter and she is very much concerned about u. Gopi goes behind the khana ji’s statue and finds rashi. Rashi asks whether she is happy and gopi says yes I am. Both feel happy. Gopi asks rashi permission to talk to ahem but rashi denies. Rashi asks gopi to help her in selecting a good saree and jewellary for anitha. Gopi says ok. Both ladies pray to khana ji and leave.

Rashi informs urmi that anitha’s marriage on phone. Urmi doubts that anitha can do anything to break the marriage. Urmi asks rashi that she would come there to help her but rashi denies. Rashi hangs the call. But urmi decides that she would definitely go to modi bhawan with some reason.

Anitha denies rashi and gopi to help her in getting ready. Rashi convinces anitha in wearing the same saree which she throws away and insults rashi. Hetal comes there and appreciates about the saree. She asks anitha to wear that saree itself. Hetal leaves. Though rashi insists anitha to help her in getting ready anitha denies. So Rashi and gopi leave from there.

Urmi will be standing before the modi bhawan’s gate. The Mehta family arrives. Urmi welcomes them inside. Urmi thinks the groom is beautiful and she should settle this match for anitha. Koki opens the door and gets shocked looking at urmi with Mehta family.

Koki says she would inform pundit to finish this marriage as soon as possible but ahem says no. Anitha feels happy and remaining all get shocked.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 22nd May 2012 Episode Written Update

Gopi is upset thinking she has hurt ahem. She takes her mobile to call ahem. Ahem driving his car. He stops the car and thinks to call gopi but cuts it. Gopi connects the call but rashi comes there and cuts the call. Gopi says I have listened to u till now. From morning I dint talk to ahem ji, its now evening if I don’t call him he may get hurt. Rashi lets her gopi to sit on jhoola and ties up gopi’s hands and legs with a saree.

Door bell rings and meeti opens the door. Ahem comes in. ahem asks for gopi and meeti says they are in work. While getting upstairs gopi calls him but rashi shuts her up. Ahem turns back and looks for her, later he walks off as he doesn’t find her. Rashi says I will not allow u to ur room till u don’t listen to me. Ahem in his room, he calls gopi but there will be no response. Gopi promises rashi that she will listen to her and she would not accept ahem’s sorry and doesn’t talk to him. Rashi feels happy and says its all for your sake to help u from anitha. Rashi unties gopi. Rashi again reminds her promise and leaves from there.  

Koki in her room and rashi comes there. Koki asks what she has done till now. Rashi says she hasn’t allowed gopi not to talk to ahem. Koki gets angry and says if your plan gets spoiled I will not leave u. Rashi says ok and leaves from there. Rashi walks to gopi who is going to her room; rashi reminds her promise and allows gopi to go to her room. Gopi comes into her room and finds ahem is in washroom so she walks to bed and lies. Later ahem comes out of wash room and finds gopi on bed. He calls her but gopi doesn’t wake up. Ahem too goes to his couch and sleeps. Rashi feels happy that her plan got succeeded. While rashi going away to her room she finds anitha going to ahem’s room. She thinks of telling it to gopi but gopi’s cell is with her so she follows her. Anitha knocks the door and ahem opens the door. Gopi too wakes up.

Anitha says, are u sleeping ahem. Sorry for disturbing u. actually I was not feeling sleepy so I thought of having gossip for some time. Gopi u can sleep and sorry to disturb u. Gopi gets up and says anitha ben, ahem ji has some work tomorrow and me too not feeling sleepy. So I will accompany u. anitha says its ok. Ahem says gopi to gossip with anitha and walks off to sleep. Rashi happily comes to them and says I too was not feeling sleepy. We 3 shall gossip there. All 3 ladies sat in anitha’s room. rashi tells about their Switzerland tour. Anitha makes fun of rashi and rashi feels uncomfortable. Anitha thinks they have spoiled her plan so she shouldn’t let them sleep. Rashi gets up angrily and leaves saying she would bring tea for everyone. Gopi says she too will go with rashi.

Gopi and rashi come out. Rashi says she would add few sleeping pills in anitha’s tea but gopi says its wrong. So she would bring a book and read for anitha so that she can feel sleepy. Rashi again goes to anitha’s room. anitha asks where is the tea. Rashi says if they have tea they will not feel sleepy for longtime so gopi is bringing a book for them gopi comes there and starts reading a book and both anitha, rashi feels asleep. When gopi finds anitha slept she wakes up rashi and both leave from there.

Next day, rashi comes to anitha’s room and tries to wake up but anitha doesn’t wake up. Rashi forcefully wakes up anitha and tells she has a surprise for her.

Gopi gives hanky to ahem. Rashi gives a sign to gopi that she has promised her. Gopi nods. When ahem tries to talk with gopi she leaves from there. Ahem looks on upset at her.

Monday 21 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st May 2012 Episode Written Update

Ahem speaking on phone, gopi comes there. After hanging on, ahem says opi to take care of anitha. Gopi nods. She takes the water jug and walks away from there, though ahem calls her.

Later ahem reminds he scolding gopi and puts a mssage to gopi saying sorry. Some one knocks the door so ahem thinks its gopi and opens happily. But it is anitha. She asks whether she can sit in his room for a while as she is feeling lonely. So ahem allows her in.  Anitha says I am feeling bad. Why did u say that I got married, how did u hide this from me. I believed u. ahem brings water and gives her but she denies. He sits beside her. Anitha holds his hand and says am I mad. He was saying so. I loved nilesh but I think have selected a wrong one as my partner. Ahem consoles anitha. Ahem assures her that they all are with her. Gopi over hears this and gets upset. Anitha feels happy. Gopi turns back and Ahem looks gopi walking away from their room. he tries to go to her but he couldn’t. 

Rashi comes to kitchen. She finds gopi working in kitchen and scolds her. Rashi asks gopi that I think anitha is in their room. gopi nods sadly. Rashi says to be careful with ahem. But gopi says she believes in him and he can’t do anything wrong. Rashi scolds gopi that all men are alike, so you shouldn’t believe him. In past they loved eachother so they may become one once again. Gopi starts crying. Rashi warns gopi that once ahem leaves u then u cant get him back. Rashi warns gopi and leaves. Koki will be looking angily at rashi. Koki gives her a sign to come aside. Rasi follows her.

Koki scolds rashi, you were speaking against my son. Gopi should fight for her married life by herself. Don’t make gopi stop believing in ahem. But make her fight herself with anitha to get her wife status. Koki again says, I will help in my way and u should do in your way. 

Next day, ahem wakes up and checks his cell. He sends the unsent message to gopi. He finds gopi has kept her cell in the room itself. He walks out and looks for gopi. Meeti passes from there so he gives the cell and asks to give this cell to gopi. Meeti goes and gives the cell to gopi. Gopi checks the message and feels happy. But rashi sends a message no to him. Ahem wonders why gopi has sent no. Rashi says gopi, you shouldn’t forgive ahem ji so easily. When you will be near the dining table you shouldn’t bother him. So that he can understand that you are hurt. Gopi nods uninterested. 

Both walk out. Gopi will be serving all others without bothering ahem. Ahem will be waiting for gopi to look at him. Rashi warns gopi not to look at him. So gopi will be looking somewhere. Bhaa appreciates gopi for preparing upma very well. So ahem tries to take the upma bowl. Anitha gives him. Gopi and koki feels bad. Later he bends to take chutney bowl, this time gopi takes the bowl and asks anitha to have her corn flakes and she would serve him. Anitha smiles and has her breakfast. Rashi tries to serve upma to jigar but he asks he wants corn flakes. So rashi gets angry and serves him angrily. Jigar doesn’t understand. Ahem leaves saying bye to koki. He looks at gopi but she walks away into kitchen. Ahem sadly leaves. Anitha smiles at him and koki looks at her angrily. 

Anitha comes to ahem’s room and asks to gossip for sometime with her as she is not feeling sleepy.

Friday 18 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Jayanth and his family arrive to modi bhawan. Everyone welcome them. Koki asks gopi to call anitha here but rashi goes to call her. So hetal sends gopi to arrange tea for the guests. Rashi goes to anitha’s room. rashi asks anitha about her health and asks her to come downstairs as there is a surprise for her. Anitha looks nilesh and his family in the hall and wonder why they are here. Rashi doubts why she is nervous. Anitha thinks she should do something. Anitha while getting down acts as if she is feeling giddiness but rashi grabs her. Anitha comes down and hits nilesh and yells at him why did u do like this. You are not my husband. Am I doll to leave me and now came to see me. We dint even get married. But you were speaking to me as if we are married. Hearing this Koki, ahem and gopi get worried.

Jayanth scolds his family. Anitha yells to leave. Though koki and hetal try to convince them,  jayanth’s family leave from there. Anitha keeps on crying and after few minutes anitha falls down but ahem grabs her. She hugs him and cries. Koki and rashi shock to see this. Gopi steps back and gets upset. Koki looks this and brings anitha and lets her sit. Anitha says I am so unlucky. There is no one in this world that I can say is my own. Koki tries to console her. Koki assures that, I will marry u with a good guy and till ur marriage my family is yours.

In bha’s room, all ladies gather. Koki says, in this situation anitha should be with us only. Hetal and bha agree with her. But gopi is upset. Rashi in kitchen, is worried about anitha is acting or she don’t even know that her marriage got cancelled because of her. Anitha is walking near the swing. She thanks koki for supporting her and allowing her to stay in their house. Anitha finds a saree on the swing and throws it on floor. Rashi comes there and says its my saree and it’s a costly one too. But anitha insults rashi that the saree is a cheap one and she doesn’t know about fashion. Rashi scolds anitha and koki comes there. She asks rashi to go to her room. rashi leaves and koki asks anitha no to mind rashi’s words. Anitha leaves.

Rashi comes to her room and calls urmi. Rashi explains everything about anitha. So urmi says I guess anitha is planning to take gopi’s place. If she comes into modi bhawan she will definitely make you into a maid. So she should plan something and send anitha out. Rashi hangs on and decides to help gopi to be safe from anitha.

Anitha says there is no one in this world whom I can say is mine. Ahem assures that they all are with her.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Jigar brings the laptop and tells rashi that as anitha was not there in her room so he brought the laptop. Rashi asks why. Jigar shows few movie cds and asks rashi that we will watch it right now. So rashi switches on the laptop. When she opens anitha’s marriage cd opens and she finds her chat with urmi on phone was recorded. So she reduces the volume and slowly removes the cd. But jigar looks this and asks to play the cd. When rashi is trying to hide the cd, current goes off.

Rashi says she will bring candle and walks out. Rashi gets nervous thinking how this cd has reached here and did anitha watch this cd and came to know that because of her anitha’s marriage got cancelled. Rashi hears some one moaning so she calls who is that. Gopi replies its me. Rashi goes to gopi and asks why she is cring. Gopi keeps on crying. Rashi asks again and again so gopi says there is no meaning in my marriage life. I heard that anitha asking ahem ji if you haven’t been forced by your mother then you would have married me na. and ahem ji also told yes.

Rashi tries to console gopi and asks what has happened in detail. Gopi explains ahem scolding her and conversation between ahem & anitha. Rashi tries to say some thing but gopi says no ahem ji has spoken the truth. Rashi scolds gopi that as you were acting responsible for everything. Rashi tries to console but gopi keeps on crying. Finally rashi leaves from there saying she is a loser.

Jigar says sorry as they have planned to watch a movie and everything got spoiled. Rashi says its ok and both sleep. Rashi recalls about the cd and gets nervous. Urmi calls rashi but she cuts the call. So Urmi decides to keep on calling her till she picks up. She keeps on calling and gets connected to wrong number. That lady scolds urmi and hangs on. Urmi feels insulted.

Gopi is lying on bed thinking some thing. Ahem comes out of wash room and remembers he scolding gopi. Ahem calls gopi but he finds gopi sleeping. So he too gets into bed and sleeps. Gopi again wakes up and cries.

Next day morning, hetal is in some temple. Hetal looks at nilesh’s parents and wishes them. Hetal explains that anitha is not fine and ahem cannot do any mistake. That day anitha got shocked and now Anitha is thinking that she got married with nilesh. Please come home and see anitha then you can decide anything you wish. Hetal leaves from there.

Rashi comes to kitchen and scolds gopi that she is still crying fro stupid matter. Hetal comes to dining table and tells koki and bha that she has met jayanth and his wife. She explained them about anitha’s life. Koki says I don’t think that they will get convinced. Hetal and bha says we can have some hope na. Phone rings and hetal picks up. Its nilesh’s mother calling. Hetal speaks to her and hangs on. Hetal says everyone that nilesh’s mother has called and told that they are coming to modi bhawan to speak with anitha. Koki says its good to hear and we can have some hope now. Rashi stops them to inform this to anitha as if they don’t come home she may get hurt. Everyone gets convinced.

Anitha scolds nilesh and sends away his family from home. All get shocked with anitha’s behavior. After they leave anitha falls down but ahem grabs her. Gopi gets upset looking this.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 16th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Anitha is very upset with ahem’s behavior. Rashi comes to her room with ginger tea. She keeps on talking that this tea will make her feel relief. Anitha gets irritated and shouts at rashi. But rashi doesn’t react. Again rashi says its okay I can understand. If you need anything just call me. Rashi leaves from there. 

Koki and hetal in koki’s room. hetal gives tablet to koki and she takes it. Koki says now I am feeling much better. Rashi comes there and tells anitha is not feeling well. She even shouted on me. She is very upset and a bit irritated. So we won and she lost. Koki explains rashi that we are not playing a game and this is not our success. We need to make gopi to get further in her marriage life. Gopi and ahem come there. All three wonder why these two are back so soon. Gopi says she was worrying about maa ji so they came home soon. Ahem asks koki about her health and leaves. Koki and hetal also feel bad as they came home so soon. Koki asks gopi to take rest. So gopi leaves.

Gopi goes to her room. ahem puts his coat in the wardrobe. He looks abit angry with gopi. Gopi unknown about this says maa ji is fine now. Ahem yells, yes I know. You need not behave as though only you worry about my mom’s health. If she is not feeling well she do tells me and if I feel she is not fine I myself shall not go to the party. Though you were in the party you dint speak anything neither with me nor with any other. You dint even talked with Deepak who has invited us. I felt like why we came to the party. All time you were just asking shall we leave. When you were not interested to come then why did you come? I dint force you na. anitha wants to come with us and if she was with us she wouldn’t have behaved like you. Gopi gets upset and her eyes fill with tears so she leaves from there. When ahem turns back he finds gopi left and gets angry.

Gopi walks downstairs and goes to mandir. There she cries before khana ji that she was interested to go with ahem ji but he is misunderstanding her. How she can explain it to him. Ahem comes out and looks for gopi but he doesn’t find her. Anitha walks over there and finds ahem. She walks to him and asks why they are home so early. Ahem tells I feel why we went. Ahem again says sorry and leaves from there. Anitha looks gopi in hall so upset so she rushes behind ahem to his room. 

Ahem is alone is his room referring to some file. She calls him and walks inside. She starts feeling bad as she got married to nilesh and he married to gopi but they both are not happy. Blah blah blah. Gopi comes to her room and finds these two talking. And even anitha looks at gopi. Anitha asks ahem, don’t you think you married a wrong girl. If your mother wouldn’t have forced you then you would have married me na. Ahem also says yes. Gopi hears this and leaves in tears. Anitha feels happy. Ahem later finds his hands in anitha’s. So he takes of his hands and consoles her that everything will be fine and leaves. Gopi recalls their conversation and feels bad. She recalls ahem’s behavior in past and thinks he was just feeling her as a responsibility but he doesn’t love her. 

Gopi keeps on crying. Rashi asks what happened and why is she crying. Gopi says there is no hope in my marriage relation. Rashi replies, so will I ask you to leave the house.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 15th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Ahem gives a tablet to koki. Koki takes it and ahem gets some call. Anitha comes there. She calls ahem. But gopi stops her saying ahem ji doesn’t like if some one interrupts while he is on call. Anitha gets upset. She says she wants some thing important to talk. But gopi doesn’t agree. Koki als asks whats the matter. Anitha doesn’t understand what to say so she says she wants her cell to get recharged. Koki says its so simple. I will say about it to rashi and she will ask jigar to recharge. Anitha sadly nids her head and leaves. Gopi feels happy. And even koki.

Rashi, gopi and anitha sits in the hall and adding pictures to the album. Rashi looks anitha a lil bit upset. Ahem comes there talking on phone. He comes down and tells gopi that his friend has called him. He has arranged some paerty at his home and has invited both of them. So get ready b evening we both shall go together. Koki also comes there. Gopi says maa ji is not feeling well so…koki says its ok you both can go. I took a tablet and I am feeling better now. Ahem also confirms b asking koki whether she is ok if not they both shall drop. Koki says no I am ok now you both can go. So ahem asks gopi to get ready in the evening for party and leaves to office. Gopi is still in dilemma to go to party or not.

Rashi and koki standing in the hall. Both get worried that gopi hasn’t decided to go to party. But koki says firmly that she will force gopi any how to go to the party with ahem. Both walk into kitchen. In the kitchen Anitha tells gopi that Deepak was their college friend and he likes ties a lot so take a tie as a gift. Gopi says she hasn’t confirmed yet. So koki asks anitha to go to the party. As she knows everyone over there better than gopi. Anitha feels super happy and thinks on what to wear. Gopi gets upset and tears fill in her eyes. Koki asks gopi whether she was right and our stupid lady nods as yes. Koki gives a sign to rashi and leaves.

Gopi sadly cutting veggies. Rashi asks gopi why did you ignore going to party. Gopi says as maa ji is not well. Rashi says I am here in house then why to worry. Rashi again confirms from gopi whether she is not interested to go and gopi says yes. Again Rashi taunts gopi that if anitha will go to party both will enjoy a lot. Ahem asks koki whether gopi is ready. Koki says, no she doesn’t want to come to party. Ahem shocks.

Here rashi tries to make gopi understand to go to party but the dummy doesn’t understand. Both look anitha ready and walking. Rashi finds anitha’s chunni is down near to the surface so she walks to anitha and tells about it. Anitha thanks rashi. Anitha and rashi comes downstairs. Hetal asks what gift they want to take. Anitha says a tie. Ahem also gets upset and angry. He checks towards their room and look for gopi. He gets angry and leaves. When ahem and anitha moves on gopi calls ahem. She comes down and says she too wants to come with them. Anitha is surprised and remaining all feels happy. Anitha asks gopi you told you don’t want to come na. gopi says I thought I can meet ahem’s friends. Koki and hetal supports gopi. Rashi assures that she will take care of koki. All three walk out. Anitha gets upset. Koki and rashi feel happy.

At the car ahem gives a compliment to gopi that she is looking beautiful both have eye lock and anitha looks at them uncomfortable. She gets into car calmly. Ahem and gopi too get in the car. Ahem finds gopi is trying to pull out the seat belt. So he helps her. He bends and both have eye lock again. Anitha gets angry looking this. Ahem starts the vehicle. But anitha stops him. She says I am not feeling well so I will not come. Ahem also supports this and gopi says she would bring some medicine. Anitha gets upset and her eyes fill with tears. Gopi asks anitha that she shall drop her in but ahem stops and says I will call rashi. Anitha says no ahem its ok. She gets down and ahem starts car and leaves.

Anitha asks ahem, don’t you think you have married a wrong girl and if your mother hasn’t married you with gopi then you would have married me na? ahem replies yes. Gopi hears this from outside and gets upset.

Monday 14 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Koki tells hetal that she wants to keep anitha away from ahem. And gopi is unable to understand anitha’s intensions so she is helping her. Hetal firmly tells that she believes in her what ever she does for their children. Koki feels happy and apologizes as she dint say about this before. Hetal says its ok.

Urmi calls rashi and suddenly rashi says she was thinking about the kaki ji’s plan. Urmi wonders and scolds rashi to tell her about the plan she is thinking. Rashi declines and hangs on.

Anitha thinks on why ahem has wore the blue shirt. Later she thinks may be ahem doesn’t want to hurt his mom. As he loves his mother a lot. She thinks she has to do something which ahem likes a lot. Anitha calls ahem but ahem is busy working so he doesn’t check the mobile. Anitha wonders why ahem is not taking up her call.

Gopi will be arranging shirts in the wardrobe. Ahem looks at her and walks to her. Ahem asks this shirt was too good. Do you like this color. Gopi replies yes I like this color. Gopi puts the shirt inside. Ahem says last time kaki ji has told you have practiced a b’day song for me. Gopi says yes I have sung but u slept. Ahem asks gopi to sing that song now. Gopi sings happy birthday song. Ahem looks on her smiling. Gopi finishes and ahem says thanks. Both have eye lock and ahem hug gopi. Gopi is on cloud nine. Both smile at each other.

Koki asks rashi what did u thought. Rashi remains clam. So koki says so you dint think anything. Koki takes out a scale and hits rashi on her palm. Rashi wakes up suddenly saying sorry to koki. Even jigar wakes up and asks was it a bad dream. Rashi thinks this will definitely happen in the next day. Rashi says she will sleep and lies down again. Jigar too sleeps.

Next day morning, rashi is talking on phone with urmi. Rashi tries to ignore to say about the plan of uniting gopi and ahem. Koki calls her so rashi hangs on. Urmi doubts that rashi is hiding something from her. Koki asks rashi what she has thought. Rashi says no and koki scolds her. Both walk into kitchen. Koki asks gopi whether she has started preparing breakfast. Gopi says I am. Anitha comes into kitchen. Anitha asks koki whether she can prepare today’s breakfast. Rashi asks what she wants to prepare, poha? Anitha says no, I want to prepare pan cakes. Anitha asks permission with koki to prepare pancakes. Koki says anitha, gopi will help anitha to prepare pancakes. Gopi wonders.

Ahem comes to dining table. Koki coughs. Gopi says she has prepared kada for her. Koki gets impressed and says thanks. Koki says everyone that today anitha has prepared the breakfast. Gopi gets upset. Anitha shows the items which she has prepared. Ahem looks at them and says these items were his favirotes when he was in London. Anitha feels happy and gopi gets shocked. Anitha says yes that’s why I have prepared. Koki, gopi and rashi shocks. And even ahem. Gopi thinks of preparing tea but anitha stops her and says she has already prepared coffee.

Gopi gets still upset and calmly walks into kitchen. Ahem finds gopi got upset. Again ahem asks anitha where the remaining breakfast is. Anitha says you like this na so you have this. Ahem replies no this was my favorite when I was away from home food. Now I am habituated to home food. Ahem asks koki to prepare some other item for him now. So koki asks rashi to go and says gopi to prepare poha for ahem soon. Rashi also feels happy and goes to kitchen. Their gopi will be crying. Rashi asks gopi to prepare poha for ahem ji as he is sitting idle without having anything. Gopi feels happy and starts preparing poha. Koki asks anitha to have breakfast. Anitha nods and sits. She doubts why ahem dint has pancakes. Ahem also looks worried. 

Anitha asks gopi to take tie as a gift to the party. Gopi says she is not sure about going to party. Koki says anitha when gopi doesn’t wants to go to party why don’t you attend. Gopi wonders.

Friday 11 May 2012

Answer to the questions and win an exciting prize !!!

Add your email id at the end of your comment, so that we can send you the free gift. :) 

Your answer should be written in the comment box on the blog.

1. Do you think Ahem is getting attracted to Anitha?

2. Is Gopi feeling jealous of Anitha?

3. Do Ahem supports Gopi or Anitha?

4. Do you think Gopi fights with Anitha to get her husband?

5. Do kokila succeeds in making Gopi talk openly with Anitha about Ahem?

Bade achhe lagte hain 10th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Harry is referring to some file. She couldn’t understand the calculation. Vikram comes there. He solves her problem. Harry appreciates him. Vikram says harry that he wants to resign. Harry gets worried and says she can give a hike if he is not satisfied with the salary. Vikram says no its not like that. As my friend is in problem and he needs me. So I want to leave from here for few days. Harry uninterested to leave him but tells vikram to come back soon. Vikram leaves happily.

Vikram goes to ram’s office. He scolds ram as he dint call him at least once though all the fuss has taken place. Ram pleads vikram that he needs him. Vikram says yes I have come for u. ram feels happy. Ram again tells priya has left home. So vikram asks ram to talk to her once and sort out the problem. Ram thinks on to find a friend who is close to priya and with whom she can get convinced. He gets shruthi in mind and calls her. He requests to bring priya to some party so that he can get a chance to talk to her. Shruthi agrees.

Priya tells shipra that shruthi has called her and asked her to meet. But priya says she is not interested. Sudhir and shipra convinces her and sends her out. Later nats arrive to sharma’s house. Sudhir and shipra shocked to see nats. Nats requests them to let her meet karthik. But shipra yells at nats that she has ruined karthik’s life and career so please let him live alone. Sudhir also yells at shipra to become cool and let nats speak. Nats takes all the blame on her and says sorry for everything. But shipra yells at nats to leave. If not she would call police. Nats cries and leaves from there.  

Shruthi and priya meet. Shruthi informs priya that they are going for a party. Priya declines but shruthi insists. Both the ladies in the party. Ram comes there and searches for priya. He finds her out and walks towards her. But in middle 2 ladies stop him and console him about his wife. Ram again walks towards priya. Priya looks this and asks shruthi to leave. But she asks to wait for some more time. Priya to ignore ram about to leave from there but ram holds her hand. Another lady comes to ram and asks for a date. Priya gets upset with all this. She insists ram to leave her hand. And ram does. Priya leaves from there with teary eyes and ram remains upset. 

Thursday 10 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Anitha says gopi we shall surprise ahem today. By the way did you plan some thing for him? I will help you if so. Don’t prepare any food at home. We shall order from any big hotel. I will take care of it. Don’t worry. I want to do this for ahem as he has done a lot for me. Even u all helped me So I want to do something for all. I will do myself about the party preparations. Koki comes there and asks whether everything is done. Anitha replies actually aunty I was thinking to plan something surprising for ahem. We shall arrange it. Koki also accepts. Koki asks gopi to do everything with anitha. Koki feels now too gopi is speaking nothing.

Anitha makes the list. Anitha decides everything as ahem’s wishes. Gopi says she will prepare all the items of ahem’s favorite items. Rashi comes there. She says gopi that bha has asked her to massage her legs with oil so she may not come with her for shopping. Anitha asks gopi whether she is going out. Gopi replies yes I want to take a gift for ahem ji. Anitha gets excited and says, ok fine I too shall come with u and order the cake at the same time I can buy a beautiful gift for ahem. Gopi gets upset. Rashi and koki feel bad for gopi.

Rashi comes inside and says kaki ji anitha is spoiling all our plans. But gopi is not declining. Koki says yes even I am feeling bad. Rashi says, I know gopi can’t demand anyone. But koki cuts her words and says I will make her speak out. Again koki says you heat the oil and go to bha. Rashi gets angry as koki is behaving as though she is not helping her.

Anitha and gopi come to a showroom and asks for shirts. Gopi selects a blue shirt. And thinks it will suit ahem. Anitha looks this and says ahem doesn’t like dark colors. Gopi replies but I liked this shirt a lot. Anitha says on ahem’s birthday you should buy as his wish. Gopi remains clam. Anitha asks some other light colored shirt to pack for her. Anitha says gopi to select another one and come near billing. Gopi thinks for a while and thinks of gifting the blue color shirt itself to ahem. She asks the shop keeper to pack it.

Anitha and gopi reach home. Anitha thinks to gift pack her shirt. Door bell rings and gopi opens the door. Some decoration people come. Gopi says we dint call u. Anitha looks back and says I have called them to arrange the surprise party. Hope u don’t mind. Gopi nods as no. anitha invites them in.

Anitha tells the decoration should be purple color included. Koki comes there and asks gopi who called them. So gopi says anitha has called them. Koki says its ok. Anitha gets some work to do and you can look at the aarthi work. Gopi feels bad as koki has supported anitha. Anitha asks gopi whether she has ordered food so gopi says you told you will order Italian food from some hotel.

Anitha thinks of reminding the food order and the cake order. Gopi gets very upset. Rashi comes there and praises gopi as she is preparing the party preparations well. Gopi says anitha ben is doing all this. Rashi too supports anitha and this makes gopi still upset.

All the decorations get completed. Everyone is ready. Hetal and koki praises the decoration. And guests will be coming in. Anitha asks gopi when will ahem come home. Rashi comes there and says jigar ji has called her and told they have started home.

Urmi’s family arrives to mode bhawan. Hetal introduces dhawal to anitha. Urmi talks in butler English and wishes anitha. Even urmi praises the decoration. Koki looks gopi getting upset. Koki warns rashi not to say urmi about their plan. Urmi looks this and when koki leaves she asks rashi what koki was saying her but rashi declines this.

Anitha wishes kinjal. Anitha says sorry as her brother has dumped her so she too is not talking to him. Dhawal over hears this and kinjal gets shocked.

Pinakin comes there. Anitha asks how the decoration is. He replies its perfect as ahem’s wish. He again doubts whether ahem wife dint objects her. Anitha replies no she is so sweet. Gopi hears this and feels bad.

Anitha gifts her shirt to ahem and asks him to change. Ahem goes to his room. he finds blue shirt on the bed.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 9th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Koki asks rashi how come she is worried about gopi. Rashi says everytime u misunderstand me. Koki says I don’t believe your mother. She dint guide you in a proper way. Till now she misguided u and now kinjal. Koki says from now you should listen to my words and should do what I say. To bring gopi’s marriage life to next step we need to help her. She is very innocent and can’t understand what the others are thinking. Now being a wife gopi should understand the relation with ahem. How many times can I help her so for this we should help her? Tomorrow is ahem’s birthday so we should help gopi to make ahem’s birthday special. But there shouldn’t be any problem in it. In the kitchen, Meeti asks gopi what to prepare. So gopi replies she will prepare aaloo curry and kachori. Gopi asks meeti to keep out all the ingredients.

Koki looks gopi working in kitchen and thinks of where is rashi. Rashi comes there. Koki gives a sign to start their plan. So rashi walks into kitchen and asks what she is doing. Gopi says today is ahem ji’s birthday so she is preparing all his favorite dishes. Rashi asks what gift gopi is giving him. So gopi says she will buy a nice shirt for him. Rashi says dont to wish him now itself and surprise him in the evening. Surprise him with gift later. Gopi doubts as she is going to their room he may feel bad if she doesn’t wish him. Rashi says everyone loves surprises. No one will wish him in the house. Even kaki ji will not wish him. Gopi says ok and leaves.

Ahem getting ready. Gopi comes in. gopi calls him and gives green tea. Ahem will be waiting for her wishes. But gopi calmly stands near the bed and does some work. Ahem doubts. Some one knocks the door and ahem gets a call. He says thanks and hangs on. Ahem looks on gopi to receive her wishes. But he gets disappointed. He calmly leaves with his bag. He opens the door and anitha is before him. She gives a bouquet and kisses ahem. Gopi shocks and feels bad. Even rashi and koki looks this. Koki and rashi also think to wish him and walk towards him. Ahem takes blessings from koki. Rashi also wishes him. Gopi feels bad. Gopi calls ahem and wishes him. Ahem says thanks. Gopi gives an explanation that she thought of wishing him before itself. Ahem says its ok. Ahem, koki, anitha go downstairs. Rashi says as anitha has wished ahem jiju we all have wished him. Gopi feels bad.

Jigar looks at the bouquet and asks gopi bhabi has given it. Ahem says no anitha gave it. All go to mandir. Ahem takes blessings from all the family members. Chirag gifts a watch. Parag gives a bracelet. Jigar gives brooch. Koki asks gopi to start aarthi. Gopi does. Gopi is so upset. Hetal asks everyone to come for breakfast.

All go to have breakfast. Rashi and koki feel bad as anitha has spoiled their plan. Both feel bad as gopi is upset. Koki plans something and explains it to rashi. Rashi stops gopi and consoles her. Gopi feels bad that ahem ji may think that she forgot his birthday. Rashi says don’t worry in the evening we will arrange a surprise party for ahem jiju. After food preparations we shall go out and buy a nice shirt for ahem ji. Gopi likes the plan and says ok.  

Gopi reminds anitha kissing ahem. So she thinks to forget about it and should concentrate on the surprise party. Anitha comes there and asks how she will celebrate ahem’s birthday. Before gopi speaks anitha says they would give a surprise to ahem. Gopi wonders.

Some decoration people come to modi bhawan. Gopi says no one has called them but anitha comes there and says she has called them to arrange the surprise.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Balika Vadhu 8th May 2012 Episode Written Update

Anandi slaps jagya. All the family members shock and even gauri. Anandi says, jagya till now I bared everything you have done to me and I never complained about it anytime. But now you have gone against my family. Just imagine jagya when a family can do so much for their DIL then how much they can do for their son. If you have asked them in a right way they would have given the property happily. But you played a cheap trick with them. Though my family gets compromised about this but not me. I will never allow them to compromise for my happiness.

Jagya gets angry and replies, ok you are feeling I have done a great mistake na. I will see how you will be free from me. Tomorrow I will not come to court and see how you will get divorced. Anandi says, I have expected this cheap answer from you jagya. Tomorrow I will go to court but not to wait for u, I will file a case against you for marrying another girl being the first wife alive. Though we were child married now we are legally wife and husband. So now I can file a case against you and drag you to court. I can prove your 2nd marriage as illegal. Gauri gets worried hearing this. Anandi leaves taking away dadi sa with her. All her family follows them.

Singh family is having dinner. Everyone is very upset. Dadi sa tells anandi, I know child you will get hurt when you know about this. That’s why we kept it secret from u. anandi replies, don’t worry dadi sa I can understand. I was alone when I came into this house marrying jagya and even now I am alone. Everyone looks at anandi sadly. So she again says, I am happy that I got a wonderful loving family. How many girls can get this? Her in-laws become her parents. I was alone without jagya but not a family. Anandi goes to kitchen to bring water. Basanth asks bhairon, do you think jagya will come to court tomorrow? Bhairon replies, I don’t want to predict about jagya anymore. Dadi sa says I wish he come to court tomorrow.

In the hotel, gauri is worried as they have lost the property and even the divorce. She says jagya, we lost our dreams. Today also our dreams got smashed because of anandi. Jagya yells, I cant forget the insult which anandi has done to him today. She has slapped me before all my family members. I will never leave her. I shall leave to Mumbai right now and see how she will get divorce. Gauri tries to explain jagya but he declines.

At the court, all singh family members waiting for jagya and their turn. Later jagya along with gauri come to court. He looks at anandi very angrily. All walk towards the court. Jagya asks gauri to wait outside but she says she will be there for him in every moment of his life and bear everything for him. Jagya gets impressed.

Judge asks the couple whether they are sure to take divorce. Both say yes. Both sign on the papers. 
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