Friday 11 May 2012

Answer to the questions and win an exciting prize !!!

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Your answer should be written in the comment box on the blog.

1. Do you think Ahem is getting attracted to Anitha?

2. Is Gopi feeling jealous of Anitha?

3. Do Ahem supports Gopi or Anitha?

4. Do you think Gopi fights with Anitha to get her husband?

5. Do kokila succeeds in making Gopi talk openly with Anitha about Ahem?


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  2. 1.No,ahem started to love gopi .
    2.No,gopi is not feeling jealous but she feel very bad when anitha comes tries to come in between ahem and gopi.
    3.Ahem will support gopi .
    4.gopi will never fight with anitha as basically she is very soft natured she will explain and talk to anitha .


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