Wednesday 3 October 2012

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd October 2012 Written Update

Gopi shows the floor and tells since childhood I used to sleep on the floor itself. Ahem looks the floor and recalls that even he used to make her sleep on the floor. He feels guilt and hugs gopi. Dhawal comes there calling for gopi. Dhawal tells ahem to come with him to see their chawl. So ahem leaves.  

Rashi shows her childhood toys and photos to jigar. Kinjal comes to kitchen and mutters about urmi. She gets irritated as finds kitchen is empty without any food items. Kinjal feels bad that she has to go to market and bring everything. When she puts some flour in a plate, kinjal finds little money in it. So she checks few other boxes and finds few more money. So kinjal calls to general stores and orders few food items.

Gopi will be taking out few vessels out from a cupboard. Urmi comes there and thinks these vessels are of modis and if koki looks this she would kill her. Urmi shouts on gopi. Koki comes there and asks urmi why is she shouting on gopi. Urmi says I was shouting at gopi as she shouldn’t work in pregnancy. So koki asks gopi to come with her and take rest. Rashi comes there and urmi asks rashi to help her in preparing food. Koki and gopi leave. Rashi scolds urmi for asking a patient to do some work. Urmi shows the vessels to rashi and tells these are modis and she hasn’t returned yet.

Urmi asks rashi to help her. Rashi says she may go to jail as these are koki’s. urmi gets an evil plan and thinks of keeping all the vessels in rashi’s room. When urmi comes out with vessels she finds all modis are in hall so she comes back. Once again urmi thinks for a while and ties a nylon rope to the bag and asks rashi to go downstairs. Rashi will be waiting down, Urmi slowly leaves the bag down from the window but suddenly urmi throws away the bag as kinjal comes into the kitchen. The bag falls on rashi’s head. Urmi shows a sign of go away to rashi with her hand. So rashi walks away from there. Kinjal doubts and looks down the window. Urmi scolds at kinjal to do the work and leaves.

Koki calls urmi but she walks off from there saying cupboard is open. Koki doubts urmi. Urmi comes to the window and calls rashi. Urmi asks to throw the rope upwards so that she can pull up the bag. Rashi tries few times and finally urmi grabs the rope. Urmi pulls up the bag and keeps it in a cupboard. Koki doubts that there is no sound from the room so she would go and have a look. Koki comes to urmi’s room and urmi gets tensed. Koki asks what happened, why you were moving from one room to other. Is everything fine? Urmi replies, I was excersing. Lets go out. Koki leaves.

Urmi comes to kitchen and asks whether food is ready or not. Kinjal shows few items and tells she has prepared all this. Urmi asks how did she do all these items and doubts she might have ordered the food and asks from where did she get the money. Kinjal tells I found little money from flour storage box and sugar storage boxes. Urmi checks them and gets hyper. Kinjal leaves. urmi gets angry and adds salt in all the items. All modis sit to have lunch. Jigar and koki appreciates kinjal for preparing food for all of them. All have a bite and feels salty. Koki asks kinjal why u have put more salt in the food. Kinjal doubts and tastes it. Kinjal looks at urmi and confirms that its her evil plan. 

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