Wednesday 28 December 2011

Saath nibhana saathiya 28th December 2011 episode written update

Ahem asks gopi whats the problem. Gopi replies she is scared of injection. Hetal says kokila that they shall leave ahem and gopi alone so that ahem can convince gopi(husband wife ki baatein). Kokila unpleased about it but leaves from there. Hetal asks the doctor also to come down so that he can have some tea. Gopi says she is scared and that’s why she dint take it since childhood(kabhi bheemar na padi kya). Ahem tries to explain gopi that it doesn’t pain much. Its just like biting of a mosquito or ant(jhoota, it will pain). Gopi is convinced a bit and looks on.

Rashi in her room dreaming that jigar will be convinced with her bouquet and letter(tera kuch nahi hone wala). Meeti comes with some clothes in her hands. She calls rashi but she doesn’t respond. Meeti comes inside and once again calls rashi and she comes into this world. Meeti asks where to keep the pressed clothes. She replies to keep them on table.

Ahem asks gopi whether she wanna be okay soon or not? Gopi nods as yes. Ahem says then its important to take injection(how many days should I serve u). Gopi asks whether it’s a final one or ? ahem says first take one then you can think about another.

At rajpal nagar, urmila opens the door and looks the agent and shocks. He says as they dint call him he came home directly. Urmila gives a smile and says they are making DD (jhooti)and it will be back. The agent says the DD work may finish in 30minutes so he shall wait. Kinjal asks for tea or coffee. He asks for tea. Kinjal gives a sign to urmila to come with her. The agent about to speak something and urmila leaves from there saying she would bring some snacks. Kinjal in the kitchen asks urmila to do something and send him out. Urmila after few minutes gets a evil plan and rushes out. Kinjal confused and follows her. Urmila rushes out and shouts for help(Aila!! What an idea). She shouts that some guy has come and teasing them. The agent gets tensed. All the colony people come and beat him severly(poor guy). The agent runs out and looks at kinjal for help but kinjal looks around. The agent warns them they need to pay for it and rushes out. Urmila feels happy and kinjal worried.(kinjal tho gayi)

Door bell rings and meeti opens the door. Jigar comes in and walks away but hetal stops him and says everyone are here so atleast wish them and go(dho bĂȘte khyoye khoye). Jigar comes near them and wishes kokila, hetal and doctor. he asks doc why he has come? Doc replies he has come to give injection to gopi but she is quite nervous about it. Jigar smiles and replies no problem bhai will convince her(he loves her na). Kokila gives a tough look at him. Ahem comes downstairs saying gopi has agreed to take the injection. Kokila is wondered(haila!! Kaise maan gayi). Remaining All are happy.

Jigar comes into his room, rashi looks him and smiles. She comes near him and asks whether he liked the bouquet and letter. She also says she has missed him a lot. She hugs him and says she is happy as he has forgiven her. Jigar pushes her back and says he dint forgive her yet. When she has cheated his family there will be no question to forgive her. Jigar leaves from there and rashi in tears.(when did he say he is okay with her now)

Doc arranges the injection and gopi will be still scared so doc asks ahem to hold her hand. Ahem agrees and sits beside gopi and holds her hand. The doc completes the injection and at the end gopi looks at the injection and gets worried and raises her hand, in that time unknowingly she slaps ahem(shock shock shock!!!). All are shocked including the doc. Doc says he would leave now and leaves from there. Kokila in super anger asks what was that?(mere bĂȘte ko tappad marogi!!) Why did she do that? Ahem defends and says its ok as she got scared. Kokila is surprised(mera beta bangaya jhoru ka ghulam) and hetal says its ok and takes her away. Gopi is also worried and apologizes him as she got scared and raised her hand. Ahem says its ok I can understand. Gopi is still worried and when ahem says ok she feels happy.

Next day morning ahem brings gopi in wheel chair and asks her to walk. Gopi is worried as she may fall. Ahem convinces her saying if she doesn’t try how can she get well. He gives her hand to stand and gopi gets up from there. While walking gopi slips and grabs his shirt tight(awww so sweet scene). Ahem says take care. Ahem holds her tight and both a eye lock.

Precap: kokila in gopi’s room. Rashi comes there and says ahem jiju has sent a packet for her. She opens and looks a cell phone in it. It rings and kokila lifts. Ahem gets alert and kokila asks why did he send a cell phone. Ahem says its for gopi. Kokila shocked.

Balika vadhu 28th December 2011 episode written update

Gauri in her room and crying. Her parents worried outside the room. After few mins gauri comes out and says she would go to jetsar. Her parents warns her not to go. But gauri says she needs to go. Her father says he would take her but gauri doesn’t agree for it and says she would go alone.

All the villagers are worried that their kids are affected by black magic done by some lady. That lady comes walking and looks all villagers looking at her. She runs back. The villagers decide to send her off from the village.

Phuli comes with her baby to badi haveli. Anandi ready to take the class. Both feel happy to see eachother. Anandi asks what did she plan to do for her baby. Phuli fully confident says I know you have thought some thing for us. Anandi says to follow her and takes her to bhairon and sumitra. Sumithra play with the baby. Anandi says she is not able to concentrate on village and school properly so she wanna give the teacher post to phuli and she would take care of the village. All feel happy. Anandi says as phuli has a responsibility of her baby they would give some amount as salary. Bhairon and sumithra are happy and even phuli.

Anandi announces in her class that phuli gonna take their classes from now. All feel happy as they can play with her baby daily and study well.
Jagya comes home. She shouts for gauri but her mother brings water and says gauri went to Bhopal for some work. Jagya gets angry and calls gauri. But it will unreachable. So he feels everyone are doing as they wish.

Makhan kaka takes nandu from school and while going nandu drops his water bottle. Makhan runs for it and nandu playing on the road. A lady with ghunghat comes there and gives a laddu to nandu. He takes it.

Precap: a biker hits phulli and feels guilty for it.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Saath nibhana saathiya 22nd December 2011 episode written update

Kinjal arranging her dresses in the wardrobe, urmila comes there and asks what she is doing? Kinjal replies that she is taking out all her old dresses as she is a famous model in Rajkot and how she could wear old dresses. Urmila shocked. Again she comes is back into our world and gives the face pack to kinjal. Kinjal asks what did she add in this? Urmila explains all the ingredients and says to give her if anything is left so that she too can apply. Kinjal nods and urmila leaves. Kinjal applies the face pack.
Rashi dusting and looks hetal and kokila coming to mandir with bhaa. Rashi calls urmila and explains the scene. Urmila tells rashi that its almost time for gopi’s medicines so she will definitely ring the bell but it will not work. So she will try to get up and take medicines. Till that time you do pooja with others and impress them. When its time to give medicines go to gopi and give medicines to her. Rashi says ok but worries for gopi for few seconds. Urmila gets irritated and asks rashi to go to mandir now. Rashi says she doesn’t know the bhajans then how could she do them. A super idea flashes in Urmila’s mind and says to keep a Bluetooth on her ear and repeat what she says in the phone. Rashi feels happy and goes to bring her Bluetooth. After few seconds she comes downstairs putting her Bluetooth in ear and covers with her hair. She walks to pooja mandir and sits with them. She asks bhaa that she too wanna do one bhajan. Bhaa is impressed and kokila, hetal surprised. Bhaa asks to starts. Rashi repeats all the bhajan after urmila. Finally urmila looks at the clock and says its 12. Rashi too repeats. All are wondered. Urmila says to cover it say jai shri Krishna. Rashi does and all repeat her. Kokila looks at the clock and says she would give medicines to gopi. Rashi says she would go. Kokila doesn’t want that and about to stop her but bhaa asks some tea. So kokila lets rashi to give medicines to her.
Here gopi in her room thinking its time for her medicines and buzzes the bell but it wont work so she thinks to get up and take medicines. Rashi watching gopi from the door. Gopi gets up and slips. She pushes the glass on the table and falls down. Rashi rushes and grabs her. She scolds gopi why did she get up from bed. Gopi replies as the buzzer was not working and no one has come to give medicines to her she thought of taking them self. At down stairs kokila, hetal and bhaa hears the glass breaking and rushes to upstairs. Before hetal and kokila comes in rashi changes the battery position in the buzzer and scolds gopi that the buzzer is working. Hetal and kokila rush into gopi’s room. Kokila looks at the broken glass and scolds rashi that it may be her fault. But gopi defends and says she has broken the glass as she stood up self. Kokila gets doubt on rashi and asks it takes only 2mins time to come to gopi’s room then how did she fall? Rashi super smart abruptly replies that she got some call and when she heard the sound she rushed into the room.
Rashi gives medicines to gopi. While picking up the broken glass rashi’s finger cuts. Hetal looks at it and gets worried. But rashi says she is ok. Kokila looking angry towards hetal and rashi. All leave saying gopi to take rest.
Kinjal cleans her face and looks in a mirror and screams because her face gets red rashes. She walks furiously to urmila and urmila was about to put the face pack looks at kinjal. She opens her mouth wide and kinjal shouts how dare u r to do this to me? Urmila doubts how she would do her shoot now. Kinjal is so irritated.
Its 8’o clock in the evening and ahem dint come home. Gopi waiting desperately for ahem. Meeti comes into the room with pressed clothes. She asks to help her separating them. Gopi does and asks did jigar and kaka ji have come. Meeti replies both have come but ahem ji dint return yet. Gopi nods and waiting for him. Ahem walks inside. Gopi gives a cute smile to him.
Precap: gopi asks kokila that she want to do some work in bed like arranging pulses. Kokila agrees and ahem says why she wanna do some work. Kokila gives a serious look to ahem.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Saath nibhana saathiya 21st December 2011 episode written update

Doctor comes to modi bhawan. Hetal takes him to gopi’s room. Kokila and hetal stands near the bed. Doc asks gopi how she is feeling now. Gopi replies she is fine now. Ahem comes inside and apologizes for being late. Kokila wonders and asks him why he came home leaving all his work when hetal and all the family members are there to take care of gopi. Ahem stands dumb struck. Doc praises ahem for taking well care about his wife and she should start walking for 10mins daily from now on. Ahem says he would take care of her. Gopi feels happy. Doc leaves. Hetal and kokila also leave saying gopi to call if she needs anything.
Kinjal feels hungry so she comes into kitchen and asks urmila to give something to eat. Urmila says she has prepared some special for her. Kinjal feels happy and asks for it. Urmila says from tomorrow morning they both shall do yoga and she will take care of kinjal’s diet. Kinjal asks for food. Urmila gives some juice and kinjal drinks it with her nose closed. Kinjal asks again for food. Urmila says when she wants to become a great model then she should only some amount. Kinjal worries.
Next day morning, ahem holding gopi’s hand and helping her to walk. After few steps gopi asks she would walk herself for sometime. Ahem says ok and asks her to be careful. Gopi steps and about to fall. Abruptly ahem holds her waist and pulls up. Gopi is shocked (wow what a lovely husband, gopi is in sky now..ahem aa raha hain gopi ka kareeb) after few minutes also ahem holds on her, gopi looks at her waist and ahem once. Ahem comes to into our world and leaves her. Ahem will be getting some calls but he cuts the calls twice. Gopi looks on worried. Rashi comes there and says she would take gopi inside her room and he may go to office. Ahem leaves saying rashi to be careful.
Rashi takes gopi inside and lays her on her bed. Rashi says she has brought some thing for her. Gopi ask whats that. Rashi says she would bring now and leaves from there. Kokila and bhaa comes to gopi’s room and bhaa asks her about her health. Bhaa gives blessings to get well soon. Rashi comes inside holding a bag. She says she brought a bell for gopi so that she can ring it when she needs anything. Kokila gets ready to scold rashi but bhaa says it’s a brilliant idea and praises rashi for taking care of gopi. Gopi also says that rashi is taking care of her well. Kokila gets angry and says bhaa that she should take rest for now and takes away bhaa from there.
Rashi shows the operation of bell and says her to ring it when she needs some one near her. Gopi feels happy and rings the bell once. Rashi says everyone is worried about her, even kaki ji and maa ji are getting tired in the kitchen but they are not letting her know it. Even bhaa and ahem ji are worried about her. Gopi starts thinking and feeling bad (bechari, everytime thinking about others). Gopi while thinking and feeling bad rashi comes aside and changes the battery position so that it doesn’t work. She feels happy and leaves from there.
Rashi comes to her room and calls urmila. She says that she has done everything as urmila has told her. Urmila asks whether she remembers the plans to do later. Rashi nods her head and says she remembers and hangs on. (Rashi back with her mother and her kalakaris are back again)
Urmila watching a tv program which will showing about some face pack. Urmila notes it down and switches off the tv. She feels its so easy to do and she rushes into kitchen. She puts all the ingredients needed on the table and start mixing. She looks she has kept the dokla dough and she thinks to put it on the stove. She remembers that she should mix baking soda and adds it in dokla. She puts the dokla on stove and puts the baking soda box near the turmeric powder box. She gets a call and while talking she mixes baking powder in the face pack. She hangs on the phone and mixes the face pack properly. She feels proud that she has done something great. (kinjal tho gayi…ab tho use modeling chodna hi padega).
Precap: gopi trying to walk and falls down.

Balika vadhu 21st December 2011 episode written update

Anandi takes shivani to her school and shivani wonders looking so many girls attending school. Anandi says she would take her to panchayat too but shivani asks her to take to some place where they both can sit and chat for some time. Anandi takes her to temple. Shivani says anandi that she has come to know about her married life from her in-laws. Anandi in a low voice starts saying about her relation with jagya. She says, when we were in childhood we used to fight a lot but later we became friends and later when jagya started studying felt like I am not the right person to him and their thoughts doesn’t match. He went to Mumbai and married another girl. Shivani asks dint you feel bad or scold him why did he do so? Anandi replies why she should scold him or curse him when he too was not responsible for their child marriage. It’s only their parents fault. Shivani surprises. Bell rings for aarthi. So both go into temple. In the temple during aarthi Shivani remembers all words of gauri and anandi.
Jagya and gauri talking to their friends happily. Their friends decide to have party for completing their exams. Gauri feels uninterested in this so she says she would go home. Their friends tease jagya that if gauri doesn’t come then jagya will also drop. But gauri says if jagya is interested he can go. And jagya says its been longtime partying with friends so he will go with them. Gauri gets upset. Jagya says he would take car and go. Gauri says she will leave now. Jagya asks her to wait as he can drop her on the way. But gauri ignores him and leaves.
Jagya comes home in the night and looks gauri waiting without sleeping. Jagya casually asks why she is still awake. Gauri starts taunting him that she is paying money for the car loan so that she can have a safe journey in her pregnancy, without asking her jagya you took away the car. Jagya gets hurt and asks if she is paying money then only she should use it? Gauri says no its not like that I don’t like using it for unnecessary things like partying and waste petrol.
Precap: Shivani scolds gauri that anandi is a good girl and she knew about it that’s why she is feeling insecure about her. Gauri blames anandi to break their friendship and shivani scolds again.

Monday 19 December 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 19th December 2011 episode written update

Gopi asking her ahem ji to play ludo with her as she is not feeling sleepy. Ahem says no she shouldn’t get tired so he asks her to sleep. Rashi comes out of the washroom. She looks jigar preparing to sleep on sofa. She feels bad and walks to him and pleads not to be angry with her, so many times she told sorry. She continues blabbering but jigar says her to switch off the lights and sleep. Rashi calmly goes to bed and switches off the light.
Ahem gets on sofa and gopi tells him that he dint put his cell for charging. Ahem does and asks why dint she sleep yet. She replies that she has tried but not feeling sleepy. After few seconds ahem says lets play ludo. They start playing and in the middle ahem feels sleepy and sleeps on bed. Gopi looks at him and she too sleeps.
At 8’ o clock in the morning, ahem wakes up. He is shocked to look gopi beside him and its too late. He gets up and gets ready. Kokila, chirag and hetal in hall. Chirag tells bhaa will come today and kokila says she is preparing all her favorite items. Chirag accepts that kokila treats gopi as her daughter.
Phone rings. Kokila takes the call. A person says they are waiting for ahem as there is an urgent meeting. Kokila says she will check and hangs on. Kokila wonders how ahem can be late to work. She walks to gopi’s room. She asks ahem why he is late today. He says as himself and gopi were playing ludo for longtime in the night they woke up late. Kokila wonders. Ahem leaves. Kokila gets kichidi for gopi and feeds her. Gopi asks at what time bhaa gonna come. Kokila says she will be here in few hours. Kokila doubts who has told about bhaa. Gopi looks around and looks at ahem’s picture. Kokila gets the point.
Kokila comes out of goahem’s room. Hetal comes to her. She looks kokila is some what worried. Kokila says why ahem is neglecting his work. Hetal says she shouldn’t worry about ahem either she should feel happy that ahem is taking care of gopi. Kokila says she is happy as ahem is taking care of gopi but not more than his work. Hetal consoles kokila that ahem is much matured guy and he will never do anything without thinking.
At the dinning table, rashi cutting a water melon and others ready to have breakfast. Kokila asks rashi for whom u r cutting this melon. Rashi replies its for gopi. Kokila scolds her as it’s a cooling fruit and it may cause cold to gopi. Kokila with some anger says that they need to take care of gopi well these days. door bell rings. Kokila opens the door. Urmila smiles at her and wishes. Urmila says she has come to see gopi. Kokila allows her inside. Meeti asks kokila what she has to do with the melon which rashi has cut. Kokila says meeti to eat. Urmila looks on shocked. Rashi asks whether she wanna drink something. Urmila asks some tea. Rashi says urmila to sit in gopi’s room and she would bring tea. Kokila stops rashi and shouts meeti to prepare a cup of tea for urmila. Urmila walks to gopi’s room. Rashi says she would come there after finishing dusting work. Kokila says its better if she does work first and gossip next.

Balika Vadhu 19th December 2011 episode written update

Gauri prepares pakodas and jagya enjoys eating them. Gauri prepares a chart to list out who started an argument and for what reason. Both have some fun time and both decide not to fight again.
Phooli holding a baby shaped pillow and feeling bad for her baby. She hears a baby cry and rushes out.
Anandi goes to a police station and explains everything happened to phooli.
Lawyer tells anandi family to attend the court to listen the final hearing. Shivani comes to badi haveli to know about phooli. Anandi asks her to pray for phooli. Shivani says she is very confident that anandi will certainly get back phooli’s baby.
Judge states that surrogacy has become a legal thing but phooli’s in-laws has cheated her so the baby should be returned to phooli again. All feel happy but the in-laws feel angry. Phooli rushes to her baby and the judge says to give back the baby. Phooli takes the baby and feels happy hugging him.
Precap: shivani looks jagya’s picture in badi haveli and asks who is he? Basanth replies he is the one who has created sadness in anandi’s life and he is her husband. Shivani shocked.

Bade achhe lagte hain 19th December 2011 episode written update

Short update: Ram and priya come back home to India. Looking at ram and priya’s behavior neharika doubts something has happened between them. Nats calls shipra and tries to explain her about her abortion but sudhir and karthik gives signal not to listen to it so shipra says she would speak to her after coming home. Nats gets upset. Vikram meets ram at his office and asks ram to keep his promise to attend dinner at vikram’s place. Ram tries to avoid it but vikram insists so ram accepts. Neha comes to priya and asks her to come home for dinner as ram is also coming their. Priya avoids it saying she wants to see her parents once. Neha says she should come home and explain everything what they have seen in Australia in detail. Priya asks niharika to permit her to go to her dad’s place. Niharika calls ram and says priya wants to talk to her. But ram says no and priya listens to it and says helloooooo but ram doesn’t reply. Priya wonders why he is not speaking.
Precap: Priya explains sudhir about apeksha hugging ram. And ram avoiding her and yelling at her saying that he doesn’t want priya to know about his past.

Bade achhe lagte hain 19th December 2011 episode written update

Short update: Ram and priya come back home to India. Looking at ram and priya’s behavior neharika doubts something has happened between them. Nats calls shipra and tries to explain her about her abortion but sudhir and karthik gives signal not to listen to it so shipra says she would speak to her after coming home. Nats gets upset. Vikram meets ram at his office and asks ram to keep his promise to attend dinner at vikram’s place. Ram tries to avoid it but vikram insists so ram accepts. Neha comes to priya and asks her to come home for dinner as ram is also coming their. Priya avoids it saying she wants to see her parents once. Neha says she should come home and explain everything what they have seen in Australia in detail. Priya asks niharika to permit her to go to her dad’s place. Niharika calls ram and says priya wants to talk to her. But ram says no and priya listens to it and says helloooooo but ram doesn’t reply. Priya wonders why he is not speaking.
Precap: Priya explains sudhir about apeksha hugging ram. And ram avoiding her and yelling at her saying that he doesn’t want priya to know about his past.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 14th December 2011 episode written update

Priya, daljeet and kuljeet talking in a mall. Kuljeet says priya to take a gift for ram. Ram is far away talking to some one on phone. Priya decides to take some gift for ram. She takes a wallet for him. She asks daljeet to pay the money as her purse is in the car but she will return it back as she wanna take the gift with her own saved money(how sweet darling!!!!). Priya asks them to finish shopping and come out and she would go out to look ram.
Priya looks ram missing from the place he was talking on phone. Ram goes down stairs. Priya searching for ram. Ram turns back and looks apeksha and hangs on his phone. Both have a confusing conversation to us not letting us understand whats the hell relation is between ram and apeksha. Finally apeksha hugs ram and priya shocks.(I wish today ram reveals the relation between him and apeksha, we cant see more confusing conversations between them)
In shipra’s place, Ayesha after some minutes of suspense reveals her family that she found some medicines in karthik’s room and says her doubt that nats may be pregnant. Shipra and karthik remembers some scenes which doubt them about her health. All feel happy. Sudhir tries to convince everyone telling may be nats wants to give them a surprise so she dint say it yet. All feel happy and Ayesha depressed.(Nats will give jatka other than surprise)
Niharika in her room fuming in anger. Mama asks her whether ram is coming back or not. Niharika taunts him that if ram is back then why she will be fuming in anger. She tells them that vikram has helped ram in bank work and he is coming back on the decided date itself. Nats calls niharika and asks her that she wanna talk something to her. Niharika already in fire shouts on nats not to disturb her now and hangs on. Nats feels bad and a lady comes with her daughter begging. Nats becomes emotional and gives 1000rupees. Nats and shacks go to some hospital and nats unwillingly signs on the abortion papers. (Awww Poor baby)
Precap: Priya shows the kangan to ram. Ram irritatingly asks from where did she get the kangan? Priya crying asking ram for her satisfaction she wanna know whether any other lady is present in his past life? ram looking at her emotionally.(Come on ram speak out)

Balika vadhu 14th December 2011 episode written update

Phulli tries to take away her child but her husband, his wife and mother grabs her running with the baby. Her husband hits her and takes away the baby. Phulli cries and shouts for help but no one comes. (Poor baby)
Next day morning shivani in her car talking to some one and praising the villagers that they are concerned about their health these days and the medical camps are getting success in every village. Phulli helpless walking on the road in some what unconscious state. The driver hits the break before her. Shivani gets down and grabs phulli. Shivani asks where she wanna go. Phulli says badi haveli, jatsar. Shivani takes her to badi haveli. Makhan looks phulli in the vehicle and rushes inside. Anandi and everyone come out. Shivani brings her inside. Anandi and gehna takes her inside. Shivani sits in the hall with basanth and all talk formally. Suddenly phulli rushes out screaming for her baby. Anandi takes away inside and all sitting in the hall also rush inside. Shivani hesitatingly wait on the stairs.
Precap: shivani irritated as these evil things are still running in villages against ladies. Anandi comes outside and says she would not sit calmly and she would protest against them and get back the baby to phulli. Shivani looks anandi with a impressive look.

Saath nibhana sathiya 14th December 2011 episode written update

Dhaval comes downstairs and looks urmila happily and wishes her. Urmila says she has come here to take them back to her home. Kinjal is worried and says she will not leave modi bhawan. She tells kokila that they are trying to kill her, they brought kerosene to burn her. Kokila shocked and asks urmila whats this? Urmila gets worried and explains that she was saying it to rashi because they wanted to kill cockroaches in the kitchen. Kinjal walks to dhaval and asks how she got scared. Dhaval replies its only misunderstanding so we can go now. Kinjal gets irritated. Kokila asks kinjal to pack her things. Kinjal says kokila u have no concern about me and u r not worried about me. Kokila scolds and asks her to go and pack.(Ab tho tumein jana hi padega kinjal bitiyan)
Kinjal leaves. Kokila tells rashi to take her mother to gopi, may be she wants to see her. Urmila says yes she want to go. Dhaval also says that he too shall meet her before leaving. All three walk towards gopi’s room. On the way urmila tries to talk to rashi but because of dhaval they couldn’t. they knock the door and ahem also present in her room. They open and walk inside. Urmila wishes gopi about her health. Dhaval says they are leaving from here. Urmila says to gopi to get well soon and she will as her blood is running inside her body. Ahem gets irritated. Rashi gets the indication and takes away urmila from there. While coming back dhaval says he would help kinjal in packing and leaves from there. Urmila gets a chance to talk with rashi and asks why dint kagdi dint allow her to take kichidi for gopi and is she treating her well? Rashi about to say something and urmila eagerly waiting. Rashi thinks something and says that this time I will go in a right path. Urmila gets angry and leaves from there.(this woman will never change, full kalakaris)
Ahem places the table on gopi’s lap and gives the bowl to eat. He tells her to eat. Ahem gets a call and goes outside. He starts scolding someone on phone. Kokila listening to his conversation understands that there is a problem running in the office in his off-presence. So kokila asks ahem to go to office and they all would take care of gopi. Ahem gets convinced and leaves to office. Kokila feeds gopi.(loving ahem doesn’t wanna leave his biwi)
After feeding gopi kokila comes to kitchen. Hetal cooking something. Rashi comes there and asks whether she can help her. Hetal says no. kokila says rashi that she cant work in the kitchen for some days. they will take care of it. Rashi shocked.(Isse aise hi hona tha)
Precap: rashi says to watch star plus if she gets bored. Kokila comes there and rashi says gopi was getting bored so she switched on the tv. Gopi hides the remote. Kokila looks at gopi.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 13th December 2011 episode written update

Rashi enters into her room. Looks around lovingly. She walks to the cupboard and trying to open it. Jiagr comes out of the washroom and looks rashi. He asks her what is she doing. She replies she is trying to open the cupboard. He says to separate the keys and leaves a pair of keys on the cupboard. Jigar getting ready for office. He starts searching something. Rashi asks him what is he searching but he doesn’t reply. She looks the watch and gives him. He takes and keeps it. Rashi asks why is he still angry with her. He replies I respect what mom and kaki ji has done and never expect me to be as in past. Jigar leaves. Rashi left in tears.
Kinjal in her room and muttering why rashi has come back. She thinks for a while and gets and excellent idea that if she helps gopi then may be she need not leave modi bhawan.
Jigar having breakfast and thinking. Hetal comes there and asks why is he so dull. He replies he is fine and leaves from there without having breakfast properly. Kokila looks this and consoles hetal that jigar will be fine and he needs some time to accept rashi as they.
Gopi in her room reading some magazine. Kinjal knocks and comes inside with a juice glass. Kinjal helps gopi to sit properly and to drink juice. Ahem comes out of the washroom and looks kinjal there and calmly gets dressed.
Rashi comes inside. Ahem wonders and gives a look as u too!! Rashi asks gopi about her health. Kokila and hetal comes inside and they both wonders looking kinjal and rashi there. Kokila appreciates kinjal for helping gopi and kinjal smiles. Hetal asks gopi whether she want some kichidi. Gopi replies no as she has drank juice just now. Meeti comes with kichidi and hetal sends her away. Rashi says she would bring kichidi and rushes out. And even kinjal rushes. Koki is suspicious now. Kokila leaves. Ahem says he would stay here.
Rashi preparing kichidi. Kinjal comes there and asks for the table but rashi ignores her words. Kinjal taunts rashi that she is doing all this to impress everyone but no one gonna get impressed.
Hetal worried sitting in the hall. Kinjal with table and rashi with kichidi in hands. Hetal feels bad that daughter should be with her in-laws only. Kinjal says how can she leave from there. Kokila scolds kinjal. Door bell rings and kinjal opens the door. She is shocked looking at urmila. Urmila comes inside and says she has come to take her bahu. Kinjal shocked and rashi happy. Kokila asks kinjal to pack her things. Kinjal seriously says she doesn’t want to go. All shocked now.
Precap: ahem scolding some one on phone that why can’t they take care of everything. Kokila hears this. Gopi looking at ahem in a worried expression.

Balika vadhu 8th December 2011 episode written update

Basant talks to dadi sa on phone and asks her to come back soon. He tells everyone that dadi sa will come soon. Phuli hears her baby crying so she rushes there. She gets shocked looking her MIL bottle feeding her baby. She takes away her baby from her MIL. MIL replies that she was trying to habituate the baby without his mother’s presence. Phuli shocks and worries. MIL leaves from there.
Anandi shows phuli’s son’s pictures to nandu. Phuli calls anandi. Anandi asks her about the strange behavior of her MIL. Phuli convinces anandi that everything is alright. Both talk for some time emotionally.
Gehna and sumithra in kitchen. Gehna feels happy for anandi and again feels bad that if jagya was with her she too would have become mother. Anandi hears their conversation and comes inside and explains them that she felt bad for few minutes but she is not worried about it but infact she is happy that god has given so many kids to educate and take care.
Phuli is sleeping with her baby. A woman comes and takes away her baby. Phuli wakes up and worries about the baby. She rushes out and looks all the decoration done to the house and some pooja too. She looks a lady in ghunghat feeding her baby. She rushes to her and asks to give her baby back but that lady pushes phuli back and says that the baby is hers. Phuli shocks.

Saath nibhana sathiya 8th December 2011 episode written update

Doctor says modi family sorry they couldn’t help anymore. Gopi is kept in observation and she may go into koma if she doesn’t get awake. All the family feel bad and rashi cries. Ahem forcefully goes into gopi’s room and scolds her. Gopi doesn’t open her eyes. Depressed ahem comes back and kokila comes in. she tries to console him and looks gopi opening her eyes. Sister comes out and tells modi family that gopi is awake now. All feel happy. All family rush inside. Sister asks them to meet one by one after some time. Rashi tries to talk to jigar and jigar blames rashi as she is responsible for gopi’s condition. Rashi goes to gopi and apologizes as she feels she is the reason for her serious condition. Jigar looks this from the door and feels happy. Urmila returns after donating blood and starts acting and crying saying her daughter was worrying for gopi and no one are understanding her more over scolding her. Kokila scolds urmila to stop her acting but urmila continues saying she will leave only when modi’s accept rashi again. Sister comes and scolds urmila to stop crying and leave from there.
Precap: Kokila and hetal come to urmila’s house and both rashi, urmila shocked. Kokila tells urmila that they have come to take rashi back to modi bhawan.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 7th December 2011 episode written update

Niharika, sid and mama ji in her room. Sid says niharika that bank manager wants to talk to her as some funds needs to be transferred urgently. Niharika gets a call from bank manager but she doesn’t take the call. Sid and mama ji wonders why is not taking the call and asks her. She replies if the funds to be transferred urgently and if she is unavailable he will definitely call ram and he will rush to India for his business.
Ram and priya come to some mall. Priya says they should shop in other mall as there are no discounts here. Ram says every time he travels he takes some thing or the other for everyone. He gives his credit card and shop and he will go for some source to charge his cell. He leaves. Priya shops for everyone. Mall staff people inform that it’s a closing time and she should leave. She thinks ram has gone out and she comes out of the mall. The security people locks. After few minutes ram comes and looks the doors are locked. He knocks the door and priya looks ram is inside. Both try to take some help from anyone but both couldn’t find so ram says her to go to hotel. Ram’s cell is switched off. Priya doesn’t accept. She too sits with him. Both sleep on either side.
Nats says she would abort the baby and no one in her home will know it on phone to shacks. Ayesha listens this and warns nats that she is watching her. Karthik brings a swim suit for nats. Nats feels bad for hiding from karthik about the baby. She about to tell him and she gets a call and decides to abort the baby.

Balika vadhu 7th December 2011 episode written update

Gauri meets shivani in the hospital. Shivani takes her to canteen. Gauri starts telling shivani about her insecurity feeling because of anandi. Shivani calmly listens to gauri. Gauri starts accusing anandi as she dint leave jagya yet. Gauri is in between jagya’s present and past and she couldn’t make jagya not to go to anandi. Shivani replies that she needs to believe jagya as he is the only one whom she should believe for herself and her baby too.
Phuli comes to know about anandi’s kidnap and feels happy that she is back safely. Both get emotional. Anandi asks phuli to come to jatsar. Phuli feels happy and asks her mother to ask her MIL. But her MIL hears their conversation and says the baby shouldn’t go out of the house as in the small age the baby shouldn’t travel much. Phuli thinks her MIL is taking care of herself and the baby and says ok. But anandi doubts phuli’s MIL’s rude manner.
Precap: phuli sleeping with her baby. A lady comes covered in ghunghat and takes away the baby. She starts feeding baby with bottle. Phuli wakes up and gets worried for her missing baby. She rushes out and looks a woman feeding her baby. The lady opens her ghunghat. Phuli is shocked.

Saath nibhana sathiya 7th December 2011 episode written update

Short update:
Jitthu and Dhaval come home. Jitthu asks urmila why she has come home. He says she should donate blood to gopi. Rashi shocks and asks why dint she respond when everyone were worrying about blood. Urmila doesn’t agree for it and locks herself in a room. Rashi pleads urmila to come out but she doesn’t agree. Rashi warns urmila that if she gets into problem then no one comes to help them, then too urmila doesn’t accept. Rashi blackmails urmila that she gonna jump from terrace. Urmila worries and comes out. Rashi calmly comes and takes her to hospital. In the hospital, modi family is worried of gopi. Ahem is worried of gopi. Current is gone due to short circuit. All are worried of gopi’s operation. Doctors set emergency lights to continue operation. Hetal prays khana ji to give electricity. Power comes and doctors continue operation. Doctor come out of the operation theater and says I am sorry. All are shocked and worried. No precap.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Few Tele Gossips of Saathiya, BALH, Pavitra rishta

Pavitra rishta to leap 20years
The story of Manav Archana is still gonna be draggy. The production house has decided to leap of 20years in the show. Where as we can find same Ankitha Lonkande aka Archana will be in her character after 20years too. The actress has accepted to do as old lady of 45years. She says, “I don’t care for being a old lady in Pavitra rishta”. So fans of Pavitra rishta gonna have some more fun and twists in the coming episodes.
Ram to meet his real mom in Bade achhe lagte hain
Ram and Priya in their honeymoon gonna meet his real mom. The character played by Madhu Raja. She is actually real mom Tarana Raja who is playing as Neha in Bade acche lagte hain. Priya comes to know the secret that ram’s real mother is still alive living in Australia and she re-unites the mother and son.
Gopi’s injury gonna bring ahem and gopi closer
In future episodes of Saath nibhana sathiya gopi will be injured seriously and ahem will take care of her. This will make their love blossom. Rashi will be rejected by modi family again to accept as their bahu as Urmila and rashi’s plans gets revealed.

Saath nibhana sathiya 6th December 2011 episode written update

Today I am giving you short update since there is not much to give a detailed update. Kokila and hetal will be trying to wake up gopi. Kokila scolds gopi and demands her so that she opens her eyes. Gopi will be trying to open but closes her eyes after few seconds. Kokila looks gopi’s pulse going down so she informs doctor and ahem. Doctor says gopi need to operate as there is some internal bleeding. He also says that gopi’s blood group is o negative and its very difficult to get. Ahem asks jigar to try outside. Urmila listens to this and thinks something. Rashi is worried about gopi where urmila is still not even caring for gopi. Kokila and ahem scolds rashi that gopi is in serious condition because of her only. Urmila tries to defend them but kokila scolds her and asks them both to leave from there. Urmila feels insulted and takes away rashi too. Rashi after going to their house feels bad for gopi. Urmila still not even cares for gopi. Gopi’s condition gets serious so doctor says he is going to start the operation and he got some blood from some source but informs ahem that he still needs some more blood. Ahem gets worried. Sisters take gopi to the operation theater and kokila blesses her. Ahem still worried for gopi. Jithu comes to know that gopi needs O negative blood and asks parag about urmila and rashi. He replies that they left. He decides to go home and bring urmila here right now. Dhaval says he would take him home.

Bade achhe lagte hain 6th December 2011 episode written update

Nani and reshab will be discussing about ram’s honeymoon pics. Reshab says today spics are the last pics. Nani worries and asks why. He replies as mom is not feeling well ram has cancelled his honeymoon in the middle and coming back. Nani feels bad and says his honeymoon shouldn’t get disturbed. She asks reshab to take him to niharika. Niharika in her room talking on phone saying she would throw a wonderful party in the best hotel of Mumbai. Niharika hears nani’s voice and hangs her phone and jumps into bed acting as if she is ill. Nani comes with kada in her hand and asks niharika about her health. She acts that she is not feeling well. Nani offers kada to her. Niharika thinks that its better to die than to drink that kaada. She abruptly acts she is ok now and asks reshab to call ram and ask him to cancel his coming.
Ram and priya will be packing. Priya asks about tickets so ram says daljeet is taking tickets. Ram gets call from reshab and informs ram to cancel his coming as mom is alright. Ram feels happy and hangs on. Ram says it to priya. Both feel happy for niharika. Ram thanks priya for adjusting to his feelings. As he told her to drop down their honeymoon in the middle and she accepted. Priya says she know very well how he respects his family members and how much he loves them. Ram smiles and says she will get shocked if she sees his family love towards him.
Nats will be working in her office and thinks about her baby. She is still in dilemma what to do with the baby. Shacks come there and gives an idea that they are leaving for goa in few days there she can abort so that her family members will not know it and no problem with anyone. Nats thinks on. Again she will be working at home karthik comes. He will be on phone speaking to some one. Nats listens to his conversation and thinks karthik has so many responsibilities and she shouldn’t throw the baby’s responsibility too so she decides to abort. She calls shacks and says she has decided to abort.
Next day morning priya gets ready and ram still sleeping. She wakes him up and he feels some hair flowing on him. He asks her. She says its hers. He gets irritated with that. He says he is much irritated with women hair. Priya taunts him saying when he holded her thinking vidhya balan that time he has told her that her hair is so soft and now he is criticizing. Ram gets it and walks into washroom claimly.
Both ram and priya near some beach. Ram feels hungry and looks some French fries stall and thinks to bring some for him. He leaves. A guy standing there says priya sexy. Priya scolds him and says she would teach him a lesson by his husband. Ram comes and priya says that guy is teasing her. Ram laughs and makes fun of her. Priya scolds him and says him to scold that guy. Ram seriously goes to the man and makes fun of his taste and says she is like his sister and there are so many girls in the beach and why is he wasting his time with this lady. The man gets realized and leaves saying sorry to priya. Ram enjoys it. Priya scolds him. Ram eats some fries and feels some salt is missing so he goes to the stall again. Priya is alone there. Another person comes there and priya thinks something and walks to him and says, she has some problem with her husband. Her husband is a boxer and he kicks her daily and beats her daily. Priya requests him to teach her husband a lesson. Ram comes and priya says that person is teasing him. Ram gets irritated and yells why all guys are behind you today. Priya requests him to handle as same as previous one. Ram walks to him. That person asks why are you beating your wife? Ram wonders and looks at priya and she will be laughing. Ram understands and says its not like that and leaves angrily from there. Priya enjoys and smiles.

Bade achhe lagte hain 6th December 2011 episode written update

Nani and reshab will be discussing about ram’s honeymoon pics. Reshab says today spics are the last pics. Nani worries and asks why. He replies as mom is not feeling well ram has cancelled his honeymoon in the middle and coming back. Nani feels bad and says his honeymoon shouldn’t get disturbed. She asks reshab to take him to niharika. Niharika in her room talking on phone saying she would throw a wonderful party in the best hotel of Mumbai. Niharika hears nani’s voice and hangs her phone and jumps into bed acting as if she is ill. Nani comes with kada in her hand and asks niharika about her health. She acts that she is not feeling well. Nani offers kada to her. Niharika thinks that its better to die than to drink that kaada. She abruptly acts she is ok now and asks reshab to call ram and ask him to cancel his coming.
Ram and priya will be packing. Priya asks about tickets so ram says daljeet is taking tickets. Ram gets call from reshab and informs ram to cancel his coming as mom is alright. Ram feels happy and hangs on. Ram says it to priya. Both feel happy for niharika. Ram thanks priya for adjusting to his feelings. As he told her to drop down their honeymoon in the middle and she accepted. Priya says she know very well how he respects his family members and how much he loves them. Ram smiles and says she will get shocked if she sees his family love towards him.
Nats will be working in her office and thinks about her baby. She is still in dilemma what to do with the baby. Shacks come there and gives an idea that they are leaving for goa in few days there she can abort so that her family members will not know it and no problem with anyone. Nats thinks on. Again she will be working at home karthik comes. He will be on phone speaking to some one. Nats listens to his conversation and thinks karthik has so many responsibilities and she shouldn’t throw the baby’s responsibility too so she decides to abort. She calls shacks and says she has decided to abort.
Next day morning priya gets ready and ram still sleeping. She wakes him up and he feels some hair flowing on him. He asks her. She says its hers. He gets irritated with that. He says he is much irritated with women hair. Priya taunts him saying when he holded her thinking vidhya balan that time he has told her that her hair is so soft and now he is criticizing. Ram gets it and walks into washroom claimly.
Both ram and priya near some beach. Ram feels hungry and looks some French fries stall and thinks to bring some for him. He leaves. A guy standing there says priya sexy. Priya scolds him and says she would teach him a lesson by his husband. Ram comes and priya says that guy is teasing her. Ram laughs and makes fun of her. Priya scolds him and says him to scold that guy. Ram seriously goes to the man and makes fun of his taste and says she is like his sister and there are so many girls in the beach and why is he wasting his time with this lady. The man gets realized and leaves saying sorry to priya. Ram enjoys it. Priya scolds him. Ram eats some fries and feels some salt is missing so he goes to the stall again. Priya is alone there. Another person comes there and priya thinks something and walks to him and says, she has some problem with her husband. Her husband is a boxer and he kicks her daily and beats her daily. Priya requests him to teach her husband a lesson. Ram comes and priya says that person is teasing him. Ram gets irritated and yells why all guys are behind you today. Priya requests him to handle as same as previous one. Ram walks to him. That person asks why are you beating your wife? Ram wonders and looks at priya and she will be laughing. Ram understands and says its not like that and leaves angrily from there. Priya enjoys and smiles.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 1st December 2011 episode written update

Urmila crying and says what to do now the goons has told clearly about the money. Gopi consoles her. Ahem calls modi bhawan and says its true that rasi is kidnapped.
Goons discussing what to do if they don’t bring money. The leader says they would kill rashi. Rashi pleads them to take her jewels and leave her. He takes and says he would send her after receiving money.
Urmila still crying and gopi asks ahem what to do now. He replies that he has informed police and waiting for news from them. Kokila and other modi family members come. Kokila start taunting urmila that because of her stupid plans now her daughter is suffering. Now they have come to rescue her daughter and bring rashi back to her home. Urmila feels happy for that.
Urmila’s phone rings. Jigar takes the call. Kidnapper asks about money. Jigar says he would receive money anyhow but they shouldn’t hurt rashi. The goon guesses its rashi’s husband. Rashi also feels and says jigar ji. The goon makes fun of them. He informs jigar that only a lady should come with money at night 3’o clock. Jigar gets worried to send a lady. Rashi thinks these people may hurt that woman too.
Goons ask the leader why he has asked a lady to bring money. He replies if it’s a woman then they can handle her. Jigar says they are asking to send money with a lady. All get worried whom to send. Kokila says she would go. Ahem warns hetal and kokila not to go. Urmila says she would go. But kokila stops her. Dhawal says to send kinjal but she refuses to go. Urmila curses kinjal. Gopi brings some water for urmila. Urmila holds gopi’s hands and asks to bring rashi back.
Gopi decides to go. Ahem also permits her to go. But with one condition that he too shall come with her as a shadow. Chirag and parag goes to bring money and come back. Goons are sleeping. The leader criticizes rashi that her in-laws doesn’t care for her. Finally ahem decides to go with gopi and jigar asks he too shall come. Hetal stops him. Jigar gets angry. Kokila understands his feelings and lets him to go.
Kidnapper calls again and asks the lady to start in 15mins. And one rick-shaw will be waiting for her in some place. The leader cuts the call. Gopi takes blessings of kokila and she says khana ji will help her. Gopi is worried.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Bade achhe lagte hain 30th November 2011 episode written update

Priya will be talking to her mother on phone and ram coughs giving a signal that he has come. Priya says she would talk later to her mother and hangs. Ram comes inside and says sorry to priya. He says daljeet has told some thing interesting now. He says that some person has committed suicide as his wife was torturing him. And more over ladies who come to this hotel has experienced some weird things as the soul doesn’t like ladies. He smiles himself and goes to change. Priya gets scarred.

Apeksha will be thinking some other plan to go near to ram. Niharika calls her and warns apeksha to stay away from ram if not she will throw her away from the country itself. Niharika hangs. Apeksha decides to speed up her plans before niharika closes all her paths to go near ram.

Ram enjoys as he will be scaring priya by making sounds through his cell phone. Priya gets scared and holds ram’s hands tightly. After some time ram says now the sounds will not come and asks her to sleep. Priya sleeps and ram controls his laughter.

Karthik comes home from office. Nats hugs him but he asks her seriously what is happening to her these days and she is behaving different. Karthik asks whether she is hiding something from him. He says in between wife and husband there should be nothing to hide and they should share everything.

Priya and ram fight for sometime in the breakfast time as ram will be interested to have sea food and priya to have green veggies. Finally they both have as their wish. Priya demands that they should go for beach and then to park. Daljeet also supports her.

All four reach beach. Priya enjoys in the beach, while ram is uncomfortable with sand and sun. she feels for him and walks to him and says she wants to go to park and see sculptures. Ram teases her and all leave for park. They all enjoy the sculptures. Priya explains the past history of them and ram gets impressed. He says no to climb up some hill to see some more sculptures. Priya teases him. Daljeet takes some pictures of them and says he would take to some adventurous place. Priya gets excited. All move from there.

Apeksha puts a greeting card in the coat and thinks how ram will react when he looks at it.

Precap: ram and priya emotional. Priya says they both are friends and both will be having tears in eyes.

Saath nibhana sathiya 30th November 2011 episode written update

Kokila explains jitthu that they saw urmila in a mirror shooting rashi. Jitthu gets angry and takes away urmila from there. Jitthu scolds urmila for making a false cd and it has become true. They both decide to go to police station and give complaint.

Urmila and jitthu goes to a police station to file a complaint. But the inspector doesn’t believe in urmila’s words as before she filed a complaint and made them fools. They think urmila has planned something big to earn money from modi’s. jitthu asks why aren’t they taking their complaint and the police says the hungama urmila has done before. Jitthu gets angry and drags her out.
Modi’s having dinner and phone rings, gopi takes the call. Jitthu asks for chirag. She replies he is out. Jitthu says its true that urmila has made a false cd of rashi kidnapping but its true. He pleads her to make believe her in-laws so that they can help in rescuing rashi as soon as possible. Gopi gets panic. Jitthu asks her to come home as urmila needs some support. Gopi says ok and hangs on.

Gopi says kokila its true that rashi is kidnapped. Kokila tries to explain that urmila is playing one more drama. Gopi in tears says no mama ji can ever lie. Jigar also consoles her that its only a drama. Gopi asks kokila whether she can leave for rajpal nagar as urmila is worried. Ahem also feels for gopi. He says kokila that when gopi looks rashi is fine then only she can get relief. Kokila says its ur wish. Ahem asks gopi to come along with him. Both leave.
The goons tie rashi to a pillar. In the conversation the goons come to know that rashi is not the DIL of dheevan family. Rashi says she rashi modi. They confirm by checking her credit card. The goon’s leader say modi’s also very rich and they can demand money from them.
Urmila prays god to rescue her child. Ahem and gopi reach there. Urmila cries before them. Cell phone rings. Jitthu picks up and it’s the goons calling. Jitthu abruptly switches the loudspeaker on. Ahem and gopi shocks listening to their demands.

Precap: jigar talks to goons. He demands for 10 lakhs. The goons ask modi’s to send money through a lady. Kokila worries who will go with the money. Urmila pleads gopi to rescue rashi. Gopi shocks.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 29th November 2011 episode written update

Kokila will be expressing her doubts about urmila and rashi. Hetal and chirag doesn’t accept her words and asks jigar to call police and urmila’s house to know further details. Jigar about to move and kokila stops him. She asks ahem to play the cd once again and go to recue rashi. Ahem plays the cd, after few minutes kokila asks ahem to stop and shows urmila shooting rashi and this is seen in a mirror. All the family are shocked. On the other hand urmila will be happy thinking the cd might have reached modi bhawan and why no one is calling her or come home. She calls rashi and realizes rashi has forgot her cell in the house itself.

In the market some goons talking to kidnap a woman in yellow saree who is the DIL of devanji. They see rashi in yellow saree coming there. Rashi walks to some shop and suddenly the goons attack on her and drags her into some van and takes her away. Rashi will be pleading them to leave her. They take her to some under construction building and there rashi is shocked to see some leader of the goons. He shouts on rashi to shut up. He asks her to say her husband’s number. She says. The leader calls jigar and jigar says its enough now and he cant listen more. He hangs on. The leader wonders and asks to say some one others number. Rashi says mummy. He asks her to say her mothers number. She says and he calls her. He says he has kidnapped her daughter but urmila doesn’t believe in him. Rashi pulls the cell from him and says urmila to rescue her. He again takes the cell and demands 10lakhs to take her daughter again. Urmila gets worried. Jigar feels bad looking at rashi’s picture.

Gopi says dinner is ready to kokila. Door bell rings. Kokila and hetal go to open the door. Both open and surprises looking at urmila and jitthu crying. Urmila says that her daughter has got kidnapped and she needs their help. Kokila shouts at urmila not to act much. Urmila rushes to jigar and pleads him. And she pleads dhaval and he too turns off his face. Jitthu is confused why they are not even willing to hear what they wanna say. Jitthu asks kokila the reason and kokila takes out the cd and says this is the reason why they don’t believe them. She explains him that urmila has made a false cd on rashi kidnapping.

Monday 28 November 2011

Saath nibhana sathiya 28th November 2011 episode written update

Rashi feels bad as her fate is not well that’s why she is suffering. Urmila says she will plan another big kalakari to force modi’s to let her in to their house. Rashi feels bad and says she felt bad for jigar as he is worried and she doesn’t want to hurt him more. 

Kokila and ahem scolds rashi for creating a scene in the office. Hetal and jigar feel bad and even gopi. Chirag cools them both that they would take care not to happen this again. Jigar feels bad and leaves from there. Hetal tries to stop him but he doesn’t.

Next day morning jitthu will be watching news on tv and urmila sends him away and sits watching tv. She looks some woman got kidnapped and her in-laws are worried of her. Urmila gets some big idea. Rashi comes there and asks for coffee. Urmila after some time comes out of her world and asks rashi to get ready and she has planned some dhamaka for her. Rashi leaves to get ready.

Jigar getting ready for office and remembers rashi crying in the office. He calls some one and asks him to prepone his tickets for two days. gopi looks and hears this and asks him why he wanna go early. He says he has some work so he need to go soon. Gopi leaves from there but waits near the door and feels bad for jigar.

Urmila and rashi in some store room. Urmila asks rashi to plead the kidnapers so that she can record it and send it to modi’s. rashi acts and urmila records.

Dhaval says bye to kinjal who is sitting in the hall. Kinjal looks her mother working near dining table and starts acting and says dhaval that he needs to speak to rashi for doing all this. Dhaval thinks on and kinjal asks kokila whether she is right? kokila walks near to them and says dhaval not to go there as they are planning all evil plans to make them allow rashi in their home again. Dhaval says ok and leaves. Kokila asks kinjal to come and help her in the kitchen.

Urmila will be happy and rashi comes there holding two sarees. Rashi says she is going to some market and urmila says not to go near to the market which is near to modi’s house. Rashi asks about cd and urmila replies she has finished all the arrangements of sending the cd to modi bhawan. Rashi walks away from there.

Kokila, hetal, gopi and kinjal will be working in the dining hall. Door bell rings. Kokila says gopi to bring tea for all of them and she leaves to open the door. She opens the door and no one there. While closing the door kokila looks some cd in front of the door. She takes it and walks inside. She calls hetal to look it. Ahem comes there and takes the cd and looks its for modi’s label on it and kokila asks  him to bring his laptop.

All the family members looking eagerly and ahem plays the cd. All are shocked looking rashi pleading to leave her. Jigar feels bad and says he is going to rescue her. Chirag stops him as they do not know where she is exactly. Gopi comes with tea cups and looks rashi crying and drops the tray down and starts crying. Hetal gets worried and asks jigar to call urmila. Chirag doubts that some client may have kidnapped rashi. Kokila doubts that its another evil kalakari of urmila to let rashi in to modi bhawan.

Precap: some men kidnaps rashi.

Balika vadhu 28th November 2011 episode written update

Anandi calls jagya and thanks him for believing her and for helping from the kidnapers. Jagya says its ok and asks did they know who was the kidnapers. Anandi says yes it was shravan who has kidnapped her who was guided by Heth singh’s son. And shravan and his parents are in jail now. Jagya feels happy for it and asks anandi to take care of herself. Anandi says ok and hangs on the phone.

Jagya turns back after disconnecting the phone, he looks back and sees gauri’s mother. She asks him why is he still having concern about anandi when he left her. They have believed him before marriage and married their daughter but now he is still thinking of her and their daughter is feeling bad about it. Jagya says anandi is his wife still and she cant do any mistake so he has helped her. Jagya feels bad for his behavior and thinks on.

All the family members of anandi conduct pooja in their house. All pray for anandi’s future. Bhairon and basant sits in the hall and panchayat president comes there and says his period as president gonna finish in some days and they need to think about new member so he suggests anandi’s name for it. Anandi softly says no for it as she needs to study more and learn more about life. President asks her and family to think once again and take a decision. Bhairon and basant also suggests her to think once again about this.

Precap: a patient will be scared of operation and gauri encourages him and gives him moral support. The patient will be speaking he will be not scared if she is with him in the operation. Jagya listening to their conversation feels jealous.

Balika vadhu 28th November 2011 episode written update

Anandi calls jagya and thanks him for believing her and for helping from the kidnapers. Jagya says its ok and asks did they know who was the kidnapers. Anandi says yes it was shravan who has kidnapped her who was guided by Heth singh’s son. And shravan and his parents are in jail now. Jagya feels happy for it and asks anandi to take care of herself. Anandi says ok and hangs on the phone.

Jagya turns back after disconnecting the phone, he looks back and sees gauri’s mother. She asks him why is he still having concern about anandi when he left her. They have believed him before marriage and married their daughter but now he is still thinking of her and their daughter is feeling bad about it. Jagya says anandi is his wife still and she cant do any mistake so he has helped her. Jagya feels bad for his behavior and thinks on.

All the family members of anandi conduct pooja in their house. All pray for anandi’s future. Bhairon and basant sits in the hall and panchayat president comes there and says his period as president gonna finish in some days and they need to think about new member so he suggests anandi’s name for it. Anandi softly says no for it as she needs to study more and learn more about life. President asks her and family to think once again and take a decision. Bhairon and basant also suggests her to think once again about this.

Precap: a patient will be scared of operation and gauri encourages him and gives him moral support. The patient will be speaking he will be not scared if she is with him in the operation. Jagya listening to their conversation feels jealous.
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