Monday 7 May 2012

Balika Vadhu 7th May 2012 Episode Written Update

After tons of patience today anandi has opened her mouth and spoke against jagya. Its too good to see anandi revolting against jagya. Now gauri and jagya will get punished.

In badi haveli, anandi and her family members praying. Dadi sa wishes god to give happiness to anandi. All leave. While leaving anandi looks on whole house and recalls incidents with jagya and gets emotional. All reach hotel. Bhairon says sumitra to take everyone to rooms and take rest. But anandi asks where he is going. Bhairon says he has some work with lawyer so they are going out. Dadi sa and bhairon leave. Anandi doubts them.

Gauri talking with her mom on phone, gauri says I told jagya to ask how much share they are giving to him but he got serious. She looks bhairon and dadi sa arriving their hotel so she hangs on and walks inside. Door bell rings. Jagya opens the door. Dadi sa and bhairon come in. jagya invites them. Bhairon waits for a while and says jagya, I thought foolish people also can think twice. I know who is making you to talk like this but I thought ul use your brain and ask dadi sa to forgive u but I was wrong. Jagya gets hurt and replies, I am not asking my share to enjoy. Its my right. But dadi sa cuts his words and asks bhairon to give away his papers. Bhairon takes out and about to give anandi comes there and asks to stop.

Bhairon wonders how she is here. Anandi scolds jagya, you are feeling you have done a great thing by asking his share in the property. You have fixed a rate for your mother, dadi sa love, bapu sa’s care and everyone’s affection. Great jagya. Gauri defends jagya saying, as we are not replying you doesn’t mean you can speak anything. We don’t act like you. Bhairon says seriously to gauri, if you speak any other word against anandi then I will forget how to speak with a lady. Gauri clams down. Anandi scolds jagya. Dadi sa stops anandi and says, think a beggar has come to their home and asked for a share in their property so they gave him away. Jagya gets hurt and starts blaming anandi that, because of you I was forced to take this step. You have taken away my family members from me. Now they are acting as idiots as you say. Anandi slaps jagya. Every one shocks.

Anandi takes away the papers from jagya and tears them. She says, I will go to court but not for you but I will file a case against you. 

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