Thursday 30 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 30th May 2013 Written Update

Rashi gives birth to twin boys. Urmi starts humiliating mira. 

Hetal goes to hospital and takes doc joshi with her. Gopi gets struck in the traffic so she gets down and searches for rashi. There she finds a masjid and remembers that while jigar was talking to her she heard the namaz. She enquires about the acharyamart place and manages to find the couple. Urmi, kinjal and dhawal too will be on the way. Rashi will be dying with pain. Urmi will be muttering about gopi that she cant handle the situation. Dhawal feels bad about the comments. Gopi asks to take out the blankets from the bag, he does. Gopi gets worried about rashi and prays khana ji. Gopi hears a khana ji devotees moving from there. Jigar rushes to them and seeks help from them. Few ladies come and help them. After a great struggle, Rashi gives birth to 2 baby boys. Hetal reaches the spot with the doctor. Doctor confirms that the babies and rashi are fine. All feel happy. Urmi and kinjal-dhawal reach there and even the ambulance. Dhawal finds the auto driver fainted and wakes him up by sprinkling water on him.

Modis and the lil modis arrive modi bhawan. Hetal gives aarthi to the couple and twins. Urmi will be very excited about the twin boys. Hetal and koki feel happy looking at the couples with kids. Urmi shows the new clothes for the twins. When mira will be playing with the clothes urmi shouts on her to leave them. All get angry with urmi.

Mira touches the babies and wakes them up. Rashi scolds mira for waking them up. 

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 29th May 2013 Written Update

Urmi succefully damages hetal's passport. So koki decides to go with rashi-jigar to Us. Again urmi plans evil to avoid koki. Urmi calls koki as her mother and says she is ill. Finally urmi gets chance to go to US. Urmi very excited about it. Rashi gets delivery pains but denies though gopi's asks to consult the doc.

Today's episode:
Urmi, jigar and rashi get into car to leave to US. Rashi feels like pain in the stomach but denies it. While show off of her passport to everyone urmi's passport gets struck in car door and tears off. Urmi will be shocked. Hetal gets worried. Jigar assures hetal that he would take care of rashi. Both leave to Mumbai. Urmi gets upset. Urmi leaves to her chawl's home.

Koki and ahem reach nani's home and get shocked seeing nani full fit. Nani asks koki not to worry about her. Koki feels bad bcoz her mother she couldnt go with rashi to US. Rashi's car gets stopped due to some problem so they leave in auto.

Gopi will be worried about rashi. Bha consoles her. To go soon rashi-jigar asks the driver to take a shortcut. While going in the auto rashi gets labor pains. Mira throws rashi's picture on floor while playing. Gopi thinks mira does this only when someone is hurt. Rashi understands its labor pains and asks jigar to take her to the hospital. They will be stuck in the shortcut and the auto also gets damaged. Jigar calls gopi and tells about rashi's labor pains but he couldnt inform her where they are exactly bcoz of weak signal and namaz prayers. Jigar calls the ambulance but cudnt explain the right address. The auto driver gets stressed and faints. Gopi tells bha and hetal about rashi's labor pains. Gopi says she would go to the place and find them. Gopi calls ahem and gives the info. Hetal calls urmi and gives the info. Koki says gopi that they too would reach the place as soon as possible.

Monday 27 May 2013

Saath nibhana Saathiya 27th May 2013 Written Update

Rashi and urmi start acting that rashi got delivery complications so she need to go to US. Rashi calls jigna and asks whether she can come there or not. Jigna agrees to it. Koki will be worried that rashi shud'nt travel so long in the last month of her delivery. Bha supports rashi and even hetal does. Gopi asks rashi whether she can take care. Rashi says she can. Finally koki agrees. Ahem says he would take care of visa. Koki says hetal would go along with rashi and jigar. Rashi and urmi gets upset about it. Urmi will be angry that she isnt allowed to go Us then she should do something evil and make her go to Us along with rashi. Ahem books tickets for Mumbai. Hetal says ahem that she has kept her passport on the table. Rashi makes show off before nikki and savitha that she is going to Us. Nikki makes fun that rashi is going bcoz of koki. Koki comes there and scolds nikki to bother her matters. Urmi thinks she can use mira to help her and says gopi that she wud take care of mira and goes to hetal's room. Urmi tries to let mira to susu on hetal's passport. But mira doesnt. Gopi comes to hetal's room to bring hetal's tablets. Mean while urmi pours water on hetal's passport. Urmi creates the scene as mira has done susu on passport. Gopi gets worried. Every one comes there. Koki doubts urmi and checks the passport. Koki finds the water is sticky. Urmi remembers that the water was lemon water.

Friday 24 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th May 2013 Written Update

Gopi will be preparing kinjal's favorite food items. Koki and gopi feels happy for kinjal-dhawal's relation. Urmi in the hospital, nurse asks urmi to go to the doc. But an old lady with her grandson comes there rushing and pleads urmi to allow them in first as they will be leaving to US in few hours. Urmi insults the lady. The lady says her grandson is resident of US as he has born there. Urmi doesnt allow them in so doc says if she comes next day for the treatment then he would give 20% off on her fee. The greedy urmi agrees. Urmi gets a violent thought. At modi bhawan, All modis and shah's will be having dinner together. Bha thanks dhawal for coming to dinner. Dhawal also thanks bha for inviting them. Kinjal will be feeling pain to eat with her hand. So dhawal feeds her. Koki and gopi feels happy looking them. Urmi will be suffering with pain but feels excited to eat kachoris. But she gets more pain. Koki taunts urmi to eat some more kachori but urmi gets depressed.

In rashi's room, rashi wonders that urmi is asking her to leave to US and deliver there. Rashi scolds urmi that she got mad. Urmi explains rashi that if she delivers in US then the kids would get US permit. Urmi tries to explain that if they are in US then she can be like a free bird and do as she wishes. Rashi feels bad that koki doesnt agrees to it. Urmi says rashi to speak to koki and jigar once. 

In gopi's room, ahem will be sleeping. Gopi asks mira not to cry in the night as her maasi (rashi) should take rest more as she is ready to give 2 brothers or 2 sisters. Gopi makes mira sleep. Rashi gets message from urmi about her US. So rashi tries to pamper jigar and tries to convince him to move to US. But jigar says she cant fly in 8th month so they would go after her delivery. 

At the hospital, doc checks urmi and plucks her tooth. Urmi scolds the docs. Doc says if she doesnt complaints against them then he would keep a golden tooth for her for free. Urmi agrees. Doc says she has more problems in her teeth. Koki, mira, hetal and rashi also arrive hospital. Mira looks at urmi's golden tooth and gets afraid. Koki tries to pacify but rashi says mira has got scared. Koki asks urmi to shut her mouth. Koki asks hetal to come out with her to pacify mira. Urmi and rashi consult the doc. Doc tells her babies arent preoperl positioned but no need to worry. Both the ladies come out. Urmi gets an idea and tells rashi. Koki and hetal comes back. Rashi will be crying by that time. Koki gets worried and asks what happened. Rashi tells them that her babies arent in right position.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 23rd May 2013 Written Update

At urmi's house, Koki scolds urmi that because of her dhawal-kinjal have taken decision about divorce. Koki warns urmi that If urmi doesnt pacify the couple by tomorrow then she would take away them to modi bhawan and would tell all the truth to them. Koki and gopi leave. Urmi gets worried that how can she pacify the couple within 1 day. In the night at modi bhawan, koki says gopi that she is very sure about urmila that she could pacify the couple as she is much afraid of the coming situations. 

Dhawal says kinjal that they have an appointment with lawyer at 4'o clock. Kinjal says yes and leaves. Dhawal goes to washroom. Urmi finds this and thinks of doing some thing. Urmi writes ILU on dhawal's note pad and keeps it on the desk. Dhawal comes out and checks. Even kinjal finds the note in his hands but leaves from there. Dhawal  comes out to kinjal and asks whats this. Kinjal replies she isnt bothered about him any more. Dhawal yells at kinjal that how can she doubt him that he got that chit from someone else. Kinjal says yes she would doubt him as he has started provoking her to doubt him and falguni. Dhawal yells that she cant doubt him. Kinjal says he has never tried to understand her and he could understand her feelings. Kinjal leaves from the house angrily. Urmi gets worried that if kinjal attempts suicide then koki would kill her. So urmi asks dhawal to call kinjal back. Dhawal rushes out. Kinjal wil be walking angrily. Dhawal and urmi stops her and asks to come home. Urmi says them that she wrote that ILU chit. Both wonder and look eachother. Dhawal and kinjal says no one can pacify them any more. Urmi finds a police van and an auto near by. Urmi brings braces and ties to kinjal and dhawal. Urmi forcifully throws them in auto and asks them to talk. Urmi starts the auto. Urmi drives out the auto and hits a tree. Kinjal stops dhawal hitting to the meter. Dhawal finds this and asks why she has stopped. Kinjal says to protect him. Dhawal asks when she is loving him then why she asked for divorce. Kinjal says that she wanna see how does he reacts if she asks for divorce. Dhawal says he too loves her and doesnt want any divorce. The owner of the auto and few men reach there and help dhawal-kinjal out from the auto. The couple says urmi that they arent taking divorce. 

Dhawal calls koki and gives the information about their accident. All the ladies get worried. Later rashi calls urmi and asks about her health. Urmi tells koki got to know about kinjal-dhawal divorce and Canada alliance. Rashi gets worried. Urmi says koki doesnt know that she knows about this. Koki comes to urmi's house. Dhawal will be taking care of kinjal with lots of love. Koki meets kinjal-dhawal. Kinjal-dhawal assures koki that they would take care of eachother. Koki happily comes out and asks urmi about how she has done this. Urmi explains. Koki scolds urmi for doing so and warns urmi that she should take care of the couple well. 

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 22nd May 2013 Written Update

Koki learns about kinjal-dhawal's divorce & about urmi fixing marriage with kethki's daughter. 

Kinjal decides to tell her family about her divorce but urmi decides that she should divert them and shouldnt allow kinjal to talk. Urmi starts praising modis. Koki says she is very happy about rashi, gopi and dhawal. Dhawal gets worried and feels bad. Kinjal says koki that she wanna leave as she isnt feeling well. Though koki asks kinjal to take rest in modi bhawan, kinjal leaves. Urmi sends dhawal with her. Urmi feels happy. 

Urmi checks all the jewelry gifts and feels happy. Urmi asks rashi to give a set of bangles to her but rashi denies to give. Gopi brings tea for koki and tries talking about kinjal. Koki feels happy that kinjal is lucky to have husband like dhawal. But gopi starts crying. Koki wonders and asks what happened. Gopi tells koki that kinjal & dhawal are taking divorce. Koki shocks and throws the tea cup on floor. 

Rashi feels happy that she got so many gifts on her ghod bharayi. Rashi will be searching for her vitamin tablets, urmi thinks of stealing a pair of bangles and slowly takes and keeps them in her wallet. Gopi says she might have thought that it doesnt look good if she talks about her divorce on the function. Koki thinks she should talk to urmi and walks to rashi's room. Their rashi says urmi has left. Koki and gopi leaves to urmi's place. 

Koki asks urmi about kinjal-dhawal's divorce. Urmi says that its running since 3 months. Koki shocks and asks whats the reason behind it. Urmi says its because of falguni in misunderstanding. Urmi tells the whole story. Koki says kinjal was a fool to doubt dhawal. Koki scolds urmi for not resolving their problem. Urmi taunts koki that she too was a failure in balancing the issues at home. Urmi says that dhawal went to office and kinjal went to market. Urmi opens door as kethki arrives there. Kethki starts scolding urmi. Koki wonders and asks whats the matter. Kethki reveals the truth that urmi has cheated her family saying dhawal is an unmarried man. Koki shocks. Kethki says, urmila has uploaded dhawal's picture in matrimony website and searched for NRI girl. So they have contacted her. But this lady has lied that modi bhawan is hers. Koki shocks. Kethki leaves. 

Koki warns urmi to pacify kinjal-dhawal by next day, if not she would reveal all her mistakes before them. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st May 2013 Written Update

Urmi, dhawal and kinjal come to the modi bhawan. Urmi finds savitha and nikki with a big gift packages. So urmi dashes them both intentionally and walks to rashi. Urmi starts the function. Nani comes there and wishes meeti about ghod bharayi. Koki clears nani's confusion. Nani gifts earrings to rashi. Koki gifts a necklace set.  Gopi, kinjal, nikki and savitha give their presents to rashi. Pundit asks kinjal to tie raksha dhaaga to rashi and she does. Ladies start asking kinjal to give the good news them as early as possible. Kinjal and dhawal gets upset. All the ladies have fun dancing except kinjal. While dancing kinjal's dress gets teared off. So gopi gives another sari to kinjal. Dhawal thinks its kinjal in gopi's room and tells gopi that they should tell everyone about their divorce after the function and leaves. Gopi gets shocked listening this. Gopi tries talking to koki immediately but couldnt. 

Monday 20 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20th May 2013 Written Update

After 3 months, mira is all grown up. Koki is busy for rashi's godh bharayi function decoration. Bha gifts few necklace sets to rashi. Rashi happily takes them. Rashi says she would get ready in beauty parlor. But koki denies her wish. So gopi suggests to call the makeup artist home. Koki likes it and agrees. In urmi's place, kinjal brings a gold chain for rashi. Urmi feels happy. Dhawal comes there. Urmi shows the chain to him and praises kinjal. But dhawal asks urmi not to call kinjal as his wife as they will be getting divorced very soon. Urmi gets worried that dhawal and kinjal arent getting patched up again. Urmi calls rashi and tells her feelings. But rashi says she wants to enjoy her day. 

The makeup artist does a stupid make up to rashi. Rashi finds this and gets shocked. Rashi scolds the lady. Gopi comes with mira. Rashi gives money and asks the lady to leave. Rashi asks gopi to complete the make up. Koki finds make up artist leaving and wonders. Koki comes to rashi's room and asks about why make up artist had left. Rashi says she dint like her make up. Koki asks gopi to complete the make up soon. Gopi does the makeup to rashi. Rashi takes mira in to her arms and talks sweetly with her. Mira does su su on rashi. Rashi feels bad that her dupatta got spoiled. Koki and other ladies get ready. Gopi brings a dupatta for rashi. Rashi takes off her bangles and kangan on bed. Rashi changes her dupatta and finds her kangan are missing. Rashi finds kangan in mira's hands. Mira denies to give the kangan to rashi. Rashi gets angry and scolds mira. Koki comes there and scolds rashi for speaking oddly with mira. Rashi wears another set of kangan and leaves. Gopi takes kangan from mira and gives to rashi but she denies to take. Gopi gets upset. 

All the ladies does pooja in mandir. All come out. An old couple comes to rashi and congratulates her. Slowly she takes off the kangan. While leaving koki finds rashi's kangan are missing. Rashi gets worried. But koki remembers that she has wore duplicate kangan so they need not worry. Koki asks rashi to thank mira. Rashi happily thanks mira. Urmi's family arrive modi bhawan. Urmi asks kinjal to be together in the function. Kinjal angrily says that she would not spoil her daughter's day. Ghod bharayi function gets started. Nikki and Savitha will be discussing that modis havent arranged the function in 5 star hotel. So koki taunts them saying people arrange parties in 5 star hotels for outsiders but not for family members. 

Dhawal says gopi unknowingly that they should tell her parents about their divorce. 

Friday 17 May 2013

"Describe Gopi Bahu in one line" - Contest

Starts from 19th May to 1st June 2013.
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Winners will be awarded "1 Necklace set worth Rs. 1999".

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th May 2013 Written Update

The chawl people asks koki about how they have sent acp to jail. Koki says according to their plan, she has scolded acp so he himself has told all the mistakes he has done. All the ladies appreciate koki and gopi.
Kinjal thinks if she gives divorce papers to dhawal then he wud get frightened. Kinjal gives divorce papers to dhawal. Dhawal finds kinjal hasnt signed them. Dhawal asks kinjal to sign and she does. Even dhawal signs. Kinjal gets upset. Urmi feels happy that kinjal herslf has moved out of dhawal's life.
Kinjal comes to modi bhawan. Gopi finds kinjal is upset. Rashi comes there. Koki calls gopi so she leaves. Pooja comes there and asks kinjal about dhawal. Kinjal says she is his wife and he doesnt lives in modi bhawan. Pooja shocks. Rashi finds pooja there. Rashi gets worried and acts friendly with pooja. Before pooja speaks rashi moves her hands and thaali falls on ground. Kinjal goes inside. Rashi gives a number to pooja and she leaves. Rashi calls urmi and tells about pooja coming to modi bhawan. Urmi gets tensed thinking kinjal has met pooja. Pooja calls urmi.
Pooja and urmi meet in some restaurant. Pooja scolds urmi that she has lied to her family that dhawal is single. Urmi apologizes pooja. But pooja says urmi to cancel the marriage as she has boy friend. Urmi gets worried. Urmi tells rashi about this. Rashi asks urmi to leave it and not to stress her. Kinjal and dhawal come home. Kinjal tells urmi that they met lawyer. He asked them to stay together for 3 months to file final divorce.
Months pass on, modis will be happy but no change in kinjal-dhawal's relation. Mira starts speaking and all feel happy.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 16th May 2013 Written Update

Rashi comes downstairs in a nighty. Koki says rashi not  to come downstairs rushing. Rashi feels happy tht koki dint scold about nighty. Kinjal will b preparing spl food for dhawal, so urmi gets worried. Urmi checks dhawal is in bathroom and plans something evil against kinjal.

Koki finds rashi in nighty and asks y shezz wearing it. Rashi says shezz feeln hot in sari. Koki says she would bring few punjabi suits for her.

Urmi opens the oil bottle cap and thinks of ruining kinjal's life. Urmi hears dhawal coming out frm bathroom and hides herself in a cupboard. Dhawal takes d oil bottle and it slips on him. Dhawal gets angry and calls kinjal. Kinjal comes to their room. Dhawal shouts at kinjal abt the bottle's cap. Kinjal says she would give another shirt and she walks towards the cupboard and slips. Dhawal tries helping her and kinjal scolds him. Both strt argue. Urmi feels happy about it. Dhawal leaves and kinjal too. Urmi comes out and feels happy about her success of plan.

Jigar tries to convince rashi about the nighty. Koki comes there with few salwar suits and gives them to rashi. Rashi checks them and finds its bigger size. Koki says she wud feel comfortable in them. Rashi feels upset about it as she would look bad in that suit.

Kinjal comes in the warenda. Her neighbors find kinjal got hurt on her hand. The ladies think dhawal has beaten her. Here urmi fills poison in dhawal's mind that kinjal has complaining others about dhawal. Dhawal calls kinjal inside and scolds her. Kinjal taunts dhawal that hezz feeling so as she is rich. Urmi finds modi family arriving to their home. Urmi gets worried. Kinjal says shezz very rich and she is adjusting in the chawl. Dhawal yells at kinjal that they cnt live together any more. Kinjal gets upset that dhawal doesnt love her. Urmi tries stopping them argueing. Kinjal yells that her family should know about their relation. Koki wonders y kinjal is yelling. Urmi convinces kinjal not to hurt her family. Urmi welcomes modis in. Koki asks kinjal y she was shouting. Urmi says that she got locked in bathroom so she yelled. Koki asks kinjal about her hand. Kinjal says she has fell down. Rashi doubts that its looking like some1 has hit her. Urmi gets worried and diverts the topic onto rashi's salwar. Koki says as rashi is pregnant she has to wear loose clothes. Koki again says urmi that they have come here to thank the chawl people as they have helped them regarding preeti's case.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th May 2013 Written Update

Modis and others stand before the bulldozer. Suddenly the bulldozer gets stopped. Rashi feels happy. Acp thinks that the modi bhawan has been demolished but he gets info that the bulldozer got repaired. All the people leave saying they will come back by evening. Rashi asks ahem to file complaint against acp. But ahem denies. Ahem tells every1 that they need more help. Modis decide to plead people to help them. Modis request rajpal nagar people and other neoghbours to help them but they all deny. Urmi gets worried and asks modis to say sorry to acp now. Ahem and gopi thinks for a while. Koki and gopi go to acp's house. Gopi says sorry to acp and says she would take back the complaint. Acp shouts at gopi and asks to leave. Koki acts angry at gopi and says acp is just yelling at them but cnt do anythg. Acp gets angry and yells at the ladies that he has killed his dil itself and he could kill any1 who comes against him. And how he troubled modis. Koki and gopi leave. Ahem checks the video he has recorded. Ahem forwards to many people. All chawl people and others get ready to help modis. Ahem and ladies reach modi bhawan.
Precap: Koki and gopi tell everyone that they should raise their voice to give justice to preeti.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 8th May 2013 Written Update

Dhawal's alliance couple arrive modi bhawan. Urmi pleads rashi to take care of the situation. Rashi goes to the gate and tells them that urmi isnt at home and she is taking care of the house in her absence. So the lady tells rashi to give a message to urmi that, they will be leaving to Canada after few days and very soon they would send the ticket for her. Koki from upstairs find the couple and doubt why they have come again. Koki finds rashi there and asks her to come inside. Rashi says yes and walks to urmi again. Urmi says sorry to rashi as they have said rashi as servant. Rashi says urmi that she cant wait in the garden as koki is calling her. Rashi walks off from there. Two goons make urmi faint and kidnap her. Ahem calls the electricity board for current but no one is ready to help them. Gopi will be feeding mira and she gets a message on her mobile, "This is not my mistake. This was created by yourself. Be prepared for further problems". Suddenly a small cardboard box hits koki. All get worried for koki. Koki says she is fine and asks whats this box. Ahem opens it and finds a piece of cloth inside with blood stains. Rashi remembers its urmi's and gets worried for urmi. Koki asks for urmi to rashi. Rashi says she was in garden till now. Modis rush into garden to check urmi. Their they find 2 big boxes. Koki asks ahem to check them. Ahem lifts it up and a connected rope from the tree throws a big bag down. They hear urmi moaning. Ahem and jigar open the bag. They find a chit on urmi's forehead. Ahem checks it, "This is just a trailer. Wait for the further problems". Ahem gets a call from Acp person and warns to think once again about his family and kids again. 

All come inside. Urmi blames gopi that she is responsible for all these tensions. Koki defends gopi that she is doing a good deed. Rashi supports urmi and asks that they should listen to Acp now. Urmi asks koki to take back the case now. But shukla comes there and asks not to do so. Shukla says that he got the info about their problems and also says that he got all the proofs against Acp. Acp asks his goons to trouble modis much more. Urmi and rashi in rashi's room, rashi asks urmi to fresh up so that she can feel relaxed. Urmi goes to washroom and yells. Rashi rushes in. Urmi shows dirty water flowing from the pump. Gopi in the kitchen crying, koki comes there. Gopi says koki that she cant see the family in trouble and she would take back the case. But koki asks gopi that she is standing for truth and she would support her all time. Koki asks gopi to bring the cooker and she would wash the rice. Koki opens the tap and finds dirty water flowing. 

Monday 6 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th May 2013 Written Update

Ahem, jigar and gopi try to break the door. Here inside koki and others doubt that the goons might be breaking the door and gets worried. Finally ahem breaks the door and walks inside. All feel happy to see each other. When ahem about to step in the water koki stops him and says current has flown in the water. So ahem thinks of switching off the main switch but gopi stops him that the goons might find him. Again gopi remembers there was a wooden ladder outside through which the peopele inside can come out. Ahem and jigar bring it. Koki asks urmi to walk but she asks meeti to walk. Meeti slowly comes from the ladder and walks off safely. On the road, The goons who were following shukla hit him with a stick and he falls down. That time the printout papers fall on ground. Both shukla and the goons doesnt bother and run off. Koki encourages kinjal and kinjal walks off safely. Gopi says kinjal that they should leave from here as soon as possible. Shukla misguides the goons and gets escaped. Shukla finds the printout papers got missed. Koki asks urmi to walk. Urmi agrees and walks. Next goes koki. The ladder breaks, so jigar ties it with the rope and grabs dhawal falling off into the water and holds him safely.

Everyone come out safely but the goons find them. Goons follow modis but chirag picks everyone in the car and rushes. The goons call Acp and tells modis have got missed. On the way, modis find shukla and stops the vehicle. Shukla feels happy to see modis safe. Shukla tells everyone that the printouts have gone missed, and he cant take the prints again as preeti's friend is out of station. Shukla asks gopi to come to police station to file a complaint against Acp. Gopi agrees. But ahem stops gopi. Ahem says shukla that he cant send gopi to give the complaint. As he should keep his family safe and they all would leave the city. Gopi tries to convince ahem but ahem stops her. Modis get into the vehicle and go away. Acp gets the information that modis are going to leave the city. Acp feels happy. Acp reaches police station and asks his SI to close preeti's case as an accident. But shukla comes there and tells that preeti was been murdered. Acp happily says that shukla doesnt have any proofs. Gopi comes there with her family and tells there is a proof. Acp shocks looking at the modis. Acp understands that these all were acting. Gopi says police that she is the one who has seen preeti's muder. 

Friday 3 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd May 2013 Written Update

Shukla tells everyone that he got all the proofs to prove Acp as the killer. Ahem decides to go to modi bhawan and find out about koki. Shukla says ahem that all the Acp goons are searching for them near modi bhawan so they should be careful. Ahem, shukla, gopi and jigar reach modi bhawan. Their they find Acp saying his goons that he has showed that preeti's case as a suicide but if gopi files a case then he might get trapped. Ahem, gopi, jigar and shukla enter into their way to store room. But the goons hear some noise and reach there. Shukla makes them go away from there. Here in the store room, urmi while taking a pillow over there pulls off a pump and water starts running into the room. As there was power wire near by, power supply goes into water. Before Koki steps into the water kinjal finds a rat dead in water and stops her.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2nd May 2013 Written Update

Koki feels bad that she is unable to help her family from Acp. At the party, Acp finds gopi missing and asks ahem about her. He says she went to feed her baby. Mean while rashi and jigar fight for a silly reason that, rashi asks jigar not to eat halwa and jigar fights with rashi that he wants to eat halwa. Acp gets diverted and looks on them. Here gopi comes to their kitchen, places a mat and keeps mira on it. Mira will be playing and gopi starts cooking food. Rashi and jigar continue their fight for some more time. Acp looks on them confused. Hetal slowly comes out and goes to gopi. Hetal tells gopi that jigar & rashi are keeping them busy. Hetal takes mira and goes out. Ahem slowly comes away from them and try to call koki but the call doesnt get connected. Ahem finds a medicine box and mixes the solution in the drinks. Ahem serves drinks to Acp and his goons. Acp starts feeling drowsy. Gopi finishes the curry and comes out. Gopi changes the curries. 

All start having food. The host lady finds modis having non veg food. And she thinks of saying it to Acp. The lady finds half the food has been done. The lady tells Acp that the 2 families are having non veg. Later Acp finds gopi walking out with mira and stops her. Acp says she is like gopi modi and he wants to see her face. Modis get tensed. Ahem gets up and slaps Acp. Ahem warns Acp that he cant misbehave with his wife. Ahem takes gopi and leaves from there. Even rashi's family leaves from there saying these people are loafers.  All come to urmi's house. There shukla will be waiting for them wrapping a blanket on him. Rashi closes door and shukla asks ahem about koki. Ahem says she is in modi bhawan. But shukla says she isnt there. Ahem gets worried. 

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 1st May 2013 Written Update

Ahem denies sardar to attend the get together. But sardar convinces him and asks to attend. Ahem agrees half-hearted. At modi bhawan store room, koki finds someone's shawdow outside and tells everyone. Urmi gets worried that still how many hours she should suffer there. Koki scolds urmi that she isnt worried about her family and atleast her daughter. Ahem gets jigar's msg that the punjabi couple has invited them. So parag asks ahem that they should attend the party. Ahem agrees. Urmi feels hungry over there so koki scolds urmi to control. Ahem's family and jigar's attend the party. The host's lady brings eatables for everyone. There comes the Acp. Modis shock to find Acp there. Acp asks sardar that they have come here to search gopi modi. The host's lady introduces everyone to Acp except gopi. Ahem says Acp that they are meeting for second time. Ahem says that they should have told him that he is from department before. Acp looks on suspicious at ahem. Koki decides to go out and help her family. Dhawal finds a person standing outside with a pistol in hand. Dhawal tells about it to koki. Koki thinks that all the goons might be having pistols with them. Kinjal finds a rat and yells but dhawal shuts her mouth. The goon near by checks the place but doesnt finds anything so he leaves. 

Acp will be wondering why gopi has covered her face and he should look at her face. The host's lady asks everyone about urmila and says she has a bad name of fighting with everyone. Rashi abruptly replies that no she isnt that bad. Hetal asks the host lady to serve food for everyone. The lady brings all non veg food. All modis get shocked to see that. The lady asks bha to have food first. But ahem stops and asks everyone to have gossips for some time and later they can have food. Everyone agrees. All will be gossiping. Rashi comes to gopi and asks that she has prepared some curry which looks like chicken. Gopi says that its soya sabji. And Ghatte ki sabji which looks similar to chicken curry. So rashi asks gopi to leave from there with mira and cook them and till that time they will keep everyone busy in talking. 
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