Monday 30 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 30th September 2013 Written Update

At modi bhawan, Gopi looks rashi sad in her room and feels bad for her. She prays khana ji to help rashi as well. Gopi comes to her room and finds tholu-molu playing with mira and radha. Gopi feels bad that the kids are missing their mother. At modi office, urmi comes their and tries talking to jigar but he declines to talk. Jigar goes to ahem's room with some file. Ahem slowly explains jigar that he shouldnt take nasty decisions right away as he used to do in past. Ahem asks jigar to leave about divorce and think about their misunderstandings. Ahem leaves for some meeting. Jigar will be still upset. 

After ahem leaves, urmi tries talking to jigar but he ignores her and walks into his room. Jigar calls a lawyer and asks him to come home in the evening at 5pm to start the legal formalities. Urmi overhears this and shocks. Urmi reaches modi bhawan. Their koki meets urmi and asks her to come in. Urmi finds a lawyer coming and decides to drive him away any how. When the lawyer walks in, urmi scolds him and asks him to leave. Koki finds urmi arguing with the lawyer and asks to stop it. Koki welcomes the lawyer in. Urmi thinks all the elders know about the situation and supporting jigar. Urmi thinks of saying this info to rashi.

In modi bhawan, chirag asks the lawyer to proceed for the legal formalities (about giving away a real estate business to ahem-jigar). But the lawyer thinks chirag-hetal are taking divorce and chirag doesnt wants to give any alimony to his wife hetal. The couple shocks. The lawyer continues talking about divorce. Koki gets hyper and asks him to leave as no one in their house is willing to have divorce. The lawyer confirms that Mr. Modi has called him and asked him to come home. Ahem-jigar arrives home and listens this. Jigar apologizes ahem for calling the lawyer home. Ahem says everyone that he needs divorce from gopi before jiigar speaks something. Everyone get shocked. Even urmi doubts. Koki gets hyper and asks ahem-gopi to tell the reason behind the divorce. Ahem asks koki that he wants to talk to gopi for a while. But koki declines his wish. Finally chirag asks koki to leave the couple for a while to sort out their misunderstandings. So everyone leave. 

Saturday 28 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th September 2013 Written Update

Gopi comes to know rashi-jigar's divorce:
Gopi insists rashi about their problem. So rashi reveals that jigar wants to have divorce from her. Gopi shocks. Radha will be over hearing this and feels bad out of guilt. Gopi pacifies rashi and says not to worry about divorce and she would talk to jigar about it. Gopi explains radha that she shouldnt reveal this before their family members. 

Urmi calls rashi and pacifies rashi; Gopi decides to talk to koki & hetal about rasji-jigar's divorce.

Gopi bumps ahem and ahem finds she is worried and asks whats the matter. Gopi reveals the divorce matter. Ahem asks gopi not to reveal about divorce to elders and assures that he would talk to jigar once. 

Chirag tells everyone that he wants to hand over the jam nagar real estate to jigar and ahem. All feel happy. Gopi talks to madhu and feels that gopi is upset. Madhu doubts and asks radha about why gopi is upset. Radha says that gopi is fine but she is upset about some family issue. 

Jigar gives responsibility to radha of his kids and asks her not to allow others to touch them. Rashi gets hyper and both argue for a while. Urmi goes to jigar's office to talk to him but jigar doesnt allow her. 

Thursday 26 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 26th September 2013 Written Update

Madhu scolding kinjal:
At rajpal nagar, Madhu comes to kinjal's room and finds she hearing songs. Madhu snatches away the earphones and scolds kinjal for not cooking properly. Madhu leaves from there. Kinjal asks urmi to think of some plan to send madhu from their home. But urmi thinks of clearing off rashi's problem and then she would think of others. 

Radha tries finding modis reaction for her mistake:
At modi bhawan, all the ladies in the hall except koki. Hetal appreciates rashi about the annaprasan fest going well because of her. Rashi says she isnt feeling well and wants to take rest. Rashi leaves with tholu-molu. Radha thinks of finding the reaction of modis when they'll know about her mistake. Radha tells the ladies about their situation and asks for further result. Bha says she and her sister might get forgiven. But koki comes there and says the MIL will send away both the sisters from their house. 

Urmi try to make jitthu against madhu:
At rajpal nagar, Urmi tries to pacify jitthu and asks him to explain madhu not to keep all stupid instructions on her. But jitthu says madhu can do anything as she wishes in his house. Madhu overhears the couple's conversation and gets angry. 

Koki worried for jigar:
At modi bhawan, rashi in her room will be worried about her divorce. Urmi calls rashi and asks her to be away with the kids so that jigar can understand her importance. Koki calls radha and asks tells her that she has found out that the main culprit about jigar-rashi's misunderstanding. Koki asks radha to go away from their home. Gopi apologizes koki for radha's mistake. But koki yells to gopi and radha to leave modi bhawan. Koki drags both the sisters out and shuts the door. Radha comes out of her dream and gets worried about the dream. Jigar-ahem returns home. Koki finds jigar is still pissed off. Koki says hetal that jigar is upset because of some reason. 

Gopi doubts about rashi's behavior:
Rashi tries talking to jigar but he scolds rashi. Jigar asks rashi not to take care of her babies and him as well. One of the babies cry so jigar takes the baby in hands and takes their milk bottles and walks out. In the kitchen, jigar will be making milk for the babies and gopi comes there. Gopi asks him about rashi. Jigar says she isnt feeling well. So he came. Gopi pours milk in the bottles and jigar leaves taking them. Gopi thinks rashi isnt well still. After jigar coming to their room, another baby as well cries a lot. Gopi comes there. Jigar asks to pacify one of the babies. Gopi finds rashi checking her cell. Gopi doubts about it. Jigar says gopi that rashi isnt well and the babies might get infected. Gopi leaves. Gopi doubts why rashi is being away from the babies. Gopi will be searching for the thermometer and radha comes there. Radha asks to leave it. But gopi find it and rushes to rashi's room. Their gopi finds out that rashi is well. Gopi asks rashi why she was in her room all the day and asks her to take care of her kids at least. Rashi gets upset and yells at gopi that she doesnt know her situation. 

Friday 20 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20th September 2013 Written Update

Jigar throws his anger on rashi about her affair: 
Jigar remembers all the weird words from rashi and rushes downstairs. Jigar drags rashi to his room. Koki, hetal,bha, gopi, radha and ahem will be watching them. Gopi and ahem apologizes koki and says that the couple were fighting since few days. Koki scolds them and says rashi couldnt handle any situation by her own and thinks of involving in it and know the reason behind their fight. In rashi's room, Rashi asks jigar what she has done for which he is making a fuss. After lots of frustration jigar yells out that she has an affair with someone. Rashi shocks and asks why he is blaming her. Jigar asks about the love letter which has torn off the love letter written with blood. Rashi tries to defend herself but jigar yells to tell her the truth. Koki, hetal, bha and gopi hears their voices and thinks of going to rashi's room and pacify the couple. Here rashi promises on tholu-molu and says she only loves him. 

Urmi-kinjal decide to throw madhu out from their home:
At rajpal nagar, kinjal polutes urmi's mind saying they should plan some thing evil to throw madhu from their home if not she would make their lives miserable. Urmi as well feels the same and decides to throw madhu out. 

Ladies try to pacify jigar:
All of them walk to rashi's room. Koki scolds the couple to pacify the situation in a cool matter. Rashi gets worried and says its just a small misunderstanding. But koki scolds rashi. Jigar supports rashi that it was just a small misunderstanding. All the ladies think of leaving the couple alone to discuss. 

Rashi gets selected in audition:
At modi bhawan, the movie manager calls modi bhawan and radha takes the call. He informs radha that rashi has got selected in the audition. In rashi's room, jigar says he has got convinced and believed her. Jigar asks rashi to tell everything. Radha comes to rashi and calls her out and tells about her selection. Rashi feels happy and thinks of saying it to jigar. But radha stops her and asks her to confirm about the selection. Rashi agrees and call the movie manager. He asks rashi to come for look-test next day afternoon. Rashi agrees. Rashi decides to inform about it to jigar but again radha stops her and warns her that if koki comes to know about it then she wouldnt send her to the test. So rashi thinks of telling jigar about it later. 

Urmi's mobile cut:
At rajpal nagar, rashi calls urmi. But jitthu picks the call. Rashi asks him to let her talk to urmi. While jitthu giving the mobile to urmi madhu comes into their room. Jitthu says it was rashi's call. Madhu takes the mobile and cuts the call. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 19th September 2013 Written Update

Misunderstanding between jigar - Rashi:
Radha and rashi with kids come to the restaurant. They find a crowd and radha asks the manager whats the matter. He tells her that its an audition for heroines. Radha asks rashi to participate in it. Rashi and radha go to the auditions. Rashi find the board that only unmarried gals should participate in the competition and tells radha about it. Radha says rashi that she isnt looking like a married woman so she can participate. So rashi leaves the kids with radha and goes to the audition. Radha requests the manager to take care of the kids for a while and she would go to washroom. The manager agrees. Rashi enters the audition and jigar arrives to the restaurant. Jigar meets radha. Radha says every time rashi would go alone inside but this time she went with the kids. Suddenly tholu-molu start crying and Jigar finds tholu-molu with the manager and doubts why they are with him. Rashi as well hears kids crying and rushes to them. Rashi asks the manager about radha and he says she went to washroom. Rashi thanks manager for taking care of kids. Rashi says she is nervous about the audition. So the manager asks rashi to practice with him. Jigar walks near to them. Rashi says her dialog, "If you havent left us then we would have been together. But now see I am living with my stupid husband". Jigar overhears this dialog and gets hurt. The audition guy comes out hearing kids crying and asks rashi whether they are her kids. But the manager says they are his kids. Rashi thanks the manager. Jigar leaves from there. Radha will be very happy with this misunderstanding. Radha again goes back to rashi. Rashi asks radha to stick with the kids till she comes back. Rashi goes for the audition.

Jigar got hurt and feeling cheated:
Jigar will be crying on the way home driving. Later rashi and radha reach home. Radha says rashi that she would go alone inside as gopi might scold her for going with rashi. Radha slowly hides and walks inside the house. Rashi comes home after a while. Gopi finds rashi very happy and thinks the misunderstandings have been sorted out. Gopi asks rashi whether she has enjoyed at the restaurant. Rashi says yes and goes to her room. Gopi asks radha where was she and radha lies that she was sleeping in her room. Later jigar comes home crying. Gopi rushes to his room and insists to tell her why he is crying. Jigar says he was been cheated all this time. Gopi doesnt get what jigar was saying.

Jitthu turns violent upon urmi:
At rajpal nagar, Madhu insists jitthu to get urmi under his control. Jitthu and madhu goes to urmi's room and takes away her mobile. Madhu says urmi that jitthu will be using her cell and he will be managing the money for households from now on wards. Urmi will be surprised. 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th September 2013 Written Update

At modi bhawan, Gopi feels bad about the fight between rashi & jigar. Ahem comes back home from jog. Gopi asks ahem about the fight between rashi & jigar but ahem explains gopi that they shouldnt involve in between a couple fight. Ahem throws away the newspaper and walks to washroom. Gopi finds a pamphlet about some new restaurant. Gopi gets an idea of booking a table for rashi-jigar and help them to sort out their issues. Again gopi thinks of taking permission from koki and then book the table.

At rajpal nagar, madhu goes to kitchen and gives prasad to kinjal and asks urmi. Kinjal says that urmi was been out since 2 hours. Madhu gets angry and walks to jithhu's room. Madhu asks jitthu to keep his wife in control. 

At modi bhawan dining table, modis will be having breakfast. Jigar comes there and says everyone that he is leaving to office as he has some work. Koki will be worried about jigar's weird behavior. Rashi will be no where worried. Ahem and gopi look at each other and feel bad. 

At rajpal nagar, urmi returns home. Jitthu asks urmi where did she go. But urmi answers very recklessly that she was out for an important work. Jitthu yells at urmi that she cannot continue this behavior from now on and she should inform him before leaving house. Urmi will be very much surprised with jitthu's behavior. 

At modi bhawan bha's room, hetal, bha, koki and gopi present. Koki says that rashi isnt worried about her husband though he hasnt eaten anything since yesterday night. Gopi asks koki that she wants to send the couple out for lunch to spend some good time with each other for a while. Koki agrees. Gopi goes happily to rashi and says to go to the restaurant at 2 pm for lunch. Radha overhears this and thinks of spoiling gopi's plan. Rashi feels happy but thinks she has no company. Rashi calls urmi and asks to come for lunch but looking at madhu's angry look at her, urmi denies to come. Later rashi gets an idea that she would take radha with her so that she can take care of the babies and she can enjoy her meal. Rashi asks radha to come along with her for lunch. Radha feels very happy and thanks khana ji. 

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th September 2013 Written Update

Jigar and Rashi will be yelling at each other and gopi over hears them. Gopi gets worried and rushes to their room. Gopi stops them and asks to discuss in a lower voice. Rashi scolds gopi not to involve in their matters and leaves angrily. Gopi asks jigar to sort out their problems when their minds are cool. Jigar nods as yes. Radha decides not to allow them to talk to each other in the evening. 

At urmi's place, urmi will be worried that she need lots of money to return to the chitfund people. Urmi finds jayanth's kangan and feels happy. Madhu finds urmi's evil eye on jayanth's jewelry and warns urmi that she wouldnt bear if she makes her or her husband's things missing. 

Radha goes to rashi and asks to make her talk to swayam. Rashi agrees to it. Rashi calls urmi and tells that radha is pressuring her to make her talk to swayam. Rashi says she would save her number as "S" so that radha doesnt gets any doubt. Later in the kitchen, rashi calls urmi and gives it to radha. Radha says urmi that they should meet now. Again radha asks urmi to call after some time and hangs on. Radha takes rashi's mobile and leaves. 

In the evening, Jigar and ahem comes back home. Radha finds jigar coming to his room. Radha keeps rashi's mobile in rashi's room and leaves from there. Jigar comes into his room. Rashi's mobile rings. Its urmi. Jigar wonders why rashi has saved the number with just S letter. He picks up the call. Urmi says in a male voice, "because of the family members we couldnt meet. But I love you a lot." Jigar shocks and cuts the call. Urmi thinks radha might be very happy hearing her (swayam's) voice. 

Later jigar and rashi once argue. Jigar sleeps on sofa in the hall. Gopi wakes him up before koki comes there. But koki doubts that something fishy is going on between jigar and rashi. 

Picture of the Week !!

                                                           Gopi - Ahem - Mira 

Monday 16 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 16th September 2013 Written Update

At Urmi's place, Kinjal & urmi will be working in kitchen and discussing about madhu. Both the ladies will be happy that she is not at home so they are happy now. Madhu overhears their conversation and decides to teach them a lesson. Madhu comes into kitchen and asks urmi very politely to prepare tea for her and asks kinjal to take rest for a while. 

At Modi bhawan, rashi alone will be worried and searching for the credit card bill. Jigar-ahem comes home. Ahem leaves to his room. Jigar sits in the sofa. Rashi gives him water. Rashi and jigar both find a paper on the floor. Jigar checks out. Before jigar reads it, rashi snatches from his hand. Rashi finds its a drawing which mira has done. Rashi gets relieved. Jigar feels pissed off and leaves to his room. Radha finds jigar coming to the room and keeps a letter on the desk and leaves. After coming into the room jigar finds the letter and reads. The love letter will be written with blood. Jigar will be shocked. Rashi comes there and again snatches it from him. Without reading it rashi tears it up. Jigar gets angry and yells that she was cheating on him. Rashi thinks jigar is yelling at her regarding the credit card bill. 

At dinner table, jigar will be very upset. Koki and hetal asks jigar not to get strained much in the office. Rashi thinks of pacifying jigar before he tells koki about the credit card bill. Rashi serves food for jigar but he leaves from there saying he isnt feeling hungry. Jigar leaves. Modis will be worried looking at upset jigar.

At urmi's place, Urmi will be checking her new saree and feels happy. Rashi calls her and explains her that jigar is angry with her because of the huge credit card bill. Urmi says rashi to be stubborn by not apologizing jigar if not she cant have control over him. Madhu overhears this and thinks of teaching urmi a lesson.

Next day, jigar goes for morning jog and sits in front of mandir and thinks on. Gopi comes there and asks him whats the reason that he is upset. Jigar says he is stressed because of work only. Jigar goes back to his room. Jigar scolds rashi that she is unbelievable and cant handle anything well. Rashi gets angry. Gopi over hears jigar yelling at rashi and feels bad. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 12th September 2013 Written Update

Radha finds jigar-rashi before their room. After jigar leaves, radha apologizes rashi that she  by has kept a love letter in jigar's bag thinking its ahem's. Rashi gets worried and finds bha's lota near by. So rashi takes it and pours the water on jigar who is walking downstairs. Rashi acts as though she was doing some pooja. Jigar says she is doing the surya namaskar in the wrong direction and that too inside the house. Rashi apologizes jigar. Jigar walks upstairs. Radha rushes inside rashi's room and comes out while jigar is entering in. Radha warns jigar not to peep out from their window. Rashi takes out the letter and goes outside. After changing jigar checks whats happening from the window. He finds rashi tearing up the letter and throwing the rose flower. Rashi again comes inside. Jigar comes downstairs and rashi gives his bag. Jigar leaves. Jigar doubts and checks the letter. Jigar reads the letter and gets hyper. 

The dustbin collecting fellow keeps the dust bin before urmi's house. Urmi finds madhu sleeping and asks the fellow to keep the dustbin near to madhu's room's window. In modi bhawan, koki says all the ladies to take rest for a while. So radha asks gopi that she would sleep with her. Gopi agrees. But rashi stops radha and asks to come with her as she needs to help to pacify tholu-molu. Gopi agrees and sends radha with her. Rashi thinks of not to sleep, if not radha would kill gopi any time. Rashi and radha will be in rashi's room. Radha says she wants to play with tholu-molu for a while. So rashi sits on her bed and falls asleep. Radha slowly leaves from the room. Here in urmi's house, madhu smells awful smell and checks out that a dust bin under her window. Madhu gets irritated with the smell. 

Rashi wakes up suddenly and finds radha missing. Rashi gets worried and rushes to gopi's room. Their rashi finds a knife with blood in radha's room and calls everyone. Koki and hetal rush to gopi's room. They find gopi is well. And rashi will be crying saying that radha has killed gopi. Koki scolds rashi for speaking nonsense. Radha says she was making bread-jam for mira so she was holding a knife with jam. Koki scolds rashi and leaves. Rashi asks radha not to kill gopi. But radha denies. At urmi's place, madhu scolds urmi to remove the dust bin from the window. Kinjal says madhu that its evening time so the fellow would have left. Madhu says urmi that she would sleep with kinjal and asks urmi to sleep alone in her room. Urmi gets pissed off that her plan got failed. At modi bhawan, everyone will be having dinner. Radha finds jigar is some what angry with rashi and feels happy that her love letter plan has worked out. Later rashi calls urmi and explains her about radha's behavior. Urmi says she would think for a while and tell her a plan to get rid of radha. 

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th September 2013 Written Update

Radha yells for gopi and koki to come to rashi's room that she has found the kangan. All the ladies reach there. Rashi says mira has given the bangles to her. Koki scolds rashi that before wearing them she should have told gopi. Koki asks rashi to remove them and give them to gopi. Rashi says they have got glued to her hands. Koki doesnt believe her and asks not to tell any lie and take off the kangan as soon as possible. Radha will be happy and decides to trouble rashi more. Later, rashi will be trying to take out the bangles and will be muttering that radha is the main cause of this trouble. 

Here in urmi's house, urmi buys 3 bags of onions. Madhu and jayanth scolds urmi for buying them at this high rate. Urmi says that she would sell them at high price and get profits. Later urmi will be selling onions in her chawl. Kinjal comes to urmi and shows her that onions price has dropped down to 20 rupees. Urmi gets pissed off and also gets worried about madhu's scoldings.

Rashi comes to the kitchen where radha is packing ahem's tiffin box. Rashi scolds why she has called everyone. Radha says she thought that koki would appreciate rashi that she has found gopi's kangan but she has scolded her. Rashi believes and says koki will be always scolding her. Rashi finds radha packing lunch box for ahem and says radha to keep a love letter for swayam. Radha denies it and says she wants to meet in person now and she doesnt want to write a love letter. After radha leaves rashi decides to put a love letter in the box. 

Madhu scolds urmi for buying onions in high quantity. Few gents come to her house and scolds urmi to give back their chitfund money. Urmi asks dhawal to give some money. But dhawal says he is already in debts so he cant help her. Urmi requests the gents to give her some time. So they leave. Madhu scolds urmi to stop earning money by cheating others. Urmi feels her time isnt good these days as her plans arent getting succeeded. 

Friday 6 September 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th September 2013 Written Update

At modi bhawan, Rashi goes to gopi's room and takes a girl toy saying she wants to show few mira's toys to tholu-molu to make them sleep. Urmi and madhu will be in 1 room, madhu warns urmi to wake her up at sharp 4 am to have pooja. Rashi in her room with radha, Rashi shows the doll hair to radha and says its swayam's wig. Radha believes in rashi's words. After radha leaves, rashi feels happy and thinks of calling urmi and tell her about the kalakari. Rashi rushes out but koki confronts and scolds rashi to be with her kids instead of freaking out. Urmi gets scared of madhu's warning and thinks of being awake all night if not she will scold her. At 4 am, radha gets ready with flowers and walks out. But rashi finds her and scolds radha not to come out with flowers as if some one looks at her then it might become a problem. So radha again walks into her room. Urmi tells rashi that they should do something by which when radha tells the fake story of swayam then no one should believe her. Radha removes all the flower jewelery. 

Bha praises madhu for completing the pooja well. Urmi says gopi to bring something to eat. Koki stops gopi and scolds urmi that even gopi has worked hard being fast. Even madhu scolds urmi for not working properly. Madhu says they would break the fast when dhawal & jayanth comes to modi bhawan. Urmi feels insulted that koki & madhu has insulted her before everyone on the fest. Madhu says everyone that the wife who swings jhoola by her husband then their relation will be of 7 births. Radha thinks of confirming whether its ahem or swayam in modi bhawan right now. All men except ahem come into hall. All leave to the garden for jhoola fest. 

At jhoola, koki asks urmi to swing the jhoola first as she is hungry. Urmi gets worried as she loosen the jhoola's nuts. Urmi makes an excuse that jithu hasnt come yet so she wouldnt do that. Urmi asks koki to swing first. All the couples swing except ahem-gopi as ahem hasnt come downstairs. Koki asks urmi to swing. But urmi get tensed. madhu says she would swing her. madhu lets urmi to sit on jhoola. Before madhu swings the jhoola urmi falls down on the ground as the screws get loosened. madhu picks her up. Here in the hall, ahem walks downstairs and radha dashes him with a plate of fruits. Ahem gets angry and picks up the fruits. While picking up the fruits, radha pulls ahem's hair to check whether its a wig or not. Ahem gets hyper and scolds her. All the people rush near them. Koki asks ahem what has happened and why he is shouting at radha. Ahem says she has pulled her hair. All get wondered. Gopi apologize ahem. Rashi gives a sign to radha not to reveal the secret. Koki asks radha what has happened. But radha will be crying. Radha leaves from there crying. Rashi says radha is behaving like a fool. Madhu gets angry and yells at rashi to stop. Jayanth apologizes everyone and says if radha is creating problems at home then he would take her from there. 

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Written Update: Saath Nibhana Saathiya September 2nd 2013

Radha shocks looking at ahem. Radha says ahem cant cheat gopi and love her. Rashi looking at her twins cooks up a story that koki also had twin children, ahem & swayam. When swayam dint agree to marry the gal which koki has shown she has thrown him away from home. As ahem has married gopi according to koki's wish she has let ahem to live in modi bhawan. Radha believes rashi. Radha says they would go koki and tell everything to her. Here ahem thinks of leaving the man in hospital and go home. Ahem takes him to his car and starts. Rashi says radha that koki doesnt likes her well. And if gopi knows about swayam loving her then gopi might spoil her love life. So they shouldnt say anything to koki now. Radha agrees and feels happy. Radha thanks rashi. Radha finds ahem leaving. Rashi says swayam is very shy so he left. 

At urmi's place, urmi comes home and worries that everyone will kill her if she doesnt makes the payment. Urmi gets the call from the chitfund member. Urmi says in changed voice that urmi isnt at home and disconnects the call. Madhu overhears and asks whom she is lying. Urmi makes an excuse that it was some bank and leaves from there. At modi bhawan, rashi & radha come home. Even ahem comes home. Radha thinks its swayam. Even rashi agrees to her words. Rashi asks radha to keep it as a secret. Gopi comes there and asks where she was. Radha says happily that she cant say anything now but says she is very happy that khana ji has listened to her prayers. Radha walks to mandir and prays. Gopi doubts that radha might be having some guy in her mind. Gopi asks rashi whether radha has told something to her but rashi says no. 

Koki finds radha looking herself happy in the mirror in her room. Koki doubts and asks radha whats the matter. Radha says its nothing. Urmi calls rashi and scolds why she told radha that ahem is having a twin brother. Urmi warns rashi to stop this before koki or ahem knows about this. Later, koki asks gopi to be more cautious about radha as she has come from a village and anyone can cheat on her. Koki also says that radha was looking herself happy in mirror which is a result of some thing bad. 

At urmi's place, kinjal comes to urmi and reminds that madhu has told to prepare papads. But urmi thinks she should be anyhow go to the chit fund office. Urmi says she needs to go to doctor and rushes out. At modi bhawan, Gopi asks radha to help her in some work but radha replies that she has applied nail polish just now so she would help her later. In the hall, jigar will be passifying ahem about some business deal. Ahem leaves to his room. Jigar tells gopi that ahem's mood isnt good so asks her to take care of him. Gopi walks upstairs. Radha follows ahem and overhears ahem asking gopi to prepare tea for him. Radha rushes to kitchen. Radha and gopi argue eachother to prepare tea. While arguing, the vessels will be falling on ground and making noise. Ahem who is already irritated walks to kitchen and scolds gopi to let radha prepare tea for him. Rashi overhears this and thinks of poisoning radha's mind. Gopi leaves. Rashi says radha that swayam wants only tea prepared by her. Radha feels happy. 
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