Wednesday 29 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 29th January 2014 Written Update

At the park, radha tries to take mira to the dangerous spot but bha stops her. Ahem will be chatting with gopi and opposite team hits ahem and he gets out. Radha walks towards the dangerous spot and finds the land is slippery over there. Here molu will be crying so bha leaves mira on the bench and walks to him. Radha finds mira alone and goes to her. Radha takes mira to play with her. Rashi and others will be busy playing and radha makes mira to play neat the danger zone. Here bha gets hurts by thorns. So all get worried. 

At rajpal nagar, madhu warns urmi not to torture kinjal if not she would complaint in the police station. Again at the park, radha takes mira to the danger zone and leaves her there alone and asks her to find her (in the play). Gopi finds mira missing and starts searching. Gopi finds mira in the danger zone and rushes there. Radha will be looking at them from behind the tree. Here modis will be happy that they are relaxing all together in the park. Koki doubts why gopi is missing. Gopi grabs mira and holds in arms. Radha gets worried that her plan has got flopped. She throws a stone on gopi's way. Gopi steps on the stone and slips. Koki and ahem goes to find gopi. Gopi slips and mira falls into water. Koki-gopi-ahem yells for mira. All others also rush towards the danger zone. Ahem jumps into water and searches for mira. Bha gets fainted looking this. Parag calls police. Koki asks jigar to take bha and leave home. From the other way gopi and others go near the water. Ahem keeps on searching for mira. Rashi calls dhaval for his help. Dhaval assures that he would send kinjal-urmi to modi bhawan and reach there to help them. Dhaval calls kinjal and tells about mira and to go to modi bhawan. Kinjal-madhu gets upset. Swimmers and police reach the water spot. 

In the night, swimmers say modis that they couldnt find mira. 

Monday 27 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, gopi hears mira's yelling with pain and rushes to the room. Gopi finds mira under the cupboard and yells for koki. Gopi tries to lift the cupboard. Koki comes there and shocks looking at mira. Koki lifts the cupboard and gopi grabs mira in her hands. Hetal and radha as well come there. Radha acts as if she is worried for mira. They take mira to hospital. Later, mira will be in home. Bha will be worried for mira and asks everyone that they would go to their kuldevi temple. Rashi doubts how mira had gone into the store room alone which will be locked all time. Radha determines to kill mira when they go to the temple. 

At rajpal nagar, kinjal acts as if she has headache and forces urmi to give her head massage. Urmi unwillingly does. Hetal calls madhu to invite her to come with them to kuldevi's temple but madhu rejects her as she cant leave kinjal alone. Later, rashi calls urmi and tells about mira and their plan to kuldevi's temple. Urmi says she too would go with them so that she can get escaped from the household works. Radha finds gopi being happy with mira and determines to kill mira anyhow. Rashi will be waiting for urmi in her room. Rashi comes downstairs and tell koki that she wants to change her saree into another saree as she is uncomfortable. Koki agrees to her change. Rashi sends a message to urmi to come soon as they are getting late, which kinjal finds it and doubts where is urmi going. Kinjal acts before madhu that her legs are aching and madhu demands to apply oil on kinjal's legs but urmi denies. Madhu locks the main door from inside. 

Rashi comes downstairs but makes excuses to get late but koki scolds her. Modis start to the temple. Gopi once again tries to tell ahem about her pregnancy but couldnt. Rashi's family in one vehicle and ahem's in another on with radha as well. In the vehicle, mira will be peeping out from the window so radha plans to push her out. 

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 22nd January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, gopi asks radha to put mehendi on her hands. Radha denies but gopi-koki insists to apply. So radha agrees. At rajpal nagar, urmi goes to kinjal's room and loosens nuts of kinjal's bed. Urmi while coming out of the room dashes madhu. Madhu finds 2 nuts slipped from urmi's hands and asks about them but urmi denies knowing about them. Madhu doubts about urmi's behavior. At modi bhawan, radha in washroom washes off her mehendi and thinks of taking revenge on gopi. Here in the hall, mira does susu so ahem takes her to her room to change her frock. Radha comes to the room before ahem. Ahem asks why did she come there. Radha replies that she has come to take cream as she was feeling itchy due to mehendi. Radha takes a cream and leaves. 

Radha comes back to hall, radha asks gopi to allow her to apply mehendi. Gopi denies but radha insists. So she agrees. Ahem comes back with mira. Gopi applies mehendi. In the kitchen, radha pours the harmful powder on the coal and takes the bowl into gopi's room but koki insists them to go to outdoor and have mehendi. Hetal calls kinjal and invites them for the doll's marriage. Here in the outdoor, radha applies mehendi for gopi and burns the coal. Radha leaves once the smoke is out. After a while gopi feels dizzy due to the smoke and faints. Koki comes out to check gopi and finds gopi fainted and yells for everyone. All rush over there and try to wake her up. Finally gopi wakes up. Radha gets nervous and rashi finds this and doubts. Gopi says she was dizzy due to smoke. Koki scolds gopi for over working about the doll's marriage. Rashi says she has a doubt that someone is planning bad for gopi. 

At rajpal nagar, in the night urmi will be thinking whether her plan has worked or not. Madhu wakes up and asks urmi why isnt she sleeping. They hear kinjal's voice and rushes to kinjal's room. Kinjal says their bed has broken as its a old one. Madhu says it was done by urmi. Urmi defends herself that she hasnt done anything. Kinjal as well doubts urmi with madhu's words. Dhaval says he would sleep with jitthu and others. Urmi feels happy about it. 

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, koki sends gopi to practice for dance competition. After gopi leaves koki asks radha to come inside. At rajpal nagar, urmi will be thinking how to seperate kinjal and dhaval. Urmi finds kinjal going out of her room and gets inside. Urmi finds iron of shirt. Urmi keeps it on the shirt and its gets burnt. Dhaval finds it and seriously says to be careful. Urmi scolds kinjal for being careless. Urmi again says, how can kinjal take care of kids when she cant take care of dhaval's clothes only. Dhaval leaves from there saying he doesnt want to argue in the morning. Kinjal feels pissed off. 

At modi bhawan, ahem and jigar will be decorating hall with balloons. Koki asks jigar why is he decorating the hall with balloons. Jigar replies that as its a doll's marriage then the decoration as well should suit the kids. Koki hetal agrees and walks. Koki - hetal finds ahem filling glitters and chocolates in the balloons and asks why is he doing so. Ahem replies when kids blast the balloons then they get chocolates in them and feel happy. Radha who was watching them thinks of some plan and steals one balloon from the set. Later, savitha and her family arrives for sangeeth. Radha recalls that she has filled glass pieces in the big balloon. 

At rajpal nagar, madhu scolds urmi for not allowing kinjal-dhaval for having kids. But urmi in return yells at madhu not to interfere in their family matters. Jitthu comes there and finds the ladies arguing, he asks urmi not to fight all time. Urmi scolds him and leaves angrily. At modi bhawan, sangeeth starts. Jigar-rashi, hetal-chirag dance on saleme ishq song. Even koki dances. Then gopi-ahem, savitha and her family perform dance. While gopi is dancing near the glass filled balloon, radha tries to burst it but fails. Ahem and jigar gives chocolates to kids. Mira asks gopi to burst the balloon. Gopi tries bursting it, but radha bursts it. The glass pieces fall on gopi and she gets hurt. Ahem does the first aid to gopi. Koki wonder how glass pieces have come in the balloon. Ahem says he himself has filled the chocolates & glitters in them. Savitha and her family leaves. 

At rajpal nagar, kinjal asks urmi to sleep in her room. Urmi finds the main switch and tries to cut the wire of kinjal's room, but she gets current shock and yells. Kinjal-dhaval comes there. Kinjal hits urmi and saves her but urmi scolds kinjal for hitting her. Later, madhu doubts urmi's behavior and asks whats the matter but urmi finds kinjal and leaves from there. At modi bhawan, all the ladies have mehendi. Gopi asks radha to forget all her past and move on. 

Monday 20 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20th January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, koki scolds rashi for supporting savitha. At rajpal nagar, kinjal asks dhaval to think about kids as told by madhu. But dhaval says he will consider urmi's words as well. Kinjal gets angry with dhaval and he apologizes her. Dhaval promises that he would reconsider madhu's words. Urmi overhears this and thinks the kids issue has come in between the couple now. At modi bhawan, Jigar will be telling chirag that it was so funny going as a bhooth before tripti. Radha gets hyper and pours hot sambar on jigar's hand. Radha apologizes jigar and gopi for all her mistakes. Rashi says she will be forgiven by modis as they all are good at heart. Gopi hugs radha but she feels radha is hugging her tightly but doesnt matter it much. Urmi knocks kinjal's room, urmi says madhu is sleeping in her room and she couldnt sleep there as madhu was snoring so she wants kinjal to sleep with madhu. Kinjal walks to urmi's room as dhaval requests her. Kinjal finds madhu isnt snoring and thinks urmi was lying. 

At modi bhawan, gopi will be washing face in washroom and radha comes there with a knife in her hand but stops near the washroom door listening to someone's foot steps. Radha hides behind a curtain. Ahem comes with mira and lets her lie on bed. Ahem will be searching for some file and gopi gives it to him. Ahem hugs gopi and thanks her. Radha leaves from the room. Gopi feels that someone was there in the room till now but ahem says it was just her halozination. 

Urmi and rashi on phone discuss that modis have spent lot of money on doll's marriage. Rashi feels bad that no one remembers her birthday. Urmi asks rashi not to have expectations with modis. Next day, rashi will be excited for ladies sangeet. Savitha comes there and taunts modis to arrange the sangeet in a special way. So savitha suggests for a dance competition. Savitha leaves. Bha will be making fun that she would dance and make everyone lose. Radha comes there and finds all laughing and feels bad. Bha asks gopi whether she has heated her oil. Gopi says yes. Radha gets a plan and goes to kitchen and loosens the screws of the pan in which oil is getting heated. Gopi comes there and will be putting the oil in bowl, rashi comes there and takes away gopi from there and asks radha to do that work. 

At rajpal nagar, kinjal scolds urmi for lying that madhu was snoring. Madhu doubts that urmi was planning some thing and lied. Dhaval comes there. So urmi complaints dhaval about kinjal and leaves angrily. Here gopi requests ahem & rashi to jigar to participate in dancing competition with them on sangeeth. Both the husbands agree. Gopi says she would bring the dried clothes from outside and then would practice. Radha follows gopi. Gopi will be trying to take out a cloth which was stuck and radha tries to push her, but koki comes there and radha stops. Koki asks gopi to practice for dance competition after taking out the clothes. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 16th January 2014 Written Update

Radha apologizes gopi and gopi forgives her. Gopi gives koki all the credit as she has helped a lot. Koki says it was her responsibility and everyone has helped her. Urmi wonders that they were playing as a ghost to reveal the truth. At rajpal nagar, jayanth thanks jitthu for helping their daughters. Kinjal and urmi dashes and both argue about breaking the cups. Madhu says she has a plan to pacify the relation between kinjal and urmi. At modi bhawan, everyone will be having breakfast, gopi goes to call radha but she returns worried and tells radha isnt in her room. 

At rajpal nagar, urmi thanks god for helping her from umang's murder case. Urmi will be giving dhoop in the house and finds madhu-kinjal in kinjal's room and doubts what they are discussing about. Urmi gets a plan and yells. Kinjal and madhu rushes out. Madhu finds water on the floor and asks kinjal to clean it. Kinjal goes to kitchen. Urmi warns madhu not to give any stupid suggestions to kinjal or dhaval. But madhu says she would definitely talk about it to the couple. 

At modi bhawan, koki says radha might have gone to rajpal nagar. At the same time madhu calls gopi and asks about how is radha. Rashi gives a sigh to gopi not to say and rashi takes the mobile from gopi and tells madhu that she is taking rest in her room. In the market, urmi comes there for swami ji and finds out he was fraud. Urmi finds radha going to police station and guesses she might be going to meet tripti. Urmi thinks of informing rashi and calls her. Rashi hangs on the call and tells everyone that radha went to police station to meet tripti. 

In police station, tripti will be happy to see radha. Radha asks why she has cheated her and lied to her. Tripti defends herself and lies radha that ahem was playing a game and he did it to save gopi. And again says, as ahem hates umang he has done all this. Tripti again says modis would have been very happy now and they have no sadness for being widow. Ahem and jigar throws away all the trash of umang and tripti's out. Radha returns modi bhawan and finds umang's things out and gets hyper again. Radha comes inside. Gopi and rashi asks about where did she go. Radha angrily replies that she went to meet tripti in jail. Koki stops gopi following radha and asks her to leave alone for a while. 

Gopi comes to ahem who is playing with mira. Gopi thanks ahem for helping them. Ahem says he believes her and thought to help her as he wants to save her. Mira finds ahem-gopi's marriage pictures and asks ahem to arrange her doll's marriage. so ahem promises her that he will do it. Radha looks over this and thinks to spoil gopi-ahem's life as ahem has spoiled her life. 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 15th January 2014 Written Update

Neha comes to sammy and says pihu will be his right partner and he will be very happy with her. Priya comes there and asks sammy whether he and suhani had a relation before the engagement with pihu. Sammy agrees that he used to have a relation with suhani. Neha says it might be just a affair. Priya says the affair was so good that suhani got pregnant. Sammy wonders and rushes to suhani. Juhi comes to pihu's room and says pihu, because of suhani priya left her engagement and went behind suhani. Juhi again says priya might give more importance to suhani than her. Pihu says juhi is jealous and she is trying to poisoning her mind against priya as she has more importance than her. Pihu leaves angrily. 

Priya - neha comes back to the men. Priya says neha that sammy will reveal the truth to everyone. Pihu comes there and thanks priya for giving sammy. Here Sammy comes to suhani where khush will be pacifying suhani. Sammy blames khush that suhani is pregnant with khush's baby. Sammy and khush has an argument. Suhani defends khush so sammy thinks suhani is blaming him for khush's baby. Sammy leaves angrily. Sammy comes back to priya and everyone and says he and suhani had an affair. Priya says ram that suhani is pregnant with sammy's baby. Everyone shocks. Sammy yells again that he loved her but she has cheated me. Cady says suhani was with khush. Priya and neha wonders how she was cheating everyone. Cady says she was saving everyone's relation. Sammy says he cant take stand of suhani as she was been cheating him. Sammy once again yells that suhani is blaming him for someone else's child. Priya scolds sammy for talking rubbish. Ram says vikram to take away sammy before he hits him. Shergill's family leaves. Pihu gets hyper that no one has asked her decision before coming to some conclusion. Pihu leaves angrily.

At the car parking, vikram denies to come with them to home as he is frustrated with sammy's thinking. Vikram says he feels very disappointed as his child has a very low impression about women. And he cant separate sammy from his family as neha will be hurt. Vikram says sammy is a grown up guy and he cant bear him any more with his awful behavior. Vikram leaves in a cab. Rahul takes everyone home. 

Pihu will be crying in her room locked. Ram asks pihu to come out and talk to him but pihu denies. Priya says ram to leave her alone for a while. Juhi comes there with a milkshake and asks to open the door. Pihu opens the door and says juhi that she isnt interested to talk to anyone else and she would take care of herself. Pihu asks juhi to come in and locks the door. Ram priya leaves. Inside, pihu says sorry that she has ignored her many days. Juhi says she loves her a lot and she knows the pain of losing love. So she would definitely give a stand to her. 

In ram's room, priya explains ram that they would console pihu later and let she cry with juhi. And as a team they will work hard to convince her. If she marries sammy then pihu wouldnt be happy as sammy loves suhani. That might hurt her now but after few months she will be okay. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 15th January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, koki - gopi - rashi waiting for dhaval. Gopi finds someone moving towards tripti's room. So 3 ladies rush upstairs to record the matter. Here kinjal goes to modi bhawan. Dhaval finds no one near the entrance so he thinks of going upstairs from the pipe. Rashi assures koki that they both will record the truth from tripti. The ladies think of keeping tripti in her room only if not she will not be scared. Dhaval enters into tripti's room with a mask on his face. Tripti gets scared of him. Later 2 other men enter into tripti's room and all 3 start scaring her. Hetal - madhu - and other ladies who are near mandir listen tripti screaming and walk towards upstairs but kinjal comes there and asks whats happening. Radha hears tripti yelling and thinks of going upstairs but madhu stops her. Koki - gopi - rashi wonder who are these other 2 men who are scaring tripti. Hetal and urmi go upstairs and find 3 men and shocks. Tripti starts saying the truth that day she found that umang was leaving her with her new groom and run away with all the money. So she got angry and in their discussion she pushed him and he fell on a knife. Then he got killed. Tripti begs the 3 men not to kill her as she is his wife. Koki asks rashi to switch on the lights. Radha and everyone rush into tripti's room. All the 3 men open their masks. Its Ahem - jigar - dhaval. Rashi wonders how they got involved in this plan. Ahem says dhaval has called him and told about the plan so they both thought of helping him. Koki says now they have the actual killer before them and she would surrender her before police. Tripti shocks and tries to defend herself. Radha supports tripti . Koki shows the video and remains shocked. Tripti says she isnt umang's wife and they dint cheat them. Koki says she can bring all the families whom umang - tripti has cheated in the past. Radha couldnt believe them. Tripti says radha that they all want to trap her so they are blaming her and save gopi. Koki yells at tripti that she cant bear her anymore. Madhu yells at tripti that they have tried to ruin her children's life. Koki stops her and says tripti will be sent to police station. Koki drags tripti downstairs. Koki asks ahem to call police and asks them to come to modi bhawan. Tripti begs radha to save her. But radha yells how could she marry her husband for money and she was like a fool to believe her. Police arrive there. Koki gives the video recording to police and sends tripti with them. 

In jail, tripti poison's radha's mind that ahem has trapped her so that gopi would be saved. 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th January 2014 Written Update

 At modi bhawan, tripti will be worried that umang's ghost might be in modi bhawan and then walks off to her room from kitchen. Gopi says rashi that tripti isnt getting scared. Rashi says she has another plan in which they can scare her. At rajpal nagar, kinjal - urmi will be watching kids playing with kites and madhu worried sits on the stairs thinking. Radha calls madhu and says umang's ghost is trying to talk to her and rashi has heard his voice as well on mobile. Urmi hears this and gets scared. Madhu says radha that she would come there and meet her, Madhu hangs on the call. Kinjal scares urmi that umang's ghost might have come to take revenge on his killer. In this process he might kill her as well. 

At modi bhawan, all modis gather in open area to fly kites. Rashi requests jigar to fly a kite and jigar agrees. Koki asks radha to start over her life again. But radha goes to gopi and scolds her that she is enjoying festivals though she has killed her husband. Radha leaves from there angrily. Koki gives a sign to rashi, rashi throws a kite on tripti. Tripti finds some message on the kite, "Be careful because I am here". Tripti reads it and says herself that its impossible and walks off from there. Koki will be happy that their plan is getting success.

At rajpal nagar, urmi will be worried that umang's ghost might catch her and stay back. At modi bhawan, Koki will be worried that tripti isnt afraid yet. Rashi says in her next plan jigar or ahem should become umang's ghost. Here ahem gets a call from their lawyer that before gopi gets bail she has to go to jail at least once. Koki says rashi - gopi that there is a person who can help them to become umang's ghost. Koki calls dhaval and says that tripti is umang's killer and requests him to act as umang's ghost. Rashi and gopi also request him to help them. Dhaval agrees. Dhaval leaves to modi bhawan. 

At modi bhawan, rashi finds a remote car and gets a plan. madhu comes to modi bhawan. Radha says umang's ghost has come to modi bhawan to take revenge on the killer. Madhu says that umang's ghost would take revenge on real killer only. Tripti gets worried and says ghosts doesnt exist. Madhu and urmi says they would stay here for tonight. Suddenly power cuts by rashi. Gopi screams and all the ladies rush upstairs. Gopi says everyone that she has seen umang's ghost. Radha says he has come to take revenge on her. Tripti scolds radha. All of them go to read hanuman chalisa at mandir and go downstairs. Tripti will be tensed whether umang's ghost truly exist. She thinks of lighting a candle and walks inside, she finds two candles moving towards her. Tripti gets scared and rushes into her room. Rashi stops the remote car and shows koki that her plan has worked. 

Koki - rashi - gopi will be hiding aside in the room and will be recording. But there will be 3 ghosts scaring tripti. Koki and rashi wonders who are these 2 other ghosts scaring tripti. 

Monday 13 January 2014

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 13th January 2014 Written Update

Suhani & khush meets in the garden area. Suhani asks khush to cancel their engagement as she doesnt love him. Khush asks her to try once. Suhani says she is in love with someone else. Suhani says that sammy and she loves eachother but they have sacrificed because of the families happiness. Khush remains shocked. Suhani says khush not to tell this to anyone and leaves crying. Khush also cries. Here sid will be happy that khush is getting married. But juhi says ram-priya has overtaken his responsibility as khush parents. Juhi starts poisoning sid's mind against priya-ram. Sid remains thinking. 

Priya will be staring at khush & pihu's pictures, ram comes there and says kids have grown up so soon. Khush comes there and asks to postpone his engagement. Ram-priya asks to do it. But khush says he wants to have some identity before getting married. Khush says that he doesnt want to be known as someone's son or someone's husband so he wants to cancel it. Ram-priya agrees to it. Priya will be a bit upset.

Sammy's house and pihu will be busy in engagement works. Suhani will be crying and here sammy as well. But pihu will be happy. Ram-vikram-priya will be busy with all the engagement work. Khush accompanies suhani to console her. Neha returns back. Finally the engagement day comes. Kapoor mansion is fully decorated. Priya confirms from ram whether he has the rings. Ram assures as yes. Pihu fully ready & happy and sammy's family arrives kapoor mansion. Ram-priya will be upset so vikram-neha assures them that they would take care of pihu very well and its just a engagement and they are not taking away pihu now. Neha finds sammy upset and asks him to smile.

Later, neha comes to priya and suggests about beach marriage but finds priya crying. Priya says she is feeling like recently she got pregnant and now pihu is 22 years old and getting married now. Neha consoles priya that they 3 can shift to shergill's mansion or send sammy to kapoor mansion. Priya smiles. Mayra calls up groom's parents to dance. So neha-vikram dance. Next pihu-sammy dance. Suhani and khush will be looking at them from upstairs. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, koki, gopi, and rashi does surya namashkar and prays that they should succeed in revealing the truth that tripti is the real killer of umang. Koki says they should finish up all the work soon. Here in rajpal nagar, urmi will be excited about the pongal festival and kinjal scolds her that madhu is so sad and she is thinking about celebrating the festival. Urmi denies to stop the celebrations. Again at modi bhawan, koki says ahem - jigar that tripti - umang are a couple and tripti is the real killer of umang. So she needs their help to reveal the truth. Ahem - jigar agrees. Koki says they have only 24hours to save gopi as next day police comes to take back gopi to station. Rashi says she has a plan that they all will frighten tripti to reveal the truth from tripti. Ahem and jigar says its a stupid idea and ahem says he would talk to their lawyer and think some thing. Ahem and jigar leave. Koki gets another plan to get the truth.

At rajpal nagar, urmi will taunting madhu that she is so unlucky that she couldnt celebrate the festival. Madhu angrily says to celebrate the festival. At modi bhawan, koki - rashi goes to tripti's room and does some thing in radha's mobile and leave. At the dining table, koki - gopi - rashi finds radha - tripti coming and will be discussing about celebrating the kite festival. Radha - tripti comes there and yells at them for celebrating the festival. Koki explains radha to move on forgetting everything. All threesome give sigh to start their plan. Rashi and gopi will be calling each other and cut the calls. Koki wants to scare tripti that umang is calling them as a bhooth. Urmi calls rashi to know the hot news from modi bhawan, but rashi acts as if no one is speaking and finally yells "Umang!" and hangs on the call. Radha gets shocked. Rashi and gopi says that ghosts return back if their wishes arent fulfilled. Tripti denies their words. Radha gets scared and says if umang wants to talk then he would call her or tripti. Radha's mobile rings and shows its Umang. Radha leaves her mobile and breaks. Tripti says its not true and takes away radha from there. Rashi will be depressed that her plan has got flopped. Ahem - jigar comes there. Ahem says i have told you already that your plan is worst and leaves. 

Later, radha yells. All the ladies go to her room. Their radha finds sindoor on her mangalsutra and all over the floor. Radha will be scared and says umang might want to talk to her. Tripti explains radha that ghosts doesnt exist and there need not to be scared. Koki and radha will feel bad that tripti isnt scared. Rashi says theres no need to worry and they will excute their 3rd plan. 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 8th January 2014 Written Update

At rajpal nagar, madhu blames urmi that she has murdered umang. But urmi denies and says its gopi who has murdered umang. In dhawal's room, dhawal apologizes kinjal for trying to save the killer. Kinjal asks why he was trying to save the killer. Here in modi bhawan, in the night when everyone are sleeping, Gopi goes to koki's room and checks the wardrobes. She finds the finger prints and tries to tear a finger print. But koki switches on the lights and gopi gets worried and tensed. Koki walks to gopi and takes the finger print paper and finds its kinjal's finger prints. Rashi comes there. Koki says so she was saving kinjal till now. Koki says gopi that rashi and herself has planned this finger prints plan so that gopi will definitely try to destroy them, then they can know the real killer. Koki asks gopi to explain her what has happened on that day. Gopi starts saying, that day she has found kinjal coming out from umang's room angrily & crying. So she thought umang has troubled kinjal again. Gopi went to umang's room and scolded him. When she reached near by to umang she found a knife in umang's body. Gopi gets tensed and thought to save kinjal so she has taken the blame. Rashi feels bad that till now everyone were blaming her mother but actual killer was kinjal. Koki says she dint differentiate between a daughter and daughter-in law but she has to be strong now. Koki decides that kinjal has killed umang so she has to be punished. So koki decides to tell everything to police. Gopi pleads koki not to prove it and she wants to save kinjal. But koki denies. Gopi takes a promise from koki that she wouldnt reveal this truth before anyone. Koki agrees as she needs strength to bear the pain and says she would tell this truth to everyone in her family next day. Koki sends gopi with rashi. While closing the door koki finds tripti running away from her room. Koki suspects. Rashi calls urmi and tells her that kinjal was the real murderer. Urmi will be worried that kinjal hates her and she may murder her. 

In the night, urmi comes to kitchen where kinjal will be searching for a knife and thinks of finish off the work today (actually kinjal was thinking to cut the mosquito net). Urmi will be tensed that kinjal might kill her. Kinjal leaves. At modi bhawan, gopi pleads koki not to reveal the truth and she would save kinjal. But koki declines. Rashi supports koki. Rashi scolds gopi why she is very eager to go to jail, and they were planning to help her. Radha records this and tells the ladies that she would reveal this truth to police. Here urmi will be worried that kinjal might kill her. 

Radha goes to the window and calls the police to come in. But rashi drags her leg and makes radha fall. The mobile in radha's hand falls down and breaks. 

Friday 3 January 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd January 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, radha gets hyper looking at gopi and yells that she is a murderer and they should arrest her. Radha tries to kill gopi. Koki also gets hyper and scolds radha for her misunderstanding. Ahem defends gopi and yells at radha to leave modi bhawan. But radha says she and tripti wouldnt leave modi bhawan. But ahem again yells to leave. Koki says everyone that tripti - radha will stay in their house till they wish. Tripti - radha leave from there. Urmi - madhu as well leaves. 

Rashi in her room will be upset. Jigar comes there and says she shouldnt do something which can create problems for gopi. Jigar says when they were searching in the room they found a jhumka. Rashi thinks of talking to koki later as she is angry now. At rajpal nagar, madhu and urmi come home. Urmi will be worried about her jhumka. Urmi suddenly disappears from there.

Urmi in a burka comes to modi bhawan secretly. She finds the window of umang's room is closed. Urmi finds the pipe and thinks of going upstairs using this pipe only. Here ahem - koki will be discussing about radha sending out of modi bhawan. Koki explains ahem to support radha as she has become a widow and if she finds out that umang was a cheater then she would commit suicide. Ahem agrees. Koki asks ahem to take care of gopi - mira. Urmi finally reaches umang's room.

Koki will be thinking hard in her room. Urmi searches for her jhumka in the room and gets worried as she couldnt find it. Again urmi gets downstairs through the pipe but falls and makes sound. Koki hears the voice and doubts who was that. Urmi finds lights has switched on and rushes out. Koki finds a person's shadow and doubts who might be in this late night. Koki rushes but urmi leaves. Koki comes out and finds the flower pot broken and umang's room window was open. Koki thinks it was the murderer who has come to destroy all the evidence. 

Urmi comes back to her home. Madhu asks where did she go but urmi denies to answer and walks into her room. Urmi thinks destroying her another jhumka then there will be no evidence remained. Urmi takes her jhumka and goes outside. Urmi hides it in a flower pot, madhu observes this from upstairs. Urmi comes back and madhu goes to the flower pot and takes the jhumka. Madhu doubts why urmi has hid it in the flower pot. Madhu calls koki and informs her about urmi's odd behavior and hiding jhumka in the flower pot. Koki shocks. Koki asks madhu to bring the jhumka to modi bhawan next morning.

Next day, rashi thinks of asking koki about the jhumka. Madhu comes to modi bhawan where all modis present. Madhu shows the jhumka which urmi has hid in the flower pot. Koki finds the jhumkas are similar. Rashi shocks hearing this. Koki says urmi has murdered umang. Rashi tries to defend urmi but koki doesnt believe her. 

At rajpal nagar, urmi finds her jhumka is missing from the flower pot and gets tensed. Here koki says urmi has come to modi bhawan to take away her jhumka from the room and urmi's leg got hurt while rushing out. Everyone wonder why urmi has murdered umang. Koki calls kinjal and asks to bring urmi along with her to modi bhawan. Koki says rashi that gopi was saving urmi. 

Koki shows urmi her jhumka and asks why she has murdered umang. 

Thursday 2 January 2014

Which PIHU is cute?

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2nd January 2014 Written Update

Early morning, at kapoor mansion, priya gets a call from vikram. Vikram will be worried and tells that sammy hasnt come home yet and he was waiting for him since night. Ram - priya get worried but pacifies vikram that he will be fine. After hanging the call, mayra comes there and tells them that sammy has come. Both rush downstairs. Their they find sammy drunken state and pihu, khush and suhani beside him. Sammy tells ram - priya that his friends have forced him to drink. 

Later pihu finds sammy's hand is bleeding. Suhani recalls sammy breaking a bottle on his hand. Suhani will be worried for him but she holds back. Priya asks suhani to do the first aid. Suhani will be tensed as pihu will be giving tough looks at her. Finally pihu moves as priya insists her to allow suhani to first aid as she is a doc. Suhani with a depressed heart does the first aid. Priya - ram leaves asking sammy to take rest. Ram calls vikram and informs sammy is in kapoor mansion and he is drunk. 

Ram asks vikram to finish off pihu - sammy's engagement as early as possible. Vikram as well agrees. Ram asks vikram to come down to kapoor mansion to set an engagement date. Pihu brings orange juice for sammy, sammy acts before suhani as he says pihu that he has taken a right decision to marry her. Suhani leaves from there. Later, suhani finds sammy and asks khush to book tickets for a night show for them. Khush agrees. Sammy gets hyper. 

Ram - priya - vikram will be discussing about the engagement. Ram says at least 1000 guests will be attending. Later he cuts down to 300 as priya says its just an engagement. Pundit gives 9th jan for engagement. Ram books a marriage hall. But he feels its cheaper to buy one marriage hall than to take for a rent. Priya gets pissed off and leaves. 

Later priya scolds ram for thinking to spend 50 lakh rupees and buying a marriage hall. Ram tries to convince her that they need not book a marriage hall again for their kids marriages. Priya scolds and him and leaves. Ram will be confused whether she has agreed or not to buy the marriage hall. Later, sammy finds khush near the car and asks him whether he is going on a date with suhani. But khush says its not like that. Sammy asks khush whether they both are in love and khush replies that they are just friends. Sammy thinks of knowing the truth and confuses why suhani was lying about their relation. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2nd January 2014 Written Update

At police station, Rashi calls madhu and asks to bring some thing without saying about it to koki. Ahem comes there and asks her to leave but rashi says she would stay there. At rajpal nagar, madhu goes out so urmi thinks of finishing her work now and leaves. At modi bhawan, koki will be leaving with jigar to police station, radha & tripti comes there. Radha says everyone that she and tripti wanna take revenge on everyone by staying in modi bhawan as gopi has killed her husband. Koki agrees them to live in modi bhawan. Jigar will be worried but koki assures him that she is doing this with some plan. Madhu comes to police station. Madhu takes out a medicine and rashi mixes it in the curry.

Rashi and madhu in police station, rashi says the constable that gopi doesnt eat outside food on tuesday so they brought food for her. The lady agrees. Ahem feeds gopi and later asks her to take rest. Rashi and madhu will be worried as the medicine isnt having any reaction. After few minutes gopi starts having fits. Rashi asks the inspector to send gopi to hospital. They agree and take her to hospital. 

Urmi comes to modi bhawan and inquires about koki and others. Urmi thinks of finishing her work as koki isnt at home. Koki - jigar reaches police station and finds gopi missing in the jail. The police inspector tells koki that she was taken to a hospital as she was suffering with fits. At the hospital, doc treats gopi and says she will be normal in sometime. Koki comes there. Rashi calls doc outside and requests him to talk to gopi's personal doc joshi. Doc joshi says the doc on phone that she should be kept at home for better improvement. Police say modis that they can take gopi home but under police watching her.

At modi bhawan, urmi tries to go upstairs and take her jhumka but nani stops her. All reach home along with gopi and police. Ahem takes gopi to their room. Urmi as well goes upstairs and finds umang's room locked and sealed. Koki and inspector come there and asks why is she here? Urmi says she hasnt touched the lock. And inspector asks her no one should try to open the room.

Later inspector leaves modi bhawan with one constable there. Koki scolds rashi for giving fits medicine to gopi. Madhu admits before koki that she too was involved in that. Koki scolds rashi not to do as her wish with gopi. All the ladies while leaving the room find radha outside and remains shocked. 

Madhu finds urmi hiding a jhumka in a flower pot and informs about it to koki.
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