Monday 17 November 2014

Yeh Hai Mohabattein 17th November 2014 Written Update

Ishu is still upset about the incident and couldnt sleep. Raman finds ishu upset and gets angry with ashok. Ishu remembers the humiliation done by ashok and param, cries. Toshi comes to ishu's room and finds ishu crying. Toshi asks what has happened. Ishu cries and explains. Toshi gets angry and thinks raman will never leave her now. Vandhu-romi in hospital, romi says he is fine and no need of check up. Doc tells romi is fine. Romi-vandhu leaves. Sarika thinks herself that romi isnt well now and would learn how it will be when he takes a wrong report. Raman goes to shagun and yells why she has sent the wrong address. Shagun defends herself that she told milka to bring her to the party. Raman says the message has come from her mobile. Shagun says her mobile has a password to open the mobile. Raman asks whether aadhi knows the password. Aadhi hears raman yelling at shagun and walks off from there. Here at ashok's place, aadhi comes to param and tells raman is doubting him now and he is angry. Param says aadhi that though he tells that param has sent the message no one believes him and raman will definitely scold him. Aadhi will be scared and leaves from there. 

Shagun defends herself that she hasnt done this. Milka believes her. But raman yells at shagun that he wouldnt leave aadhi if he has done the mistake. Raman leaves. Mihir yells at shagun for her wrong upbringing. Mihir remembers that rajeev has planned before and sent him to bring some alchol. Mihir thinks of telling to raman but milka stops him and asks him to tell raman later as he needs to take care of ishu. Milka thinks of revealing ashok's true intentions before shagun so that she doesnt marry him. Simi in her room, Simi doubts param has done all this fuss with well planning. Simi calls param and asks about how did ishu come to the bachelor party. Param admits that he has messaged using shagun's mobile. Param again says ishu-raman has insulted him very badly so he has planned this revenge. Simi cries and says why he should do and she has believed him. Simi again says he should be thankful to raman-ishu but he is taking revenge on them. Param says raman has manuplated her and hangs on the call. Later, raman will be waiting for aadhi outside the house. Aadhi comes back. Raman yells at aadhi that he has become an evil living with shagun. Aadhi says raman that shagun got hurt because of ishu, ishu has stolen ruhi from him, always scolds shagun and raman has never cared for him and never felt how he feels about him. Aadhi yells at raman that he doesnt treat him as his father and wanted no relation with him and he will be hurting ishu and he is ready to go jail for his mother. Raman will be shocked listening to aadhi. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th November 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, pari comes to radha and finds radha worried and feels happy. Pari calls radha to come downstairs as modis wanted to talk to her about urmi's death. Koki tells radha that they have decided to call police and arrest her because of urmi's death. Radha pleads koki that not to make her arrest. Koki says radha that she has tried to kill her in jigar's party so she might have planned to kill urmi. Radha pleads bha, gopi, hetal not to make her arrest. But no one supports her. Radha pleads everyone that she is pregnant and they shouldnt hurt the baby atleast. Modis start acting that they are worried about the baby and decides not to make her arrest. But koki says radha that she has to obey her rules if not they would make her arrest. Radha accepts to obey them. Hetal tells 1st rule that she would not try to hurt to her baby, 2nd rule: not to hurt mira, vidya and tolu-molu, 3rd rule: she should respect everyone in the family, 4th rule: to stay out of jigar. Later, koki-gopi-pari brings healthy laddus for radha but she rejects to eat. Koki warns radha to listen to them if not she will be arrested. Pari forces radha to eat the bitter laddu as she has forced mira to eat the chilly powder. 

Here shah family come back to their home. Kinjal and all tells urmi to stay at home for 9months so that their plan would be successful. Urmi rejects to stay at home. Kinjal locks the main door. Urmi says everyone that she wouldnt eat or move away from the door. Kinjal calls gopi. Gopi pleads urmi to listen to them. Gopi will be talking to urmi on mobile in her room, radha passes from the room and hears gopi talking to someone. Gopi finds radha near her room door, and acts as if she is talking to kinjal and feeling bad about urmi's death. Radha hears gopi talking and thinks she is talking to kinjal and leaves. 

Radha thinks of kicking pari out of the modi house. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya Weekly Update : 10th to 15th November 2014

Pari tells modis that she has a plan to keep radha under their control. Gopi-koki and all agree as radha started troubling kids. Jigar shares the good news of his new business under the name of rashi. Modis plan to keep it secret from radha as she might spoil their party. Pari-mehta plan scare radha to kill her by taking radha to temple. Radha will be scared and rejects to come along with modis to temple. But urmi comes to modi bhawan and informs radha that modis have gone to party. Jigar gets insulted in the party as the other officers laugh at him as he has married pari after 3months of his wife's death. Radha as well goes to the party. Radha plans to tell everyone in the party about her pregnancy. But koki spoils her plan by asking radha to apply lipstick before going on to the stage but gives a glue stick. By that radha's lips get stuck and couldnt talk. Later, radha and urmi gets into an argument. Radha makes mira to eat chilly powder as to take revenge with modis. Koki and her gang plan to keep radha calm now. Pari tells everyone about her plan to make someone get killed in radha's hands so that they can blackmail radha. Modis think of implementing this plan with urmi. Pari-gopi plead urmi to help them but she rejects. Kinjal agrees to help modis. Pari keeps a stick in a flower pot and provoke radha to hit her. While radha taking out of the stick from the flower pot, the pot slips and falls on urmi who walks in. Modis continue their plan as urmi is dead by radha's hands. Modis convince radha that urmi is dead. Modis finish the cremation. Radha will be scared that urmi's spirit might take revenge on her. 

Yeh Hai Mohabattein 13th November 2014 Written Update

Raman brings milk for ishu and asks her to sleep on bed for today. Ishu drinks milk and thanks raman. Raman says he should indeed thank her. Ishu asks raman to talk to mihir and ask him not to break his relation with shagun as after a long time they both got together. Raman replies ishu that now mihir is angry with shagun though she hasnt done any mistake this time. Both get to bed, after a while, raman finds ishu sleeping and sits beside her. Raman feels bad for ishu and gets back to bed. Raman will be thanking ishu for all the help she has done for his family till now. Here suraj and param will be happy about ishu's situation. Param tells today they would celebrate the bachelor party. Suraj says param that he would make ashok happy by insulting ishu in the party. Suraj says he would plan something so that ishu comes to the party. Here milka comes to ishu to apologize her. Ishu says she has done nothing, aadhi has to be taken care. Milka tells ishu that shagun has come to apologize. Ishu meets shagun, shagun apologizes ishu and invites ishu for her hen's party. Ishu denies but shagun insists. Ishu remembers raman's words that he isnt willing to attend any of shagun's functions anymore. Shagun insists so ishu agrees. Raman explains mihir in office that he shouldnt break his relationship with shagun as its effecting his kids. 

Aadhi will be playing basket ball and remembers how he got insulted because of ishu. Param comes there. Param explains aadhi that ishu is the main reason for all this fuss. She has provoked raman so that he hurts shagun. And she has seperated his family as well. Param again tells aadhi that now he will help him to get revenge with ishu. Aadhi agrees to help. Param tells aadhi that he has to message ashok's bachelor party's address from shagun's mobile so that ishu comes there and gets insulted by them. Aadhi brings the mobile, param sends the message. Param informs suraj that he has succeeded in the plan. Here at milka's house, ishu comes there. Milka asks ishu to come along with them but ishu tells she would directly come there. Shagun calls milka to come fast. So she leaves. Ishu gets the address msg from shagun. Ishu will be confused how and why she should attend this hen's party. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th November 2014 Written Update

At urmi's house, pari comes there to seek urmi's help. Urmi denies and drags her out of the house. But gopi helps pari and explains urmi that radha is troubling them and as well kids. Urmi again rejects. Gopi seeks help from urmi for the sake of tolu-molu. Pari explains the plan about fake dying. Urmi gets angry and rejects to help. Urmi closes the door. Kinjal also pleads urmi to help but she denies. At modi bhawan, radha finds ladies in hall and thinks now modis will not dare to trouble her anymore. Gopi-pari come back home. Ladies will be upset that urmi has rejected to help them.  Kinjal comes there. Kinjal says everyone that she would help them as urmi is rejecting to help. Pari takes them to the balcony, and explains the plan that daily radha applies oil to her hair and takes sun bath in the morning. So that time pari will provoke radha and makes her drop the plant pot to fall. At the same time kinjal will be ready with fake blood on her head and acts as if she is dead. So they can trap radha in a murder case. Modis decide to impliment this plan as they need to get rid of radha forever. Urmi finds kinjal has gone to modi bhawan to help modis. But urmi will be angry that how could she go to modis to help when she has rejected to help. Urmi says she would go to modis. Here pari places few marbles under the flower pot and keeps the pot loose. Modis will be ready for the plan. Modis already fixes a cc camera near the balcony. Radha will be applying oil in the balcony. Pari goes to radha and starts provoking. Pari provokes radha that she will be considering her as an affair but not wife. In the warenda, urmi finds kinjal and starts scolding her for coming here to help modis. Urmi gets hyper and drags kinjal to take her away. Pari challenges radha to hit her. Radha takes out a stick from the flower pot and will be ready to hit pari. But the pot hits urmi and she gets fainted. All get shocked looking this. 

Gopi scolds radha for killing urmi.

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th November 2014 Written Update

Urmi at her home, holding rashi's picture cries, and tells that after she has passed away jigar has got married to pari and now radha is back in modi bhawan and she is pregnant with jigar's baby. And urmi will be upset as she couldnt keep her promise about she taking care of tolu-molu. Kinjal finds urmi crying and consoles her. Radha asks koki to prepare the rotis for her after grinding from chakki herself. Pari gets angry and scolds radha. Radha says her baby that modis arent fulfilling her wishes and drinks poison. Gopi-hetal gets worried for radha. But radha tells the ladies that she hasnt done anything yet but she will kill her baby if they dont listen to her. Finally koki agrees. Urmi calls tolu-molu and asks whether they are fine. Kids assure urmi that they are fine. Kids say that radha asked koki to gring wheat using chakki. Urmi feels happy and tells koki is worth for this torture from radha. Koki who was passing by hears this phone call conversation and takes the call. Koki warns urmi not to teach nonsense to her kids. Urmi says she would laugh at her as she too has tortured her in the past. Later, in the night, mehta tries killing radha using chakki but pari stops him and takes him away. Pari apollogizes radha who got scared of this. Pari promises she would bring another chakki for her and says mehta sleep walks and as he was in pressure about this chakki, he tried to throw it on her. Radha gets scared of it. Koki gets ready to grind wheat using chakki, but radha stops her and asks she need not do that. Radha leaves. Koki asks pari whether it was her plan. Pari says koki that she cannot see radha troubling her in any way. Kids come downstairs to go to school. Gopi-koki-pari finds mira some what tensed and asks about it. But mira denies the question and leaves to school. Later, gopi gets a call from mira's school teacher telling mira cried in school without any reason. Kids come back home. Radha as well come downstairs. Pari takes kids to her room saying she wanted to show their family pics on fb. All the kids and ladies gather in pari's room. Pari says everyone that she cannot ask anything before radha so she brought everyone here. Gopi slowly asks mira about the problem, after a while, mira tells that radha has warned her that she would kill her if she doesnt listen to her and radha has slapped her. Ladies will be angry about radha's behavior towards kids. Pari asks everyone to be calm and she has a plan to solve this problem. All ladies agree to help pari. 

Later, radha recieves few wedding invitations through post. Radha says now she would atted these marriages and insult modis there. Modis says if they doesnt attend the marriage then no one cares about radha's nonsense. Jigar gets a call that his new business on the name of rashi has been approved and they have a party for all his family members. Jigar happily hangs on the call. Jigar shares this news with pari. Pari congratulates jigar and hugs him. Pari says she would gather all the family in bha's room to share this news. In bha's room, jigar shares this good news to everyone. Pari offers jigar to have some sweet, jigar forcly has some. Pari hugs and kisses jigar. Jigar invites everyone to party and leaves. All the gents leave. Pari says they have to plan properly and do not let radha to know about this good news. Radha comes there to find out whats happening. Pari finds radha at door and asks ladies to give her a position in their house other than radha, but ladies doesnt agree. Radha hears this and feels happy. Pari leaves angrily from there. Later, mehta-pari acts before radha that they would take modis to temple and kill radha over there. Radha gets scared and thinks of avoiding. Kinjal shares the news about jigar's new business with urmi, but she will be angry as modis havent invited her. 

Urmi comes to modi bhawan and asks about koki to radha. Radha tells they went to mandir. But urmi tells radha that they have gone for some party. Urmi tells the address of the party and leaves. 

Thursday 6 November 2014

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 6th November 2014 Written Update

At shagun's mehendi function, simi finds param and meets him. Param lies to simi that he has returned last night and busy with work so couldnt call her. But simi finds out that param was in the city since 7days. Ashok taunts raman that they both are sharing wife, kids and all raman has shared. Ishu asks ashok not to get into a fight and spoil shagun's mood. Ruhi will be getting bored so she thinks of finding her brother but goes to suraj's room and hangs on the video call. Suraj yells at ruhi. Ruhi comes out crying and dashes to shagun who was talking to ashok. Ashok-shagun yells at ruhi. Shagun raises hand to slap ruhi but ishu comes there and stops her. Ishu scolds shagun that ruhi is her daughter and she has no right to scold or slap her. Shagun taunts ishu that she dint give birth to ruhi but defending her. Ishu taunts back that though shagun has given birth to ruhi she never treated as her daughter or loved her properly. Ishu-raman takes away ruhi from there. Ishu feels bad for ruhi that she has forced ruhi to attend shagun's functions but now she got yelled. Ruhi comes there and consoles ishu that shagun would never scold her now as ishu mom will be always there to protect her and they all would attend the remaining functions. Shagun cries before aadhi that ishu has spoiled her mehendi function. Aadhi will be angry with ishu that she has insulted his mom and he should take revenge. Later, mihir asks raman's help as he has forgot to call choreographer. Raman asks mihir to invite ayyars and provoke them so that bhallas also dance along. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th November 2014 Written Update

Pari spoiling Radha's plans

Modi Ladies find radha in garden. Their Radha will be talking to her baby that modis arent accepting so she is eating papaya to get aborted. Gopi stops radha eating papaya. Pari comes there and starts feeding radha. Pari says as radha is eager to have papaya to abort the baby and moreover she found on internet that baby cannot be aborted by eating orange colored other than kaccha papaya. Pari warns radha not to play these stupid tricks before them. Later, urmi calls gopi and apologizes for not taking care of her properly when she was with them. Thats the reason now her deeds reflecting on her. Now radha is troubling her gandkids. Gopi consoles urmi and assures she would take care of tolu-molu ever. Pari explains all the ladies that radha would never abort the baby as its more important to radha to blackmail them. They hear water sound and come out. They find radha washing clothes on hand. So pari brings few more clothes and tells radha that its better to work during pregnancy for safe delivery. Koki also supports pari. Pari once again warns radha not to make them fools. Ladies leave from there and radha thinks of another plan. 

Later, radha tries dusting the lights, gopi feels sympathise for radha. But again pari says everyone that radha is acting. Radha acts as if she is feeling giddy. Gopi asks radha to stop this, radha says everyone that they have to accept the baby. Koki agrees to accept the baby. Radha drinks water. Pari 
asks koki not to accept the baby as radha is bluffing them. Koki says though radha is acting but they cannot allow to harm the baby. Pari gets upset and leaves from there. Later, pari will be browsing about how to get rid of another woman in between husband-wife. Radha comes there and throws away pari's luggage and keeps her clothes in the cupboard. Pari scolds radha and throws away radha's clothes and keeps hers. Again radha does the same. Radha says she is the mother of jigar's baby so she has more rights on the room. Jigar comes there. Radha says jigar that she was decorating their room. Jigar tells pari to share his room and let radha use her room. Jigar again tells pari that he has married her and should take care of her in all the problems. Pari will be happy and impressed with jigar's words. Radha will looking at them angrily. Jigar takes away pari from there. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th November 2014 Written Update

Radha pregnant with Jigar's baby. 

At modi bhawan, koki will be worried about what radha would do now. Door bell rings, gopi opens the door. Savitha comes inside and asks gopi to switch on the tv. Gopi does. Modis come downstairs listening to the news about jigar's first night video will be revealed in the night news. Modis shock. Savitha scolds modis and leaves. Koki scolds radha for giving the video to the tv channel. Modis start scolding radha. Radha feels dizzy and tells everyone about that. Modis scold radha that she is acting. Ahem talks to the tc channel head and tells them not to telecast the jigar's video. Radha faints. Gopi sprinkles water and wakes her up. Gopi takes her to room. Doc checks radha and says she is fine but she is pregnant. Modis remain shocked. Doc asks radha to consult a gynic. Radha says modis to be good to her as she has given a good news. Modis say radha that they will never accept her nor the baby into their family. Pari walks away from there angrily. Radha determines herself to make modis to accept her baby by using their sentiment. Hetal feels bad as jigar's life is in twists. Koki consoles hetal that there will be a way for every problem and they have khana ji's support so they need not worry about anything. Pari will be crying as she got married to jigar but had no happiness in her married life. Mehta comes there and consoles pari that she should be strong enough. Gopi will be upset before khana ji about this problem. Radha walks there and acts as if she wants to abort the baby. Next day, kinjal tells urmi that radha is pregnant with jigar's baby. Urmi gets hyper and scolds kinjal about her family. Kinjal asks urmi to admit the truth. Jigar will be upset about all the problems in his life. Ahem tries to console him. Tolu-molu come to jigar and asks why is he crying. Jigar hugs them and remains silent. Ahem tells kids that jigar is missing rashi and he got upset. Kids takes jigar to his room as ahem tells them. Urmi will be upset that she has troubled gopi before marriage so now he is troubling tolu-molu. Later, modis will be having lunch, Pari asks modis that she has no place in their house. Hetal consoles pari. Gopi comes there, Gopi says koki that radha isnt in her room, and in the night she was talking to some doctor about abortion. All ladies search for radha in all the rooms but doesnt find her. 

Radha will be talking to her baby that modis arent accepting so she is eating papaya to get aborted. 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th November 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, pari comes to kids and explains them that radha is troubling jigar and all others alot so they should help her to get rid of radha from house. Mira will be in confusion to help or not. Pari again says mira that radha has kidnapped her and kept away from modis for 6 years so radha might do something this time as well. Kids agree to help pari. Kids go to radha and start troubling her. Radha gets irritated and runs after them to hit them with her sandal. Pari records this in her smartphone. Tolu sprays deo in radha's eyes. Radha washes her face. Radha grabs mira and warns her to keep distance with her if not she would do the same as she has done during mira's childhood. Radha about to hit mira, gopi comes there and stops radha. Gopi slaps radha and warns to stay away from her kids. Modis gather in hall. Tolu says koki that radha was trying to hit them with her sandal. Gopi again says radha not to dare to hit them. Koki-ahem-jigar scold radha. Radha taunts gopi that kids are misbehaving with elders so she was teaching lesson. And from now she would take care of her kids tolu-molu. Radha again says tolu-molu that very soon they will get another brother/sister to play with them. Gopi scolds radha to talk rubbish before kids. Radha says kids that now she is her mother and they have to accept the truth. Radha leaves from there. Kids asks gopi whether radha was saying the truth? Gopi convinces kids that radha is lying with them and they need not worry about her. 

Pari comes to radha and says she has to leave modi bhawan. Radha wonders why. Police arrive at modi bhawan and asks for radha, Police tells radha that some kids have complained that she was hitting them with sandal so she will be arrested. Modis look on calmly. Radha asks for proof against her. Gopi-ahem says yes she has hit the kids. Pari calls kids. Modis will be worried looking at the kids as they will be in bruises and marks. Pari shows the video to police. Police say they would arrest her now. Radha tries hitting kids, but they rush to their parents. Radha asks police to check the marks. Police check and find out that kids have applied makeup. Police says they cant arrest radha now. Koki apologizes police and they leave. Gopi-jigar insists kids who has guided them to do this. Kids show pari. Koki scolds pari guiding kids in a wrong way. Pari says radha hates kids and was trying to hit them. Gopi says she has repeated the same again. Radha warns pari and others that she will show the reaction for this incident. Radha leaves from there. Jigar warns pari not to guide kids in a wrong way if not he would throw out of the house. Later, gopi-koki will be working near dining table. Koki will be worried what radha would do now. 

Savitha asks gopi to switch on the tv. They find a trailer of jigar's first night. Modis remain shocked. 

Monday 3 November 2014

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein 3rd November 2014 Written Update

Milka says ishu that she is hot and raman was just kidding with her. Raman buys a dress for ishu along with mihir. Shagun comes to the same shop and selects the same dress which raman has selected for ishu. The shop keeper says shagun that raman has bought that dress. At raman's house, ishu will be confused what to wear for shagun's cocktail party. Mrs ayyar says ishu to wear a dress as raman wishes. Toshi-ayyar-bhalla will be upset as they are missing their colony shor. Ayyar suggests that they should go for a movie as they are getting bored. Romi says he too will come along with them. Romi says he would book tickets online. Simi thinks of talking to sarika. Simi calls to sarika's home and sarika's mom scolds simi not to worry about sarika anymore. Shagun comes to raman in the shop, Shagun thanks raman for buying the outfit for her. Raman clears shagun that its for ishu but not for her. Shagun taunts raman that ishu cannot wear a backless dress. Shagun asks raman to gift her as her marriage gift but he denies. Shagun acts cute but raman denies to give her. Raman gives the dress to ishu and asks to wear in shagun's cocktail party. Ishu says the dress is pretty but she cant feel comfortable in it so she would wear a saree. Raman warns ishu not to wear saree in the party, throws his coat and leaves. Ishu finds a bill of 15 lakhs necklace in the pocket and wonders how can raman spend 15lakhs for his ex-wife. Milka comes to ishu and says ishu that shagun is emotionally blackmailing her that she should get the same dress which raman has gifted her. Milka will be so irritated. 

Here raman reaches the cocktail party along with mihir. Raman says mihir that ishu will be looking stunning in that blue dress. Ishu arrives to the party in a saree. Mihir gives compliments to ishu and leaves from there as raman was angry. Raman scolds ishu for not wearing the dress. Ishu says she is pretty in the saree as well. Raman-ishu will be arguing funnyly and there comes shagun in the blue dress. Raman will be shocked looking at shagun. Ishu gets a call and leaves from there. Shagun comes to raman and taunts that ishu cant wear the dress and ishu has begged her to wear the dress. Raman gets hyper. Shagun says raman to thank ishu for gifting the dress. Shagun leaves. Ishu comes to raman and thinks raman looking so hot and she has to handle him all night. Raman scolds ishu for gifting the dress to shagun and now shagun is looking stunning. Ishu asks raman not to praise his ex-wife before her. Raman again says shagun is hot in that dress. Milka comes to the party in a dress, again raman taunts ishu that even milka has come in a dress and looking beautiful. Ashok also arrives there. Mihir-ashok comes to milka. Ashok says mihir that milka is looking beautiful and he should take care of her. Suraj comes there and takes away ashok from there. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd November 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, radha tells all the ladies that its all true and they need not worry about it. Radha again says she can even show their mating video to confirm it. Gopi scolds radha for talking so low with the person whom she used to refer as brother. Radha gives an evil smile and leaves. Urmi dreams radha troubling tolu-molu and gets scared that her dream might come true. Urmi calls jigar, gopi will be walking to kitchen but hears phone ringing and finds its from jigar's room and goes inside. Jigar will be upset watching rashi's picture. Gopi takes the call. Urmi will be worried about tolu-molu. Gopi assures she would take care of tolu-molu and hangs on the call. Gopi consoles jigar. They hear some songs playing in the house and rushes out. Modis gather in hall because of the sound. Modis finds radha doing aarthi to khana ji. Koki gets angry but gopi stops her and says they shouldnt scold her as she feels provoked with this. Pari remains calm as radha has blackmailed her that she would reveal all her secrets before modis. Savitha and other neighbors come to modi bhawan and scold koki for playing songs with high volume. Koki apologizes and savitha leaves. Koki scolds radha for troubling everyone with her behavior. 

Radha says koki to bless her but she denies. Radha asks koki how about uploading herself-jigar's mating video on FB then their name & fame will be ruined forever. Jigar gets angry and yells at radha to upload wherever she wants. Koki yells at radha that they arent scared of her and she can do anything she wants. Koki again says pray khana ji to give a pure mind as gopi. Koki asks everyone not to bother her and everyone to leave. Next day, pari will be stressed and will be having chocolate. Mehta comes there, pari says she cannot do anything as radha would reveal her plan before modis and they would drag her out. Mehta says radha is very intelligent and they should plan very carefully. Mehta thinks of a plan against radha using tolu-molu. Later, gopi gives medicines to jigar and asks not to have stress. Radha comes there and tells gopi-jigar that she has added poison in water which jigar had. Gopi gets scared and calls out for everyone. Modis get worried for jigar, but radha says everyone that she was just kidding with them. Hetal gets hyper and yells at radha to tell what she wanted. Radha gives an evil smile and says she has shown a 
trailer that what else can she do. Radha leaves. Koki determines to kick radha out of the house. 

Pari requests kids to help her to kick out of the house.

Tele Actors who got married in 2014

Krathika Sengar & Nikitin Dheer:
Krathika who got popular through Jhansi Ki Rani and Punar Vivah daily soaps and Nikitin popularly known as Thangabali of Chennai Express have fallen for each other and tied a knot in September 4th. The couple got hitched through Nikitin's dad Pankaj Dheer. Pankaj himself have introduced Nikitin to Krathika.

RanVijay Singh:
The rough and handsome hunk RanVijay tied knot to Priyanka Vohra on April 10th of this year. RanVijay has shared this news through Twitter and viewers can watch his wedding video on Youtube. 

Rakshanda & Sachin Tyagi:
The couple met through a dance show in 2008 and dating officially since then. The couple finally tied knot on March 15th 2014.

Jay Soni & Pooja Shah:
Jay soni who got popularity through the daily soap Sasural genda phool has tied knot with Pooja shah who is designer. Though its an arranged marriage Jay looks completely in love with pooja. They got married on Feb 18th.

Deepika Singh & Rohit raj:
Deepika most popularly known as Sandhya rati of Diya aur Baati has tied her knot with the show director Rohit raj on May 2nd. Deepika's parents have decided the marriage after meeting Rohit in their elder daughter's marriage.

Anitha Hassanandani:
Anitha popularly known as Shagun of Yeh hai Mohabattein has tied knot to a business man on October 14th 2013 in Goa.

Yet to get married couple:
Divyanka Tripati:
Divyanka Aka Ishitha of Yeh hai mohabattein is getting married to her longtime boyfriend Sharad Malhotra of Banoo main teri dulhan show. The couple started dating offscreen since then and now taking it to another level in December 2014. 

Rucha Hasabnis:
Rucha Aka Rashi Modi of Saath Nibhana Saathiya has got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Rahul. The couple yet dint decide the date of marriage. 
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