Friday 28 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 28th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, madhu says she cannot allow her second daughter's life as well spoil in modi family and blames koki that she has never treated gopi as her daughter and she has treated as just daughter-in-law. Koki feels bad. Radha defends koki and says she has agreed to the marriage and she is willing to become a family member of modis. They have helped her to become normal after umang has died and she feels guilty about the mistakes she has done towards gopi. Koki again says she was trying to call her but it wasnt connecting and she cannot do this marriage without her permission. Radha also pleads madhu to agree for the marriage. Madhu says radha that she is making a blunder mistake and she cannot take back. Madhu leaves angrily from there and koki as well walks off. 

Tolu-molu-pappu find jigar-ahem hasnt come and asks driver whats the matter. Driver gives his mobile and tolu calls jigar. Jigar apologizes tolu saying that some one at office wasnt well so they came to admit him in hospital. Tolu angrily hangs on the call. Gopi comes to tolu and says kids should respect elders and never talk harshly with them. Vidya gets upset and starts crying. Pappu promises vidya that they will plan a big surprise for her later. Gopi asks vidya not to cry and asks why is she crying where tolu-molu are fine. Vidya says gopi that she wanna say something. But tolu-molu stops her. Tolu-molu-pappu takes vidya aside and explains her that they will bring ahem one day and give gopi a big surprise. Vidya agres. The kids leave. 

Kids happily reach home. All the elders will be happy. Rashi will be waiting to hug them but the kids rush to bha and touch her feet to take blessings. Kids take blessings from all the elders. All of them will be surprised with their behavior. Kinjal wonders as pappu is with tolu-molu. Tolu-molu says they all are friends now. Kids say everyone is because of their pari (gopi) teacher. Kids say that they have changed now. Kids asks why they have called them here. Koki says ahem is marrying radha. Kids get upset. Pappu say loudly that this marriage shouldnt happen. All 3 kids say together that they disagree to the marriage. Urmi supports the kids. But hetal defends that they are just kids and they shouldnt bother. Even kinjal-rashi argue about this. Kinjal leaves. 

Ahem says kids that he would talk to vidya but tolu-molu asks ahem to promise that he wouldnt marry radha.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th February 2014 Written Update

At hostel mandir, pappu and vidya will be discussing about why vidya hasnt talked to gopi about her father. Vidya replies that she dint get time to ask gopi. Tolu-molu comes there and gives a mobile to vidya and asks her to talk to ahem. Tolu dials ahem's number and asks him to talk to vidya. Ahem agrees. Vidya addresses ahem as ahem ji. Ahem recalls that its similar as gopi calls him. Vidya says she is very happy to talk to him. Vidya says she has found out something in the night. But tolu drags the mobile from vidya and disconnects. Tolu scolds vidya that they cant say anything to ahem as he gets angry very soon. Vidya defends her father that he is very sweet. Tolu doubts gopi was upset as ahem will be very angry with everyone. Tolu-molu say that when their mom has raised gopi's name then koki has scolded them. Tolu doubts koki is very angry with gopi and they need to find out the reason. Their sir comes there and takes away his mobile and scolds the kids not to take his mobile again. At modi bhawan, Hetal asks jigar to bring kids home for ahem's marriage. At hostel mandir, Gopi comes there and vidya hugs her. Vidya says she is so happy today. Gopi says tolu-molu-pappu that they are going home today as they have some function at home. Gopi leaves. Vidya says she wants to meet ahem. Tolu says they will insisit their father to bring ahem along with him. Vidya feels happy that she gonna meet her father.

At modi bhawan, rashi calls urmi and says that she should plan something that they should stop this marriage. After rashi disconnects, urmi asks kinjal whether she wants ahem to get married to radha. Kinjal says ahem's life has got so many twists and turns atleast now his life should be fine with khana ji's blessings. Jigar will be waiting for ahem to go to hostel. Jigar says that tolu-molu wants to bring ahem too as their friend vidya wants to meet him. Koki wonders why ahem has developed love for some one else's child. Ahem comes there and both leave. At gopi's room, vidya asks gopi to get ready as they have to go leave tolu-molu near their parents. Vidya gives a saree and asks her to wear it. As vidya insists gopi agrees to wear it. In jigar's car, ahem-jigar feel that there is some relation feel when they talk to her. Here vidya as well gets ready. Tolu-molu-pappu comes there. 

At modi bhawan, all the ladies will be selecting sarees for radha's marriage but rashi will be waiting for someone. There madhu with urmi and says she cant allow to this marriage. Rashi will be happy looking at madhu. Madhu scolds the ladies that because of them gopi isnt with her and now she cant allow radha to get married to ahem. 

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 26th February 2014 Written Update

At hostel, kids bring the suitcase down from the cupboard. But it will be locked. Tolu asks molu to check whether gopi is coming. Molu goes to their room corridar and gives sign to pappu that they are still in room. Here tolu-vidya search for the keys and open it. Pappu says tolu-molu are sleeping in some other room to frighten him. Gopi asks pappu to come with her and sleep in their room. But pappu makes an excuse that he is a grown up guy and cant sleep with 2 ladies. So gopi says she would make him sleep and sings a song. After pappu sleeps, gopi leaves from there. Molu finds gopi coming out and rushes. While running he dashes with a flower pot and breaks it. Molu rushes back to gopi's room. 

Here tolu-vidya find koki's picture. Tolu asks vidya to search more to find out some more clues. Gopi comes into the corriader and finds the broken flower pot. Molu comes back into gopi's room. Tolu shows the picture to molu. Vidya says khana ji helps everyone and prays him. Tolu asks vidya to check the mandir too. Gopi comes back to their room and the kids hide. But before gopi finds the kids, pappu comes there and asks her to come back and let him sleep. Gopi goes back to pappu's room with pappu. Vidya asks tolu-molu to keep all the things clean and checks the books in mandir. Vidya finds ahem-gopi's marriage picture. But gopi comes back so tolu-molu hide under the bed and vidya gets back on the bed. Gopi finds the suitcase on floor and thinks she has forgotten to keep it back. Gopi keeps the suitcase on cupboard and goes to bed. Vidya will be looking at the picture under the blanket, gopi unknown about this and sleeps. Tolu-molu remains under the bed. 

At modi bhawan, ahem will be working in his room and koki comes there. Koki asks ahem to take rest for a while and from next day his remarriage preparations will be started. Ahem says he would finish up the work and sleep. Koki nods and leaves. Ahem checks mira's picture and feels bad. Ahem checks his marriage picture and again feels bad about gopi. Ahem abruptly closes the wallet.

At hostel in the night, all the kids will be checking ahem-gopi's marriage picture. Tolu-molu wonder when did ahem has married. Pappu says that they might have married when they were kids. Vidya declares that ahem is her father and tolu-molu-pappu are her brothers. 

At modi bhawan, rashi misses her keys and will be searching for them. Radha brings the keys and warns rashi that very soon she will be missing everything. But rashi scolds radha that she is the owner of the house forever. Hetal comes there and says from now they both should take care of modi family. But after hetal leaves rashi warns radha that she wouldnt allow to this marriage happen. 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 25th February 2014 Written Update

At hostel, pappu opens his account and tries showing ahem's picture. When pappu opens ahem's picture, vidya remains staring at the picture and touches the screen with lots of concern. Vidya recalls that she has met him in mandir on feb 14th. Pappu opens modi's family picture without gopi. Vidya remembers koki's picture in gopi's bag. Vidya doubts how koki and gopi are related and they should find it. Kids decide that they should go into their room secretly and find out the relation. Later in the night, pappu comes to gopi's room and says he is having stomach ache and he is feeling afraid to go to nurse. So gopi accompanies him and leaves. After pappu-gopi leaves, tolu-molu rush to vidya's room. Kids start searching from cupboards but they dont find keys. They find the keys and search in the cupboard. Tolu finds a suitcase and tells everyone. 

At modi bhawan, rashi tries poisoning ahem's mind against radha saying that because of gopi their family got disturbed till now and if he marries radha then he'll in trouble for life long. Ahem remains silent and thinking. Later, ahem comes into hall where all ladies are present. Ahem asks koki whether the decision about radha was fine or not. Before koki replies urmi comes there and asks for her grandchildren. Again few ladies come inside and asks why they are remarrying ahem without taking divorce with gopi. Jigar explains them that ahem-gopi are not together from about 8 years so any couple who are not staying together for 7 years then they get divorced. The ladies apologize and leaves. Hetal declares everyone that radha was taking care of ahem and she is perfect to ahem. Ahem says its her wish and leaves from there. Rashi tries to deny their decision but hetal insists her to agree. Rashi leaves angrily. 

Friday 21 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, ahem rejects radha for applying the hot water cloth. Ahem says he will take tablets. Koki asks ahem not to take any tablets without doctor's prescription. Radha says she has called the doctor also. Radha leaves. Koki remains thinking. At hostel, vidya will be watching kids playing, gopi comes there and asks her to go for lunch with pappu as he is waiting for her. Vidya rejects going there. Gopi says principal has declared not to send pappu back home. Vidya feels happy. Gopi asks vidya to be friendly with tolu-molu as well. Vidya denies it. Gopi explains vidya that though the kids doesnt love her she should be good with them and their parents will be coming to the hostel to take them back. Vidya nods. 

At modi bhawan, jigar asks rashi to get ready soon as they need to travel for 3 hours. Koki comes there and asks about kids. Rashi tells her that principal asks them to take away the kids. Rashi-jigar leaves. Hetal-bha feels happy that kids are safe and they are coming back home again. Radha brings kaada and asks koki to give ahem. Radha finds no reaction in the ladies so she thinks of planning something big to make them convinced about ahem's marriage. 

Rashi-jigar in the car, urmi calls rashi. Rashi says urmi that they are going to hostel as there is a complaint on them and coming back home. Urmi asks rashi not to scold them. At urmi's mansion, kinjal taunts urmi that tolu-molu are not good and they are sending back home. Urmi also taunts that pappu is afraid so he remains calm. Kinjal feels happy that there are no complaints against him at least. Urmi gets pissed off. 

At modi bhawan, radha asks hetal to take care of ahem for a while as koki was been with him since long time. Hetal agrees and goes to ahem's room. Hetal insists koki to take rest for a while, so koki leaves. Radha comes there and gives koki's medicines. Radha also says that she has more work to do, she has prepared the grocery list but should go and get them. Koki and hetal will be seen as they are impressed with radha's concern for their family. 

At hostel, gopi feels nervous about her family. Tolu-molu will be feeling bad that they will be leaving the hostel now. Rashi-jigar comes with principal to the kids. Vidya stops them and admits that it was her mistake and explains all the situation. Vidya asks principal to give her punishment but not tolu-molu. Pappu also admits his mistake. Rashi-jigar will be impressed and principal as well. Principal says tolu-molu not to get any complaints in future. Rashi asks principal to give persmission to take them out for ice cream. At ice cream center, jigar-rashi says tolu-molu that nani, bha and dadi are missing them alot. Vidya feels bad. Jigar asks vidya about their family. Vidya says only mom and herself is their family. Gopi will be waiting for vidya. Rashi-jigar brings them back. Vidya rushes back to gopi. Rashi wants to meet gopi but jigar says they shall meet her later. Jigar-rashi says bye to tolu-molu-pappu and leaves. Tolu-molu goes to gopi and asks them to meet their parents. But rashi-jigar leave. 

Koki asks radha to remarry ahem, radha agrees but rashi rejects the proposal. 

Thursday 20 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, hetal tries to explain rashi that it isnt easy to take responsibilities but rashi gets upset and leaves away from there. Hetal and bha feel bad that who is that lady who can fill happiness in ahem's life. Radha hears this and stands infront of them. At jungle, gopi finds the kids in the pit and helps them to come out. After coming out of the pit, gopi scolds the kids that it was very dangerous to go in the jungle. Tolu blames vidya that it was her fault. Gopi scolds vidya. Tolu-molu hug gopi and apologizes her. All the kids say sorry. But gopi asks the kids to promise her that they will never repeat this again and the kids promise. At school, principal scolds the kids. Principal says tolu-molu that she would call their parents and send them away. Gopi defends the kids. All the kids go to their room. Tolu-molu feel stressed due to running. Gopi comes there and gives them turmeric mixed in the milk. The kids feel happy that gopi is supporting them. 

At modi bhawan, rashi calls meeti and asks her to dry the mirchi but radha stops her and asks meeti to clean ahem's room. But rashi insists meeti to dry the mirchi. Hetal comes there, hears to the ladies and asks rashi to wait for a while and asks meeti to clean ahem's room first. Rashi gets pissed off, while radha will be happy. Rashi gets a call from urmi and asks about tolu-molu. But rashi complaints urmi that radha is demanding her now. Urmi consoles rashi and says she would speed up her work.

At hostel, tolu-molu warns pappu that they will be going home but when he comes home during holidays then they would take revenge on him. Pappu gets afraid and rushes to vidya, but she leaves pappu and walks off. Gopi goes to principal and pleads her to forgive the kids. But principal denies. Principal calls rashi and complaints about tolu-molu and asks her to take away the kids back. Rashi says about kids to hetal. 

At ahem's room, radha brings green tea for ahem. Radha says ahem that she has asked meeti to clean his room. But ahem yells at radha not to come in his room and take away tea as well. Koki passes by and finds this. Radha leaves the room. Koki asks ahem to remember about his family as well other than work. Koki says she would bring hot water for him but radha comes there with hot water for ahem. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 19th February 2014 Written Update

At urmi's mansion, rashi interviews a lady but she will be rejected as rashi feels the lady is very intelligent. At gopi's school, after pledge, gopi will be taking class and finds the kids missing and thinks of finding them. Here the 4 kids have a bet to go inside the jungle and rush inside. At modi bhawan, radha will be packing her clothes, hetal finds this and asks her. Radha says now there is no meaning to stay in modi bhawan as tolu-molu(Samar-sahil) have gone to hostel. Meeti comes there and tells that she has cleaned ahem's room. Radha starts acting that she is much worried for ahem and says meeti that they can take care of ahem's things atleast. Radha and meeti leaves. Hetal remains thinking. Radha wishes hetal should understand her inner thoughts at least. 

In the jungle, all kids will be running inside. Gopi inquires about the kids with other teachers. Pappu requests others to return to the school but molu pushes him away. Vidya gets angry and pushes molu. All the 3 kids starts fighting and then again they start running inside. At urmi's mansion, rashi selects nupur who is just passed 10th and looks very innocent. Rashi says she will take her to modi bhawan. At hostel, rashi misses tolu-molu and calls to the hostel. Attender comes to gopi and says that vidya has jumped out of the compound wall along with tolu-molu and pappu. Gopi takes 2 security guards and rush inside the jungle. Here the kids fall in a pit. Gopi yells for vidya. Gopi gets worried for the kids. Gopi remembers mira falling in the water and feels bad that she might lose vidya as well. Tolu-molu try to climb up but all remain failed. Pappu asks everyone to be together and help each other to get out of the pit. Vidya asks tolu-molu to be the last to come out. Vidya climbs on tolu-molu and goes out. Vidya rushes single, so tolu-molu scold pappu for giving such a stupid idea. Gopi finds vidya. Vidya takes gopi to the pit to help other kids. 

At modi bhawan, bha and hetal thinks radha might be the right choice to ahem. Rashi comes there with nupur to introduce her to them. Rashi introduces nupur to all. Meeti finds rashi's necklace is missing and tells her. All the ladies find some jewelry is missing on them. Nupur tries to rush out but rashi catches her and takes away the jewelry. Koki leaves from there. Hetal warns rashi not to take any responsibility when cant handle it. 

Hostel principal scolds tolu-molu for crossing the rules and asks them to leave the school.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th February 2014 Written Update

At urmi's place, kinjal will be upset about pappu. Dhawal consoles her. At modi bhawan, rashi calls urmi and tells she is feeling happy as she has less work now but unhappy as she too is missing her kids. Rashi finds all the things as mess and walks to her room. Rashi scolds radha for making her kid's room as a mess. Rashi also says that she is a servant in modi bhawan and she can never become a member of the house. Rashi leaves angrily. Radha determines herself to become the owner of modi bhawan and teach a lesson to rashi. 

At gopi's school, pappu-vidya finds tolu-molu in the ground, pappu will be tensed that they may trouble him but vidya says he should be brave and walks on. Tolu pushes vidya, so vidya rushes tolu and paints on him. Tolu-molu-vidya start fighting. Gopi comes there and stops the kids. Vidya complaints gopi about tolu-molu. Gopi demands to say sorry to each other. Gopi asks everyone to get fresh up.

At modi bhawan, rashi calls urmi and asks her to get only 12 girls to check for ahem. Koki asks rashi to find a good girl who can mingle in their family. Rashi assures koki that she will find a good girl. Rashi prays khana ji to send a good villager and a servant. Radha overhears rashi's prayer and determines to do something that modis themselves marry her to ahem. Rashi leaves. 

At gopi's school, vidya-pappu makes competetition with tolu-molu to jump the compound wall. All the 4 kids jump. But there will be a jungle other side. Some attender at school finds the kids jumping the compound wall and calls them but the kids run inside.

At modi bhawan, radha finds koki coming downstairs and meeti going out to dry the clothes, radha goes to meeti and tells her not to mix up white clothes & colored clothes as koki does. And again asks meeti to clean ahem's room daily. 

Rashi brings a girl named nupur to modi bhawan to remarry ahem.

Monday 17 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th February 2014 Written Update

At gopi's school, kinjal calls the school hostel to talk to pappu. Vidya & pappu will be chatting. Gopi comes there and asks vidya not to go away from her eye sight. The attender comes there and tells pappu that he got a call from his mother, but pappu denies it. Gopi asks the attender to ask them call later. The attender tells kinjal that pappu doesnt want to talk to them right now. Kinjal feels bad. Again hetal calls kinjal and consoles her not to worry about pappu. Later, gopi will be telling khana ji's stories to vidya at mandir. Vidya says gopi that tolu-molu are mischevious and she should be careful with them. Gopi says they should patient with them as they should be alone without their parents. 

Gopi prays khana ji about mira, she asks him to take care of mira all time. Mira will be waiting for pundit ji in the temple. He comes and asks her to say goodbye to khana ji and leave. At modi bhawan, ahem calls koki and asks her to send a file from home to office through office-boy. Koki asks ahem to come home as he wasnt home since 3days. But ahem rejects to come and hangs on. Ahem comes to know from an employee that jigar hasnt come to office. 

At hostel in the night, vidya wakes up pappu and takes him out. Before vidya tells pappu plan other boys comes there. All decide to teach a lesson to tolu-molu. Though pappu will be afraid he keeps the water pipe near tolu-molu and leaves the room. Water falls on the kids and both wake up. They find pappu from the window and think of troubling him. Here, gopi finds vidya missing beside her on bed and gets worried. pappu will be worried that tolu-molu might trouble him. But vidya asks him to be brave. Gopi rushes outisde to find vidya. Tolu-molu rushes out of their room. Vidya and her friends again trouble tolu-molu. Gopi finds vidya in the hostel and take her to their room. 

At modi bhawan, jigar will be in a hurry to sign a consignment. But ahem comes home and yells for him. All come outside. Ahem yells at jigar for not coming to the factory and ignoring his work. Ahem doesnt listens to jigar or rashi and again yells at him. Jigar remains calm. Ahem warns jigar that if he behaves same then he will become a worker one day. Ahem walks off to his room. Jigar leaves to office. Rashi yells at everyone that jigar isnt given freedom to do as his wish. Koki remains silent. Koki says ahem has forgotten the importance of family and needs to get remarried soon. Koki asks rashi to find a girl to remarry ahem. 

Friday 14 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, elders does pooja to kids and leave to hostel. Jigar's family start in a vehicle. Jigar drops rasi & kids in market. Kids meet mira and tell her that they are going to hostel. After kids leave, Hetal-bha feel bad as kids left to hostel. Modis reach the hostel. Vidya-gopi go to khana ji's mandir. Vidya wishes valentines day to khana ji. Gopi as well wishes khana ji and keeps a rose flower near khana ji. Later, modis go to principal's room and take the admission for tolu-molu-pappu. Kids leave to hostel room, rashi-jigar feel bad. All the 3 kids will be given same room. Tolu-molu will be very happy but pappu will be upset. Gopi-vidya will be in mandir. Ahem will be at the reception, Ahem gets a call, khana ji's aarthi starts in the mandir. Ahem couldnt hear to the call and comes out. Ahem hears gopi's singing and walks towards mandir. Ahem comes inside the mandir and looks on. Vidya says she wants to talk to khana ji and asks gopi to leave. Vidya prays khana ji to give them a family. Jigar comes inside and gopi leaves. Gopi feels jigar's voice and check over but couldnt see him. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, tolu-molu makes their room mess. Radha comes there and scolds them. Tolu-molu say radha that they can be happy after going to hostel without radha. Radha calmly leaves from there. Tolu finds a picture of his drawn in his book by his friends. Tolu-molu feel bad about their names and thinks of seeking urmi's help to change them. If not in the hostel as well they will be teased. At urmi's home, Pappu feels bad for leaving his parents and go to hostel though he is well behaved. Urmi finds pappu crying and acts angry with kinjal and asks her not to send him to hostel. Kinjal says urmi that she is much worried about money she has to spend on him. Urmi becomes calm. Tolu-molu call urmi and asks her to help them in changing their names as they are so old fashioned. Urmi assures to help them. Later urmi calls rashi and asks her not to send tolu-molu to hostel. Rashi denies and says if kids arent here then she has lots of time to search a girl for ahem and marry him.

At gopi's school, gopi will be teaching her children how to make flowers with papers. Gopi asks children to give these flowers to their loved ones. Gopi remembers ahem wishing her about valentines day. Children wish her about valentines day. Gopi dreams ahem wishing her and kissing her, after realizing its a dream she feels bad. 

At modi bhawan, ahem will be talking to his colleague on mobile. Ahem gets angry and yells at him when he says he needs leave as its a valentines day after his marriage. At urmi's house, pappu will be angry with kinjal-dhawal as they are sending him to hostel. Urmi will be angry with kinjal-dhawal. At gopi's place, gopi will be sad and there vidya comes. Vidya wishes gopi about valentines day and says she wants to wish someone else as well. 

At modi bhawan, bha-hetal will be worried about tolu-molu. Koki comes there and tells them that she wants to remarry ahem and give him happiness. Hetal consoles her. Tolu-molu comes to rashi's room and finds their luggage has been packed. The kids will be worried that urmi hasnt come yet. Rashi-jigar bring luggage of tolu-molu and kinjal-dhawal come along with pappu's. Urmi says rashi to change tolu-molu's names as they are old fashioned. 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 12th February 2014 Written Update

                                                                 Tolu-molu safe now :)

At modi bhawan, savitha calls hetal and informs about the gas leakage in their home. All get worried listening this. Rashi prays khana ji to save her kids. Ahem take the mobile and tells savitha to switch off the main switch so that there will be no blast. Police agrees for leaving. All reach home. Ahem opens all the doors. Hetal rushes to switch off the gas. Jigar finds tolu-molu near mandir and rushes to them. Gopi will be praying khana ji. Jigar yells for ahem. Rashi rushes to the kids. Both try to wake them up. Ahem calls the doctor. Later, doc checks the kids and tells they are out of danger and they got fainted because of gas. Doc gives medicines and leaves. Radha comes in slowly. Hetal scolds her for leaving kids alone. Radha says the kids have pushed them out so she went to temple. 

Hetal in tears thanks savitha for saving their kids. Kids wake up slowly. Jigar-rashi will be happy looking them. Savitha leaves. Ahem says the kids have crossed all the limits with this incident. Ahem says he wanna talk to everyone for a moment. So all walk into hall. Ahem says everyone to send the kids to hostel. Rashi-jigar-hetal will be worried. Kids listen from upstairs. Hetal explains ahem that they are too young for the kids to keep them in hostel. Hetal asks koki to suggest, but she says kids parents should think about it and leaves from there. Rashi-jigar agrees for the suggestion. Ahem says he would check out for good hostels. Urmi denies for their decision but ahem asks her not to interfere in it. So urmi leaves from there. 

At urmi's mansion, urmi will be angry that tolu-molu will be sent to hostel. Kinjal thinks of sending pappu too to the hostel. Kinjal says pappu has to become rough and find new friends. Kinjal asks urmi to pay pappu's hostel fee. Urmi denies. Kinjal blackmails urmi that if she doesnt give her money then she would talk to koki about the money she has dragged through rashi. Finally urmi agrees. 

At gopi's place, gopi-vidya in market, vidya finds valentines day posters and asks about the occasion. Gopi explains vidya that we can give rose flowers to the ones we love. Vidya says they should exchange flowers with each other as they have no one to love. Ahem calls chawla and says he would bring their kids to hostel. Chawla agrees and tells gopi to take care of the kids. Kinjal-dhawal comes there and tells him to send pappu along with tolu-molu. 

At modi bhawan, rashi will be packing tolu-molu's clothes and will be very upset. Jigar comes there and gives a rose and wishes him about valentines day. Rashi will be angry that jigar isnt taking responsibility about their kids. 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, tolu-molu rush into their garden and keep all the water pipes inside their house. Meeti unknowingly switches on the water pumps. Rashi and hetal get wet with the water. Rashi and hetal yells for meeti to off the pipes. Meeti says she doesnt know how the pipes are in. Rashi doubts tolu-molu and rushes out and finds the kids in the garden. Rashi tries to catch them but they run into their room and lock it. Rashi and jigar bang their door to open it. Tolu finds radha's mobile inside their room and calls police station. Tolu says the police that their parents are torturing them and hitting them badly. Police says they will come to their home and hangs on. When police arrive, tolu-molu comes out of their room and rush into the hall. Rashi and jigar starts scolding and hitting them. Police find this and says their kids have called police station and said they are being tortured by their parents and it was true. Rashi-jigar-koki-hetal try to explain them but police asks them to come to police station. Bha-hetal-koki start to police station along with jigar-rashi. Only radha and tolu-molu remain at home. After the elders leave, the cylinder agency sends a new cylinder. Radha asks him to keep it inside. Radha says cylinder is dangerous before tolu-molu. Tolu-molu think of doing some damaka in the house. Tolu-molu feels happy that they can have fun in the home. They start playing cricket inside, they break few flower vase so radha scolds them. Tolu-molu say radha that she isnt their mom-dad or their teacher so she cannot scold them. The kids push away radha and asks her to leave the house. Radha angrily leaves home. The kids lock the main door. The kids open the cylinder knobs and think of burning but doesnt find the matches. Here at gopi's place, gopi will be feeling bad that something bad gonna happen. So she prays khana ji to help her family. Savitha who was passing by from modi bhawan smells the gas leakage and calls hetal that their main door is locked from inside and gas is leaking from their home. Hetal shocks. 

Bade Acche Lagte hain 11th February 2014 Written Update

At kapoor mansion, ram calls priya and thinks of asking her about the deal. But thinks it doesnt look good and asks her to come early to office. Priya agrees. Priya thinks ram wants to talk something personal. Next day, ram will be yelling at all the staff except priya that someone has leaked about the deal. The manager says ram that only him and priya know about the deal and only she can do it for money. One of the lady staff supports priya but manager says for money she may plan. Ram angrily asks for priya and walks off into his room. Priya gets late and comes into office. The female workers warn priya not to meet ram as someone has leaked the information about the deal and now ram is doubting her now. Priya thinks she was a fool thinking that ram wanted to talk some thing personal. 

In ram's room, ram will be thinking that priya cannot do it. Vikram calls ram and asks him whether he should someone to catch the culprit. But ram rejects and asks him to wait for a while. Here vikram doubts why ram is behaving so protective about his lady employee and he should find it. Cady-ridhima finds vikram behaving weird and think he is missing neha. Cady asks what was the reason behind his weird behavior, vikram says her that ram might be liking his lady employee as he had missed a deal and the main doubt is on that lady employee but he is defending her. Cady says ram cant cheat on priya. Vikram asks sammy-pihu and leaves. Even cady doubts whether ram is cheating on priya or vikram is misunderstanding. Ram thinks of protecting priya by checking her laptop by himself as he cannot protect her directly. 

At canteen, priya will be thinking deeply and her colleagues asks her to chill as ram doesnt like her and he is taking this as a chance and wants to fire her. Priya feels bad that she couldnt stay with ram but her fate is making her far from her. Priya strongly believes that ram cannot doubt her. Priya thinks of finishing her work than to waste her time in canteen. 

In pihu's room, she finds a package and a card on her bed. She checks it and finds sammy's message in it asking her to wear a dress and check the cupboard and find for one more surprise. Pihu will be so excited that she opens the cupboard and sammy jumps outside. Sammy finds pihu isnt wearing his gift dress and asks whether she dint like it. Pihu hugs him and says she cant believe it. Cady and  comes there. Ridhima makes fun of pihu that she is blushing. Cady couldnt feel happy looking at sammy but congratulates him. Sammy asks pihu to get ready for dinner and leaves. 

At priya's office, priya comes back into her room. Priya finds ram checking her mails. Priya feels hurt that he dint believe her and was checking her mails. Ram tries to explain but priya leaves angrily. Priya in canteen, crying she will be thinking that she was giving support to ram but every time he had hurt her. But she cant let him this time. 

Monday 10 February 2014

Saath nibhana saathiya 10th february 2014 written update

At urmi's place, kinjal finds urmi using 3 cold creams and scolds her. Urmi denies her words and asks to prepare food for rashi. But kinjal denies and goes to market. Later rashi comes there and a matchmaker too. Urmi asks the matchmaker to find a illiterate girl to remarry ahem. 

At tolu-molu's school, pappu tells their teacher that meeti was their house maid not their mother. Teacher gets angry and informs to principal. The principal calls jigar and informs about meeti coming to school. Jigar hangs on the call and yells for meeti. Rashi comes back home. Jigar asks meeti why she has gone to school as rashi. Meeti says that tolu-molu has blackmailed her so she went. Rashi and jigar scolds her. Meeti says she would leave the house byt rashi thinks if meeti leaves then she would become the maid of modi bhawan and explains jigar that meeti is their family and they should forgive her. Jigar forgives her. Both leave to school.

At tolu-molu's school, the twins will be angry with pappu as he has revealed the trurh about meeti so they take a belt and go to pappu. They make pappu believe that he would get invisible once he wears it. Pappu believes and wears it. Tolu-molu act as if pappu is invisible. Pappu feels as he is a superman and walks in the school. The other kids make fun of pappu and he gets upset. Principal scolds jigar and rashi. Jigar scolds tolu-molu comparing with pappu.

Pappu comes home and tells kinjal about teacher scolding rashi-jigar about tolu-molu. After coming to modi bhawan,jigar tells hetal about taking meeti to school. Hetal says the twins that they dont get ice cream for 10days. Tolu-molu will be upset and plans to take revenge on meeti and pappu.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, tolu-molu will be nervous to tell their parents about visiting school. Radha comes into their room so they leave from there. While playing they dash meeti and milk in her hands fall on floor. Again at modi bhawan, rashi says urmi on phone that she is feeling vexed about her responsibilities and had explained koki about ahem but she left calm. Urmi says she will come to modi bhawan and see. 
Later Urmi comes to modi bhawan. Koki will be forced to sit with them, so all the ladies sit in the hall. Ahem will be leaving to office, koki says she would serve him breakfast but ahem rejects and leaves. So urmi starts explaining koki that only wife can take care of a man properly and finally asks koki to remarry ahem. All the ladies remain shocked but koki leaves from there silently. 

At gopi's school, gopi explains vidya that they both are a happy family so she need not worry about. Later gopi asks vidya why she was upset whole day. Vidya asks her about the family. Gopi says a family means all living together, sharing happiness and worries together. Vidya asks gopi that she too wants a big family. Gopi explains vidya to have faith in khana ji and he would definitely give her a big family some day. 

Next day, its koki's birthday so gopi prays khana ji to give happiness and good health to koki. At modi bhawan, koki remembers the day mira got missed. Hetal-bha-rashi-tolu-molu-radha comes to her room and wishes her. Bha asks koki to pray before khana ji but koki denies and says, she has stopped her life 8 years before and she doesnt want to move on. Koki leaves from there. Rashi says they will arrange a party for koki so that she can cheer up. All agree. 

At gopi's place, gopi thinks ahem has wished koki on her birthday. But ahem leaves to office without wishing her. Koki remains upset. Later, rashi after sending tolu-molu to school calls urmi and tells about the party in the evening. Dhobi comes to modi bhawan, meeti will be giving clothes to him and scolds rashi with him. Tolu-molu records this and blackmails her. At ahem's office, jigar reminds ahem about koki's birthday. 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th February 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, rashi asks whether tolu-molu had eaten their lunch properly to meeti. She replies that they never have their lunch, they buy from the canteen or remain hungry sometimes. Rashi feels bad. Later rashi and meeti will be arranging food for everyone to send into their rooms. But bha comes there and takes her plate. Bha sits on the dining table and cries as she misses her family togetherness which was because of gopi. Here, gopi and vidya in the lunch time, gopi says vidya to say her essay well about family. Vidya feels bad that she has no family like papa and brothers or sisters. Gopi will be in tears because of missing her family. Gopi explains vidya that a family will be strength and shares everything together. Vidya says she will be first in the competition by saying all these words. 

At urmila mansion, pappu says kinjal that he isnt interested in going to school. Urmi says kinjal not to force pappu but kinjal insists him to go. So pappu gets ready for school. At tolu-molu's school, teacher finds the signature is a fake one and asks the kids to bring their parents to school. At gopi's school, vidya says her essay on family well but one of her friend asks whether she has such a big family as she has told in the essay. Vidya feels hurt. At modi bhawan, rashi will be very tired of her responsibilities and shares her pain with urmi on phone. Urmi suggests rashi to remarry him then her responsibilities will be lowered. Rashi goes to koki's room and tells her that ahem dint come home since 3 days and asks her to talk to him once. But koki remains silent. Here at gopi's school, vidya will be upset as she has no family. 

Urmi suggests koki to remarry ahem. 

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th February 2014 Written Update

Tolu-molu lost their water bottle in the school so they steal someone else's water bottle. Pappu finds this and says he would complaint to teacher. Tolu-molu stop him and harass him. Pappu remains crying and says he would say it to his mother. Its shown that urmi has bought all the houses in their chawl and will be taking rents from her tenants. The colony will be named as urmila colony. When pappu comes home, kinjal gets hyper and says she would teach a lesson to rashi now. Urmi tries stopping her but kinjal says she should go to modi bhawan now. Kinjal-urmi-pappu goes to modi bhawan in their own auto. After getting down at modi bhawan, kinjal walks inside. Urmi stops pappu and explains him not to complaint his mom when tolu-molu teases him infact tell her so that she can hit tolu-molu. pappu agrees. Kinjal comes inside and scolds rashi for not controlling her kids. Kinjal feels bad that gopi used to try to keep her family as one and now her family is like hell under rashi. Koki scolds rashi not to bring gopi's name in their home again. Urmi also asks rashi not to wake up the lion which is calm now. But rashi feels bad for gopi. 

Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 4th February 2014 Written Update

At ram's office, ram will be upset about his lunch box and thinks of having lunch in the canteen. Priya offers paratas for her manager. He agrees and haves it. Ram comes out and finds priya offering paratas to everyone as she has brought so many from home. The manager offers paratas for ram and says they are good. But ram denies and says he doesnt like paratas. Priya asks manager not to force ram as he dislikes paratas. Ram walks away into his room. Ram thinks he should take a revenge on her. Ram calls priya into his room and scolds sweetly that she was taking revenge on him. Priya admits as yes and says she was taking revenge because he has forced her to work overtime and dint even check that work. Priya again says ram that he cant dismiss her saying she dint give paratas to him. Priya leaves from there. Ram decides to take revenge on priya. 

Later, Pihu comes to their office. Priya finds pihu but pihu doesnt. Priya feels bad about the situation when pihu asks ram to chose one from herself and priya. Pihu comes into ram's room. He gets worried that anyone has seen her. Pihu says ram to gift a trip plan for her & sammy. Ram agrees. While pihu leaving, ram calls priya and asks her to go to printer room and give some doc prints. Priya goes there. Ram leaves pihu at the main door and comes in. The manager stops ram and complaints that priya was eardoping into his room when there was pihu inside. Ram realizes that priya knows pihu has come there and would have been missing pihu. Ram scolds the manager not to bother someone and leaves. 

In the lift, ram and priya take the same lift along with 2 other ladies. The 2 ladies get down. Ram finds priya and blames that she is following him but priya clears that he has got in after her. The lift stops and ram starts feeling nervous. Priya calls the guard and asks him to check the lift. Priya asks ram to play some game to be nervous free. Priya asks ram to think that its their last moment then close their eyes and see whom will they remember. Both close their eyes and find eachother. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd February 2014 Written Update

After 8 years, modi bhawan is under control of rashi. Rashi has taken all the responsibilities. Koki and ahem still missing mira. Gopi has left modi bhawan and living in someother place in Gujarat. Ahem will be keeping himself busy in his work. Koki will be so angry with gopi and cant even stand her name as well. Kinjal has a kid named pappu. Tolu-molu will be very naughty and has no control for them. Gopi gives birth to a baby girl vidya and she is also a naughty kid wishes to go to some big city and have fun. Finally mira is shown as gauri who is a devotee of khanaji. 
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