Wednesday 27 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th November 2013 Written Update

Radha trying to defend umang and gain bunny points but fails. 

At umang's place, umang's bhabi and umang welcomes urmi well. Urmi gifts a laughing buddha as wedding gift to radha and says by keeping it at home, she can earn more money and gain happiness. 

At modi bhawan, rashi asks hetal about koki-gopi. So she replies that they both went to rajpal nagar to meet madhu. Rashi gets angry that they both together to her home but dint think to tell her a word. 

At rajpal nagar, kinjal and madhu wonders where urmi has gone and there comes koki and gopi. At rajpal nagar, urmi brings AC & washing machine. Madhu asks how she has bought them. Urmi says she got them as gift. Radha comes inside and says umang has gifted her. Madhu declines to accept the gifts. But urmi says its her house and she is willing to have them. Madhu tries to spoil the items but urmi stops her. Radha asks madhu to accept them. Umang comes there and apologizes them and asks them to accept the gifts. Kinjal asks urmi to decline them. But urmi taunts modis that they dont give any such gifts. Madhu asks urmi to decline them but urmi asks madhu to leave her house. But madhu says she cant push off them from home and she has no right to talk. Umang says he would take away the gifts if they are creating the problems but urmi says she would accept them. Umang & radha leaves. Madhu gets upset. Koki says its time now for them to show the true colors of umang to radha and asks for kinjal's help. 

Kinjal calls umang and says she was feeling that he has changed a lot and she wants to meet him. Umang asks whether she has forgiven him or not. Kinjal says yes she has. Kinjal says she wants to meet him so umang asks to come home. Kinjal hangs on the call and says koki that their plan has worked out. Urmi in her room, will be very happy about the gifts and remembers about rashi's call. Urmi calls rashi and says about the gifts which umang has given her. But rashi says umang isnt a good guy and asks not to believe him. Urmi says rashi that she hasnt brought any gifts though she has become modi's DIL. So she doesnt bother her words and hangs on.

At umang's place, umang asks his bhabi to take radha out so that he can meet kinjal. Radha comes there and bhabi says umang wishes to take her for a movie-dinner-shopping as she feels bored at home. Radha agrees happily and goes with her. Koki-madhu-gopi-kinjal arrive umang's place. They find radha going out with bhabi. Koki asks kinjal to act well. Kinjal walks in and umang welcomes her very happily. Kinjal says umang that she has something important to tell him. Gopi will be taking their video. 

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 26th November 2013 Written Update

At urmi's place, madhu comes to urmi-kinjal in kitchen and says she is leaving to modi bhawan. Urmi bad mouths madhu but kinjal defends her. 

Madhu reaches modi bhawan, All the ladies come out. Madhu-gopi cry and greet each other. Madhu apologizes koki for bad mouthing them regarding radha-umang. Koki asks madhu to leave this matter. Later, radha arrives modi bhawan in a very luxurious car and with a heavy jewelry on. All the ladies shock looking at radha. Radha says koki that she is a guest and she should invite her in. Koki replies that she isnt a family member now she isnt interested in her. But radha declines her words and enters in to the home. Koki scolds radha for coming in. Radha goes to madhu and asks for blessings. But madhu declines. Radha says everyone that she has come here to meet madhu as she knows that she'll be here only with gopi. Koki says she cant bad mouth gopi when she is infront on her. Radha gives gifts to modis. But all decline them. Gopi says radha that umang is using her. Radha defends umang that he is a good guy and he dint even touch her. In flashback, the lady comes into umang-radha's bedroom and says as radha's family dint accept him yet and they shouldnt think of mating. Umang promises his bhabi that he wouldnt touch her till modis accept him. Present, Radha says everyone that he is a good guy and leaves from there. 

Koki says she doesnt believe umang and he is planning some thing big this time. Savitha & her DIL come to modi bhawan and asks about radha. Savitha will be excited as radha looked luxurious. Savitha taunts koki that umang loved kinjal and married radha. Koki asks savitha not to bother them. The ladies leave. 

Rashi calls urmi and says about radha. Rashi says that umang is so rich and she was luxurious now. Urmi will be mouth opened. Urmi gets depressed. 

Gopi comes to koki's room. Gopi says she is worried about radha. Koki says she has some plan to prove umang's real intentions to radha but they need kinjal's help. 

Next day, radha and her bhabi will be having green tea and urmi comes there. Radha doesnt welcome her in but urmi comes in. Radha says urmi that she isnt believing her sweet love. Umang comes there and says urmi that he is very happy to see her. Urmi doubts how come umang is so sweet to her. 

Friday 22 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 22nd November 2013 Written Update

Radha elopes and gets married to umang. 

At rajpal nagar, radha will be ready as bride and will be tied up by a rope to a chair. Later, radha pushes off herself to a lamp and with the heat from the lamp, the rope gets melted. Radha unties herself. Pundit asks gopi to call the bride. Gopi & rashi go upstairs to bring radha. Radha ties the rope to the window and gets down from it. Gopi & rashi comes to the room and finds radha missing again. As its too late, hetal and koki will be worried. Gopi-rashi come back to mandap. Koki asks gopi about radha. After few minutes, rashi says that radha has eloped. Everyone get shocked. Dhinesh gets frustrated. Madhu blames urmi for not protecting radha properly. Urmi taunts madhu that her daughter has eloped though they have tied her to a chair. Koki asks ahem to call police. Dhinesh and his family blames jayanth for not knowing radha's will properly. Police arrive and even radha-umang. Gopi and madhu asks police to arrest umang. But radha defends umang saying he is her husband. Everyone will be shocked knowing they have married. Police scolds umang for eloping radha. Radha says police that she is a major and got married to him as they were in love. Police says modis that when the bride is a major, she can get married to anyone she wishes. Police leaves. Radha says she was in love with umang so she got married to him. Madhu tries slapping radha but umang grabs her hand. Umang says she cant slap his wife. Gopi yells at umang to leave madhu's hand but radha yells at gopi to respect to her husband. Umang leaves madhu. Madhu yells at radha for marrying umang. Dhinesh's family scolds madhu-jayanth for not having control on their daughter. Madhu-jayanth  and all apologizes dhinesh's family. 

Madhu says modis are umang's enemies so he trapped radha to get his revenge. Madhu blames modis why her daughter's life should get ruined in between them.  

Thursday 21 November 2013

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 21st November 2013 Written Update

Priya upset and leaves kapoor mansion....Juhi-sid get married.

At kapoor mansion, Ram yells at juhi that priya was right that she is loving him and has done this intentionally. Though juhi tries to explain him, ram leaves from there. Juhi comes downstairs and says sid that she is ready to get married. Priya and ram will be thinking about their past happy moments and feel bad. 

Ram arrives sharma mansion, nats leaves them alone and walks out. Ram tries to convince priya that he had his reasons behind so he has hid this secret. Priya says she has handled all the situations after waking up from coma then how could he thought that she cant handle this marriage situation. Priya says ram has broken their promise of faith and belief. Now there is no meaning of living together. Priya says ram that she isnt interested to go back to kapoor mansion with him. Ram says, if she isnt coming with him to kapoor mansion then he too wouldnt leave from there and would wait for her till she comes along. 

At kapoor mansion, juhi-sid marriage will be done. After taking everyone's wishes and blessings Juhi says that priya has learnt about the secret and got upset and left home. And ram has went to search for her. Sid asks why did she tell her. Juhi says she dint say it intentionally. Juhi says she thought ram has told everything. 

At sharma mansion, nats comes to ram who is waiting on stairs. Ram says priya is angry and isnt interested in coming with him now. Ram says he has some reasons behind it. So he couldnt help it but now priya is angry. Nats says he has to wait for long time now. Nats leaves. Sudhir comes there. Sudhir wonders and asks whats happening. Ram says priya has learnt about the secret that juhi and he was getting married. Sudhir says they all have done the mistake and they all should convince her now. Sudhir asks ram to come inside the house and wait for her but ram sweetly rejects it and says he would sleep in the car and would wait for priya till she is willing to talk to him. Sudhir as well leaves. 

Priya finds ram waiting in his car from the window. Sudhir and shipra comes inside. Sudhir-shipra thinks of convincing priya. Before they speak, priya asks nats that she wanna rest. While priya leaving, sudhir stops her. Priya says she felt upset when he(sudhir) dint speak to him after meeting her after 5 years of leaving to Dubai. Priya says he can feel the pain of betrayal now so he shouldnt ask her anything now. Priya leaves. Shipra explains sudhir that she is angry now and they should give her some time to cope up. 

Priya in nats room, will be upset about the betrayal. 

Pihu and sid request priya to come back home. But priya rejects. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st November 2013 Written Update

At rajpal nagar, urmi comes to the catering people and orders to give tea to all the ladies upstairs. Umang comes with tea and serves everyone. Umang will be searching for radha. Umang hears that radha is in the bedroom. He tries meeting her by giving tea to the ladies in the bedroom but couldnt talk to her. Koki & kinjal looks on suspiciously at umang. 

At the catering, kinjal comes with a tray and asks the person to send sweets upstairs. Kinjal while leaving looks umang's face in the oil and recognizes. She yells and calls for ahem, jigar & dhawal. All 3 come. Umang tries to run away. But ahem grabs him. All the family members rush downstairs. Ahem scolds umang for coming to the wedding area. While ahem hitting umang, radha rushes downstairs and asks ahem to leave him alone. Radha pushes away ahem from umang and hugs him. Gopi grabs radha and scolds her for supporting umang. Radha yells and tells everyone that she loves umang and wants to marry him. Ahem & jigar warns umang to leave from there. Radha will be yelling for umang not to leave. But gopi drags her into home. 

Madhu scolds radha for insulting them before everyone. Koki scolds that she has done everything intensionally and everyone was happy that dhinesh was ready to get married after knowing her love story. Gopi asks radha why she has acted before them that she wants to listen to them when she is still loving umang. And scolds radha for insulting dhinesh's family as well. Radha says she has no feelings with dhinesh's kangan than the diamond ring which umang's bhabi has given her. Its flashback, where umang explains radha at his place that he would convince the groom or he would sit in the place of groom in the mandap. Radha asks umang why he is doing so. Umang says, gopi will be stopping them if she comes to know this. Previously she has come in between ahem-anitha and now between them. Umang poisons radha's mind against gopi. Now present, radha yells at gopi that she is the main culprit to spoil people's lives like she has done with ahem and now with her life. Koki gets hyper and yells at radha to stop her non sense. Koki says, she and her family has forgiven radha only because of gopi but she has no love & respect for gopi. Gopi says radha that she wasnt interested in marrying her with dhinesh forcefully. But radha return yells at gopi that she told before that she loves umang and wants to marry him but no one has cared it. Madhu as well scolds radha to stop blaming gopi. Radha denies to get married to dhinesh. Finally gopi declares before radha that she should marry dhinesh to protect modi's, her family and dhinesh's family's respect. 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 20th November 2013 Written Update

At rajpal nagar, urmi taunts madhu that she should have been kept radha under her control before she has eloped with umang. Madhu feels bad. Gopi apologizes before dhinesh's family as radha has run away some where. But radha comes there and apologizes everyone for not listening to them from before. Gopi doubts and asks radha how come she has changed all of sudden. Radha denies the question and apologizes gopi. Radha says madhu that she is ready to marry anyone they will show. Madhu feels happy. Even urmi & rashi doubt about radha's behavior. Koki asks dhinesh's family to give their wish about radha. Dhinesh agrees to marry radha. Radha gets worried. Koki asks prameela (Dhinesh's mother) to decide the date and time. Dhinesh parents say that the very next day is very good and dhinesh need to leave for US in few days. All the family members have thilak ceremony for the couple. 

Next day, at modi bhawan, gopi talks to mira that they will get ready soon and go to radha's marriage. Hetal-koki come there and feel happy looking gopi happy. Hetal-koki give the wedding saree and wedding for radha to gopi. Gopi feels happy for the love they are giving for radha. Jitthu and jayanth will be taking care of all the preparations. Urmi taunts jayanth that jitthu is spending all his money for radha other than jayanth. Modis bring all the gifts for radha and madhu thanks them. Radha will be looking for umang. Later mehendi ceremony starts. All the ladies will be dancing and radha will be worried & upset. While radha is having mehendi, Urmi taunts radha that the guy has agreed to marry her after listening to her love story. Koki scolds urmi to stop it. Rashi sits beside radha and taunts that they hope she has a happy married life after knowing her love story.

Urmi & rashi badmouths radha that god will suffer her as she has tried to break up rashi-jigar. Later, radha finds a ring in the almara and wears it. Umang comes as a worker to the marriage area. Ahem dashes with a guy and black paint spills on umang's face who was passing by. Ahem apologizes him.

Gopi finds out about radha-umang's marriage plan. 

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 19th November 2013 Written Update

At modi bhawan, gopi gets a call from madhu. Madhu invites gopi-rashi-koki-hetal to rajpal nagar to stay with her when the alliance family arrives. Madhu says she dint say anything about the alliance to radha. Gopi asks madhu to tell the truth before. Madhu agrees and hangs on. Urmi says madhu to use their money other than asking jitthu. Jitthu scolds urmi.

At modi bhawan, gopi will be worried about radha. Koki-hetal also will be worried. Hetal says everyone that they too have faced these situations and might be madhu also thinking the same as they were. Rashi feels bad that modis have forgiven radha though she tried to depart her and jigar. And thinks modis can never give importance to her as gopi. 

At rajpal nagar, madhu tells radha about the alliance. Radha denies to meet the groom. Urmi yells at radha to elope with umang if she is in deep love with him. Kinjal comes there and scolds urmi for giving stupid ideas to radha. Urmi taunts kinjal whether she is worried that her ex-boyfriend is behind radha now. Kinjal scolds urmi for speaking nonsense and leaves from there with radha. 

At rajpal nagar, modi ladies arrive. Madhu asks radha to get ready but she denies. Gopi goes to radha and explains her that madhu is doing only for her. Radha thinks of talking to umang before they marry her with some other guy. Radha goes to washroom. Here madhu sends kinjal to keep an eye on radha. But urmi thinks of working alone so she rushes to radha's room. Urmi finds radha missing in her room. Urmi hears water flowing sound from washroom and tries calling her. Radha keeps on pouring water. Urmi will be waiting for her outside. Radha takes off all the window glasses of bathroom and jumps outside. 

At rajpal nagar, dhinesh and his family arrive. Dhawal introduces each other. Madhu goes inside to bring radha. Gopi & koki's says dhinesh's family about umang's trap on radha. Madhu & urmi will be banging washroom's door. Finally urmi doubts that radha might be not in the room.

Radha comes to umang's house and says umang that she has come for him leaving behind her family as they were trying to marry her with some one else. Umang remains speechless. At rajpal nagar, dhinesh agrees to get married to radha. Everyone will be happy. Kinjal also comes inside. Urmi starts yelling that radha has eloped. Though kinjal stops urmi, she will be bad mouthing radha. All come inside. Madhu says everyone that radha isnt opening the door. All men try to open the door and finally finds radha has gone away from the washroom's window. Madhu starts crying. Dhinesh's family leaves. 

At umang's place, radha asks umang to marry her. A lady comes outside. Radha asks umang who is she? Umang says radha that he cant marry her. Radha remains shocked. 

Monday 18 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th November 2013 Written Update

At the hospital, gopi calls umang and warns him not to bother radha anymore if not she will file a complaint against him in the police station. But umang smiles off to her warning. Later, radha wakes up. Madhu happily walks out to inform everyone. Rashi and urmi will be with radha, rashi says why she has attempted suicide for umang when she loves swayam. Urmi tries stopping rashi, radha says why is she still continuing this story. Urmi stops radha and asks to take rest. Everyone come inside. Gopi asks radha how is she feeling but radha doesnt respond to her. Gopi gets upset. Doc checks radha and says she can get discharged by evening. 

Gopi, koki will be walking outside the hospital talking about radha, umang arrives there. Umang asks gopi to let him meet radha. Koki & gopi scolds umang. Umang begs koki & gopi. But koki scolds him for his act. Kinjal comes there and scolds umang. Umang begs kinjal as well. Though all the 3 ladies scold him, umang still tries to beg them to let him meet radha. Kinjal warns umang that she would slap him with her sandal. Gopi & koki supports her. Umang says sorry and leaves. 

Urmi says everything to rashi. Urmi says rashi that all modis know very well about this and has supported radha as she is gopi's sister. Rashi gets angry and thinks of scolding radha but urmi stops her. Koki comes there and asks them to get inside. Radha gets discharged. Umang comes there to check radha but kinjal-gopi-koki doesnt allow radha to look at him. At modi bhawan, hetal ask rashi to prepare food for gopi-koki as well. But rashi who is angry leaves from there without talking anything. Hetal wonders.

At urmi's place, koki-gopi will be talking to all. Madhu thanks koki for helping them. Madhu says they would finish up radha's wedding as soon as possible. But koki-gopi says madhu not to force radha. Radha over hears this and gets upset. Though everyone suggests that not to do that but she decides to make her wedding. Dhawal says he know a guy who is perfect for radha. Gopi-koki leaves. 

Friday 15 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 15th November 2013 Written Update

At modi bhawan, gopi will be upset and working at mandir. 
Koki finds this and feels bad. 

At urmi's place, radha finds no one in the home and jitthu's mobile. So she takes it and rushes into her room. She gets down the bed and calls umang. Radha says she cannot live without him. Umang says he too feels the same and says he would send a proof for his love and disconnects the call. Radha gets a MMS in which umang cuts name of radha on her hand with a knife. Radha cries looking it. Madhu comes there and finds radha under the bed and scolds for not changing her mind still. 
Urmi comes there and hears madhu scolding radha and thinks, madhu used to behind her all time and never allowed to touch the phone as well and now her daughter has spoiled madhu's pride. 

Madhu scolds radha not to move out of the house. Radha blames gopi that she is responsible for this. Madhu again scolds radha for blaming gopi and playing games with rashi's married life. Urmi shocks and starts yelling at radha that she has no love for her sisters. And she has no respect for her as she has allowed to meet gopi after years. Again urmi scolds madhu that she has endured all the pain she has given till now. Urmi drags radha-madhu and asks them to go away from her house.  Radha yells at urmi that she and her daughter are more dangerous than snakes. 

Radha reveals the story of swayam's love before madhu. Madhu shocks. Radha says urmi also has hand in this story as she used to talk to her as swayam on phone which she has believed. Urmi remains speechless. Madhu now return yells at urmi for their mistake. But urmi again says them to leave. Radha warns urmi that if she send away them from her home then she would directly go to modi bhawan and reveal this truth to modis then they would send away rashi again into this chawl. So urmi compromises and asks madhu not to bother her and she would not bother them. 

At modi bhawan, hetal-koki will be worried for madhu-jayanth. Gopi who is working beside them burns her hand. So koki says she would take back her words about radha and she would help her parents to separate radha-umang. 

At urmi's place, in kitchen radha thinks that she too should do something as umang to prove her love for him. Radha cuts her hand with a knife as umang. Here umang will be happy fooling radha. Radha gets fainted due to bleeding. Koki calls madhu. Urmi finds fainted radha in the kitchen and yells. Urmi says everyone that radha has cut her nerves. Koki hears radha has cut her hand nerves. Gopi shocks. Kinjal helps to tie a cloth on radha's hand. Urmi will be muttering bad mouthing about radha. Gopi crying prays khana ji to save radha. 

Thursday 14 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th November 2013 Written Update

At umang's house, Umang will be happily talking to someone on phone about his trap on radha. Koki and ahem comes there and gives the cheque to him. Umang takes the cheque calmly. Koki & ahem leaves after giving a warning that he shouldnt bother anyone in their family. 

At modi bhawan, gopi will be consoling madhu. Radha will be confident that umang will not take the cheque. Koki & ahem comes there and says radha that umang has taken the cheque. Radha doesnt believe them. Ahem gets the call from the bank manager that umang has come there to collect 10 lakh rupees so he wants to confirm whether he can give the money or not. Radha listens this and shocks. Kinjal scolds koki for giving such a big amount to umang. Koki explains everyone that she wants to prove radha about umang's real character and she is doing all this for gopi. Radha says she cant believe them and wants to talk to him directly. Radha calls umang but he cuts the call. Radha will be crying for umang and madhu scolds her that she is shedding tears for a waste man. Everyone will be trying to console radha but radha denies them. Umang comes there and everyone will be wondered looking at him. Radha will be happy. Umang gives the money briefcase to koki and a mangalsutra. Umang says he wants radha's true love and wants to marry her with their permission. While umang is leaving, radha rushes to him and hugs him. Everyone will be shocked. Radha says uman that she believed him. Gopi goes to them and drags away radha from umang. Umang asks gopi not to hurt radha anymore. Umang says radha that he doesnt wants to marry her without her family's permission. Umang leaves. 

Koki and others get hyper towards radha. Koki declares everyone that umang isnt a good guy and radha isnt bothered about it. They have involved in this issue because radha is gopi's sister. But now as radha isnt accepting the truth so from now radha and umang arent allowed into modi bhawan. Koki asks gopi whether she is with her or not. Gopi says koki that she is with her. Gopi leaves from there saying its mira's milk time. Gopi's family leaves along with shah's. 

At urmi's place, madhu thanks kinjal for consoling radha in a proper way. Kinjal says she has already experienced radha's pain before. Urmi finds this and thinks if their friendship gets more intense then she would be ignored in her own house. 

At modi bhawan, ahem consoles crying gopi. 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 13th November 2013 Written Update

At Kapoor mansion, Priya tells Pihu that Ram will be broken when he learns the truth of his daughter and she don’t want that and thats the reason why she isnt telling the truth to him. Priya again says when she will get convinced that he can take the truth, then she would tell him. Priya says pihu to sleep and leaves. Pihu recalls Priya’s words and says I don’t understand what love is? Again, She says I love my papa, pari,mayra, dadi and loves my mom too. Pihu says herself, I love her but mom will never understand. Pihu calls Sammy. Meanwhile Sammy is with some girl. He picks Pihu’s call and tells him everything about priya's warnings. He says I will call you in 5 mins and hangs on. Sammy leaves to kapoor mansion.

At shergill's mansion, Neha finds priya worried. Neha gives green tea to Priya and asks what is the matter. She asks her to share her worries. Priya says, she is not understanding where the problem lies. she is worried about Pihu and she is not saying anything. she can’t handle her alone. Neha asks her to tell and says they will handle her together. Priya says, everything which happened before 7 years was true and then she met with an accident and 7 years have passed by.
She says difference arises between them. Pihu went very far from us. I loves her very much but I don’t know from where to start as she is not ready to listen anything. Sammy and Pihu are good friends and I hope they aren’t hiding anything from us. Pihu understands Sammy. Neha agrees and says they are good friends. Priya says she wants Sammy to make Pihu understand. Neha assures priya that she will talk to him and asks him to talk to Pihu.

At kapoor mansion, Ram calls Suhani and asks her to come down to kapoor mansion and be with Priya as she is stressed. Suhani agrees. Sammy comes drunk to Kapoor Mansion. Pihu asks him, why you came here in this state. Sammy says he came to cheer up her. Sammy says, your mom went to meet my mom. Sammy says he is hungry and asks Pihu to prepare him food. Sammy praises her and her cooking. Sammy says you are my best buddy. Sammy eats the food. Sammy says he will spend his life with her and says I love you. Pihu asks, are you sure? Sammy replies yes. Pihu says, she didn’t know how she feels for him? You are my best buddy and had always with me whenever I am in need. You are different from others. He sleeps on her shoulder without listening to her words. She wakes him and asks him to sleep in the guest room. She asks him to drink lemon water fast and helps him lie down on the bed.

Suhani comes to Kapoor Mansion and tells Gopal kaka that Ram called her for Priya’s check up. Gopal kaka asks her to wait for Priya and till then rest in the guest room. Suhani goes to the guest room and drinks the water. She sits on Sammy. Sammy wakes up and shouts. Sammy says, you are trying to grab a chance on me. Suhani slaps him and says she didn’t know he is there and kaka asks her to rest here and she is not girl of that type. Sammy stands up and holds her hand. She asks him to leave her hand. Sammy laughs and says he was just joking. Suhani comes out of the house and sees Pihu tensed in the garden. Pihu recalls Priya’s words. Suhani recalls Sammy words and gets angry. Pihu thinks about Sammy and smiles. Then she thinks about Priya saying Ram will not be able to cope up. Sammy thinks how can she slap me? he says she is nothing like Pihu. She can handle my good and bad days even when I am drunk because Pihu is my best friend. He wonders why he is thinking about Suhani who slapped him.

Next day morning, Suhani is preparing breakfast for herself. Priya says she will prepare for her but suhani stops her. Pihu also comes and greets her. Priya asks, why you are here so early in the morning. Pihu says Sammy stayed here at night and we informed Neha aunty. Pihu asks Priya, what she will have in breakfast. before Priya can say, Juhi says she will eat oats. Priya gets upset. Juhi changes the topic and asks Pihu to make tea for Priya. Suhani says she has already prepared it. Juhi asks her to serve it. Priya asks suhani to bring out. 

Priya comes out and comfronts the Lawyer who comes and asks for Juhi. Priya says she will call her and asks the purpose of his visit? He says she have to come in court as the summons came. she has to come with Ram Kapoor to give the statement. Priya asks what is wrong? Juhi comes and he says today is your hearing date and you have to give the statement. He asks her if she will change her statement. Juhi says she will give the same statement. Juhi tells Priya about Rajiv.
Priya will be walking away, lawyer asks juhi that she spent the night with Ram Kapoor and they are in a relationship. Juhi says yes and says she will be there. Priya is shocked to hear that. Priya asks Juhi, whether it is true. Before Juhi can say, Ram comes and asks her to relax. Priya says she wants to know whether it is true. Ram says it is not true. Juhi says she lied because of the IT raid. Ram says Rajiv framed me and send IT people, to save me from problem she lied and didn’t think about her reputation. She saved my me and reputation. Priya looks at her unconvinced.

Priya says she can see truth in his eyes. Ram thanks her and says that Juhi has to tell this lie again in court. Priya says, if you don’t mind can I come there in court. I want to listen to the lie when Juhi will say.

Happy Children's Day

Happy Children's Day to our Cutie Kiddos Mira - Tholu - Molu & All our Loving Viewers :)

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th November 2013 Written Update

At rajpal nagar, late night radha calls umang and says she loves him so much and she would do anything for him. Next day morning, madhu wakes up and finds a letter on the table and yells for jayanth. Everyone come to her room. Jayanth reads the letter written by radha that she is eloping with umang. Urmi taunts madhu that she was lecturing her daughter but couldnt control her own daughter. Madhu starts crying. Jitthu asks urmi to stop taunting madhu. Jitthu and kinjal tries to console madhu. Jayanth says jitthu to call police. But kinjal and madhu denies it. Kinjal says they should take help from ahem. Kinjal calls ahem and tells radha has eloped with umang. Ahem shocks. Ahem says everyone about radha's elope. Everyone get shocked. 

At umang's place, radha comes there. Umang wonders looking at radha. Radha says she has left her house for him. Umang remains shocked. At modi bhawan, ahem says they should file complaint for radha. Madhu denies but koki explains madhu to agree. Ahem & jigar will be leaving to police station, umang comes there with radha. Everyone will be shocked looking them holding hands. Madhu walks to radha and scolds her. Umang says he has come to drop radha to them. He says that radha has come to his home and wants to marry him. Umang gives radha's hand into gopi's and says he doesnt want to lose their belief again. Umang again says he would marry radha only with everyone's acceptance. Radha says though anyone believe him or not she believes him. Umang explains radha that its a sin to elope. Umang apologizes koki and leaves. Radha requests umang not to leave her alone but he leaves. 

Radha asks ahem, madhu, gopi, jayanth and koki to believe umang. But koki scolds radha to shut up and says she doesnt know about umang properly and asks radha to forget him. Umang thinks his plan got failed. Radha denies it and says her love has changed him. Radha denies to accept the trap of umang. Gopi explains radha. Koki says radha that she would prove her. Koki asks ahem to sign a cheque of 10lakhs. Ahem does. Koki says umang would take the cheque and forgets radha. Koki & ahem leave to umang's place. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 12th November 2013 Written Update

Ahem keeps on slapping umang. Ahem says radha that umang has cheated kinjal with his fake love and now he is trying to spoil her life as well. Kinjal gets hyper and scolds umang for playing games with girls lives. Umang admits his mistake with kinjal but says radha that he loves her truly and he cant live without her. Radha believes him and defends him from ahem. Gopi scolds radha for talking rashly with ahem. Finally ahem pushes away umang.

Kinjal assures everyone that she would explain radha about umang. Urmila and others leave. At urmi's place, urmi yells at madhu that she used to lecture everyone but now her daughter itself had made the mistake. Men pacify the ladies. Finally everyone decide to solve the problem in a cool manner. 

Monday 11 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th November 2013 Written Update

At modi bhawan, the alliance comes there to see radha. While getting ready radha thinks of spoiling the match from the groom itself. Gopi comes there to take radha, radha asks to give a necklace. While gopi bringing the necklace, radha takes a black sketch and hides behind her pallu. Radha says she wants to go to washroom and walks in. There she keeps the black sketch on her teeth and calmly comes out. 

In the hall, koki asks radha to speak to suresh (groom) in personal. While talking the groom finds the black teeth and gets scared. Here in kitchen, gopi and madhu will be serving food in plates. Madhu says gopi that she is happy that the groom is so good and may be this match will be done for radha. But gopi will be confused about radha's opposing behavior towards the alliance. Radha starts acting as if she is suffering with breathing problem. Radha after a while says she is fine now and asks the groom not to say the family about it. The groom leaves and says his parents that he has some meeting. So they all leave. Rashi asks radha about the groom. Radha leaves from there without answering anything. After a while the groom's mom calls koki and complaints that radha is mad and has some breathing problem. Koki defends radha but the lady says radha herself has told it to the groom. After dc the call, koki asks gopi to call radha and let them clear it from her.

Radha washes her teeth. Gopi comes there and finds radha's black teeth and mobile phone. Gopi gets worried and asks radha that she only has told the groom all the lies. Gopi drags radha to hall and shows the mobile phone and sketch pen to everyone. Gopi says that the groom's mother was right. Everyone insists radha to say the truth. Finally radha yells at everyone that she has lied to the groom because she isnt interested to marry him and she likes someone else. Everyone get shocked. Rashi gets worried that radha is saying about swayam. Urmi scolds radha. Radha says that the person loves her and she too loves him. Madhu and jayanth get worried. Koki asks radha to call the person right now and asks him to come there. After a while, umang comes to modi bhawan. Everyone get shocked. Koki and kinjal recalls all the weird situations with him. Ahem walks to umang and slaps him. Ahem slaps again and scolds why is he involving in his family matters. Koki declares radha that she cant marry umang. 

Thursday 7 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th November 2013 Written Update

At Modi bhawan, Jigar gifts a necklace set to rashi as diwali gift. Rashi feels very happy.

At Urmi's place, everyone get ready to go to modi bhawan for diwali. Urmi-madhu-kinjal-radha go by cab. Dhawal-jitthu-jayanth go by auto. Madhu stops the cab at a market and says she would go and buy few gifts for kids. Urmi-kinjal remains in cab. Madhu takes radha along with her. Umang follows them in to the market. Madhu buys a gun for mira which she has asked for. Radha keeps the gun in her bag. While madhu taking gifts umang takes away radha and asks why isnt she taking his calls. Radha says her parents are planning to do her marriage so she cant talk to him any more. Umang gets worried. Umang takes out a pistol and says radha that he would kill himself rather than living without her. Radha finally confesses that she too is in love with him and promises him that she wants marry him. Umang hugs her. While hugging umang's pistol drops into radha's bag. Urmi sends kinjal to bring back madhu-radha soon if not there will be double charges for the cab. So kinjal goes into the market. Kinjal finds madhu and asks for radha. Madhu says she is somewhere near. So kinjal starts searching for her. Umang finds kinjal coming and pushes radha and runs away. Radha takes her bag and leaves. The real gun remains in the bag and the toy gun will be dropped on ground. Kinjal finds radha and all get into cab and head towards modi bhawan. 

At modi bhawan, Madhu gives the gun to mira. All does aarthi while mira will be playing with the gun. Later, koki-madhu will be discussing about the alliance for radha. Radha and mira shoots towards gopi while playing. Ahem doubts about the gun and pushes away radha so the bullet passes from gopi. No one is hurt. Modis wonder how a real gun has come into their house. Ahem scolds radha for shooting it. Madhu defends radha that she is innocent. Koki asks ahem to call the police and give it to them. Radha remembers that the gun is umang's and remains silent. 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th November 2013 Written Update

Rashi apologizes with everyone to forgive her. Koki harshly says rashi to stop apologizing everyone and lets go to modi bhawan now. Rashi and others feel happy about it. Rashi taunts kinjal that she has so many people who love her a lot. Kinjal remains calm. Urmi will be surprised about rashi leaving now. Koki taunts urmi that they have missed a bead in their family garland and they have come to collect it again. Koki says urmi that a family is stronger with love & affection but not with money. Modis leave and urmi remains shocked. Koki asks urmi to return back her modi bhawan's keys. Urmi gives back unhappily. Koki leaves proudly from there. 

At modi bhawan, modis does pooja happily together. Koki-hetal-bha will be preparing food items at home happily for diwali. Modi ladies will be happy for preparing them together. At rajpal nagar, kinjal & urmi will be working in the kitchen muttering bad mouthing madhu. Madhu comes there and gifts Ramayan & Bhagavath to the ladies. But kinjal & urmi will be dissatisfied with the gifts. 

Madhu will be scolding urmi-kinjal for not making the prasad fastly. Gopi calls madhu and wishes her about diwali. Mira asks ahem to gift a gun for diwali. But koki says no to it. Mira while talking to madhu on phone again asks for a gun for diwali. Koki welcomes madhu and her family to modi bhawan. Koki says madhu that there is a match for radha. Madhu thanks koki and says she would talk about the match in the evening. Later madhu asks radha to get ready to go to modi bhawan and radha denies as she was been insulted there. Umang will be calling radha while talking to madhu and she will be dc the call. 

Rashi calls urmi and asks whether she isnt worried about her daughter. Urmi scolds rashi for leaving from there without taking an apology from jigar. At ahem's room, ahem asks gopi to take out his kurta from wardrobe. Gopi finds a new saree in the cupboard and thinks of making fun of him. She acts innocent that she hasnt seen it. So finally ahem gives it to her. 
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