Monday 31 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 31st March 2014 Written Update

On 29th March 2014:
Gopi finds jumbo circus van near her house and enquires about rashi. They say they doesnt know about rashi but they are burning a ghost which is in the box. Rashi bangs the box again and gopi understands that rashi is inside. Gopi anyhow saves rashi and all return home. Rashi thanks gopi for saving her and asks her to stay back in modi bhawan forever. 

Today: 31st march 2014 :
At modi bhawan, ahem and koki declares that gopi has no relation with them now. Both leave. Rashi-bha-hetal tries to explain gopi that they still love her but they are angry so she should try to get their love back. Gopi finally decides to stay back and get love and her position back. All feel happy except radha. In the auto, urmi will be muttering about rashi is safe now but gopi is like unlucky for her daughter but kinjal defends her. 

At modi bhawan, bha-hetal come to koki and says they arent going to support ahem to marry radha as gopi was his love and remains the same forever. Parag assures bha that he will never allow ahem to get married to radha. Koki remains calm. Radha overhears this conversation and thinks of finding whats going on ahem's mind so that her plan gets spoiled. At urmi's house, urmi taunts dhaval that he dint even feel bad about rashi. Dhaval gets hurt and leaves. Kinjal and madhu scolds urmi for her odd behavior. 

At ahem's room, radha comes with ointment to apply on ahem's hand. But ahem rejects. Radha starts crying and says when he doesnt like why is he getting married. She has faced so many problems till now she has dream to get married to him and look after modi bhawan. But ahem says radha to stop her nonsense and leaves from there. Radha thinks whether her tears will make some difference in ahem's mind or not, if not they'll get wasted. 

Dhaval feels bad about urmi's words and cries. He buys few bananas and throws the skin on road. A thief runs from there and steps on it. He falls down and police grab him. The thief warns dhaval that he would take revenge on him. Urmi calls rashi, rashi says she is safe because of gopi so she will save her married life. Gopi comes to rashi's room and says jigar loves her a lot and never miss him. Here kids plan to play holi and have fun. Next day, jigar keeps color on her towel and runs away from there. Kids in the garden mix cow dung in water and fill in the pichkari to splash on radha. Rashi comes there and scolds kids that they arent going to play watery holi. Here at urmi's place, madhu  asks dhaval to come with them to modi bhawan but dhaval says he cant as he has some work. Gopi wishes hetal-bha about holi. They both bless her for good fortune. Gopi tries to take blessings from koki but she denies and walks off. 

Friday 28 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 28th March 2014 Written Update

 At modi bhawan, gopi says she will go and find rashi as she cant break the promise she has given to the kids. Hetal asks gopi to take the car. First gopi rejects but hetal insists her to take. The driver drops her near the mandir and goes away for parking. The goons again find gopi and demands her to give all her money. Here in modi bhawan urmi will be worried for rashi, madhu and kinjal pacifies her. Radha wishes rashi doesnt come back again so that ahem gives divorce to gopi and she can marry ahem and be happy as one DIL of modis. 

Gopi gives her money and gold but the goons will be dissapointed and says the woman in the morning was so rich. Gopi shows rashi picture and asks whether it was her. Goons say it was her and asks whether she is her sister so that they can kidnap and get ransom. 

Meeti comes downstairs and tells everyone that kids are missing. Hetal says few minutes back when she went to their room they were all dressed to search rashi but gopi has stopped them. Here goons try to kidnap gopi but tolu-molu-pappu-vidya start hitting them with rocks. They demand the goons to give back gopi's jewelry and money. The goons give away. Gopi asks kids why did they come out when she has told not to. Kids reply that they have come to search rashi along with her and want to protect her.

Ahem-jigar will be in police station, the police get call from a man that they have caught two thieves. Gopi calls jigar and informs that two goons have tried to kidnap her and she has run away some where. Gopi again calls modi bhawan and gives about the clue of rashi's missing and kids are with her. Police and jigar-ahem reach mandir. Police asks the goons to tell about rashi. The goons say that rashi had hid behind a jumbo circus van. Ahem scolds gopi that she has come out to search for rashi along with kids. Tolu says ahem that gopi doesnt know about them coming behind gopi. Ahem asks gopi to go back home with kids. Here koki will be angry with gopi for taking kids along with her. 

At modis colony, the people will be busy in holi preparations. The watchman find the box and purchases it for 500 rupees. The magician and his assistant come there. As they will be in bhaang nasha they think of throwing the box into fire to burn away the ghost inside. Rashi will be yelling for help but no one could hear because of drums sound. The magician keeps the box in the fire. 

Thursday 27 March 2014

Beintehaa 27th March 2014 Written Update

Aliya writes a letter to zain that she is leaving to Bhopal giving back his freedom. Aliya keeps the letter under zain's pillow and recalls all their sweet moments. Aliya leaves with her suitcase. After a while, zain wakes up and finds aliya is missing. He checks the washroom and thinks she might have gone to kitchen but again after getting onto bed he finds the letter and reads it. Zain remains speechless for a while and feels bad that aliya has left. Again he comes into the senses and thinks where can she go. Zain calls to aliya's mobile but finds the mobile is in their room itself. Zain calls airport and inquires about next flight to Bhopal, he feels relived when he hears that is next day morning. Again he calls railway station and gets shocked that Bhopal's train is in 30mins. Zain rushes to railway station and searches for aliya. Zain couldnt find aliya and sits in the entrance door of the train. Aliya finds him and tries to rush away from there but her suitcase gets opened and zain finds her. Zain approaches her and repacks the suitcase and says she is a number one fool. Again zain says aliya that she has fallen for him but aliya replies that he isnt a hero to fall for. Zain blames aliya that she wants usmaan to scold him for letting her leave home. Aliya asks zain to go back to home. Zain says so he has won as she is leaving now. Aliya asks him to leave. Zain takes away the calender from her hand. Aliya takes it back and tears it. Aliya asks zain to leave but zain tears away her ticket to Bhopal. 

Suraya provokes usman saying that aliya has left their home without saying any word and she has no responsibility towards marriage. Usman remains thinking. Here zain asks aliya that she is leaving barkat forgetting the marriage promises. Aliya remains calm. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 27th March 2014 Written Update

Rashi missing :(

At modi bhawan, ahem declares he will divorce gopi. Hetal scolds ahem that gopi was his life partner and mother of his child and has fulfilled all the responsibilities of a DIL and now he wants to divorce her. Ahem again says though anyone says anything he will never change his decision and marry radha. Urmi comes there crying and says rashi is missing and pleads modis to find her. Jigar goes to rashi's friend's home and asks for rashi. She tells that rashi hasnt come here and urmi has also come here. Here at modi bhawan, urmi will be worried for rashi. Urmi says she went to her friend's place but she told that rashi hasnt come. Jigar calls urmi and tells that rashi is missing. Urmi pleads jigar to find her. Urmi gives mobile to ahem. Urmi grabs tolu-molu and cries for rashi. Hetal consoles urmi and ahem asks jigar to come to police station to file a complaint. Ahem leaves. Tolu-molu will be crying so gopi consoles them. Gopi finds vidya praying for rashi and tolu-molu goes to vidya. Vidya asks his brothers to pray khana ji to send back their mom soon. Even gopi prays for rashi.

Jigar-ahem files a complaint. Jigar will be worried for rashi. Here in modi bhawan, urmi will be crying for rashi. Kinjal-madhu-pappu reach their and asks for how was rashi missing. Radha doubts that urmi-rashi are planning this missing plan to stop her marriage again and again thinks rashi shouldnt be found till her marriage if not she will be planning to stop the marriage. 

At some magic show, the magician jignesh asks his assistant to make the juice and unknowingly bhaang tablets gets mixed in the drinks. 

Tolu-molu will be crying for rashi. Vidya gives some idea to find rashi. Urmi will be still crying for rashi. Koki blames gopi that because of someone there are getting troubles. Gopi feels bad and leaves from there and hetal follows. Hetal consoles gopi. Gopi will be crying for rashi and feels bad that ahem-koki are very angry with her. Hetal says gopi that till 8 years she and ahem dint even talk to anyone and now after she has come home they are behaving normal so she should have some faith and patience. Both go to kids room to check them. 

In the van, rashi wakes up and bangs on the box to open. The magician and his assistant gets tensed and asks a wooden box vendor to take away. They sell the box to vendor and he takes away. Rashi again gets fainted. Here ahem-jigar will be searching for rashi. Gopi-hetal find kids going out from window and stops them. Kids say they are worried for rashi and they want to search for her. Gopi promises kids that she will definitely find their mom and bring home. 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 26th March 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, ahem unknowingly asks gopi to bring his green tea. Koki and radha shocks, gopi feels happy. Ahem again realizes and stops her. Ahem denies tea from radha as well. Ahem says he wanna go to his room. Gopi gives a sign to bha and bha stops him. Bha insists him to have food. Ahem unwillingly agrees as koki also insists. Koki finds the recipes and doubts but asks ahem to have. Ahem eats and realizes its prepared by gopi  but continues few more bites. Gopi will be happy. Bha asks ahem how is the food. Ahem nods as yes. Again he doubts and walks off from there. Gopi again gets depressed. 

Here at urmi's place, urmi will be trying to call rashi but it will be switched off so she thinks of going to the same function which rashi had gone. At modi bhawan, koki and bha asks ahem to have food but ahem rejects. Ahem asks meeti about the red file. Meeti finds its missing. Ahem yells at meeti so koki says they all shall search and find it. All will be searching for it, tolu remembers radha was standing near it. Kids tell everyone that they have seen radha near the file. Koki asks radha about it but radha denies that she dint see it. Ahem again yells at meeti. Radha again says all the things were here except the file. Radha says there were gopi's clothes on the table, so it might have gone with them. Ahem leaves from there and goes to gopi's room and checks her clothes. There he finds the file and brings it downstairs. 

Ahem shows the file to everyone. Gopi wonders and defends herself that she doesnt know about it. Hetal as well tries to defend gopi but ahem says the file was inside the bag as if someone has kept it. Gopi tries defend herself but koki scolds her not to lie. Ahem too scolds her. Ahem yells at gopi that she wants to prove herself as his wife. Gopi says no its a lie. Ahem again says so say its a lie that you have prepared the food too. Gopi remains calm. Radha wonders and asks gopi. Koki says yes and thats the reason she dint have it. Ahem again yells at gopi that he can live without gopi and he wants divorce with her and marry radha. Gopi remains shocked, koki speechless and radha feels happy. Ahem again says, he will do whaatever he has told and he will marry radha too. Bha scolds ahem not to dare to think about divorce and she thought koki-ahem will change but it hasnt happened. And he cant remove gopi from his life. So ahem yells that he will take divorce from gopi. 

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Saath Nnibhana Saathiya 25th March 2014 Written Update

At urmi's house, urmi will be worried about rashi that she isnt picking her call. Radha comes there. Radha says, i came to meet her to give all the information about modi bhawan. Urmi wonders with radha's behavior. Radha again says, you want to have all the modi property and we both want gopi to leave modi bhawan. If gopi gets her previous position then koki as well becomes normal and then she will know about all the property from modi bhawan which rashi has transferred to urmila mansion and rashi loses all her power which she has gained in these 8 years. Urmi gets nervous. Radha says she has a deal with her that if she helps her in letting gopi out of modi bhawan then she will never allow koki to become the previous one and help her in sending the money whenever needed from modi bhawan. If not she would reveal the truth to koki. Urmi thinks for a while and agrees. But urmi asks radha not to tell anything about this deal to rashi. Radha as well agrees. 

At modi bhawan, Gopi-bha will be having a chat. Bha asks gopi to prepare food for ahem to win his love again and she should try again. Gopi feels bad as koki has ordered not to go into the kitchen. Radha comes back home. Hetal-radha in hall, meeti comes with the red file and keeps on the table. Meeti asks hetal about their daily menu but radha takes away meeti saying she will lead her. Gopi comes to urmi's place. Gopi meets kinjal-madhu. Gopi wonders looking at their house. Pappu comes there and hugs gopi. Kinjal asks gopi whats the matter. Gopi replies that she wants to prepare food for ahem but koki has ordered her not to step into the kitchen so she came here to prepare food. Urmi overhears this and shocks. Madhu supports her and agrees. 

At modi bhawan, kids will be waiting for their moms. Radha comes there and finds the red file. Radha thinks of some plan with the red file. Hetal comes there and takes away kids to have some food. Radha takes the red file and keeps it in the folded clothes. 

Monday 24 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 24th March 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, gopi throws away koki's tea from her hand. Hetal-bha-koki shocks at gopi's behavior. Gopi says koki that she has mixed naphthelene balls in tea other than sugar. Koki and others shock but koki yells at gopi saying, though i mix anything in my food, its none of your business and you better dont forget that you are just a care taker of vidya in this house. Do not try to become a family member if you try il forget that you are vidya's mom. Koki leaves from there angrily. Radha who was standing outside the room comes in and taunts gopi saying, this was the result for doing which wasnt allowed to do. All remain calm but gopi gets hurt and leaves.

Here in urmi's house, Dhaval says kinjal to take out his white shirt as he will be wearing it for a party in the evening. The couple find few red spots on the shirt. Kinjal gets hyper and walks out. Kinjal comes to urmi and yells at her for washing dhawal's white shirt with her sarees. Both start arguing about washing and clothes. Finally urmi taunts kinjal-dhaval that she is taking care of her family and dhaval isnt earning that much to spend on a costly shirt. Dhaval gets hurt and leaves from there. Later, kinjal gets call from hostel saying pappu cant study in the hostel anymore as he has done some dhamaka in the hostel. Kinjal pleads them but principal doesnt allow. The princi asks kinjal to inform modis as well. 

Gopi sits near mandir crying thinking of koki's words. Parag who was passing from there walks to her and consoles her not to leave the hope. And says to make ahem love her as in the past. As ahem was the one who has missed her a lot. Gopi says she would get back koki-ahem's love again. Radha over hears and gets angry. Later, Kids while playing break the flower pot, gopi scolds the kids sweetly. Koki comes there and mutters about irresponsible rashi. Gopi says she would call but koki asks radha to call rashi. Radha tries calling but it will be switched off. Rashi in the box will be yelling for help. Later kids will be thinking koki will be scolding gopi and radha is trying to get good points. They find radha going to koki's room and think of keeping an eye on her. Radha goes to koki and says she might be nervous because of gopi. Radha says she would bring tea for her but tolu comes with tea. Koki wonders with tolu's behavior. Koki thanks him but rejects to have it. Radha says she would bring headache medicine but molu comes with medicine. Koki thanks him and feels happy with his love. Radha says she would bring oil for her, but vidya comes there with oil. Koki asks radha to leave. Radha thinks of spoiling the plans to unite ahem-gopi-koki. 

Hetal will be trying for rashi but her mobile will be switched off. So she calls jigar and tells him that rashi hasnt come home yet and asks him to find out. Jigar assures that he would take care and hangs on. Gopi-meeti-radha in hall, Ahem calls modi bhawan and says he will be coming home now for some red color file and asks meeti to search for it.

Radha blackmails urmi that if she doesnt help in sending gopi away from modi bhawan, she would reveal the truth of exchanging money from their home. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 22nd March 2014 Written Update

Rashi gets into a truck and hides in a box to hide from the goons. Goons get disappointed. 

Kids asks koki-parag to have dinner so all of them go near the dining table but koki realizes that gopi has cook the food and says bha that she cant have it. Koki gets hyper and scolds meeti and gopi. Gopi and vidya get upset. Bha explains koki not to be so stubborn but koki will be unchanged. Madhu comes to modi bhawan, koki angrily says madhu to take away her daughter but gopi says no. 

In the kitchen, meeti cuts the naphthalene balls thinking sugar crystals. Bha comes there and asks her to give a head massage so both leave from there. Madhu feels bad for gopi but gopi says she is very happy in her house. 

Koki will be yelling for meeti, gopi thinks koki wants tea so she says koki that she would prepare for her but koki denies. Koki puts naphthalene balls in her tea. Koki leaves with her tea. Kids asks gopi showing the naphthalene balls, kids say gopi that she has put them in her tea. Gopi shocks.

Friday 21 March 2014

Beintehaa 21st March 2014 Written Update

At zain's house, aayath gets scared looking at rocky's picture. Suraya and aliya asks her why she has screamed. Zain gives a sign not to tell, so aayath says nothing. Usmaan-fahad comes home and wonders looking at his sister shabana. Shabana says suraya has called them and asked them to come here to check zain as he has met with an accident. Usmaan feels happy and thankful to suraya for giving him a such a lovely surprise. Aayath feels sorry for zain as because of her rocky has done this accident. 

Aayath will be crying remembering her bad moments with rocky in Mumbai. Rizwan comes there and gives his kerchief. Rizwan will be talking to aayath and gowhar finds them and comes rushing. She grabs rizwan's hand and asks him to come and taste the pani puri she prepared for him. Rizwan will be feeling uncofortable before aayath. Rizwan introduces aayath to gowhar. Gowhar insists rizwan to leave so he walks off with her. 

Shabana appreciates usmaan's house. Usmaan says he couldnt invite his loving sister to his home before because of his busy schedule. Suraya comes there and drinks also come. Suraya asks shabana to have some drinks but insults them saying they dint have such drinks before not heard about them. Usmaan defends his sister by saying suraya that they have given some english names to the simple drinks. Usmaan explains each drink and its ingredients and offers some drinks to his sister/jiju. 

In zain's room, aliya comes there with a towel-bowl of water. Aliya says she has come to clean him up. Aliya cleans zain's hands and applies a bandaid. Zain will be watching her. While leaving aliya thanks zain for well behaving with her parents. Zain says he is a well behaved and a true guy. Aliya gets a call from police station. The inspector informs aliya that rocky runs an escort business and has got arrested by zain as he was blackmailing some girl. Aliya wonders and recalls the news where zain rushing out from the party with a girl and lying her that night that he is having some work. Aliya leaves from there without asking anything about rocky. Zain thinks she might be going to some darga. 

Usmaan will be having tea with his sister/jiju, aliya comes there and says she is going out and will be back in a while. Usmaan appreciates aliya as she has changed his son in a right way. Aliya leaves and there rizwan makes an excuse with gowhar and comes out. Nafisa comes to rizwan and shows a cd to him. Nafisa says she has a cd of aayath which can make the Bhopalis insulted. 

In the police station, police shows aliya the complaint which zain has filed against rocky. Police say that all the pictures from rocky's room were destroyed. Aliya asks for the escort girls names. Aliya shocks when the police takes aayath's name. Aliya recalls all the lies zain has told and understands that zain has saved aayath. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 21st March 2014 Written Update

Sorry for not updating yesterday's episode :(

At modi bhawan, koki yells at radha not to speak as she wants if not she will be thrown away from the house. All leave except gopi-hetal-bha. The 2 ladies explain gopi that koki-ahem still loves her and they cant bear someone scolding her so they have defended her. Hetal asks gopi to think herself to stay in the house and make the family one again or leave the house behind. Gopi remains thinking. Next day early morning, at mandir Gopi will be giving aarthi to khana ji and sings "hey gopal krishna" song, modis gather near mandir. Gopi gives aarthi to hetal and then goes to koki but she moves backwards as rejecting. Koki asks gopi that there is no need for her to do aarthi in the morning as she is not the member of the house. Gopi replies that when she has already decided to stay back in the house then she has to do aarthi to khana ji in the morning and he is the idol of the house then how can she deny it. Ahem says she can do aarthi but in lower voice as no one wants to hear her voice in the house and remember that she is staying here only for vidya. Bha says after so many years they are feeling happy because of early aarthi of khana ji in the house. Koki remains calm and leaves from there. Gopi gives aarthi to kids. Rashi asks gopi to prepare lunch as she needs to go to a function. Gopi agrees and rashi leaves. Gopi gives aarthi to radha but she rejects, radha says she has no right to live in this house. Gopi asks radha whether she has. Radha couldnt reply and leaves. Kids will be happy to laddu as prasad. Gopi goes to kitchen and gives aarthi to meeti. Meeti asks what she wants to prepare. Bha comes there and asks to prepare food for everyone. Gopi denies but bha insists her to cook and she is ordering her as MIL to her MIL. Gopi couldnt say no and agrees. 

At urmi's house, madhu finds urmi going out and asks where is she going. Urmi says she is going to modi bhawan. Madhu scolds not to go there all time. Urmi makes an excuse of taking pappu there. But kinjal denies it. Pappu gets angry and locks his room in. At modi bhawan, gopi goes to rashi's room asking for grocery list. Rashi replies that she forgot and asks gopi to prepare herself. Gopi finds a long chain on rashi asks its very heavy. Rashi says as modis she should show off. Rashi leaves. Urmi calls rashi and says she wants some money so rashi asks her to come in the evening. Here kids plan to trouble radha by throwing tomatoes at her but gopi comes there and asks the kids to study. Kids agree and go to there room. Rashi comes to some colony for the function. 2 thief find rashi's necklace and feel happy. Rashi sends the car away as jigar has some work. Rashi remembers that she has forgot to take gift so she go to some shop and purchases few chocolates. After coming out, rashi finds thieves waiting for her. Here in modi bhawan, radha taunts gopi that she wants to become the owner of the house once again so she made an excuse of vidya and has come back. Gopi just shoots her a taunt that radha is just a guest in the house and she is still in the house because she is her sister. Radha remains shocked. 

Koki denies to have food. Koki scolds gopi why did she prepare food when she dint give permission to do so. 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Beintehaa 19th March 2014 Written Update

Aaliya finds zain feeling trouble to have soup, so she helps him by feeding him. Suraya comes there and gets hurt looking at aaliya feeding zain. Zain finds his mom and asks her to feed him the soup she brought for him and makes fun of aaliya's soup saying the soup was for someone who is ill. Saraya feels proud and says aaliya to ask her before doing something and not to habituate zain to Bhopali food. Aaliya remains silent. 

In the night, aaliya marks the date and recalls rocky hitting zain and yells for zain. Zain wakes up and asks what happened. Aaliya apologizes zain and asks him to sleep. Zain wonders and asks about what she was thinking. Zain says not to worry and he is not afraid of his life. Aaliya gets hyper and scolds him that his life might not be important to him but there are others who are concerned about him. Aaliya lists out his and her family members and finally says she too is worried for him. Zain remains shocked. Aaliya leaves from there asking him to sleep. Zain wonders why aaliya was so angry in the moment. 

Aaliya comes outside near the pool and cries. Usmaan comes there and consoles her saying that when a couple are married, they fall in love with eachother one day. Usmaan asks aaliya not to leave her hope. Aaliya nods and says she wants to find the guy who had committed the accident. Chand bibi comes there and tells usmaan that police and sketch artist have come. Police asks aaliya to describe the person so that the artist can sketch it. Aayath calls zain and asks how is he now. Zain says aaliya has exaggerated the situation and now she is trying to find him. Zain makes fun of aaliya that she might kill after finding him. Aaliya and others come there and aaliya shows rocky's picture and aks him whether he knew. Zain remembers that he is rocky and he promised aayath that he wouldnt say about her mistake to aaliya. Zain says he doesnt know him and asks aaliya to leave the matter. But aaliya will be determined to find the guy. 

Shaziya checks rocky's picture and identifies him that she has seen him in the jail along with chakkiwala. Shaziya tells suraya that she has seen him in the jail. 

Zain thinks of changing his shirt but will be troubling to get out from it, aaliya comes there and helps him to wear another shirt. Zain makes fun of aaliya that she is very much interested in seeing him nude thats why she is coming to the swimming pool and now. Aaliya will be blushing. 

Shaziya and suraya goes to jail and meets the chakkiwala. The chakkiwala says rocky has told him that zain has saved his sister from the don's party. Suraya wonders who was the girl zain has saved on that day. 

Aaliya ties a tayat and asks zain not to remove it. Zain says he doesnt have a habit to wear them and why is she doing for him. Aaliya remains silent. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 19th March 2014 Written Update

Koki is still angry with Gopi

At modi bhawan, finally gopi agrees and comes in. Madhu says hetal that she will leave and says gopi that she can come to her home if someone in modi bhawan insults her. Here radha will be upset that her plans has been shattered because of gopi. Tolu-molu comes there and demands her to leave from there room as vidya will be living with them now. Hetal comes there and radha denies to leave. Hetal says radha to shift to guest room as vidya will be staying with the kids. Radha will be angry with gopi that now she is leaving this room and later what will happen. 

In the hall, bha-hetal explains gopi that modi bhawan has changed a lot and here everyone are just living without considering anyone. At urmi's house, urmi will be eager to know whats happening in modi bhawan. Pappu will be insisting kinjal that he wants to go to modi bhawan. Urmi feels happy that she got a reason now and says she would take him but kinjal denies and says urmi that she will not send him now. Urmi feels bad again. 

At ahem's room, ahem checks vidya sleeping and goes to washroom. Vidya wakes up and thinks of meeting tolu-molu once and comes out. Rashi finds vidya, tolu-molu as well comes there. Rashi-tolu-molu appreciates vidya for her acting. Rashi appreciates the kids and says she would give them pizza party. Here ahem finds vidya missing and comes downstairs. Ahem starts yelling at gopi why she has brought vidya out of his room, gopi tries to defend herself but ahem still yells at her. Vidya-kids come there running, so ahem remains calm and leaves from there. Vidya and kids hugs gopi. The pizza will be delivered and kids have it. Gopi says rashi-kids that these foods are unhealthy. So if they want to eat then she will prepare at home itself. Radha starts taunting gopi that she will be leaving the very soon then how can she make food items for kids as koki-ahem are hating her to the core. Kids scold radha and she leaves. Gopi explains the kids not to speak rudely with their elders. 

At urmi's mansion, jitthu comes to madhu who is upset about her daughters and asks what happened. Jitthu tries to console her, urmi comes there and taunts madhu. Madhu scolds urmi that she should have a heart to know about others pain and she-rashi were the enemies to her daughters. Here in modi bhawan, gopi goes around the house and remembers their happy moments. Gopi finds mandir is dusty so she tries cleaning it, but koki comes there and scolds gopi not to enter mandir as she isnt a family member anymore and she is just a care taker of vidya. After koki leaves, bha consoles gopi to have faith and will have their happy days back very soon.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 18th March 2014 Written Update

Gopi will be waiting outside for vidya, rashi-madhu will be accompanying her. Hetal-bha goes to koki and convinces her to allow gopi into the home saying vidya is still a little girl and she needs her mom all time and till now gopi was taking care of vidya as mom-dad. Here jigar convinces ahem to agree gopi to come in to the home. All welcome gopi into the home, but gopi denies to come inside as she only wants her daughter vidya and assures modis that she will bring vidya back to them once she is grown up. Hetal-bha-others plead gopi to come in saying if she doesnt feel important for modi bhawan then she can leave as her wish. So gopi finally agrees to come inside the home. Radha will be upset about this. 

Koki stops gopi entering into mandir and says she isnt their family member now so she cant do any pooja at their home. Koki also says that she is allowed in as only a take-carer of vidya. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 17th March 2014 Written Update

Gopi out of modi bhawan for vidya

On 15th March: (RECAP)
Vidya overhears koki saying that vidya will be with them and will never meet gopi again. She gets worried that she cannot meet her mom and rushes out to find gopi. Vidya goes outside through the other way and gopi will be waiting for her near the gate. Ahem thinks gopi has taken her away. Ahem comes outside and asks gopi about vidya. Gopi-ahem and others start searching for vidya. Vidya comes to mandir and mira consoles crying vidya not to worry and she would definitely find her mom. 

Today's episode:
Pundit calls ahem and informs him that vidya has come to mandir alone. Ahem says pundit not to let her go away from there. Gopi enters the mandir and finds vidya. Both mother-daughter hug and feel happy. Vidya shows mira and says she was taking care of her till now. Gopi hugs both her kids and ahem as well reaches mandir. Ahem as well hugs vidya and feels happy. Ahem asks vidya why she has come away from home and she might harm herself outside. Vidya says mira (gauri) was taking care of her. Ahem finds gauri and remembers that he has met her before. Ahem thanks gauri for taking care of vidya. Gauri says vidya was been protected by khana ji. Gauri leaves from there. But gopi-ahem feels some relation with her. Tolu-molu as well asks vidya why she has left home alone. Gopi takes vidya and about to leave, but ahem stops her. Gopi says ahem that she cannot live without vidya and vidya as well. Ahem-gopi starts arguing about who should take care of vidya. Tolu-molu will be worried for vidya. Jigar as well asks the couple to understand the situation. Suddenly vidya grabs her stomach and starts crying. Her parents rush to vidya and feels tensed for her. The couple leave to modi bhawan along with vidya. 

All elders in modi bhawan will be worried for vidya. Again radha tries to fuel up the anger of koki against gopi. Ahem brings vidya into the house. Ahem asks koki to call doc. Vidya gives a sign to rashi that its their plan. So rashi says everyone that vidya might have not eaten anything since morning so she is feeling pain. While gopi entering the house, koki stops her and says she has no place in the house. Even ahem says gopi not to enter as they dont need her anymore. But vidya says if gopi will be with her then only she will stay in modi bhawan. Rashi says vidya that gopi will not go anywhere. Koki asks ahem to take vidya to his room but vidya cries for gopi. Rashi assures vidya that she will anyhow bring her mom into the home. Ahem takes vidya and goes to his room. Rashi sends her kids as well to their room. Hetal explains koki that vidya has an attachment with gopi so they cant separate them. But koki leaves from there. Hetal asks gopi not to leave from there. Gopi cries and says she will never leave without vidya. 

Hetal-rashi-jigar asks gopi to come inside as koki-ahem has permitted her in. But gopi denies to come inside. 

Friday 14 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 14th March 2014 Written Update

Ahem-kids leave, koki-hetal-bha and gents also leave. Gopi and madhu take a cab and follow ahem's car. Gopi feels bad that vidya is still a kid and cannot understand what their past was and why she and ahem got seperated. But gopi will be desperate to take back her child. Rashi-urmi-radha will be waiting for jigar's car and urmi-rashi make fun of radha that all her plans got shattered. Kids will be excited of staying together. Vidya will be happy that she too can live with her parents now. Ahem feels bad and remains calm. 

Ahem-koki-kids reach modi bhawan and gopi as well. Ahem asks watchman not to allow anyone into the home and walks inside along with vidya. Tolu-molu invite vidya inside the home after giving aarthi. Gopi will be stopped by the watchman but gopi tries to get in but ahem stops her. Tolu-molu-pappu take vidya to their room. Vidya will be much more excited to see her home. Gopi says ahem that she cannot get separated from her daughter but ahem also will be desperate not to leave the child. Both will be arguing, all others reach home. Koki scolds gopi to leave without vidya and she has no rights to take her. But gopi firmly replies koki that she is vidya's mom and she has all rights. Savitha and others come there, so gopi asks koki to discuss inside the home atleast but koki rejects saying she is an "Outsider". Bha and hetal try to explain koki but she takes them inside that they all are family members and shall discuss inside. Modis walk inside except rashi-urmi. Rashi feels bad for gopi, but urmi explains that if koki comes to know that she has planned the marriage then she would kill her. So rashi asks urmi to leave and walks in. 

In modi bhawan, ahem says koki that woman shouldnt come inside and leaves from there. Hetal tries to explain koki that she should think well about gopi-vidya's relation and accept them. But koki says she will take care of vidya from now on. Radha acts innocent and says bha that she would leave modi bhawan now as of now ahem got married to gopi again and she has no place in this house. 

Koki declares that ahem has taken a right decision to take away vidya from gopi and she will never meet vidya again. Vidya overhears this and starts crying.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th March 2014 Written Update

At mandir, koki asks gopi why she hasnt shared the good news of vidya to them. Gopi says she tried alot to tell everyone but there were situations in which she couldnt tell anyone. Back into the past, the day mira fallen in the water, koki-ahem scolds gopi for her mistake. So gopi admits her mistake and leaves the house. Present, gopi crying says she couldnt say the good news on that day thinking i am balancing the situation with vidya. Koki yells gopi to become great in everyone's eyes she has left modi bhawan. Gopi explains again that she has listened to what her khana ji has told her. She wants to save her child from all the dangers. 

Outside the mandir, urmi appreciates vidya for scolding everyone. Urmi doubts and asks the kids how did they knew that they all are family. Tolu explains urmi that one day vidya have seen koki's picture and recognized that she is the same one whose picture gopi will be checking all time. So from there they started to know the secrets of gopi-ahem's marriage. Tolu-molu-vidya will be happy that vidya will stay with them in their room and dayan radha will be out. Urmi as well will be happy along with them.

Here in mandir, gopi says ahem that everytime vidya used to ask about him and wants to meet him. Gopi requests ahem not to be rude with vidya as after long time vidya got her family back and now khana ji has listened to her wish. Ahem says yes vidya has got her family back and she lives with her father and family and she doesnt need her anymore. Confused gopi asks what is he saying. Ahem says, vidya doesnt need you anymore, she will live with her father and family. Gopi asks how he can depart vidya from her. Ahem yells and replies, in the same way you have departed me from her. Ahem leaves from there, gopi rushes behind him and pleads him not to depart vidya and him. Ahem replies angrily that as her father he too wants to love her. And gopi has killed mira and he cant bear if something happens with vidya as well. Ahem again says, i will make vidya to live without you. Gopi again pleads not to depart vidya and herself. Ahem says he will definitely take vidya away from her and walks off. 

Ahem goes outside to vidya, vidya hugs him. Ahem keeps vidya into the vehicle. Jigar asks ahem to think once again. Tolu-molu-pappu asks ahem whether they too can come with them. Ahem agrees and kids get into the car. Here inside the temple, koki says gopi, i never asked you to leave the house. You have decided to leave the house. I have made a simple girl the daughter-in-law of modi family but now i am asking you to leave our family. Gopi shocks and says she cannot leave her daughter. Gopi rushes out to find vidya but ahem finds gopi and starts the vehicle and leaves. Gopi runs behind the car but dhawal stops her. Gopi asks madhu to give her daughter back.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 12th March 2014 Written Update

At temple, gopi thinks she is dreaming and says ahem ji iam happy that i can see you in my dreams. Gopi gets fainted again, ahem grabs her. Ahem again sprinkles water and gopi wakes up. Gopi again looks ahem and touches him to feel its true. Even ahem tries to touch her but again recalls about mira's death and gets hyper. Gopi just sits down, kids asks her is she okay. Gopi again stands and finds everyone and feels happy to see them back after 8years. Gopi hugs madhu and cries. When hetal as well hugs gopi, koki yells to stop. Koki yells at gopi for coming back into their lives again. Radha yells at gopi that she has cheated everyone to get married. She has ruined her sister's life again. She has planned before with the kids to get married to ahem, thats why kids have locked her in the store room. But kids defend gopi that there was not her fault. Gopi shocks that radha was getting married to ahem. Ahem remains calm and angry while gopi will be upset listening about radha-ahem's marriage. 

Koki yells at gopi that its waste to act innocent, she has planned well for this marriage. If she doesnt know anything then why she has come in a bride's dress. Vidya yells at koki, not to yell at gopi. Everyone shocks listening this. Vidya again says, she cant yell at her mother and speak rudely with her mom. She will answer to all her questions. They all kids have planned this. You told koki as her mother but she is yelling at you. I want to have my family so i have done all this. Koki wonders listening this. Koki asks whats this. Gopi says that vidya is their child. All get emotional looking at vidya. Ahem hugs vidya and recalls hugging mira. Everyone hug vidya and feel happy. Before gopi hugs koki, koki stops her and asks urmi to take kids out as she wants to talk to gopi. Vidya says ahem not to leave her alone again and leaves from there. After kids leave, koki yells at gopi for keeping vidya away from them. 

Ahem says gopi that vidya doesnt need her now and she will live with him now. 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Balika Vadhu 11th March 2014 Written Update

Anandi and her family attend the school function of amol. Amol performs a dance along with his friends and all get impressed with him. Anandi and ira will be very proud about amol. At badi haveli, ganga will be upset about mannu. But again thinks of being strong and fight against the disease. All the family members come to have dinner except ganga. Dadisa asks jagya to call ganga and ask her to have dinner. Sumitra says they would have with her as she wont eat if left alone. Ganga comes there and says their lives will never change. They shall fight against mannu's disease and he will be fine and live happily with everyone. They should be strong enough for mannu. All the family members support ganga. Gehna's mom come there and supports ganga for her spirit to save mannu. Ganga's mom says dadisa that she wants to marry her second daughter kanchan. Dadi sa says she knows some alliance which can be best for kanchan. Gehna's mom feels happy and asks dadi sa to check the alliance and she agrees. Here at shekar's house, a neighbor comes there and says they should marry saachi as early as possible. Later the family members talk to saachi but she denies to get married as she is happy and relaxed with her family now. 

Anandi explains saachi that not every guy is bad as saurabh and she should have some belief. Saachi agrees to get married with some condition.

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 11th March 2014 Written Update

Ahem-Gopi remarried :)

At mandir, while stepping into the mandir gopi gets fainted and rashi grabs her. Rashi thanks khana ji for helping them. Rashi keeps the ghunghat on gopi's face and takes her in. Here in the store room, radha tears up the bag and tries to open. Rashi brings gopi and makes her sit beside ahem. Hetal finds gopi's dress and doubts why she hasnt wore the one which they have purchased. Rashi says from now only radha is doing as her wish and dont know afterwards what she will do. Ahem remembers his marriage with gopi and feels bad. Vidya will be very happy. Bha finds vidya and tolu-molu making signs of success. Radha finally comes out of the bag. Kinjal says pappu that marriage has got started so pappu rushes out. Urmi will be angry with rashi for bringing radha into the mandir herself. Kinjal makes kattbandhan. Radha finds the door locked and comes out through window. Pundit asks the couple to start the phere. Rashi helps in making phere but koki stops her. Rashi says koki that radha isnt feeling well so she is helping her in taking phere. Pundit says there is no problem if rashi helps the bride. Ahem-gopi take phere. Ahem finds vidya and recalls that he has met her in the hostel's mandir. Radha gets cow followed behind her, so she runs far away from the mandir. Here ahem-gopi completes their phere. Again the couple get seated for sindoor. The cow's owner comes and stops the cow. Radha scolds the owner, the owner says there was grass on her dress so the cow was following her. Radha again rushes towards the mandir. Pundit asks ahem to tie the mangalsutra and he does. Pundit asks to fill sindoor, but ahem will be upset to do. Ahem keeps his hand near the maang and radha reaches the mandir and yells to stop the marriage. But ahem leaves the sindoor on gopi's maang. All get shocked looking at radha. They find gopi beside ahem and shocks.  Bha and madhu will be happy to find gopi again. The kids will be worried. Gopi slowly wakes up and finds ahem. 

Koki scolds gopi. But vidya scolds koki for yelling at gopi. Gopi reveals everyone that vidya is ahem-gopi's daughter. Everyone shocks again.

Monday 10 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 10th March 2014 Written Update

Rashi learns gopi is alive and helps kids to unite ahem-gopi again.

At mandir, kids plan to bring ahem outside the mandir and take him into a room. Lock him and let gopi also go into the same room. Tolu sends molu and asks him to do something so that ahem comes out to change his dress. Molu rushes inside the mandir and tries to drop the pooja thali on ahem but rashi stops him. Molu rushes out and rashi follows him. Here gopi finds vidya missing and rushes to find her. Gopi will be yelling for vidya and rashi hears gopi's voice. Rashi doubts whether it was gopi. Rashi follows gopi. Gopi while searching for vidya comes towards the mandir's changing rooms. She finds a room open and thinks vidya might have gone inside and walks in. After gopi gets into the room, vidya locks the door. Rashi finds this and recognizes vidya that she is tolu-molu's friend. Before rashi comes to vidya, tolu-molu-pappu comes there and appreciates vidya for completing one step of their plan very well by locking gopi in. Rashi confirms that it was gopi and rushes to the kids. Kids say rashi that gopi was their teacher in school and they were trying to tell to her before but she dint listen to them. Rashi apologizes the kids and say vidya that she is her mom's sister. Vidya hugs rashi happily. Rashi-kids decide to unite gopi-ahem again. Kinjal comes there to take radha to mandir. Rashi sends pappu and asks him to keep kinjal busy for a while so that they can continue their plan. Pappu goes to kinjal and says he wants to go to potty. So kinjal takes him to bathroom. Here tolu-molu go to radha's room and trouble her. The kids rush out and radha also runs behind them. They take her into a store room. Their kids hit her and packs radha in a bag and leaves from there locking the door. After coming out, rashi mixes sleeping pills in vidya's water bottle. Rashi asks vidya to give this water to gopi anyhow. Vidya opens the door in which gopi is locked. Gopi gets worried and asks vidya is she fine. Gopi says some one has locked her in and left. Vidya says gopi that she is very tired and asks her to drink some water. Gopi has some and says vidya that they should leave now as its getting late. before leaving gopi says they would go to temple once and leave. Vidya agrees and comes out of the room along with gopi. Here pundit starts the marriage procedure. Gopi-vidya walks towards mandir. And rashi-kids will be worried that modis might see gopi-vidya. Rashi and kids pray khana ji that he should help them to unite ahem-gopi again.

Ahem puts kumkum in gopi's maang, radha comes there and yells to stop. Modis will be shocked to find gopi as the bride. 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 6th March 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, koki-bha-hetal in the hall. Kids will be ready to go to hostel. Rashi comes downstairs along with them. Kids feel bad that their plan got wasted. Radha comes there and thanks bha for gifting her the khanadani necklace. Ahem comes home back. Koki wonders why he has come so early when she asked him to come at 3Pm. Ahem says he came to drop kids at hostel. Kids feel happy and they hug him. Koki asks ahem not to go as the tailor will be coming now. Ahem says koki to give his old clothes for measurements. But koki rejects him to go as he needs to do some rasam at home as he is the groom. Kids again get upset. Radha says she would leave kids near the car. Kids take blessings from the elders. Pappu again goes to koki and hugs her. Pappu pleads koki to stop this marriage. Koki asks pappu not to interfere in elders matters. All kids get upset and leave. 

Radha and kids come out, radha scolds kids that they have planned a lot to stop their marriage but they got failed. Radha warns the kids that they have to accept her and after marriage she would torture them more. Kids leave. Here rashi will be upset that later modis will give away all the property to radha. Rashi calls her mom and mutters about radha. Rashi scolds urmi that all her plans got wasted. Urmi assures that she would plan something to stop this marriage. 

At the hostel, vidya will be waiting for tolu-molu-ahem. In the car, kids imagine radha as chudail and gopi as an angel. Kids reach the hostel. Vidya thinks ahem has come and rushes towards the car but gets dissaponited finding ahem hasnt come. Vidya starts crying. Kids explains her not to cry. Vidya says her father will never come for her and she would live without her father in future too. Vidya's brothers promise her that they will definitely help to meet them. Kids say vidya that radha is getting married to ahem. But all the 3 kids assure that they will stop the marriage. 

Later, kids will be watching tv. Kids will be upset how to stop the marriage. Kids will be watching Mahabharat's episodes and get a plan. At modi bhawan, hetal-koki will be discussing about the marriage. Koki wishes all happiness comes back into ahem's life again. Here kids wish ahem-gopi get together again. 

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Wednesday 5 March 2014

Balika Vadhu 5th March 2014 Written Update

At badi haveli, jagya-ganga along with kids gets ready and come downstairs. Dadi sa asks jagya why is he taking ganga and kids. Jagya says he wanna take them for outing for a while after meeting. Dadi sa agrees. Gehna and dadi sa asks them to have breakfast but jagya denies as they might get late. Jagya-ganga leaves. 

Rakhi comes to vivek's place with breakfast. Rakhi supports vivek but vivek asks rakhi to take care of their parents well. 

Payal comes to saachi's place to meet her. Saachi will be happy to meet her. Payal's gets a call from her dad and asks her to come back home. Payal asks for some tenant in their home, so saachi suggests vivek kabra and payal agrees.

Jagya-ganga go to hospital and doc tells them that mannu needs to have biopsy. Ganga will be worried for mannu thinking it pains him. But doc tells ganga that they will be giving him anesthesia. Ganga explains mannu to go along with nurse. 

Saachi-payal go to vivek's guest house. Vivek welcomes them. Saachi suggests vivek to shift to payal's outhouse. Vivek agrees and asks payal for their address.

Jagya-ganga in the hospital, doc comes there and gives mannu's reports. Jagya checks the reports and shocks as mannu is suffering with blood cancer. Jagya tells ganga about mannu's cancer. Ganga gets shattered and cries. Doc asks jagya to start chemotherapy as early as possible. Ganga asks doc for the time remaining for mannu. Doc tells it might be 6 months or 1 year or life time. 

Jagya tells everyone at home that mannu is suffering with blood cancer. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 5th March 2014 Written Update

At urmi's mansion, All lady modis arrive. Urmi-madhu invites them in. Hetal invites madhu for radha-ahem's marriage. but without answering madhu says she would talk to radha once and takes her to kitchen. Madhu asks radha why is she marrying ahem when gopi is alive. Radha replies that she wants to become a family member of modis and now ahem or modis would accept gopi now so she can attend the marriage without any hesitation. Here in pappu's room, kids will be discussing about how to stop the marriage. Radha comes out and says modis that madhu was worried about preparations. Hetal says they will be happy if radha's parents will be in the marriage. Urmi says madhu isnt happy with this marriage and same goes with her. Madhu says she wasnt present for radha's first marriage and she couldnt bless her but now she will not repeat it and surely attend the marriage. Urmi-rashi will be pissed off as madhu had agreed to the marriage.

In pappu's room, tolu gets a plan that they have exams and they could go to school again. Tolu calls hostel and asks for vidya. Kids tell vidya to make a call to their parents and tell them that kids have exam from next day. Vidya agrees. Vidya requests an attender to make a call to tolu-molu's parents. He agrees and calls rashi. He calls rashi and tells her about the exams. Rashi hangs on the call and yells for the kids. Rashi and kinjal scolds the kids for not telling them about the exams. Hetal feels bad how can they conduct marriage without kids. So koki decides no marriage without kids. Rashi feels happy listening this. Again koki says they would conduct the marriage near by to the hostel so that the kids can attend the marriage. Pappu asks kinjal that he wants to talk to dhawal. Kinjal agrees.

Kids call ahem. Pappu tells ahem to drop them at hostel as they have exams. Ahem denies. Pappu requests ahem that vidya is waiting for him to come. But ahem rejects to come and hangs on the call. At urmi's place, madhu will be worried about radha's marriage. Jitthu consoles her and tells radha will be happy in modi bhawan. 

Do you remember old gopi bahu?

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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 4th March 2014 Written Update

At hostel, vidya says tolu-molu would call her so she insists not to have breakfast and wanna rush to school. Gopi couldnt say no and allows vidya to leave. At modi bhawan, tolu-molu will be having milk. Hetal comes there and tells rashi that they should go to mandir to start the wedding preparations. Tolu-molu gets worried. Hetal calls kinjal and invites her to mandir. At mandir, mira asks pundit to bless her to give back her family. Modis arrive mandir. Mira comes downstairs and koki-ahem will be standing downstairs, Mira passes by them. Tolu-molu will be worried about vidya who is waiting for her father and here ahem is marrying someone else. Here hetal asks ahem-koki to come inside the mandir. But both denies to enter. Radha finds ahem-koki out and thinks of bringing them in anyhow. Rashi says radha that she cant bring koki-ahem inside the mandir though she does anything. After pooja, all the 3 kids rush out. Ahem says bye to koki and wants to leave to office, but kinjal stops him and asks whether he is happy about the marriage. 

The 3 kids will be discussing how to stop the marriage. Mira comes there and tolu-molu introduces mira to pappu. Mira asks why they were worried about. Pappu explains her. Here ahem says kinjal that he is getting married only for koki's happiness and leaves. Mira explains kids that in Ramayan also ram-sita gets departed so their kids lav-khush again unite them. In the same way they are helping ahem and pari miss to unite. Ahem comes there and asks whom they want to unite with him. Radha finds ahem near kids and gets tensed. Ahem looks at mira and recalls that he has met her. But mira runs away from there. Tolu-molu say ahem that they were casually talking, so he leaves. Kids feel happy that mira has given them a good idea to unite ahem-gopi.

At hostel, vidya will be in lunch room, But she will be upset without having food. Gopi comes there and feeds vidya. Gopi asks vidya why is she upset. Vidya thinks bad that she couldnt share the actual reason with gopi. At mandir, pundit gives a date for marriage. Bha says everyone that they will go to urmi's place and invite madhu. Radha will be worried about it but the elders explain radha that she will be happy when she finds her happy in modi bhawan. Radha agrees. Rashi wishes to stop this marriage anyhow. 

Madhu asks radha why is she marrying ahem when gopi is alive. But radha tells madhu that after mira's death ahem nor modi parivaar will accept her in the family. 

Monday 3 March 2014

Balika Vadhu 3rd March 2014 Written Update

At badi haveli, dadi sa consoles ganga as she will be worried about mannu's blood reports. Ganga reads the news about vivek kabra that he went against his own brother who raped a girl. Dadi sa and ganga remember that he is one who had taken saanchi-jagya's case in past. Dadi sa and ganga feel happy that he has supported a girl by going against his brother. Dadi sa feels sympathy for that girl who got cheated. 

At shekar's mansion, 2 ladies come into the bunglow and asks for few flowers to mali kaka. He gives. The ladies asks him that the victim of recent rape case was saanchi. Mali kaka scolds him and sends them away. Saanchi overhears their conversation and apologizes mali kaka for supporting her. Mali kaka says he treats her as his daughter and he would support her all time. Saanchi feels guilty that she has misbehaved with mali kaka but he has supported her now. Saanchi walks into home. All will be worried about her. Saanchi replies that she went to temple and stayed for a long time to have some peace. All feel happy that saanchi has changed. 

At badi haveli, jagya will be upset looking at the blood reports of mannu that he is suffering with leukemia. Ganga comes there and sends mannu downstairs saying nandu is waiting to play with him. Mannu walks out. Ganga tells jagya about vivek kabra's case. Ganga says jagya that they should appreciate him. So jagya calls him and appreciates. Vivek kabra tells jagya that saanchi was right this time and she has changed. Jagya gets shocked and hangs on the call. Jagya tells ganga that saachi was the rape victim. Ganga also shocks. Ganga asks jagya to call saachi and console her. Jagya calls saachi and says he is very proud of her by filing case against the culprit who has cheated her and apologizes her as he was rude with her when she was apologizing him and ganga. Saachi thanks him for supporting her. Ganga as well appreciates saachi and assures that she will be with her whenever she needs help from them. Saachi thanks them and hangs on the call.

Later, saachi will be arranging her bed on floor, anandi comes there. Saachi says anandi that she wants to penance for all her mistakes by sleeping on floor. 

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 3rd March 2014 Written Update

At Delhi, priya recalls ram rejecting to take another room and feels happy. But here ram gets annoyed that priya is ignoring him very badly so he would only concentrate on official matters only now. Priya thinks of vikram calling her and telling about ram's affair. Priya calls vikram and asks about the affair. Vikram says priya that she is ram's assistant and has gone to Delhi as well. Priya feels very happy and hangs on the call. Priya feels happy that ram was lying with vikram about her and thinks of pacifying ram any how. Suhani calls priya and asks about how she is. Priya says everything going very well. Suhani hangs on the call without allowing khush to talk to her. Priya calls the hotel reception and confirms ram's new room number. 

At khush's place, khush will be very angry with suhani. Suhani tries to console him. Khush yells at suhani that he has missed the chance to watch the movie premiere, so suhani apologizes and promises him that she would watch the movie with him. Khush feels happy and agrees. At the hotel, pihu check-in's in the same hotel in which ram-priya are. Pihu books a single cot room. Sammy will be in the airport booking tickets to Kashmir. Priya thinks of surprising ram but again thinks of calling him once as he is very angry with her. 

Ram calls the hotel reception and tells priya's room telephone isnt working. Mechanic comes to priya's room and repairs it. Priya wonders who has told them that the telephone isnt working. After the mechanic leaves, ram calls priya and tells to prepare some reports. Priya says she would come to his room and work together. But ram denies. Priya thinks of working on the reports first. 

At shergill's house, cady comes to vikram and asks him whether he was thinking about ram-priya. Cady says vikram not to worry about the couple as they are meant to be together. Vikram will be emotional that ram hasnt stopped priya while leaving because of his ego and 3 months have passed away and they arent together yet. Cady tries to console him but vikram will be upset as ram is having an affair at office because priya isnt with him. 

At hotel, priya will be working on the reports. But she will be very hungry and thinks of finishing it soon. Ram will be in the restaurant and lights will be off. Pihu as well comes there and priya also comes. The management announces that some couple has requested them to switch off the lights and all will be having candle light dinner. Ram gets pissed off. Priya requests a waiter to show a table, he gives the same table of ram's. Here pihu will be waiting for sammy. Maira calls pihu and asks about how is she enjoying in Kashmir. Pihu says due to bad weather conditions they got off in Delhi and staying in some hotel. 

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 3rd March 2014 Written Update

At modi bhawan, hetal scolds tolu-molu for troubling radha. Koki asks rashi to take away the kids into their room. Hetal asks rashi to control her kids before they get into some trouble. At hostel, vidya will be waiting for a phone call at the reception. Again at modi bhawan, rashi asks kids not to think much about ahem's marriage. Rashi says tolu-molu that ahem has already married but they doesnt know where gopi is and she wishes gopi to come back. Tolu-molu tries telling rashi about gopi but rashi doesnt feel interested about the matter and leaves from there. Tolu-molu think that gopi is ahem's wife and vidya is their only kid. Tolu-molu decide not to call vidya as they have to tell about ahem's marriage and she would start investigating about that matter. Vidya waits for tolu-molu to call her, in the evening she calls ahem. Vidya calls ahem as pa and again ahem ji, ahem remembers mira-gopi calling him. Vidya asks ahem why he hasnt come to hostel, ahem apologizes. And ahem promises vidya that he would definitely come to meet her. Ahem finds radha coming so he hangs on the call. Radha offers tea to ahem but he rejects and leaves.

Tolu-molu calls hostel and talks to vidya. Tolu-molu promises vidya that they will plan some thing to let her meet ahem. Gopi comes there and talks to tolu-molu. Tolu says they have some problem in their family. Gopi says to be strong as family is the strength of any one. Gopi hangs on the call. At urmi bhawan, madhu will be upset as radha is getting married to ahem. Urmi comes there and taunts madhu that her daughters are unlucky. Madhu gets hyper and says after gopi has left modi bhawan, rashi has overtaken the house and she is passing money to her mother. Urmi feels insulted and leaves from there. Jitthu asks madhu not to think much about urmi's words. 

At modi bhawan, tolu-molu asks everyone that they need to talk to them. Tolu-molu says ahem that they know about gopi and they have a daughter too. Everyone are shocked listening this. The kids ask ahem not to marry radha. Hetal yells for rashi and rashi comes there. Hetal asks rashi why she is planning so awful plans to stop radha's marriage. Hetal asks rashi whether she has told kids about gopi. Rashi tries to defend but hetal scolds rashi. Radha says she wouldnt marry ahem if kids doesnt like her. Hetal warns rashi that no problem should arise now to stop ahem-radha's marriage. All the kids pray khana ji to make their family one. 

Tolu-molu will be saying mira that they want ahem to meet pari teacher to complete their family. 
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